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The success of business transformation and upgrading

In the first half of 2011, more than 67,000 scale closure of small and medium enterprises, large enterprises profitability dropped sharply. Economic downturn, financial crisis, human capital and raw material prices ...... the face of increasingly dire economic situation, more and more Chinese enterprises to look into the transformation and upgrading of the road. Business transformation, in turn, promote the restructuring of the economy, and this change further urged that more and more enterprises to embark on the road of transition.
Face of the complicated behind economic trends, many Chinese enterprises in the road to transformation stumbled groping. The ultimate success of the enterprise are full of new vitality and brilliance, as the ashes of the Phoenix.
As the soft mussel wrapped gravel achievements pearl need to go through numerous hardships and suffering, business transformation and upgrading is not an easy process. Throughout recent years, business transformation and upgrading mode, it is not difficult to find, the implementation and planning of enterprise transformation varied. From rely on the original investment or cheap labor, consume large amounts of resources to boost revenue, efficiency type, capital-saving, innovative, diversified business type, sustainable development type, and so on and so forth. But a series of studies have shown that business transformation is not necessarily successful. "Manager" found in 2011, the successful business transformation rate is usually less than 50%; "2012 China Top 500 Enterprises Development Report" shows that after a series of transformational change, 500 is still less than 5% profit margin, enterprise transformation difficult to upgrade ......
Why the corporate restructuring explore some success and some failure? What are the key factors in the process of determining the direction and type of transformation? But also from the business transformation and upgrading itself about.
The key to business transformation
Corporate restructuring and upgrading a global perspective of business intelligence, is based on the conversion of the economic environment overlooking based on business models, concepts and systems across the strategic, operational, research and development, culture, human resources and other dimensions, by no means alone the introduction of new technologies and products will be able to achieve. Speaking of business transformation, several terms have been repeatedly raised: innovation, resource management, and sustainable.
Father of modern management, Peter Drucker once said, "intelligence, imagination, and knowledge are important resources, but the resources that can be achieved is limited, only the 'effectiveness' to these resources into results. "ability to innovate as a long-term concern since the beginning of the new century, the importance is beyond doubt. However, compared to most of floating on the surface of the "shouting", "innovation for innovation, attention to the theory difficult practice" innovative ability, enhance management efficiency and optimal allocation of resources is a real business transformation and upgrading Really.
The face of the economic slowdown, the increase in the cost of labor and resources into the mature stage of the product life cycle, the market tends to saturation situation, companies should also reflect on their own, gradually shift from the radical to the sound operation. Effective way for the sound operation of the integrated and rational use of resources, improve management capacity and performance needs has become increasingly prominent, however, this is often the rapid expansion of high-speed growth, pay more attention to the immediate and business receipts of Chinese enterprises are ignored.
There is a story, pike, shrimp and swans found with a car full of food, you want to drag down the car from the road. To try to gas, how to drag, pull, push, the car did not move. The original Swan hard to mention to the sky, the shrimp Yibubuxiang motored pike swam Who is right? Anyway, in their view, are hard. Chinese companies just like the animals in the story, although there is a unified strategic objectives, but in practice because of mismanagement, low performance, poor management and coordination, the resource allocation disorientation, lack of human and material resources allocated capacity, fell to the the transformation of the way. The efficacy of the management and allocation of resources, has become the soft underbelly of a lot of corporate restructuring and upgrading.
Based on long-term tracking of more than 200 domestic enterprises and research, the first year of Noah Research Institute believes that the key to business transformation is based on the current environmental and economic situation, combined with the overall strategy to enhance the business management skills, ability to innovate, and ultimately improve management efficiency, optimize enterprise resource allocation, enhance the performance and benefits of corporate restructuring and upgrading.
Management Accounting help enterprise management performance improvements
Management guru Peter Drucker once said that "managers, it must be effective. The most obvious effect of the management process, enhance financial management, which is the core of enterprise management and operation. In the information age, the effectiveness and efficiency of the quantification of the financial indicators to measure and observe the business transformation, clarity, can be seen as a "barometer", provide the basis for enterprise transformation and upgrading of decision making and adjustment.
Drucker also said, "fruitful can be learned." Financial management "learn", the most immediate, effective, application of management accounting tools and methods. Financial is not a substitute for production and operation, but it can enhance corporate value. "Number of CFO believe in such a concept, and financial Lean management practice under the guidance of this idea.
Since the birth of the management accounting tools, through lean financial management, management performance improvement is obvious. Use of information technology to improve efficiency in the context of the popularity of the Internet and mobile applications, has become the only way of business management: GE, DuPont and General Motors and other enterprises have become the first to adopt a comprehensive budget management mode "Fortune" magazine "Global 500" list on the "regulars", Fortune 500 companies, without exception, are using information technology management accounting methods and tools; ABC Activity Based Costing reduce costs, improve processes, reduce rework, joint JIT lean manufacturing greatly improve the operational efficiency of enterprises, has become an essential tool for many manufacturing enterprises; costs of on-line control system, from 297 outside the financial situation of listed companies in the first half of 2011, three major expenses as a percentage of operating costs dropped 1.06% ......
These valuable experience worth lessons and applied to the transformation and upgrading, promote financial management to enhance management accounting as a starting point, driven value creation, and thus the formation of a virtuous cycle of management improvement.
The first year of Noah Research Institute under 12 years of deep experience in the field of financial advisory opinion, we must first clear the Status of Financial Management, Second, we must speed up the transformation of the financial management and informationization as the support platform, so that the financial management functions from the accounting model to value creation transition, in order to improve management efficiency, promote business transformation.
Through the lean financial management management accounting tools, relatively a small investment, big effect strategy to enhance corporate defense and viability in the transformation and upgrading of the road, is the accumulation of business growth. It focuses on the source of the problem and create value, has a remarkable role in improving the efficiency of resource use in the enterprise upgrading and restructuring process.
There are four tools are particularly important: BI (business intelligence), a comprehensive budget management, cost control and the Group management control. BI software through the collection, management and analysis of business information so that decision-makers at all levels of the enterprise business transformation required knowledge or insight; comprehensive budget management support corporate strategy landed, the specified enterprise resource distribution advantages of resources to help focus corporate and funds for the transformation and upgrading; related software cost management control and management control of the Group from the outside "blocking" live in the loss of funds, better from the inside "sparse" management processes to ensure a smooth communication of financial flow.
In this regard, the domestic manufacturers have developed a sophisticated system platforms and software, such as the first year of E7-the FPM financial performance management suite, including E7-planning comprehensive budget management, the E7-CC expense control, ABC and operating cost management software, and BI architecture HFM financial statements of the combined system can effectively analyze the integration of financial data, improve financial performance. In addition, the enterprises can borrow outside the brain, asked policy professional financial consulting firm to implement relevant management accounting tools and methods.

<Source: NetEase>
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