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Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co., Ltd. is a company which focus and provide lean service for customers. “Forlean” means we are always working for customer’s lean, focus on customer’s profit and waste, and provide relevant lean consultancy, training and other service based on customer’s actual situation, help customer to eliminate waste continuously, improve short term and long term profit.
Our main business is lean consulting and training inside the enterprise, unless the customer special need, we generally would not advise external training. We insist on custom-built consulting and training, fast return service , provide targeted training and coaching according to the actual situation of customer, implement relevant lean activities as fast as possible, so as to achieve lowest cost, highest return and high value service.
Our lean service principles:
Systematic: Launch long-term lean system for each customer.  
Custom-built: Approach custom-built lean for each customer.  
Fast: Prioritize lean activities to pursue fastest improvement. 
Sustained: Provide sustained service to each customer in multiplex way. 
Our service Commitments: 
High Value: Our service purpose is to help customer generate more profit, lowest cost and highest return is our first service commitment. 
Multiplex: We meet customer’s any consultancy or training requirement  even though we need external resourcing to satisfy each customer. 
Continuous: We treat each customer as our lifelong partner, we keep contact with each customer and give our help as possible as we can. 
High Quality: Any service mistake is not acceptable for us, we are always very careful about customer’s voice and give quick effective response. 
We provide but not limited to the following lean consulting and training: 
1、 VSM (Value Stream Mapping)
2、 Kanban System 
3、 TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) 
4、 SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) 
5、 5S 
6、 Visual Management 
7、 IE (Industry Engineering) 
8、 OPF (One Piece Flow) 
9、 Cell Production 
10、Kaizen Event 
11、LSCM (Lean Supply Chain Management) 
12、LCM (Lean Cost Management) 
13、LSS (Lean-Six Sigma) 
14、LS (Lean System, Lean Operation System) 
15、Hoshin Kanri 
16、Lean Management 




Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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