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Out of the traditional lean production

Lean production or lean enterprise is more popular in the international business management concepts. The concept of "lean" was first seen in a book published in 1996 "to change the world machine". It is based on the production of the Toyota Motor Corporation is modeled on developed.
When the global economy integration, companies will be facing unprecedented pressure: Customers will be asked to supply design, easy to operate and have competitive products in terms of cost, quality and delivery. Increasingly severe market competition, product design constantly updated, each new generation of design defects less than the previous generation. Accordance with the idea of ​​"large-scale" development and running of the enterprise to meet these standards difficult. For this reason, many of the giant foreign companies began to explore a new mode of operation --- "lean production" mode.
"Lean production" The main difference is that compared to the traditional scale production:
Scale production to produce as much as possible, as quickly as possible production as the basic idea, advocates scale production, a certain scale is the only way to reduce costs quickly assembled on the assembly line is identical products covered market competitive performance. Ironically, the original purpose of this scale production, just caused a lot of waste. First, the scale of the operation, in many cases, in fact, the performance of surplus production. In addition, large quantities of workshop occupied by the waste of time and money in the storage and transport of bulk materials, finished and semi-finished products, warehousing costs, inventory moving inventory and inventory costs, as well as less obvious, production estimates of the number of orders waste of personnel and equipment capacity, as well as to identify and correct defects in the bulk of the products spent the time and expense for the enterprise a huge cost.
Accordingly, lean production emphasizes organize production according to market demand, reducing manpower, material inputs in the production process. All available resources are required: minus half human, minus half the production site, minus half of the investment, minus half the process time, reduce by half the stock by half, while the inventory turnover rate doubling , thus making the number of defective product is reduced by half, and basically eliminate substandard goods.
With relevant experts as saying that lean production will shift from the traditional scale production system to the various aspects of the system-wide labor productivity doubling the same time, the same production time down to 90%, inventory was reduced to 90%, so that reach the consumer's defective product and production process waste and work-related accidents in the work will also be reduced by half. "

<Source: China Quality News>

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