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Lean production and staff turnover

Into the 21st century, recruitment difficulties, the high wastage rate is becoming increasingly headache workforce issues of social and business, while at the same time, lean production (Lean Production) just mushroomed in China booming, more and more enterprises realize its importance and urgency.
However, when Chinese companies began to apply lean manufacturing, and soon discovered that the high turnover rate of employees reducing its effectiveness: First, the impact of the production line balance, lean production to balance the production requirements of the production line each station in accordance with the beat, the staff turnover is bound to have an impact on the balance of the entire production line; difficult training, lean production line employees have higher theoretical and technical requirements, enterprises should devote more resources to train new employees, especially labor-intensive enterprises, employees training more onerous; Third, the impact of corporate culture, employees frequent loss of lean culture and improve the atmosphere is difficult to establish and continue?
All of these effects, the implementation of lean production have to spend more time to solve the lean production how to adapt to the conditions of the high staff turnover rate. Combined with the author in implementing lean manufacturing experience as well as experience and peer exchange, summarizes some of the more effective methods and concepts.
First, changes in the concept of labor
In China, labor is no longer free to squander resources, labor has moved from factory pick a buyer's market into a seller's market of workers to pick the enterprise to fundamentally change the concept of employment, the employees when the company's most important resource, labor as a long-term, more important than the machine fixed costs, to make the human resources to get the maximum output! As an enterprise, from extensive management ideas and management methods into employee-centric lean management, and change the thinking of short-term employment, fundamental shift in labor from all aspects of the management concepts, methods, motivation, environment, opportunities, benefits, etc. concept.
To fully mobilize employee participation and creativity
The core of lean management in the field, focusing on employees to participate, employees found to fully mobilize the initiative and the initiative and solve problems, to guide and encourage employees to participate in continuous improvement, through the active participation of the staff, play to their creativity, enhance their sense of ownership. Traditional staff management, employees tend to be excluded involved in improving implementation of improved results just passively or in accordance with the standard file operations, which affected the comprehensive promotion and in-depth development of lean production.
Third, strengthen the lean concepts and methods
Many companies simply thought to reduce the turnover rate is an increase in wages, fact, in recent years the staff salary difference in treatment between the enterprise and the region has been obvious the staff underpaid loss ratio is not so high people think. If the company's wages and factories around less staff turnover is likely with the company culture, career path planning for employees, the level of corporate governance, incentives, humanities, management by objectives, vision sharing and other factors. Judging from the investigation of the reasons of my company in recent years, staff turnover, more focused on the humane management of lean concepts and methods, incentives, transaction participation, teamwork, etc..
Lean full participation: lean production Stimulating employee creativity and full participation, guide and motivate employees to participate in lean production changes and day-to-day improvement, to expand the scope of work of the staff, enrich the content of the work of the staff and the living space, not just the single dull production line of repetitive tasks, so that employees can enjoy the fun of lean production changes and day-to-day improvement, more employees to participate in the affairs of the company, the more it can enhance the sense of responsibility, participation and a sense of accomplishment, so as to boost staff morale.
Lean to enhance the channel: the platform to provide staff involved in improving and affairs of the company, to enable them to participate in lean manufacturing change and process improvement activities related to learning, training and skills enhancement, to improve participation in lean affairs for employees to create, recognition and development opportunities. In fact, many employees leave because do not have the ability to enhance the way in order to show the space and career development channels to seek other opportunities, and lean production concept, provides a good platform compared to the needs of the employees.
● Lean Team spirit: Since the salary is no longer a key factor in staff turnover, staff a sense of belonging and confidence of the team and organization has become an important factor to affect staff turnover. The use of lean manufacturing team performance management (such as a team to improve the number of proposals to reach a production line beat), share team goals and organizational vision, good communication team full participation and active efforts to reach the goal of the team, can effectively train employees sense of team, and enhance their sense of belonging and cohesion.
Fourth, improve the standardization of operations
Since the staff turnover is unavoidable, then finding ways to reduce the time of study and training replacement employees. Staff turnover, how to get new employees to familiarize themselves with the operations of the post to add up? One of the key point is to strengthen the standardization of the job:
On the one hand, all operations must be standardized and documented the standardized elements should include all information related to the station, such as job steps, operating time, beat, standard products, operation skills, attention, quality requirements, and so on. The more complete the standard operating and standard file, the faster new employees to learn. Imagine if these elements are just a master staff brain, then once they loss, the follow-up staff will not be able to access this information, or take longer time to master these requirements.
Standardization requirements, on the other hand, must be clear, easy to understand information, to ensure that any new employee can easily understand the requirements and standards of the relevant factors through standardized work instructions. Standardized operations, so that new employees can master the operation of the work the fastest and reduce losses.
Of reasonable design work cycle
The work of an operator how much is appropriate? Working too little value ratio is low, non-economic, such as the design of an operating cycle of 5 seconds, assumed to pick up one second, of valuable processing 3 seconds, 1 second pass goods, the operator of value in an operating cycle (VA) in the ratio of 3/5 = 60%. If you increase the operating cycle time value ratio will increase, but if a job cycle time is too long, it requires a single operator to have more steps, and a corresponding increase in the operational requirements of the employees, the new workers take longer time to become familiar with, to impact staff turnover supplementary quickly to keep up with the beat of the entire production line. In general, how much of the operating cycle is appropriate will vary according to the different characteristics of the industry, in terms of simple manual repetitive tasks at station, each operating cycle between 30-90 seconds more appropriate.
Optimize processes, reduce dependence on the
Simplify and optimize existing processes, through automation or such measures, reduce process job skills requirements and dependencies. To simplify the existing process, to minimize the interruption, reflux, cross, sharing process, so that the process is clear and straightforward. Appropriate use of a number of small and cheap automation equipment or tools in place of manual labor, reduce operational complexity of the employees (but avoid excessive pursuit of expensive, large-scale and complex equipment). Give the device to user-friendly features, so that can automatically identify abnormal, and people in need of help to solve the exception can automatically stop to human separation, reduce the dependence of the operation of the machine as far as possible, error-prone links visual and error proofing measures to prevent and reduce employee unconscious errors, reducing process operations. By optimizing the process, increase the stability and reliability of the process, reduce the skill requirements and dependencies can help businesses cope with the frequent replacement of staff Loss of the risk of new employees, to ensure quality and efficiency.
Seven, training workers
Culture and more able to work and all-around work, so that one person can operate multiple devices or multiple-station (at least everyone can operate up and down three stations), when station staff turnover, you can apply these pluripotent work quickly add vacancies to increase the flexibility of production arrangements. Faced with the realities of the current high staff turnover rate, the enterprises must plan the implementation of multi-work training and reserves, factories and more able to work more, the greater the coverage, the factory there is greater flexibility to adapt to the increase or decrease of the personnel. The companies must also establish the corresponding work incentives to motivate the employees of the needs and motivations.
8, using cell production line, flexible arrangements and production, less people jobs
Traditional mass production of the production line are accustomed capacity system designed large and long high capacity production line, the production capacity of the entire production line, more staff, each worker is responsible only for a simple job step in the process. This large and long production lines tend to be mixed to produce a lot of products, switching frequency, if a loss of workers, the job became a bottleneck restricting the efficiency of the entire production line. Can take advantage of lean production methods, to change the traditional large high capacity production line for small and short cell production line, flexible arrangements and production, few people jobs:
Cheap, compact, easy to use mobile equipment or tools.
● accordance with customer demand, combined with the process route and operating characteristics, design reasonable tact.
Layout of the production line in accordance with the order process as much as possible using a U-shaped production line, I / O are the same.
● in accordance with the principles and methods from human separation.
● Multi-workers, each employee to master all the jobs in the process route, standardized operation.
● Non-capacity system, each employee in order to complete all the processes operating along the processing sequence and routings. For example, U-shaped production line a total of six processes (P1, P2? P6), arranged in accordance with the beat five individual assignments, each worker in order in accordance with the order of processing operations from P1 to P6, then back to P1, and so on.
In accordance with the practices of the cell production line, workers will no longer fixed to a particular station, everyone order order processing cycle of operation, each employee does not exist on the relationship of the next process, staff turnover will not affect under production process. Therefore, regardless of how employees within the cell production line loss, does not affect the balance of the production line, through the production of flexible working hours arrangements, the flexibility to respond to staff turnover caused by the loss of production capacity.
9 to solve the bottleneck of the production line staff turnover
Lean production in accordance with the beat good balance, once the production line staff turnover, added new staff up, station staff turnover will inevitably create bottlenecks and hence affect the overall efficiency of the production line, and how as soon as possible to make up for the loss of such a bottleneck? There are several ways may wish to try:
● the use of training has been good and more able to work or all-round work to replenish.
● create "supermarket production line" (starting on any name to call this production line, such as "alternate production line", etc.), the "supermarket production line" of the concept is in accordance with the normal standard production line, create alternate production line of a same service in certain normal production line, the station layout of the supermarket production line, operating elements are consistent with the standard production line operation, the difference is between stations inventory control may be greater than the standard production line, when normal production line staff turnover supplement proficiency equivalent staff to the normal production line, first from the supermarket production line to ensure that the overall balance of the normal production line and production efficiency from staff turnover affected, and new employees added to the supermarket production line "," supermarket The imbalance of the production line can be the stock buffer or the operating time of the elastic arrangement to solve. This method very suitable for a plurality of the same or similar flow cell production line, but the premise is that there must be a plurality of cell production line sharing, while not involving large-scale equipment, otherwise, the normal production line efficiency may be insufficient to cover "supermarkets production line" loss of efficiency.
● Increase temporary support staff to the bottleneck station to meet the balance of the whole production line. When a station staff turnover need to add new employees, according to the proficiency of new employees to arrange some temporary support staff to the bottleneck station, and then according to the progress of the new staff proficiency to improve gradually reduce the number of temporary staff or put into working hours until new employees fully meet the production line balancing requirements. The application of this method to increase the bottleneck station temporary support staff do a good job planning and control in a number of different periods and involvement in working hours to avoid affecting the overall efficiency due to loss of control of the temporary support staff, especially temporary staff can not be cured slowly into a permanent position.
10 to strengthen the team leader construction
Level managers to deal directly with employees in the production line, the team leader to manage the most important part of staff turnover, capacity and management is the most critical factor to achieve the staff turnover effective management.
● corporate philosophy and policy group leaders communicated to the employees (including lean manufacturing concepts and methods); team leader must be a good understanding of the philosophy and policy, and can be accurately convey.
● management team leader and has a crucial impact on staff turnover. The team leader is all management and staff go the nearest layer, we find that the staff turnover rate is very different in the production line managed by the same company, the same workshop, team leader. Therefore, enterprises should strengthen the team leader screening, training, guidance and motivation to improve the management capacity of the group leaders, in particular, the effective control of staff turnover.
The employees of the enterprise system and lean production methods need to team leader to organize, implement and follow up. Without effective grass-roots management team leader, enterprises as well as all of the lean production principles, systems and processes are strictly enforced; good team leader, not only to understand the policy guidelines, but also have excellent organizational skills, communication skills and execution.
● team leader for lean manufacturing operation technology understanding and proficiency directly impact the progress of the study of new workers and skilled speed. The team leader must first multi-workers or even the entire production line of all-round work, when new workers added, the team leader to act as good role of the coach to help new employees adapt to the job requirements.
Group leaders to learn and master the concepts and methods of lean production, encourage their employees to carry out improvement activities, promote employee involvement and creativity.

<Source: Sohu>
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