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The lean boost business transformation and upgrading

China Manufacturing Management International Forum Organizing Committee was informed that the Ninth China Manufacturing Management International Forum, hosted by the Government of the Binhai New Area will be held November 22 - 24, 2009 in the new. The forum has invited the government, industry, science, more than 200 international and domestic well-known experts, guest participants, guests will be from manufacturing to create - Lean boost business transformation and upgrading "as the theme, focus on business transformation and upgrading of path - lean management discussion.
It is understood that, in the face of the current international and domestic economic growth down, increasing pressure on enterprises, China's manufacturing industry must face the full transformation and upgrading. How to achieve contrarian flying, health, sustainable development, has become the enterprises and entrepreneurs to focus on the subject. Forum design leader in special, high-end roundtable, interactive dialogue, Case Studies, a docking negotiations will lean management for enterprises to create "self-discipline, evolutionary," the environment, build lean integrated management based on customer needs system, landing in the enterprise lean culture theme topic for discussion, and the establishment of a central corporate management to enhance the special, lean production system, factory planning and design special equipment manufacturing lean management special nine special.

<SOURCE: the Binhai Times>
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