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Lean production mission

The financial crisis hit, many companies lost market injury, had to reduce costs to get more profit. As the best way of low-cost management, lean production, the inevitable choice for many companies in the financial crisis, Toyota could not escape unharmed, which makes Toyota executives at a conference that we see: from the financial Toyota needs to find more waste, we have a lot of problems, once again lean revolution from the system side.
The five principles of lean production: value, value stream, flow, demand, perfect.
So-called perfect, is that each employee to participate in improvement activities, and efforts to eliminate every aspect of the enterprise a waste, even if very small, but also to eliminate.
Waste, lean, attributed to the seven categories: defective products, overproduction, inventory, handling, redundant processes, unnecessary mobilization, waiting.
Literally, too simple. But to really understand, it is difficult, why do you say? Because we want to eliminate the seven wastes, need to go through two steps: from discovery to eliminate.
1, the waste found
First, we take a look at how to find waste. These waste every day in our production site and every corner of the company, but many of us (even those managers) but then turn a blind eye to the waste around us. Why? The waste process so that they can not see the immediate waste.
The occurrence of the problem, more often than not, all of a sudden can be brought under control, to solve the root causes. So often, we take provisional measures, for example, when the yield, sell, what can we do? Many companies is to find a temporary storage place, a long time, seems to think that if it is necessary for this warehouse was created temporary warehouse may also triumphantly: You see, if I had not, I do something to put there?
The result? This phenomenon has been acquiescence, the boss agreed, departments think this is necessary. Over time, we all become accustomed to, so the production of too much, is not a sin, warehouse it, the original temporary warehouse has become a permanent repository.
Determines consciousness, the conscious decision to act, the behavior habits, habits decide success or failure, bad habits wrong.
This phenomenon of corporate waste everywhere. So how do we find that to be wasted? What is the way to do that?
There are a variety of methods can be found, the process method, value stream analysis (Value Stream Mapping, which is now the hottest European and American companies lean production methods), systems engineering, law, etc. Many tools are available.
Here we talk about the most simple, but also a lot of people understand the 5S method. The contents of the 5S: sorting, consolidation, cleaning, cleaning and literacy.
(1) First of all: to be separated and not something
What is and what is not? A lot of people in the 5S easily say: This cabinet not take away! That wrenches do not, take it away. These are true. It is also a lot of companies in the implementation of the initial phase of 5S. But we have to recognize that with the depth (so I usually general in the implementation of 5S when two steps, the first step is to basic; second step is advanced), we may wish to re-define who is to , and those are not.
We can see that the excess production of the production line in fact, we do not, we have to take away, to get there? Done lean manufacturing and did not make began difference reflected, most people quickly get the warehouse, then the semi-finished products? These people will quickly produce completed to get the next warehouse, which formed the traditional way.
We want to take away not to get the warehouse, quickly made the finished product to get warehouse, we have to get on a project! Told him that these are redundant, I do not need, you can rest, so I'll tell you when I want! To the previous works, he saw his excess production, he would stop, and then, he would tell his previous works, which form a chain reaction, and finally to the logistics sector, and then to supply providers. I had a motor company and Japanese management personnel is doing. Later, our inventory is greatly reduced.
Has the idea of ​​managers to recognize up a project to take, rather than storage quickly! Moreover, the necessary management system to take forward.
In addition, exposure to wait, waiting is not good. However, almost every company has a large and small waste waiting. 5S exposed waiting waste, with the most basic distinction can be exposed. You will find many of your staff a lot of time with nothing to do, or there is spare time. Well, the wait is want? Certainly do not, do not take away? To get there? Not taken away, but the action taken away, waiting for the action away. If you recognize this step, you will find that your balance production rate can be greatly improved.
Finally, to treat defective products, inventory, can be a lot of exposure 5S this step. There are a lot of systems involved to the point and the surface. Such as the shutdown of dealing with defective products, you can do it? Why stop it? This is completely exposed! We do not dwell on.
(2) to be placed in a predetermined place, good identification
Items into a specified place, we not described. Let's take a brief look logo. General, in the early stage of implementation, materials, tools marked, the production line is also well marked, channel you places you have marked, very good. But this is only the primary 5S.
We take a closer look, and our defective products to be labeled? Everyone will say, then you defective products how to deal with, processing records? Mark an entry (signature)? You work instructions marked (controlled)? Your Ichiban flow process marked it? You all the files are useful indicators of it? Your engineering change related files marked? We found that many companies are doing poorly in this regard, in reviewing the ISO and other audit, often come up with a lot of "fail," or "Proposal" out.
In addition, the number of your inventory? Your number of defective products, the production line statistically significant markings? Do not underestimate these data, these signs should be enough to make your boss flustered!
Also, educate your employees, recurring wait deaf ears, he would be a marked? Tell you that there is wasted? Can you recognize this layer?
(3) repeated to determine the appropriate amount
Although many people know that the principle of the the 5S "three", but in the enterprise can be a good use of the principle of Sanding only a little less, like a lot of people familiar with the PDCA, but seldom used.
"Sanding" designated products, positioning, quantitative
Sanding is the most important word of an "amount", "amount" from the basic tools, equipment, materials, quantitative material is an important condition for a company's ability to conduct regular production.
For example: a production line, each post on how many kinds of materials, and every single material fixed amount, how fast the frequency supplement? When the production line is laid down, go down to the source retrospective to the warehouse, the warehouse cargo space given how much? Each type of materials given amount? Similarly to how fast the frequency to add?
These problems, seemingly simple, but Toyota kept solve the problem.
Someone may say: our warehouse include a wide variety of materials and suppliers, and suppliers, materials rely on imports, the field of suppliers, some local suppliers; some excellent suppliers , some vendor management is poor. Easier said than done?
This is the most common problem in our consultation, and even most of the corporate bosses also believe that these problems are now a reality, is not the way.
In fact, inside the lean, Toyota very early to create a lean approach to solve these problems, for example, most of the Lean Enterprise warehouse transformation field of materials, raw materials supermarkets, water spiders, these are the methods to solve these problems, many companies, often just not in it.
I have coached a business, small electronic products, enterprises have more than ten thousand people, mainly assembly line, we can imagine, this enterprise product categories and the number of parts is how as much. Before our counseling, the production line in process inventory up to one day, six months of improvement, they did an hour of work in progress amount!
When their production line reached an hour later, they in turn focus to the warehouse when it comes to suppliers. Through several months of improvement, some suppliers supply frequency increased more than 5 times, of course, raw material warehouse inventory down and stabilize. Although there is a short season, the same, they use Lean methods to solve the problem of the short season.
A business, the production of industrial products, we want to and do not find that they have 1.3 billion yuan of stock. By distinguishing, which actually has more than a dozen years ago because of waste infrastructure to stay, but because it is an asset, it has been reserved each year to waste a lot of custodial fees. Later, we identified more than forty million totally unnecessary inventory, and dealt with by an appropriate method.
Of course, this does not smoothly through high-level through a rigorous review and discussion, and finally solved. When these totally unnecessary Ordnance Disposal, in our counseling, the company has established an internal logistics distribution center, this company factory area, trucking needs internally, each branch to pull in the past, so will, on the one hand, there is a car to fill the vacancies apply more material, and finally the entire company inventory.
When the internal logistics distribution center, the beginning of the implementation of the daily distribution frequency, beginning, many plants there is still worry about out of stock. Later, through the implementation of quantitative management of each factory, the factory in order to reduce inventory, and began to take the initiative to reduce inventory, in operation for a period of distribution Fortunately, the requirements of each branch, has always been on time to meet, so that Six months later, the company's stock is greatly reduced.
Very pleased that the leadership of this company is very supportive of these improvements, the process met a lot of suffering, but each time the senior leadership of the company have given strong support. Later, the company in order to follow up the victory, most of the conventional materials warehouse quantitative and joint procurement departments, suppliers supply frequency specification.
From the initial basic quantitative, in the end improve procurement processes and management, these provide a strong support for the profitability of this company.
Similarly, defective products, handling, operation, we can through the "quantitative" approach, standardized management, and ultimately the formation of orderly production process.
When we no separate items area, or can not find the specified location, or can not be quantified, then the enterprises in the internal materials (also known as the venue Lean Logistics) is a problem, and that the issue will eventually be a lot of inventory for consideration, of course, a lot of quality, equipment, personnel and management issues are hidden.
2. Elimination of waste
When we can not be given product, positioning or quantitative, We have not found a method to eliminate waste.
In the lean, can be said almost the lean management system is intended to eliminate the seven wastes. So talk a little general, many people may scratch their heads.
In fact, lean, there are many ways you can help us identify waste, determine the waste of improvement in order to find waste elimination system tools.
Here, we introduce one kind of common methods: the value of flow method.
Value stream, as the name implies, is the first to depict the company's value stream mapping. Many company executives also complained about the decline in profitability of the industry as before, Every time, we are often in the workshop and ask them: Do you think these are a waste of? Without these, it is not the company profits a little more? This often makes them feel the head like an electric shock, suddenly see the light.
If you can not clearly map out the company's value stream mapping, then a lot of the time, we do not know how much profit potential to be tapped.
When the value stream mapping out, it is necessary to determine the amount of the need to analyze the company manufacturing the entire process, from the macro to determine the amount of each link.
From the last link of the production (often assembly), according to customer demand, set a reasonable amount of lean systems approach may be used to: a balanced production, product supermarkets, billboards and so on.
Then forward along the manufacturing process-by-process to determine the appropriate amount at the beginning of the improvement becomes simple and feasible, and often there are two ways to select the manufacturing process:
A method called - production method, simply put, if a small part of products accounted for about 80% of the total output, then you can select the range of products.
Another method called path method: the upcoming company product processing path drawn to see those paths through most of the products, this path can be as improve object processes.
After determining when the quantity of each process, it is found that the type of improvement needs to be done in order to reach this quantity determined in the type of the link.
In the manual assembly sectors, the need to regulate the amount of each type of materials, and design appropriate venue logistics, but also ensure that the material be supplemented in accordance with the specifications.
Processing sectors in the device, it is necessary to improve the overall efficiency of the device (Overall Equipment Efficiency: OEE), the development of processing equipment standard operating elements combination ticket, standardized processing of man-hours.
Also, in the lean improvement activities to eliminate waste, high-level leadership to find ways to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, so that all employees can participate in improvement activities.
Here, we introduce the basic the waste identification method and the elimination method. Of course, to eliminate waste in enterprises far more than that simple, every business environment is not the same, which requires systematic planning.
But as long as the senior business leaders, have the vision and ideas, and unswervingly implement lean management of the enterprise will be more and more lean.


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