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Failure as soon as possible, Lean Startup

"Entrepreneurship is not due to the production of the product and the end of the start and how to effectively meet the needs of users and deliver value." This is a point repeatedly mentioned Erik Morales (Eric Ries). In recent years, with the development of the Internet, companies are beginning to staking their claims, to build their own platform - a group caught up with the vigorous development of the Internet era programmers began to initiation entrepreneurial ideas.
So how to start the first step?
"Lean Startup" (The Lean Startup) Author Eric from traditional manufacturing industries to explore answers. Why Wal-Mart's low-cost strategy for large expansion? Why Toyota Motor Corporation rapid rise in the aftermath of the war, and even into the United States with great success? - The Lean Startup, Lean Startup, this is Eric's answer. But what is "lean"?
The so-called lean, in fact, is a new thinking in business management. Eric would first like to tell the reader that entrepreneurship is some form of management. It is based on the view that, from the point of view of management business more instructive. Eric found that most of the modern management theory from the manufacturing industries, especially automobile manufacturing. So in the Toyota Production System, lean production theory, he received the answer.
Toyota's lean production theory important feature of the management methods of the organization of personnel, production and operational methods "reconstruction" and "innovation". The key feature of this theory is the "low-volume" and "rapid production," ready to respond quickly to market changes, and to ensure their own development.
Lean production, on the one hand is the sophistication of the production process, on the other hand is improving efficiency. This entrepreneurial team, the two most critical factors. Eric lessons essence, will combine with Internet start-ups, to show a viable business.
The first is the "fine", that most accurately grasp the needs of users, and found the value behind the demand; same time, requirements to produce products that meet the user needs. "Fine" is not just on the technical requirements, is to require precision Hit user needs, identify opportunities for market.
Followed by the "benefits", that is the best gains. For entrepreneurial team, no matter how much money is not enough. You want to start the project, and avoid wasting resources - the best way is to raise revenue: reduce costs and increase profits.
How to ensure to meet the demand, they can quickly gain? This seems to be contradictory. Eric in his theory in the framework of such a process:
Development - testing - cognitive feedback loop failure as soon as possible, with the most inexpensive way to fail, in order to verify the value of the product for the user.
Proposed quantitative indicators of sustainable development, respected sustainable entrepreneurship.
Do lean production, as well as how to effectively transition.
Why should fail as soon as possible? It seems that every entrepreneur has such doubts - the sooner the failure means no more prospects? Investors see that he had just invested projects immediately failed, is not to lose confidence?
From the early costs, through a simple test, failed to get an accurate answer is worth - the traditional product development process, always like the long cycle of product development, the market is always changing, likely to cause a product and hysteresis function. Early intersection tuition "found that the real needs of the user, but is an effective and higher returns. Of course, the most critical is how clear quantitative indicators in the feedback loop, constantly adjust the direction of entrepreneurship indicators.
Why sustainable business? Sustainable means that the product is not the beginning is perfect, but continues to progress continuously adjusted. As Eric said: "If we do not know who the customer is, we do not know What is Quality". Sustainable entrepreneurship, in fact, continued to maintain communication between users of entrepreneurship - the only way to as soon as possible as soon as possible to seize the user's pain points, to meet the demand, and create value.
Look now, Samsung and Apple in the mobile phone market competitive - iPhone in the market continue to create miracles, but "lean production" Samsung in a short period of time to adjust their production lines, by publishing a variety of different sizes and configurations of mobile phone, firmly occupy the the intelligent machines possession of seats - this is a model of lean production.
To launch a product like the iPhone so year, although there are many big improvement, but it means that the product meets the function must be faster than the needs of users and the market for one year. Everyone knows that the future hangs in the balance, the more drag on for a long time, accidents and the greater the risk. At this point, Samsung skillfully succeeded.
This is the beauty of the Lean Startup, Eric worthy of a good entrepreneur.
This "Lean Startup" theory covers venture early, early start and entrepreneurial transition process, he advocated a methodology for Internet entrepreneurs have brought a set of practice the theoretical framework, but also how investors effectively ensure their return on investment, a good team gives an idea of.

<Source: Yahoo>

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