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Implementation of lean production perfect mold enterprise management

China's mold industry after decades of ups and downs, development is very rapid, but companies are still a lot of problems: the waste more serious, high production costs. Therefore, many companies are ongoing efforts to the implementation of lean manufacturing is to eliminate waste, reduce costs.
It is understood that lean production is a mode of production as the main objective to minimize the production occupied resources and reduce management and operational costs, the same time, it is a concept, a culture, a strategy. The essence of lean production management process, including the optimization of the personnel and organization management, vigorously streamline middle management, flattening of the organization reform, reduce non-direct production personnel, and promote the production of equalization, synchronization, to achieve zero inventory and flexible production, implementation of the whole production process quality assurance system, including the entire supply chain to achieve zero waste, and ultimately pull just-in-time production methods. Streamline the core does not produce value-added jobs, streamline product development and design, production, management, and optimal product quality, lowest cost and highest efficiency to make rapid response to market demands. In short, the implementation of lean production management is the only way of mold companies in China. Learn from the successful experience in the promotion of enterprise reform, and ultimately to achieve high-quality, efficient, low-cost modern enterprise mode, in order to promote domestic mold industry to the next level.

<Source: Global network hardware>

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Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
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