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China's manufacturing industry is facing a "lean" opportunities

Reduce the waste of resources is the core of lean thinking. Idle inventory, unnecessary procedures, unnecessary transport of goods, production exceeds demand, unnecessary personnel mobility, all of which are lean thinking opposition and is committed to eliminating. China's manufacturing industry to get out of the extensive, high energy consumption mode of production to achieve the sustainable development of the green, it must take the lean journey, it is necessary to learn the pioneer of lean manufacturing practices.
Chinese manufacturing enterprises is not in-depth understanding of lean thinking, but this idea is the inevitable choice to achieve sustainable development.
Lean Manufacturing (Lean Manufac-turing) is not a new term, along with the magical rise of Toyota Motor in the 1960s, lean thinking has long been countless manufacturers to emulate and applications, and continuous improvement and interpretation. Now, with the combination of IT systems lean thinking to break through the traditional concept of manufacturing, Lean Enterprise Automation (the Lean Enterprise Automization, LEA), dynamic lean engine is becoming a new driving force to change the competitive landscape.
Lean manufacturing value
The core idea of ​​lean manufacturing is to use the most economical way for production and manufacturing, customer needs, the amount of the customer needs, using minimal resources, production, providing the products that customers need. A lean, flexible, have a cost advantage of manufacturing enterprises should have the characteristics of low cost, high quality, fast response, to provide superior value that is the lowest cost, highest quality level of Six Sigma quality management , fast response shortest delivery cycle, as well as production, design, procurement and market seamless connection These features are in today's rapidly changing market environment, to maintain high competitiveness, the key to success.
Have emerged around the concept of Lean, Advanced Planning and Scheduling (Advanced Planning and Scheduling, APS), Total Quality Management, Six Sigma. Some companies attributed to these concepts in the concept of lean manufacturing, some companies believe that Lean belongs to the part of the concept. : For the concept, the key depends on enterprises in the use of these tools, which is the leading enterprise software solutions designed for lean manufacturers SoftBrands senior consultant Yangjun Zhe.
Yangjun Zhe lean thinking brings to the enterprise value reflected in many ways, the implementation of lean production, business inventories, including finished goods inventory, in-process inventory, raw materials inventory will be greatly reduced, a substantial increase in inventory turns, cash flow rate, which is Many business leaders want to see. Lean production to promote small batch production, pulling in a timely manner, the concept of quality management, site management, these modes of production will significantly enhance the company's product quality assurance, quality traceability, customer satisfaction, timely delivery and other indicators.
Lean Manufacturing practical significance
Lean Thinking earliest success and popularity in foreign enterprises, Chinese enterprises toward modernization, the process of information, but also come to realize the tremendous value of the lean manufacturing. Many Chinese companies had in the implementation of MRP, ERP's, a lot of difficulties, some enterprises try to lean on the MRP supplement, or even replace the MRP on behalf of the management of the push. Lean production so pushed to the front desk of the application of Chinese manufacturing enterprises. Yangjun Zhe said: "Now no one will discuss the need for lean, because this is an inevitable trend."
However, in the past the kind of lean misunderstanding: Lean good, no computers, no information, the production site does not require the computer to help us to do things, this phenomenon leads to the business of manufacturing a lot of problems. The biggest problem is due to the rapid changes in external demand, including customer needs, the needs of the downstream suppliers are constantly changing, which caused a profound impact on the production, logistics, simple management by artificial or man- the traditional lean pulling production, has been unable to meet the rapidly changing needs of the market. Another problem is that, due to the large amount of data generated in a conventional lean operation, these data are not accumulated, not timely analysis, it is difficult to make assessment and planning for future business transformation. In addition, the manual management of the scene of the high cost of traditional lean ills. Moreover, individual enterprises traceability requirements of the logistics of the operation of enterprises, in handmade traditional lean production conditions, can not be done. Therefore, after a period of time in the development of lean manufacturing wave unilaterally stressed the lack of information systems support lean itself has serious limitations, corporate income is very limited. This makes the management and operation of the enterprise have to accept the concept of lean automation, enterprises can not go back to the old MRP, naturally the concept of lean enterprise automation, dynamic lean engine.
In this context, lean automation, and dynamic lean engine become the new wave of lean manufacturing applications in the enterprise is not surprising. Many businesses start a discussion lean automation, information technology means guidance lean production. Although many companies do not understand the LEA, or do not know the LEA, but in fact these enterprises have not consciously start application LEA. Yangjun Zhe many Chinese manufacturing enterprises in the use of MRP, ERP and other applications, on-site with a lot of electronic billboards, traceability system, or scanner, supplier management portal, in fact, are not consciously application LEA only LEA concept needs to be standardized and improved it.
Lean automation of IT support
Lean Automation core current production. Yangjun Zhe said: "Lean done, the target is to make the entire production and logistics flow." Lean manufacturing contains many implementations, such as equalization, pulling small quantities, layout, multi-skilled staff, by these means, lean mode can make the entire production operations and logistics rapid flow in small quantities. The a dynamic lean engine LEA appear precisely in order to ensure that this flow more smoothly, waste flow, the data easier to track, accumulation, to make the scene more transparent, all of which must use information technology to support.
In fact, the head of an enterprise is difficult to know what happens on site, only to the scene to see, and can only see what he saw. With LEA corporate transparency, logistics, manufacturing operations through technical guidance and feedback of information technology in any window of an information system, managers can see through the management interface to the operation of the site, this is the information technology to the enterprise with to the benefits. Compared with traditional hand lean, information systems support the is the LEA largest advantage.
Enterprise information architecture, dynamic lean engine in the implementation of the core layer. In the enterprise operational aspects of the information architecture, top-level decision-making information layer, this layer of IT accounted for a relatively small proportion, after all, a lot of the content of the decision-making level is generated by human wisdom. The architecture of the middle layer of planning and forecasting, MRP, ERP and other information systems belong to this layer, planning and forecasting layer is usually just a wider financial, long-term planning, sales planning, production management forecast. The bottom layer is the implementation layer, the implementation layer in charge of production and operation of enterprises such as content management, including Specifically, the on-site every day to do something, suppliers should supply per hour, what time warehouse where what should be shipped, etc. , are part of the contents of the execution level.
The actual operational level, the dynamic lean engine can be combined with manufacturing execution systems (Manufacturing Execution System MES) MES system can better control the dynamic lean engine could not be done, such as device information collected at the scene, now there are many enterprise MES system hang in dynamic lean engine system, the entire production system connected through the information system, the production process to achieve transparency.
Timely pull Lean enterprises
Commonly referred to as lean manufacturing automation mainly related to the production, internal logistics, supply chain and other three major areas of information systems. Production in two directions: First, the order-oriented production, is now more a way; another inventory-oriented production. These two methods are more direct way to guide the production. Dynamic lean engine can shift these two ways for the production of pull. Internal logistics system is guiding the flow of materials within the enterprise information system, the original many companies pay little attention to, but after the 1990s companies started to pay attention, because companies are finding, poor production scheduling, bottleneck or production does not come out, this is not designed, nor is it a system problem, the same is not the problem of the workers, but the problem of internal logistics, the reason is that although the company with the material, but in-house by the backlog is not smooth internal logistics. Then there are the supply chain system, especially from the supplier to the warehouse components, including released to the supplier predict long-term material plan, short-term material plan, or even accurate to hours of JIT, these make up the supply chain. Suppliers, in turn, can also according to the LEA in online delivery notification, barcode printing, in-transit tracking, shipment history records management.
The lean automation systems can effectively help enterprises to pull the production line. Some companies use the original MRP system, a plan generated in the system to cover 2 to 3 days time, this production plan issued to the workshop, once it happens, it will cause the formation of workshops, warehouses stock wastage and backlog. Enterprises through dynamic lean engine lean production management information to operate and manage the production line. Predict and plan may also be in the MRP system, but will not be issued to the workshop, but by the lean automation software forecasting and planning into a set of dynamic signage, and every day before the period is set to decide whether to grant or issued how many the production kanban instruction, this the kanban instruction often cover only 2 to 4 hours. The production workshop only need to focus on the 2 to 4 hours in between to get billboards, produced in accordance with this directive.
In addition, because the production and the instruction is executed, the warehouse according to the situation of the production, issued in a timely manner, print or screen show to manifest, warehouse, according to the instruction materials timely delivery to the production line. Warehouse material reduction, lean automation software will promptly instruction set of dynamic Kanban supplier to goods, the supplier is not a long-term plan to goods, but very accurate to a few points to send the number of material , to where and so on. The entire chain of lean automation system monitoring, execution of instructions is very smooth.
Lean automation systems use a lot of technology. Conventional technique, such as displays, printers; also has some advanced IT technology, such as bar code equipment, scanner, process instruction is executed by scanning the bar code, the system can know that the instruction is executed to what extent, to know how many products produced, the number of materials in the library, and so on. At present, some foreign companies have begun to deploy RFID replenishment as a lean system data.
Lean is not entirely rely on IT systems to complete. Production line planning, site 5S, improve quality, such as key indicators tracking needs to be done manually, information systems suitable responsible for forecasting, demand management, production ratio is balanced, Kanban management, change management, supply chain management, and quality tracking, these management more content repeatedly, cumbersome, information systems can help accumulation, analysis of historical data. The directives issued by the information system, businesses can easily achieve transparent management, as long as the landing system, managers can see the production line, instruction execution situation.
Angus-Palm Company production of car equipment protection device, it is started in its Tennessee factories the SoftBrands provided based on the a dynamic lean engine lean system Poweam up to automate lean manufacturing. Angus-Palm Company Materials Manager Rusty Coleman believes that the system will be helpful to have more than one factory floor enterprise. Coleman said that the increase in the lean manufacturing the Kanban implementation of automation and real-time visibility is one of its main advantages. Lean manufacturing software, materials manager using the card have to busy to see the cards you can find information supplementary raw materials. With SoftBrands products and comprehensive data set, Coleman said: "The work of the entire query is completely exempt. After the end of a job, and warehouse others what occurred on the production line at a glance."
Lean manufacturing opportunities and challenges
The lean automation manufacturers in China Chiang Kai-shek rising gradually. Some experts pointed out: "Many companies are assessed using the LEA's investment income, not on the question is not, but how on." Compared with foreign enterprises, domestic enterprises seeking lean automated means relatively cautious. The foreign enterprises lean theory, advocates of the concept of dynamic lean engine, under the pressure of rising productivity costs, foreign enterprises have to adopt lean automated means to reduce costs. However, lean automated production and not just cost savings, more importantly, is to regulate business operations.
China has become the world's manufacturing plants, Chinese manufacturing enterprises gradually bigger and stronger, bigger urgent need to regulate corporate governance, dynamic lean engine will undoubtedly play a great value. In addition, with the the lean automation systems continue to be popularity, functional performance also improved, more and more higher degree of integration with existing information systems, will also be increasing the pace of domestic enterprise applications.
Currently, automotive, electronics, medical equipment, machinery and other industries is higher penetration of lean manufacturing in several industries, but also lean automation than the leading industry. These sectors have some common characteristics: changes in demand, the type of material, varieties, high cost of management, materials management complex. All of these features The most notable is the automotive industry, the automotive industry has been walking in the forefront of lean automation equipment from the vehicle start to the automobile assembly line, even as the supplier of auto parts, automotive distribution channels earlier implement Lean thought.
Yangjun Zhe said that from the domestic situation, the deployment of lean automation there are some basic conditions: First, companies must have a basic information system, not necessarily to have the ERP, but have a warehouse management system, material data system, suppliers systems, etc., that have MRP data module; Second, companies should have the application of lean thinking, or both MRP, traditional lean applications. Businesses will find the traditional lean difficulties, live lean and ERP can not be integrated, but too much data needs to be updated. In this case, the enterprise will be the first to realize the need for deployment of lean automation.
However, lean automation and can not be achieved overnight. In fact, the domestic enterprises lean manufacturing is still in the initial stage of the application of lean thinking is not mature. The domestic enterprise information construction is always groping, lack of sufficient experience in how to implement lean automation. At present, although some companies are beginning to realize the great value of the Lean Automation business, but basically invested enterprises to multinational companies in the country for more of these enterprises in foreign countries have successful experience in the implementation of a relatively deep understanding of Lean, , the higher the likelihood of success. Local manufacturing companies in Lean Implementation of automated road apparently still hesitates to do so, it will not be smooth, but also depends on the joint efforts of all aspects of consulting, software and lean industrial chain.

<Source: Computer World>
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