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IE(Industrial Engineering)
American Institute of Industrial Engineers (AIIE) of the definition of Industrial Engineering (Industry Engineering): industrial engineering design, integrated system of personnel, materials, equipment, energy, and information to improve and set a discipline. It combines the use of mathematics, physics and social sciences expertise and technology, to identify, predict and evaluate the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, and the results achieved by the system.

Brief introduction

IE English (industrial engineering), the Chinese translation industrial engineering. Course of development: originated in the 19th century, Americans Taylor, he was the first to propose a motion study, was later known as the father of Industrial Engineering. Successfully applied to the Ford Motor Company rapid rise. popular in Europe and the United States and other developed countries in the seventies of the Ford Motor Company.

IE is a technology and management in one edge of science.
The IE definition: personnel, materials, equipment, energy, and information integration system, designed to improve and set a subject. Integrated use of the specialized knowledge of mathematics, physics and social sciences, and engineering analysis and design the principles and methods to identify, predict and evaluate the results achieved by the system.
In short, the use of human, machine, material to do the most effective combination to achieve the most effective output (OUT PUT)

IE objectives: the design of a production system and the system control method, so that the lowest cost, having a specific level of quality and production must be carried out under conditions to ensure the health and safety of workers and the end user.

IE's features:
(1) the human-centered design, focusing on the human factor.
(2) for the micro-management: the concern to reduce waste and lower costs.

Foundation IE

IE professional introductory course on the basis of IE main content is divided into three parts: action research, time measurement, optimization and site management.
The whole process of the underlying IE: the use of program analysis, operations analysis, motion analysis studies to obtain the best procedures and methods, and then use work measurement standard time to work out all jobs.

Japan new definition for Industrial Engineering (IE)
Japan IE Association (JIIE), founded in 1959. IE's definition is slightly modified in the United States AIIE defined on the basis of 1955 enacted. It is defined as follows:
"IE is the design of integrated systems of people, materials, equipment, improvement and implementation in order to identify, predict and evaluate the results of the system, the use of mathematics, natural science, social science expertise and technology, also adopted the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design. "
Since then, according to AIIE modifications and additions, people, materials, equipment, plus information and energy.

JIIE based on the long-term of IE (especially after the war) in Japan's application of the results achieved and a wide range of applications, IE both in the theory and methods have achieved great development. JIIE deeply the past definition is not suitable for modern requirements, so IE redefine. It is defined as follows:
"IE is such an activity, the scientific method, effective use of human, financial, material, information, time and management resources, high-quality, low-cost and provide goods and services that the market needs in a timely manner, and at the same time to look for ways brings satisfaction and happiness to the people engaged in such work. "
This definition is concise, popular, easy to understand, not only clearly explains the nature, purpose and method of the IE, and special care is also written into the definition, embodies the idea of ​​a "people-oriented". This is exactly the IE different from other engineering disciplines. This definition for our understanding of IE reference.

IE industrial engineering and scientific methods to improve the efficiency, cost, and quality, people, materials, equipment, energy and shelter planning, design, management, improvement and innovation activities to the purpose of reducing costs, improving quality and efficiency an activity. IE (Industrial Engineering) in Japan, also known as the "production" or "management engineering. IE's foundation was one of the first from the "work study". The main scope of work of this stage IE (Industrial Engineering) is roughly: engineering analysis, work standards, motion study, time study, time standards, time value, value analysis (VA), plant layout, handling design.

A brief history of the development of the industrial engineering

Scientific management era (early 20th century to the mid-1930s)
Industrial engineering era (late 1930s to present)
1, the absorption of mathematical and statistical knowledge, the creation of a series of IE principles and methods, and (the late 1930s to the mid-1940s)
, Operations research period (40 in the mid 1970s)
3, during times of industrial and systems engineering (from the 1970s to the present and future)

The IE the development trend
1, the research object and gradually expand the range of applications to the system as a whole;
2, the extensive use of computer and management information system as a support;
Manufacturing process to efficient, integrated, and flexible. (CAD / CAM, FMC / FMS, CIMS, MRPII, ERP, JIT)
4, highlighting the emphasis on productivity and quality of research.
5, pay more attention to the role of the people, pay attention to research the best combination of man and machine, to study in the facilities under the conditions of high efficiency, adaptability and improve productivity!

Industrial Engineers
The role of industrial engineers
1, industrial engineers diagnose factories, improve the corporate body of doctors
2, the long-term program planners
3, the concept of diversification
4, multi-expertise in human resources management enablers
5, the high-level decision-making consultant

The task of the Institute of Industrial Engineers
1, human activities subsystem design
- The design of products (goods and services)
- The design of the process
- Manufacturing (production) system design
- Logistics facilities planning
- Workflow design
- Work to design
- Maintenance and auxiliary work program design
- Security program design, and so on.
2, management control subsystem design
- Full information system design
- Organizational design
- The allocation of resources and positioning
- Quality assurance system design
- Operational Control
- Inventory Control
-MRP/MRP2/ERP, JIT or TOC system design
- Human resources planning and control
- Recycling (Reengineering) 3, public service subsystem design
- Target strategy and planning, modeling, analysis and decision-making
- Market research and marketing (marketing)
- Security of supply (Logistics) and supply chain management (SCM)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Internal and external cooperation
- Corporate performance testing, evaluation and improvement
- Policies and regulations, and communication support database
- Financial and investment monitoring, analysis and decision-making
- Recycling decision-making, and so on.
4 measure indicators
- The first category measure indicators:
· Production and sales, inventory and operation costs, or
· Productivity, costs and profit margins
· Lead (T), the cost (C) and the quality (Q), and so on.
- The second category measure indicators:
· Level of quality
· Enterprise competitiveness
· Staff.
5, operational planning and control
- Product Development
- Marketing Plan
- Planning and control of information flow, logistics
- Supplier selection, management and cooperation
- Purchasing and Inventory Control
- Financial control
- External changes (interference)

The industrial engineers qualities skills
1, industrial engineering or other related professional degree or above
2, with the knowledge and training Engineering and Management
3, has observed testing capacity and research capability
4, with a comprehensive analysis, integration capabilities and planning design capability
5, strong coordination, social skills, able to adapt to a variety of complex situations, good at innovation
6, good language and writing skills
7, with intermediate computer application ability and foreign language reading ability
8, courage and ability to put forward new ideas, new ideas, and to receive timely, advocacy, advancing no certain departments or positions responsible for new technologies, new processes, new materials, new methods.

Ways to solve the problem
(A) problem solving and decision (problem solving & decision making)
(1) to determine the problem: to understand the nature of the problem and the crux of the problem.
(2) analysis of the problem: to find the information, record the current situation, understand the limitations and explore issues in depth the issue.
(3) to seek possible solutions to the problem.
(4) assessment program to determine the best decisions.
(5) to take action.
(6) The assessment of the results of action, to mention a better solution.
(B) The systems and methods engineering (system & method engineering)
From the data collection, organization, analysis, and how to arrange the methods of mathematical calculations and technical expertise to solve problems.
(C) of the basic industrial engineering methods (brief)
Investigation and empirical: ask questions technologies
Quantitative analysis: quantitative analysis
3 to simplify
4, continuous improvement
5 Innovation
6, grasping the principal contradiction-TOC

The axioms and awareness of Industrial Engineering
IE axioms:
"An artificial or people involved in the system can always be improved, unless it's dead or not worth recycling

IE consciousness:
Continue to improve the awareness of innovation,
Human-centered awareness
Cost and efficiency awareness
Problems and reform-minded,
Global and overall awareness,
Work simplification and standardization awareness
Respond quickly to demand awareness.

Let us remember that "there is always a better way!"
Common technique of IE Industrial Engineering

"Industrial Engineering Handbook" edited by G. Saar Wendi According to Harris, the actual situation survey of 667 UK companies by IE statistical methods and techniques used for the following 32:
(1) Research;
(2) work measurement (direct labor);
(3) awards;
(4) plant layout;
(5) form design;
(6) The material handling;
(7) the development of information systems;
(8) cost and profit analysis;
(9) work measurement (indirect labor);
(10) The use of material handling equipment;
(11) Organization study;
(12) job evaluation;
(13) Office equipment selection;
(14) the management of the development;
(15) Systems Analysis;
(16) inventory control and analysis;
(17) computer programming;
(18) project network technology;
(19) Plan network technology;
(20) Determination of office work;
(21) Action research economic outcomes;
(22) management by objectives;
(23) Value Analysis;
(24) Resource allocation network technology;
(25) the effectiveness of school;
(26) into a set of technologies;
(27) The story and operability analysis;
(28) as a simulation technique;
(29) video production;
(30) linear programming;
(31) queuing theory;
(32) Investment Risk Analysis.
The above content is arranged in order according to the popularity of the application and the degree of size.

IE to improve the scope and practices
IE INDUSTRIAL (Industrial Engineering) ENGINEERING () refers to a combination of it by the first letter of the two words. IE's foundation from the earliest origins of "work study", "work study" constitutes "work study" from Taylor and Jill Brace "action research" both posed. IE's main areas of: * Engineering Analysis * Value Analysis (VA) * Action Research * standard * Time * Time standard * plant layout * Transportation Design
Improvement (IE) seven practices:
Dynamic change the law to improve the way of human action, reduce fatigue to make work more comfortable, more efficient, not to act recklessly.
Error proofing method on how to avoid the wrong things, to work for the first time to do a good job, the spirit of the concrete realization.
3. Fifty-five Act by questioning skills to discover the idea of ​​improvement.
Hands studied human hands in the work process, in order to discover the place of the improvement can be.
The study of human-computer method operator and machine work process, in order to discover where improvements can be funded.
6. Process method to study flow relationship involves several different workstations or location, in order to discover where improvements can be funded.
Spot-check method by sampling observation method can quickly and effectively understand the truth of the problem.

Involved in the field of IE in China
(1) talent distribution: IE of professional talent is distributed in all areas of society, such as banks, power grids, petroleum, logistics, electronics, communications, consulting management, project management, machinery, construction, and transportation. IE's talent for cross disciplines training compound talents. In some ways that is completely opposite to see the trees but not the forest of mono-disciplinary research talent. Departure from the system's point of view, as far as possible a comprehensive analysis of the problem, to enhance awareness of things. All in all, the effective selection IE talent can help enterprise discovery problem and coordinate effective human and material resources to solve the problem, ultimately boosting the sustained and healthy development of enterprises.
(2) research areas: IE researchers to abandon one-sided, narrow-minded, research methods Mangrenmoxiang, grasp the overall outlook of the global prescribe the right medicine, have light weight, details have slightly, main and auxiliary. Domestic IE research more focused on addressing enterprise production management, exploration and development of other areas are constantly forward.



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