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Lean System

Lean system (LS), hereinafter referred to as the "Lean", used to eliminate waste and continuous process ─ ─ rather than batch and waiting to ─ ─ a mode of production. Lean production is a management philosophy derived from the Toyota production mode.

Lean production is through the system structure, personnel organization, operation mode and market supply and demand change, make the production system can quickly adapt to user needs constant changes, and can make the production process all useless and spare things be cut, achieve finally including market supply and marketing, production of all aspects of the best mode of production management. Unlike traditional mass production mode, its characteristic is "variety", "small batch".

Lean production is also called the fine production, of which the "pure" superior, precise, elegant; "Yi" interests, benefits and so on. Or, fine, that is, fewer but better, not in excess of production factors, just at the right time the necessary number of market need products (or next working procedure are in urgent need of products); Yi, that is, all business activities are useful and effective, has economic benefits. Lean production is the manufacturing in time [1], eliminate fault and eliminate all waste, to zero defects, zero inventory. It is at the Massachusetts institute of technology in a program called "international auto plan" research projects. After they do a lot of investigation and comparison, think Japan Toyota mode of production is one of the most suitable for modern manufacturing enterprise production organization and management mode, referred to as lean production, against the United States a large number of production way too bloated ills. Lean production taking advantages of mass production and single production mode, makes every effort to realize many varieties in the mass production and high quality products for low cost production.

Lean production gives us an idea, but specific to each enterprise implementation there is a big difference.

First different companies in the industry is not the same, take the process industries and discrete industries, process industries, such as chemical industry, medicine, metal, etc., generally preference of equipment management, such as TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), because in the process industry needs to be applied to a series of specific equipment, the equipment condition greatly affects the quality of the product; And discrete industries, such as machinery, electronics, LAYOUT, production line arrangement, as well as the process are the important factors influencing the production efficiency and quality, so the discrete industry pay attention to standardization, JIT (Just In Time), kanban, and zero inventory.

Enterprise lean production of avoid by all means, in short, derivative, and should be flexible to use. Like a lot of people when it comes to implementing lean, the pursuit of "single stream", but "single stream" is the most efficient way, at least now it seems still no gives the living example of the enterprise, "single stream" need powerful control process flow and logistics management ability, if the production model does not have enough support, rashly push "one-piece flow" is bound to cause great obstacles and heavy losses.

A lot of people will lean as a culture, especially when Chinese companies implementing lean, is bound to be mentioned that, indeed, if the TPS is the actual pattern and method, then lean really more like theory and vision. As system hui popular blog network that, when lean as a culture, learning the lean must reshape corporate culture [2].

Lean Production, Lean Production, LP) at the Massachusetts institute of technology is digital the international organization for vehicle program (IMVP) expert on Japan's Toyota just-in-time Production JIT (Just In Time) Production mode recognition. Essence, that is, fewer but better, not in excess of production factors, just at the right time the necessary number of market need products (or next working procedure are in urgent need of products); Yi, that is, all business activities are useful and effective, has economic benefits. Lean production mode is the result of the Toyota production mode, which is organized by the Massachusetts institute of technology experts and scholars of 17 countries in the world, 5 years, at a cost of $5 million, to auto industry the way start mass production and lean production JIT is typical of the industry, for example, after theoretical summary. Lean production mode is not only reflected in the advantages of manufacturing system, are also embodied in the product development, coordination, marketing network and management aspects, it is one of the current industry best production organization system and the way also will become the twenty-first century standards of the global production system.

Lean production is the post-war Japan's auto industry has been the "scarcity" and "many varieties, little batch" product of the market restriction. Started it with wall from Toyota, Toyota pleased lang and the joint efforts of ohno et al, it was not until the 1960 s gradually improve.

The beginning of the 20th century, ford motor company was founded from the United States since the first automobile production line, large-scale production line has been the definition of lean production, the main characteristics of the production. By standardization of mass production, mass production to reduce production cost, improve production efficiency. This way to adapt to the situation at that time, U.S. auto production assembly line, at one stroke the car from a handful of rich luxury became a popular means of transportation, the U.S. auto industry has rapidly grown into a pillar industry in the United States, and lead and promote the including steel, glass, rubber, mechanical and electrical and transport services, such as the development of a large number of industries. Large water production in production technology and production management has very important meaning in history. But after the second world war, the society has entered a market demand to the diversification of the development of the new stage, the industrial production accordingly to the direction of many varieties, small batch, single variety, large quantity of current production way, increasingly obvious weaknesses. In order to conform to the time requirements of such, invented by Japan's Toyota lean production, as many varieties, small batch production under the condition of high quality and low consumption production mode in practice, created.

In 1950, Japan's Toyota the second looked at the bottom hold law JiaoCheChang ford. At that time, the factory can turn out 7000 cars a day, more than a year of Japan's Toyota production. But Toyota is wrote in his report: "there's production system and improvement of may".

The post-war Japanese economic depression, lack of funds and foreign exchange. How to build the Japanese auto industry? Copy the American way of mass production, or according to Japan's national conditions, find another way out, Toyota chose the latter. Japan's social cultural background is different with the United States, Japan's concept of family, obey the discipline and team spirit is what americans have not, Japan is not so many foreign workers in the United States, also not the American way of life of the spread of liberal and individualism. Japan's economy and technology base is far from America. Japan to introduce the complete sets of equipment to produce car could not full, and Japan at the time the desired output is only a small percentage of the United States. "Scale economy" law faces a test here.

Toyota the second ohno and his companion in a series of exploration and experiment, according to Japan's national conditions, put forward the method to solve the problem. After 30 years of efforts, finally formed a complete set of the Toyota production way, make more than the United States, Japan's car industry production reached 13 million, accounting for over 30% of the total world car.

Manufacturing, electronics, computer, such as aircraft manufacturing industry. Toyota production system is an important part of Japanese industry competition strategy, it reflects the Japanese in the repetitive management thinking in the process of production. Is the guideline of the Toyota production system, through the whole production process optimization, improve technology, rationalize logistics, eliminate excess production, to eliminate invalid labor and waste, the effective use of resources, reduce costs, improve quality, achieve the purpose of with minimum input for maximum output.

The success of the Japanese companies in the international market, west of corporate interest, think western entrepreneurs, adopted by the Japanese in the production mode is the foundation of its competition in the world market. Since the 1980 s, some western countries attach great importance to the study of the Toyota production mode, and applied to production management.

Lean production mode's basic ideas can be summed up In one word, namely: Just In Time (JIT), translation into Chinese is "designed to In times of need, according to the need of quantity, required to produce the products". So some management experts also called for JIT production mode of lean production, just-in-time production, timely production mode or kanban production mode.

Lean production research time and efficiency of lean production to improve the stability of the system, lean production for more than 50 years of successful cases have been confirmed:

Lean production to production time, decreased by 90%;

Lean production, let inventories decreased by 90%;

, lean production to improve production efficiency by 60%;

Lean production, makes market failure decreased by 50%;

, lean production to scrap rate reduced by 50%;

, lean production safety index is up 50%.

"Zero waste" as the ultimate goal, lean production embodied in PICQMDS seven aspects, the target state as follows:

(1) "zero" waste production man-hour (Products, many varieties mixed flow production)

Will switch processing processes of the variety and waste time to switch on an assembly line or close to "zero" for "zero".

(2) the "zero Inventory" (the Inventory, reduce Inventory)

Will streamline the machining and assembly are connected, eliminating intermediate inventory, market forecasts for production to meet single synchronous production, the product inventory is zero.

(3) "zero" waste (Cost, full Cost control)

Eliminate excess manufacturing, handling, waiting for the waste, realize zero waste.

(4) "zero" negative (Quality, high Quality)

Bad not detected at inspection, and should be in the source to eliminate it, the pursuit of zero.

(5) "zero fault" (Maintenance, improve the operation rate)

Eliminate mechanical equipment downtime, achieve zero fault.

(6) "zero" stagnation (Delivery, rapid response, short Delivery time)

Maximize the compress Lead time (Lead time). Therefore to eliminate the intermediate stagnation, stagnation of realization of "zero".

(7) "zero" disasters (Safety, Safety first)

Improve the principles


Every working procedure of program chart review, confirm the necessity of its reserves, the buyer can cancel the cancelling, such as:

Can cancel all cancel job content, working procedure, link and operation (including the body, hands, feet, and heel).

Cancel all unsafe, inaccurate, not specifications.

Cancellation is not convenient or not normal operation

Cancel all unnecessary idle time


To the operation of the program on the drawing and inspection items, consider the possibility of merge each other, with the consolidators, on the premise of guarantee quality, improve the efficiency of merger, for instance:

The have to suddenly change direction every little affectations synthesis of a continuous curve.

Combine several tools for a multi-purpose tool.

Combine several scattered working procedures for the procedure

May simultaneously


Operation sequence for macro analysis of the process chart, consider the necessity and the possibility of rearranging, sometimes simply by rearranging can significantly improve the efficiency, such as:

Rearrange the process, make the program optimization

Shorten the rearranging working site, make the logistics route

Rearrangement line location and eliminate weak links

Rearranging the work division of labor, make the workload balancing


Here both to simplify the complex process, including simplifying the content of every work, such as:

Reduce all kinds of red tape, all kinds of complexity

Use the most simple action to get the job done

Simplify the unnecessary design structure, make the process more reasonable operation methods strive to simplify

Strive to shorten delivery routes, information transmission route

Lean production mode is a kind of to minimize enterprise production occupied resources and reduce the enterprise management and operational costs as the main target

One of the main features of the lean production way is shown as:

(1) quality - identify, correct and solve problems;

(2) flexible, small batch, one-piece flow;

(3) the market time, minimizing the development time;

(4) product diversification, shortening the product cycle, reduce the scale effect;

(5) efficiency, increase productivity, reduce waste;

(6) adaptive - standard size assembly, cooperation and coordination;

(7) learning, continue to improve.

Pull the production on time

To the end user's demand for production start. Emphasizes the balance of logistics, the pursuit of zero inventory, processing requirement on procedure of parts can enter the next process immediately.

Group production line on a form called Kanban (Kanban). By kanban namely next demand back up message (kanban in the form of unlimited, the key is to transfer information). Beat by manual intervention, control in the production but is guaranteed in the production of ductile flow balance (for each working procedure, to ensure supply of back working procedure on time). Due to adopt pull production, in production planning and scheduling is essentially by each unit of production completed, don't have plan in form, but the coordination between the operating unit in the process of production is very necessary.

Total quality management

Emphasis on quality is produced rather than testing out, by the quality control in production to ensure the quality of the final. For quality inspection and control during production in every process. Emphasis on training of each employee's quality consciousness, when pay attention to the quality in every process detection and control, ensure timely find quality problem. If found in the production process quality problem, according to situation, can immediately stop production, to solve the problem, to ensure don't appear invalid processing of nonconforming product.

To appear quality problem, general is to organize relevant technical and production staff as a team, work together, solve as soon as possible.

Team execution of work

Execution of work Team (Team work). Every employee in the work is not only the orders to the superior. More important is to actively participate in, have the effect of decision-making and auxiliary decision-making. Organizational team is not completely according to the principle of administrative organization, the main according to the business relationship. Emphasize mastering many skills while specializing in team members, required to be familiar with the other staff work within team, ensure the smooth progress of work coordination. Team work performance evaluation affected by internal team evaluation. (this unique personnel system relations with Japan is larger) basic atmosphere of team work is the trust, with a long-term supervision and control is given priority to, and to avoid every step of audit work, improve work efficiency. Team organization is changing, in view of the different things, to establish a different team, the same person may belong to different team.

Concurrent engineering

Ce (Concurrent Engineering). During the product design and development, will concept design, structural design, process design, final demand, etc., to finish with the fastest speed according to the requirements of the quality. All the work by the related project team finished. In the process of team members to arrange their own work, but can regularly or feedback information and at any time to resolve the issues. On the basis of appropriate information system tools, feedback and coordination of the entire project. Using modern CIM technology, during the period of product research and development, the parallelization of auxiliary project progress.

Lean production and mass production mode management thoughts

Lean production as a kind of from the environment to the management goal is a new management thought, and success in practice, the application is not simply the one kind of new management means, but rather a set of highly integrated with enterprise environment, culture and management method of the management system, therefore the lean production is itself an autonomous system.

(1) the optimized scope is different

Mass production mode comes from the United States, is based on the relationship between enterprises in the United States, emphasis on market orientation, optimize the allocation of resources, each enterprise to financial relationship for boundaries, and optimize the internal management. And related businesses, both supplier and distributor, treated with rivals.

Lean production mode in the product production working procedure for clues, organization is closely related to the supply chain, reduce transaction cost in cooperation enterprise, on the one hand, on the other hand ensure stable demand and supply in time, to the whole production system optimization for the goal.

2) different attitudes towards the inventory

Mass production methods of inventory management emphasizes "inventory is a necessary evil".

Lean production mode of inventory management emphasizes "inventory is the root of all evil".

Will produce all the inventory of the lean production mode as "waste", at the same time think inventory cover up the defects and problems in the production system. It emphasized the guarantee supply to production on the one hand, on the other hand, emphasizes the requirements of zero inventory, thus continuously exposed contradictions and basic link in the production of improved, continue to reduce inventory in order to eliminate "waste". Lean production based on this, puts forward the slogan of "eliminate all waste". Goals of zero waste.

3) control of the business view is different

Traditional way of mass production of the employing system is based on both sides of the "employment relationship", stressed that to achieve the high personal work in business management principles of division of labor, and to strict business audit to promote and guarantee, at the same time audit work is to prevent personal work produced negative effects to the enterprise.

Lean production comes from Japan, heavily influenced by the Oriental culture, in the division of professional emphasis on cooperation and streamline business processes (including unnecessary verification) - eliminate the "waste" in business.

4) the quality is different

The traditional mode of production will result in a certain amount of defective goods as production.

Lean production is based on the organization of the separation of collaboration with people point of view, to think that producers themselves to ensure that the product quality is absolutely reliable is feasible, and without sacrificing the continuity of production. Its core idea is that the cause of the problem the quality of this probabilistic itself is not a probabilistic, by eliminating the quality problems of production process to eliminate all defects caused by the "waste", the pursuit of zero.

5) different attitudes to people

Mass production mode emphasizes management of strict hierarchy. Is strict with employees fulfill the task of superior orders, who is viewed as the "equipment" is attached to jobs.

Lean production is emphasized personal intervention to the process of production, try to play to the initiative of the people, emphasis on coordination at the same time, the individual evaluation is based on long-term performance. This method will be more staff as members of the group enterprise, rather than a machine. Give full play to the subjective initiative of at the local level.

Common problems

Chinese enterprises in the implementation of the lean production system [5] process often appears among the eight questions:

1. The idea of management with homework personnel did not change.

Major executive idea didn't change, coupled with inadequate, lean production is difficult to achieve the desired purpose

2. Get rich quick.

That calls for 'immediate "paid off" "in the short term, is a major shift in thinking is not comply with the principles of lean manufacturing continuous improvement

3. Didn't find a good starting point.

Find a good import the pointcut of lean production, with the most easy to do, the most obvious improvements to make everyone feel the benefits of the new way of working, changed consciousness, establish confidence.

4. Sample area first.

Detailed pilot, in the form of samples the first homework, and the sample points are improved for the problems when working, again to the factory.

5. The scene "5 s" homework didn't do well.

"5 s" required by the concept of literacy and so on did not perform well, not develop a good attitude, difficult to implement lean production

6. Implementation difficulties have stagnated.

"Is better than zhuge liang three Revelations to the cobbler," want to brainstorm, for multiple solutions. Open mind, absorb different ideas, do not explain why I can't do, to figure out how to do it. Don't wait for perfect, there are five points can begin

7. There is too much money.

Improve to not spend money for the principle, don't think as they hit the problem point in new equipment, new technologies, should avoid to spend a lot of money, can on the basis of the existing facilities or to improve is the best solution.

8. The lack of overall coordination.

Think the implementation of the lean production mode is IE engineer's responsibility, has nothing to do with other units, such as: purchasing, logistics, engineering and other units is not fully cooperation, even have a good plan, but also is "a flash in the pan," unsustainable lean efficiency into full play.


1, 6 s and visual control

"6 s" is sort (Seiri), consolidation (Seiton), cleaning (Seiso), clean (Seikeetsu) and quality (Shitsuke), security (safety) abbreviation of the six words "6 s", originated in Japan. 6 s is to create and maintain a clean and tidy organized, and efficient work place of the process and method, can education, inspiration, and to form a good habit "humanity", visual management can recognize normal and abnormal state, in an instant and can transmit information quickly and correctly. Two days of course can help students:

Understand why want to do 6 s, master the implementation of 6 s and visual management steps and methods;

Understanding of visual control tool types, learn how to create a visual control tools, and some of the most basic can quickly improve new tool for all work areas.

2, just-in-time (JIT) production

Just-in-time production method is originated in Japan's Toyota motor corp., the basic idea is "only at the time of need, according to the need of quantity required to produce the products". This kind of mode of production core is pursuing a kind of no inventory of production systems, or make inventory minimum production system. Through the learning of this course, students can:

Know, value-added and non value-added activities, to reduce or eliminate non-value added and waste;

Seven types of waste, identification, and ultimately eliminate waste;

, learn to use all kinds of stimulating way to realize just-in-time production.

3, Kanban management (Kanban)

A Kanban is a Japanese term, said hung on or attached to the container or the label on a batch of parts or CARDS, or assembly line all sorts of color lights, television, etc. Kanban is factory production management information can be used as a communication tool. Kanban CARDS contain a considerable amount of information and can be used repeatedly. There are two commonly used kanban: production kanban and shipping kanban. This course will enable students to:

Pull system is introduced in this paper, a kanban and used in the process of visual kanban management, and the kanban for production organization, the importance of standardization operation and continuous improvement; ;

Production kanban's role is to buy the "money", you need to focus on what you want to "buy" is the production process, when to buy, how much to buy.

4, zero inventory management, inventory management of the factory is part of the supply chain, is also one of the most basic link. In terms of manufacturing industry, strengthen the inventory management, it can be shorten and gradually eliminate the residence time of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, reduce the invalid and waiting time of operation, to prevent out of stock, improve customer to the "quality, cost, delivery" three main factors of satisfaction. Through two days of study, enable participants to:

, understand the basic concept of inventory management, master the inventory analysis method, learn to choose the appropriate inventory system;

, learning, and master the skills inventory management work;

Master inventory job management, forms, procedures and implementation skills.

5, total productive maintenance (TPM)

TPM originated in Japan, took the form of participation, create a well-designed equipment system, improve the utilization rate of existing equipment and realize the safety and high quality, prevent fault occurs, thus make the enterprise to reduce cost and overall production efficiency. We hope that through this course students:

, understand the relationship between 5 s and TPM;

Mastering the OEE calculation and how to improve OEE;

, master the methods of implementing TPM;

History, how to establish and maintain equipment, evaluation of one's current level of TPM.

6, using the value stream map to identify waste

Filled with amazing waste during production, Value Stream maps (Value Stream Mapping) is the basis of the implementation of the lean system, elimination of process waste and the key points. Through learning of this course, can make the student:

Where the waste in discovery process in the identification of lean improvement opportunities;

Who recognize factors and the importance of value stream;

, to master the ability of drawing "value stream map";

, understanding the data in the application of value stream here, by the order of the data to quantify improvement opportunities.

7, line balance design

Due to assembly line layout unreasonable production workers to move unnecessarily, thus reduce the production efficiency; Due to the movement arrangement is not reasonable, unreasonable technology, lead to workers for three transgressions of five times picked up or down the workpiece. Through the learning of this course, we will learn about:

Able to design and implement a line balance of the production line;

, understand the typical process in the environment and how it affects those problems;

Know when to maximize productivity.

8, pull system and supplementary system

So-called pull the means of production based on kanban management, using the "picking" process after the production, to meet the need of the "market" in this process products shortage quantity once process take the same amount of wip, so as to stimulate the whole process of control system, no more production of a product. JIT needs to pull production as the foundation, and system operation are the characteristics of the lean production. Lean the pursuit of zero inventory, mainly through the system's operation. Through the learning of this course, students can:

, understand the definition of the pull system and complementary systems;

, understand the pull system key parameters and calculation methods;

, how to pull in changeful environment system applied in lean project;

Manufacturing pull system and purchasing system, understand difference.

9, to reduce the Setup time (the Setup Reduction)

Waste reduced to a minimum in order to make the stop line waiting, shorten the setting time of the process is gradual removal and reduction of all non value-added operations, and transform it into the stop line time to complete the process. Lean production is through continuously eliminate waste, reduce inventory, reduce adverse, shorten the manufacturing cycle time and other detailed requirements, to reduce setup time is to help us achieve this goal is one of the key technique. Through the learning of this course, we will learn about:

, understand the setup time is how to influence the turnover efficiency of process;

Learning to reduce setup time, four steps;

Understand, in order to reduce the setup time must be prepared to work.

10, one-piece flow

The ultimate goal of JIT is lean production, it is through continuously eliminate waste, reduce inventory, reduce adverse, shorten the manufacturing cycle time, etc. The specific requirements. Single piece flow technique is the key to help us achieve this goal. Through the learning of this course, we will learn about:

The fundamental difference between single piece flow, and the traditional homework;

How to realize the single piece flow, design;

Through the single piece flow, you will get the following benefits:

Does adverse conditions obvious signs, timely solve;

Does form a team driver, homework personnel focus;

Does shorten the time to solve the problem;

Does homework personnel operation time increases, reduce the auxiliary time;

Does shrink production area of logistics handling to reduce production efficiency.

11, continuous improvement (Kaizen)

Kaizen is the Japanese term equal to CIP. When begin to accurately determine the value, identifying the value stream, the steps to create value for a specific product continuous flow up, and let the customer pull from the enterprise value, the miracle will begin to emerge. This course will enable students:

When need improvement (Kaizen), how to apply improvement (Kaizen);

Strategies of improvement (Kaizen), common tools and techniques.

Implementation of the steps

1, choose to improve the key process

Lean production is not achieved overnight, it emphasize continuous improvement. Should first to choose the critical processes, and strive to build it into a model line.

2, draw the value stream mapping

Value stream mapping is a method used to describe the logistics and information flow. After to draw the current state value stream mapping, you can paint a Lean vista (Future Lean Vision). In this process, more icon used to represent a continuous process, the various types of pull system, balanced production and shorten the tooling change time, production cycle is subdivided into value-added and non value-added time.

3, to carry out the continuous improvement in workshop

Lean vision drawing must be implemented, or planning any more clever chart is worthless. Implementation plan includes What (What), What time (When), and Who was responsible for (Who), and set up a review in the implementation process node. In this way, and the staff are involved in the total productive maintenance system. Under the guidance of value stream mapping, lean vision chart, on the process improvement of individual projects is endowed with new meaning, to make employees clear implementation of the project. Continuously improve production process method basically has the following several kinds: eliminate quality test link and rework phenomenon; Eliminate unnecessary moving parts; Elimination of inventory; Reasonable arrangement of production plan; Reduce production preparation time; Eliminate downtime; Improve labor efficiency.

4, build corporate culture

Although scene occurred significantly improved in the workshop, can cause after a series of enterprise culture change, but if take it for granted that because of the workshop layout and production operation mode, can automatically establish and promote a positive culture change, this is obviously not realistic. Cultural change improvement is harder than the production site, both are required to complete and is complementary to each other. Many project experience has shown that the implementation of the project is critical to the success of the company leadership to improve physically to the means of production and the evolution of enterprise culture.

Traditional enterprise change in the direction of the lean production, not simply adopt the corresponding "kanban" lean production tools and advanced production management technology can be completed, and must make all the staff concept is changing. The lean production is produced in Japan, not was born in the United States, the reason for this is because corporate culture is quite different between the two countries.

5, spread to the entire enterprise

Lean production use of all kinds of industrial engineering techniques to eliminate waste, focus on the entire production process, not just individual or several processes. So, sample line to want to spread to the entire enterprise's success, make the operation process, push the production system is replaced by customer oriented pull production system.

To sum up, the lean production is a process of never-ending strive for perfection, it aims to improve the production process and the process of each working procedure, as much as possible to eliminate all don't add value in the value chain activities, improve labor efficiency, eliminate waste, according to customer orders in production at the same time, maximum limit to reduce inventory.

From traditional to lean enterprise transformation will not happen overnight, need to pay a certain price, and sometimes unexpected problems may occur. Companies, however, as long as the firm go the way of lean, most within six months, or even less than 3 months, you can recover all renovation costs, and enjoy the benefits of lean production.

Management principles

Principle 1: management decision-making must be based on a long-term philosophy, even if it must sacrifice its short-term financial goals

Principle 2: to establish continuous operational procedures to enable the emergence of the problem

Principle 3: use the "pull system" to avoid overproduction

Principle 4: average work load (equalization)

Principle 5: establish immediately suspend to solve the problem, the culture attaches great importance to the quality control from the start

Principle 6: the standardization of duties is the base of continue to improve and authorize staff

Principle 7: use visual controls, unable to hide the problem

Principle 8: use reliable and has been fully tested technical to support staff and processes

Principle 9: grooming thoroughly understand and embrace the concept of corporation employees to be leaders, and enable them to teach other staff

Principle 10: cultivate and develop excellence in corporate philosophy and team

Principle 11: attention to the company's business partners and suppliers, challenges them and help them improve

Principle 12: performance in check to thoroughly understand a situation (in situ) now

Principle 13: decision not impatient, on the basis of consensus, thoroughly considering all possible options, quick decisions

Principle 14: through constant reflection and continuous improvement, in order to become a learning organization

Mode of production

The first part: the Toyota model

A, Toyota models

When Toyota 4 p model

Second, build efficient production methods

Low up comprehensive productivity

Low - PQCDS manufacturing industry is service industry

3, what is waste? Understanding is a waste of three M

Low arithmetic calculation of blind spots

Low the cost

Common low factory waste phenomenon

Fourth, Toyota's 7 kinds of waste

When Toyota's four waste hierarchy

The purpose of the five, the Toyota way

"The Toyota production mode of comprehensive system

Six, the Toyota mode of production process

Low lean production mode's basic methods

Seven, lean production and production management

The second part: Toyota's point of view, improve the technology

The source of interest in the manufacturing method

A, 6 s is the foundation of the improvement

When 1 s to sort out

Low 2 s consolidation

"3 s to clean

When 4 s clean

"5 s literacy

"6 s smile

Low red card operations

Second-ranking sign operations

The three pillars of "6 s activity

Low mechanical equipment of autonomous maintenance

Low maintenance carried out by steps

Second-ranking 6 s implementation steps

Second-ranking find 6 s activity object

Second, balanced production

Low equilibrium production

* not balanced production

The generation of low inventory

Low inventory, inventory big shortcoming

Low produce excess inventory

"For short delivery lead to inventory

At the beginning of low equilibrium production - change after

The leveling of low - small batch

Low equilibrium production

* specify/free seats

Low fluid production

The leveling of low production - in case 1

The leveling of low production - a case 2

* conditions and the advantages of small batch

* reduce the waste of overproduction and countermeasures

Low individual efficiency and overall efficiency

Three, balanced production JIT

Low pull production

Second-ranking kanban approach

When two types of kanban

Second-ranking kanban and content of chain now

Second-ranking kanban function

Second-ranking kanban six rules

* instance - kanban

Four, shorten the production lead time

Second-ranking necessity, advantage to shorten lead time

Second-ranking mechanism to shorten the production lead time

Low to shorten the waiting time

Low to shorten the processing time

Low to shorten the time of the mould

Low labor efficiency

Low efficiency and observation efficiency

Second-ranking shorten the action time of operation

Three types of low site

Second-ranking found that action is a focal point of waste

* 1. Shortening the distance between action

Low - 1 unit production

Second-ranking shortening the distance between action 2

Low - unit production 2

Movements are easy, easy

Low free of restrictive principles

Second-ranking shorten the handling time

Transport is no added value

The role of low handling in the production

Low handling handling activity as a result of the improvement

Improve low handling methods

Fifth, shorten the transformation time of operation

A focal point of low to shorten the time of the mould

Shorten the time of the mould of it

Low homework four forms of transformation

When the four stages of rapid transformation

Low fast conversion rule of seven

Six, standard work

When the three elements of standard work

The cycle time of low

Low job order

Low standard stock

Low production standard operating three points

Low table engineering ability

Combination of low standard operating sheet

Low standard work sheet

Low standard main point

Low wi

Seven, automation

Low characteristics of each method

The basic idea of the low automation

Low automation

"The realization of the automated steps

"Let the machine stop

* instance - FA dedicated devices

Eight, thoroughly eliminate waste

* learn to look for waste

Low to eliminate waste

When U type configuration

When U configuration

Low the program can work

Second-ranking can effect

The third part: the Toyota way to introduce enterprises

A, the key points of implementation

When introducing the four steps necessary

Low of promote the organization

* establish demonstration project

When introduced in the order

Low awareness and reform the methods/import

Low setting clear performance targets

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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