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One Piece Flow 

OPF (One Piece Flow) refers to a condition when the product to the customer at the required rate through the entire production process.

one piece flow include the following factors:
Parts of each production and transfer of a, or a fixed small quantities (such as boxes);
2 as a continuous flow;
Process from top to bottom just good convergence.
Contrast to the one-piece flow production is. While many companies are mass-produced products, but that has led to delays in the process. All batch product before the process is completed, no one product can first transferred to the next process. The larger the number, the longer the residence time of a one product in the process between.

The mass production will reduce the effectiveness of the company in the following areas:
He extended the delivery of customer orders;
He needs the labor, energy and venues go to storage and handling products;
He increased the possibility of product is damaged or destroyed;

In contrast, one-piece flow was able to solve the above problem:
He allows a company to a variety of products are submitted to the hands of users with minimal delay;
He reduces the resources needed by the transportation and storage;
He reduced the product is damaged or the possibility of failure;
He exposed other problems to the attention;

The one-piece flow is an ideal state; possible nor necessary in the day-to-day operations, always a flow only one product. The most important of which is based on the minimum delay and wait for uninterrupted product flow. CELL production to help you focus on the material that flows through the entire process, instead of focusing on some operating equipment.

OPF, those who can not create value in the production process step or action as much as possible to reduce, in order to improve production efficiency. one piece flow production process to discover the poor quality, in time to solve the problem; traditional mass production, high-volume parts production, then he noticed the poor quality, the loss of large quantities.

one piece flow it actually is a kind of synchronization in order to achieve timely and appropriate production, committed to producing the smallest mass-produced way, such as the addition on the use of signage, thoroughly implemented JIT. It is based on the order for the demand, stimulating demand oriented process to minimize batch to achieve continuous production and achieve-line zero inventory. Note that here the one piece, not blunt understood as on a number of units, the size of the units can be continuous improvement, the improved results is the result of cost reduction, can be understood.

One-piece assembly line production of the main parameters determine

A one-piece assembly line production is to expand production process in time and space with the characteristics of each process, described in this expanded state as well as the parameters of the production schedule, and can generally be divided according to their role in the process parameters, time parameters and space parameters.
1.1 process parameters of process parameters used to describe the production process in the expanded state of the aspects of the production process, including the number of the production process and the clothing line, one-piece flow strength.
1.1.1 Number of production process n the production process refers to the process of the production of building products, in accordance with the range of the organizational clothing line, one-piece flow production, production process includes content also can be more or less, can be rough to be fine. Preparation of the controllability production schedule, the production process should not be divided too small to avoid clothing line one-piece flow production process unfocused, and thus bring trouble to the production, while preparing the production schedule of the implementation of the production process should be divided into some small, production may be omissions, the main attention to the following two points: First, do not take up the production object face, does not affect the duration Preparation class production process and transport category, do not have to be included in the schedule of the production schedule, otherwise, should be included production schedule table; dominant production process for the installation, masonry and other building production, must be included in the production schedule.
1.1.2 clothing line, one-piece flow strength V clothing line, one-piece flow strength is in the clothing line of one-piece flow production, the amount of each production process completed within a unit time engineering, also known as the flow capacity of a one piece of clothing line or production capacity of the two calculation methods as follows: first, the mechanical production process clothing line, one-piece flow strength calculation:
V = RiSi
Where: Ri - some kind of dominate the number of units of production machinery;
Si - the dominant producer machinery the TAIPAN productivity;
x - Type the number for the same production process led production machinery.
Second, manual work process clothing line, one-piece flow strength calculation:
V = R S
Where: R - each production process into the number of workers
S - artificial production quotas
1.2 Time Parameters
1.2.1 clothing line, one-piece flow beat beat t clothing line, one-piece flow refers to the duration of professional production team engaged in a production process in the production segment of the production, it is how much of the labor, machinery and materials related to the production inputs, determine the speed and rhythm of production, has a very significant meaning. Usually scale calculations, three methods of empirical estimation method and schedule estimation method to determine the flow beat of a one piece of clothing line, the paper mainly defined calculations do a brief introduction, the most common application of this method, the number of production team based on the existing investment or production quota or indicators of the number of machinery and equipment that can be achieved, according to the schedule requirements to determine the flow of the beat of a one piece of clothing line:
t =
Where: Q - the engineering of a production segment;
P - a production segment of the amount of labor required or mechanical quantity;
S - units working days (TAIPAN) plan production;
R - the number of professional production team or mechanical Number of units;
1.2.2 clothing line, one-piece flow adjacent two of the production process in the step before and after the distance K is successively put into production interval of time known as the clothing line, one-piece flow step distance, the number of production processes is n, the clothing line, one-piece flow step distance is n-1. The clothing line, one-piece flow step has a great influence on the duration of the production segment is constant, the clothing line, one-piece flow step away from the smaller, the shorter the duration, and vice versa, usually at least one or half a work shift. Clothing line, one-piece flow step distance is relative to the terms of the same production period, and refers to the production process of the two adjacent intervals, clothing line, one-piece flow step distance should be determined to ensure the continuous operation of the production process, while as far as possible to meet the maximum lap time both before and after the production of the production process.
1.3 space parameters
1.3.1 Face Face is the space size of the normal operation of workers and machinery and equipment to meet the production target the Face size determines the number of workers can be placed in the production, mechanical specifications and quantity, at the same time, each worker or The face size required for each device depends on the amount of work completed per unit time. The face of each worker or each machine can not be less than the minimum face requirements otherwise not conducive to to play normal production efficiency, will also have an adverse impact on production safety.
1.3.2 Production number of segments m production segment number refers to a roughly equal amount in order to meet the needs of the clothing line, one-piece flow production, according to certain rules of production objects in the plane is divided into a number of engineering production section. Each production segment is supplied only within a certain period of time to a production process using divided generally following principles: first, the segment boundaries of production should be possible at the boundaries of the structure, or the structural integrity less affected site, such as temperature sew, settlement, etc.; Second, in the production workload should be roughly equal, the difference is generally no more than 10 ℅ -15 ℅; Third, the face of each production segment should meet the clothing line, a one piece of normal tissue stream job requirements, and can not be divided too much, so as not to extend the time limit.
1.3.3 the production the Floors production Floors is the segment of the production of the object in the vertical direction is divided. Production segments in order to facilitate the organization of production, only to be divided in the plane in the vertical direction, but also to divide the production layer, the division can be consistent with the structure layer may also be based on actual conditions, to be divided by a certain height.

2 clothing line, the one piece flow method
Working Methods of the clothing line, clothing line, one-piece flow segment general construction production, it is building in the plane is divided into a number of production areas, the organization of several professional production team continuously to complete the same work in the regional one-piece flow divided into the following two forms of work.
2.1 Fixed beats professional clothing line, one-piece flow fixed beat professional clothing line, one-piece flow less the amount of labor requirements of the production process, and calculated according to the number of major production process professional team in the clothing line, one-piece flow beat, and then based on this clothing pipelined one-piece flow beat determine the number of other production process professional team in and consider the production segment of the working face of factors to make the appropriate adjustments.
2.2 step exponentially beats the professional clothing line one piece flow due to face some of the different production process technology complexity of the different factors that affect the clothing line, one-piece flow beat a lot to do different production process same clothing line, one-piece flow beat is very difficult, but by reasonable arrangement, so that the same production process the production segment clothing line, one-piece flow beat equal can be done, this is equal step away from the exponentially beat clothing line one professional clothing line, one-piece flow operations piece flow, different production process of the clothing line, one-piece flow beat each equal, and are a constant multiple of, then each of the production process in accordance with their respective circumstances established a professional production team clothing line one piece flow production. The number of professional production team set up for each of the production process can be determined as follows:
bi =
Where: bi - production process i, the number of professional production team;
ti - clothing line, a one piece of the production process i stream beat;
K0 - the production process clothing line, one-piece flow beat the greatest common divisor.
The clothing line, one-piece flow production applications into full play and the use of production capacity makes building production sector and its subsidiary businesses, clothing line segment method, one-piece flow production method not only can be made good from the construction project itself micro economic effective, but is also very helpful for the improvement of macro interests of the entire building production industry.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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