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Cell Production

Cell production is a module of lean production. It is a contemporary production line set up one of the latest and most effective, and widely used in Japan as well as European and American companies. In this way makes small batch production line in the brutal environment of a variety of production is almost better than pipelining effect, so as the "invisible conveyor belt.

To understand the Cell of production, we must first understand "a stream". The so-called "one-flow" refers to the product in the production of each step only a semi. The "flow" is a logistics concept. Many plants there are "batch processing" and "bulk transfer" phenomenon. Batch sizes, the smallest Cell is "A". Such a logistics, called "a stream". Cell production is a production line set. Refers to the production line according to the process layout into a complete operating Cell, the operator in the Cell within the destination is "flow" of the job.

Cell production refers to a lean production methods, and by this means the company can be as small as possible the cost to manufacture a product range to meet customer needs. Cell production equipment and plant are arranged in a specific order, by this arrangement, materials and components can be minimal handling or delay to complete the process.

Cell production is the most important part of Lean Production, Lean Production is profitable to produce various products to meet customer requirements. Lean production by reducing the production of waste more advanced and more competitive company. Here refers to the additional waste especially in the production process, in the finished product is not embodied in any part of the slightest value.

Cell production derives its name from the word "CELL", lean manufacturing CELL manpower, equipment and workstations arranged press equipment in the production process, all of which are required in order to complete the process or processes for some. For example: if a particular product is needed before drilling and eventually completed cutting, CELL contains equipment to complete the arrangement in accordance with this order.


Short production cycle, which means fast delivery. Cell production delivery only fifth batch mode. The product switching time is short, quick the corresponding "emergency orders" to facilitate communication and quick response. "Inventory" convenient and accurate improve material control accuracy. Less semi-finished products to the manpower. Material control officer Blessed, the number of control handy, also accurate than bar codes. High production efficiency. Cell production at the position in the history of the development of lean production Cell production of "lean manufacturing" a growing awareness of the product. Early awareness of lean manufacturing is to stay on the "pull production". Think that, in order to achieve the goal of "zero inventory", requires careful analysis of the current situation, and use of existing resources, establish a set of "system", making the stock the smallest. However, the results of practice proved to do so little effect. So people gradually realized, is not enough to simply "existing conditions" Operations Research ". Must break the "existing conditions", that is, the real transformation of the site. Cell production embodies this spirit. Implementation Cell production companies, all in the layout, personnel training, material control, great changes occurred. Therefore, the Cell production to lean production into factories every cell improvement activities, lean production to a deeper level.

Cell production, the biggest advantage is the mobility, flexibility and re-increase Cell in high yield, low yield when reducing the Cell, in order to adapt to changing market demands.
A reduction in the production process quite consuming handling and wait
2. Shorten product delivery, which will meet the needs of the customer as soon as possible so that the company invested in products to be rewarded;
3 save the space of the plant, so that it can be used for other purpose of the added value;
By strengthening an effective solution to the problem of restricting the production of low inventory, enables the company to sustainable development.

CELL production as the company's employees you will also be helpful. Enhance the company's competitiveness will improve the reliability of your work. In addition, also the daily production work more smoothly:
1. Eliminate the overproduction confusion;
2. Reduce handling and control and deal with the problem of unnecessary time;
3. Reduce the need to complete the process steps;
4. Therefore delays caused by a more prominent because the machine;

Formation and Development

Cell production born out of the former Soviet Union, the mid-1950s by Julius Pa Mite Luo Where Ivanov group technology (Group Technology), Europe and the Celled States as early as in the late 1950s began to research, the 1960s application implementation. In Japan in the 1980s, began research in this area, but then the actual production use much, until the President of the Japan Hayakawa creatively in the the SONY a wide range of successful use, the situation was able to change. Immediately after Subsequently, NEC, Omron, Jialong, Panasonic have import Cell production to response to the multi-species, multi-batch, small batch, short delivery, customized, to update fast market demand morphology, cell production to become Japanese mainstream manufacturers competing advanced production methods.
1966 Dalian Machine Tool Plant in China, Chinese textile companies started manufacturing technology group, during the ten years of chaos "pause. In 1977, the former Ministry of Machine "Ten-Year Plan to promote the group technology, Changchun FAW and other companies have responded. With stationed in foreign plants, China in the late nineties of the last century has been found in the cell production applications. It is said that the 20th century mass production, mass consumption era, the 21st century is a small amount of production, diversification of the consumer era. The traditional assembly line production requires large-scale investment, suitable for mass production, flexible cell production, suitable for diversified production. The International Engineering Consortium has predicted that 70% of enterprises will have cell production in the future. Cell production will become a mainstream mode of production, one of the manufacturing sector.

Manufacturing technology and production methods is the competitiveness of industrial products based on the change in the mode of production to a large extent determine the conversion of the establishment of a national competitiveness and competitive advantage in different countries. American Industrial Revolution began in the late 19th century, mass production to the Celled States instead of the Celled Kingdom to become the world's manufacturing center; World War II, lean production to Japan only 50 years to complete the manufacturing industry in the Celled States to Japan transferred. Toyota Motor Corporation in 2004 fiscal first quarter net profit of U.S. General Motors and Ford combined. Savings over 40 years, Japanese car companies finally "lean production" to defeat the Detroit defeated the Detroit proud, high-volume production. Currently, China is facing the third great shift in global manufacturing. We have reason to expect more of the world manufacturing can bring about the transfer to China of a mode of production in succession on the basis of innovation.

The production model, in human history, there have been workshop-style single-piece production, Modern Taylor proposed the division of labor and piecework system based on scientific management methods, thus becoming the founder of the Manufacturing Engineering. Mr. Ford, American capitalists based on the learning curve, the division of labor and standard interchangeability theory, creatively T-car assembly line mass production of cheap, steady stream of conveyor belts, the entire plant, marking the birth of mass production . Successfully in the social context, due to significantly reduce costs, improve production efficiency of this mode of production than the prevailing artisans single piece production, this mode means greatly improve enterprise competitiveness. Since early in the industrial age, a company can only produce a product, customers do not really want to, but will still buy. Therefore, the mass production quickly when the countries have to learn the advanced mode. Produce a huge impact for the entire capitalist world, and directly change the work and life of ordinary workers, so that millions of people dream of car ownership becomes possible. Completion of the learning process, marking the first human mode of production converted the development of a standardized, universal, centralized mass production as the main feature, that is, from a single piece of small batch production, the formation of a social The large-scale production. Mass production to promote the industrialization process for society produced enormous material wealth, and promote the formation of a market economy.

With the development of information technology and other high-tech productivity greatly released. For human consumption has bid farewell to the era of mass consumption Celly into the consumer era of personalized fashion. Global economic integration has accelerated this trend, manufacturers must be oriented to the different needs of different countries, regions, race, creed, culture, and this needs changing, and the vendor's competitors are no longer limited to one city one place, but on the platform in the global competition. Now customer needs have become diversified even personalized, and requires only a specific type of product at a particular time. If your company can not effectively meet their wishes, they will choose your competitors. More and more product categories, increasing personalization and performance requirements, shorter and shorter life cycle of the product market and delivery time, increasing price and cost pressures have made the traditional mass production unable to cope with the emergence of a buyer's market that can not be predicted, the production-oriented mode of operation has long been quality and not quantity, not seeking refinement replaced by a more customer-oriented. At the same time, the rise of the supermarkets and the accompanying small and medium-volume, low-cost, personalized custom challenge traditional mass production. So people began to study and try a new mode of production - Cell mode of production. Cell production demand and variable production Cell mode of production combines the advantages of a single-piece production and mass production, reduce the high cost of single-piece production to avoid excessive rigidity of mass production. Stressed the autonomy of the self-similarity of the overall organizational structure of the enterprise Cell with the corporate goal of self-similarity emphasized self-discipline. Business Cell through the Celly of self-discipline and self-achieve efficient and flexible unified, better adapted to the many varieties, small batch, short delivery, the market demand for just-in-time form.

The end of 2003, the day of Japan's largest financial news agency Nikkei BP released his serial entitled "victory over the Chinese manufacturing enterprises - Japan five ace" widespread concern by the Japanese and Chinese manufacturing. The article quoted, still made a few examples of successful operations in the the Japan domestic manufacturing cold, wet economic environment to refute the assertion of the Japanese manufacturing to lose competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing. The five ace: cell production, customer response, product development, patented technology, the quality of the brand. The article that the Japanese plants to adapt to the many varieties, small batch, short delivery production capacity as well as personalized, stylish, high-end product design to win customers, order direct reason to stay in Japan. In fact less so, because of the many varieties of small batch production of multiple batches as many times as needed retooling or turn to pull, tools, spare parts must be replaced every time you change the product, re-enter the process table, these require manual work. Therefore change the more the number, the more cost-effective in the low labor costs in China. At the same time, the powerful trade union influence abroad to workers a person to learn several operating dry type of work, but not a raise, will be resisted by the unions. Chinese operator multi-master few technology is considered to be a rare opportCelly to make their own human capital appreciation, and more able to work implementing vulnerable to junior staff welcome. Foreign wages, high standard of labor and social security benefits, the barriers and high cost of layoffs, even if a country like Japan has a far-reaching cultural employment tenure, attrition will eventually be subject to customs and moral pressure. Cell production to be flexible allocation of human resources in China due to low wages, labor laws and regulations can not be completely run and easier to implement. Implementation Cell production more advantageous than that of Japan, China, is in China to overcome the trump card of the Japanese manufacturers.

In February 2005, has important influence in the country's social journal "South Wind" published an article entitled 'shocking' Canon the revolution 'article "This paper introduces the Canon Japan plant has implemented a Field shocking revolution in the mode of production, called the Cell production of this new mode of production, it is the achievements of the huge increase in the Canon profits and corporate social humane care. Canon assembly plant moved from China back to Japan is facing huge challenges of cost, in 2003, for example, the average monthly wage of Chinese workers for $ 126, the average monthly wages of Japanese workers is $ 3,737, which is the former 30 times. The total cost from 1998 to 2002, Canon in Japan, 66,000 feet of conveyor abandoned without brings a certain cost, coupled with increased costs in other aspects, the Canon production costs in Japan than in China greatly increased. However, from 1998 to 2003, the Cell production methods help Canon to reduce the 27,000 workforce, while improving labor productivity by 50%, saving the factory area of ​​720,000 square meters, making the Canon rented the warehouse for storage of parts and equipment the number was reduced from 37 to 8, cut $ 280 million in real estate costs. despite the price of Canon products in Japan than the Chinese production prices higher, but due to the variety of quality and performance advantages of the rapid growth in demand, profits greatly increased in July .2004, Japan, Canon announced that benefit from the huge demand for color copiers and digital cameras, as of June 30, a quarter of the profits growth of 30% to reach $ 3 billion, will Canon The side continued fifth year refresh profit record, play the role of cell production is huge in this profit growth.

Traditional mass production to the complexity of the production process, broken down into easy to grasp many processes, each worker only to complete a process, such workers very low cost of entry into the production process, while simple labor skills, with workers employers negotiating process is in a weak position, labor wages are depressed to a lower level, employers' production of the product phase for labor consumer purchasing power surplus of, resulting in the typical sense of the capitalist economic crisis. So I personally think that to solve this problem to adjust production way you can, do not need to adjust the relations of production before the Second World War, the capitalist economic crisis frequent and periodic outbreaks the period just mass production to lose ground in the widely used around the world, no difference in labor supply resulting in low wage levels, and eventually led to the demand and supply imbalance resulting in economic and social crisis and unrest American film "Modern Times", the workers work in mass production similar machines generally depicted as engaged in a simple boring repeated mechanical work where workers do not have to think, do not know how to think need only subconsciously work, working hours consumed the lives and livelihoods of the original meaning, hindered the play of the dynamic potential of the human vitality, workers in this mode of production, "forged" into "parts" or "local people", when the labor supply with lower wage levels, they face a large number of unemployed and change jobs due to low skills will not be able to complete the upgrade of the work, we can not fail to be deeply concerned about, these skills are extremely one-sided laborers of the country how to adapt to the changes in the world market the more globalization process of the world market in the future, and how those who know how to improve the energy competition, this pattern macro accumulate, that is, the Chinese economy as a whole competitive, more "staying power" of China's economic development. Problem deep thought, in fact it is also related to the combat effectiveness of the future military war. Increasing organic composition of modern war, increasing the role of weapons in the operation of weapons has a large number of "complete" workers will undoubtedly play a more powerful than the "parts". We know that many businesses in Japan draw combination of peacetime production of civilian goods, and production of military war, the transition is very fast. Similarly, for the workers into soldiers, and more able to work will undoubtedly tool than the single energy inherent advantages. In the face of Japan's Canon Revolution ", how should we respond? In fact, the question itself, on the express direction of the handling problems - we must be quickly added to the production methods change the tide of history.

The Cell production methods able to a large number of "single job" "local" or "parts" into "complete", it has the achievements of people, train people, to create the social significance of human society as a whole to provide a sufficient number of high-quality Comprehensive skilled workers, it is the blue-collar workers from traditional mass production freed, self-management the elastic strain thinkers decision makers and implementers, as a multi-skilled and high labor efficiency, with the employers to negotiate wage levels The more weight, while the high wages in the macro to create a demand and a market, slowing economic cycle shocks.

Cell production to achieve the goal we must do: one-piece production (one-piece-flow: a stream), multi-stage project, the level of production, abandoned transmission with easy to transfer the workload of each process operating mechanism import, export consistent U-shaped pull transformation; operator requirements, and more able to work to develop, implement walking around job; work instructions to establish standard operating procedures; human resources to achieve one less manufacturing Cell collective the the piecework system; production load for each process, production planning arrangements to implement several small amount of Levelized; implement each process segment the same tact time synchronization; reduce inventory, the implementation of rapid manufacturing small batches, in response to varieties order requirements, should be implemented quickly convert job. Space to implement classify products for the object, so that the processing and assembly of the various processes of the product occupies a closed workshop space, forming a production Cell process integration; production Cell with the planning, design and management functions, the abolition of the pyramid bureaucratic organizational structure, to take the flat management and reduce the loss of information transfer, the subject of functional integration in the organization; specialized equipment requirements, miniaturization; carry out TPM activities, the pursuit of the device zero fault. Work in progress to achieve a single production target flow production.

Cell production is a relatively easy to implement lean production methods, through which the company can be as small as possible the cost to manufacture a variety of products to meet customer needs. In the cell production, equipment and workstations are arranged in a specific order through this arrangement, materials and components can be smoothly with a minimum of handling and delays through the process. Cell production is an important part of the lean production methods.

Manpower, equipment, or is composed of the desired workstation in the process Cell of production, and their arrangement are according to the order of the devices and arrangements to meet the process. Arrangements and equipment will help the company to achieve single piece flow and flexible production in the same Cell.

Single piece flow refers to a state, in this state, the product once a complete process, and the rate is determined by the customer needs. Single piece flow operations conducive to fast shipping to customers to reduce the storage and transmission requirements to reduce the risk of being damaged, exposed the problem quickly in order to get attention.

Cell production can save unnecessary materials and intermediate assembly areas, and an implementation process and the quality of feedback provided for employees in the same Cell production line production environment. Cell production proven, it is not only to increase production efficiency and improve the adaptability of the production line for change.

Cell production companies more flexibility in customer demand for products. He can classify similar products using the same equipment, he also encouraged the company to reduce the time of the changeover, the type of product can be changed more frequently.

Factory converted into a Cell of production means less waste in the process and operating. The process is actually a continuous flow process, during this period, the changeover of the raw material through a series of to the finished. The focus of the process is that it is a material into the path of the final sale. Job workers or equipment, raw materials, WIP (semi-finished products) into all the activities of the finished product.

Production process Cell production by reducing costly transport and delay, shorten product delivery, saving factory space, so that it can be used for the purpose of other value-added, and by forcing the company to focus on addressing the problems of high inventory, to make the company more competitive.

Cell generated by strengthening the competitiveness of companies to help you to enhance the reliability of the work. It also makes the day-to-day operations of production more smoothly ─ ─ to remove the excess WIP (semi-finished products), to reduce the handling and consumption of various control and reduce the time required for walking, and strengthen eliminate the root causes of adverse and machine failures.

The Cell production methods can quickly adapt to changes in the ups and downs of the variety and quantity of market orders, market demand for variety of small quantities short delivery. Production Cell has a very distinct improvement to reduce inventory, shorten order lead times, many to implement Cell production transformation cases show the difference between the times before and after improvement Lead Time (demand-side procurement cycle). Cell production also achieved considerable gains in lower costs, reduce costs, ensure quality and increase productivity. Domestic labor-intensive industry is increasingly competitive, increasingly meager profits. These enterprises are in fact due to the backward mode of production led to wasteful amazing, huge room for improvement. A great need for the management of innovation, to import cell production and other production ways and means. Matsushita Electric Group factory nearly 90% of the Cell production methods, Canon, Sony in recent years have also introduced the cell production expected revenue. U.S. Dell cell pull (Cell-Production Cell production) is a good example. Dell to change the pipeline mode of production, the establishment of a flexible production line "production cell" - Cell as the core, so that the production model of the PC industry into order-driven, large-scale customized, greatly reduce product inventory . Cell production to meet the demand for custom users and special users have inherent advantages.

The zero inventory and just-in-time supply chain management, changes in production methods will give small and medium-sized suppliers of large companies pass pressure. Enterprise sooner the change, the more active. Ancients phrase: "Gou Nisshin new sun and the moon; Tianxingjian gentleman wish to self-improvement." It vigilance between heaven and earth is constantly changing, and I must Gou Nisshin, Japan Nisshin contingency actions in response to the current political situation changes, the changes in today business environment of large, fast, from non celecoxib than with counterparts . Fierce competition after China's accession to the WTO, enterprises are more domestic extend to the whole world, self-operating production can no longer maintaining the status quo, while the value, innovation, speed leather Bureau change response , because way since is comprehensively improve the competitiveness led to the production of innovative. The domestic pioneer has to make an example. Dongguan VTech Electronics Company produced 5,000 million in economic benefits in the first year of the introduction of Cell production. The Japanese, Korean and US-owned factories in China, the cell production is everywhere. The beauty of the Mass Customization flexible production lines, shorten the delivery cycle for two-thirds. Factory in China, many Japanese Korean series is doing my walk in the front, on the implementation of advanced production and domestic counterparts, manufacturers feel unprecedented competitive pressures. The changes implement Cell production requires a certain amount of investment, financial returns should be much larger than the inputs.

Cell production not only economic efficiency, social and environmental benefits. "Multi-job", "functional integration" process integration "and" synchronization "and" fewer people "employees the autonomy enhancements, the work is more challenging and a sense of responsibility, a sense of accomplishment, and enhance the work fun, reduce monotonic increase in the workers' well-being, so the Cell production methods have certain social improvements. Cell production to reduce inventory, handling waste, reduce material and energy consumption, but also to have some environmental benefits. Cell production in Japan known as the double-E (Ecology - environmental, Economy - Economic) mode of production.

The Toyota Production System, is a bottom-up bit by bit to improve the cumulative, more in line with the whole staff to improve the culture of the Japanese enterprises everywhere. Cell production is top-down leap conversion, more in line with the quality of front-line workers is not high enough, the catalyst for change by the elite national conditions. Toyota Production asymptotic improved quantitative to qualitative cell production by revolutionary mutation of the mode of production of the tangible and intangible waste transformed into corporate profits. For our long-term planned economy in a seller's market shortage of economic enterprises are accustomed to mass production extensive management businesses, the mode of cell production concepts, technologies, methods of Chinese enterprises move to intensive management, survival and development in a buyer's market to grow and has important practical significance.

A retro, anti-"the division theory". Adam Smith's division of labor theory, "division of the finer, the higher the efficiency, the more economies of scale can be obtained. The cell line is the opposite, so that the operator can work complicated.
2 smaller, less personified. A cell line only 4 to 6, the length of the line body 6 ~ 8m.
3 station canceled conveyors, manual handling or other simple methods (such as chute).
The 4 operator by "designed to work" transition to the "pluripotent work". And job rotation within the group to develop a "multi-skill" employees, and to enhance the flexibility of staff deployment.
5 mechanization and automation level is not high. The cell line is mainly manual work, the use of mechanical equipment when necessary. In order to fit the manual, the generally low degree of automation devices.

Three types of Cell production
1, the housing desktop
Definition: the house desktop Cell production line is an operator has a complete production line. The house desktop named from the workshop of a snack.
Practices: the end of the one
Production layout: U-shaped layout, you can shorten the employees went to the first step of the distance from the last process, reduce staff space go wasted.
Material flow: one-piece flow
Advantages: balanced 100%
Disadvantages: large investment in equipment; staff skill requirements

By rabbit style
Definition: Chasing Rabbit still uses one end of the job, but people have to share a production line, the job does not split process, but catch-me-operate.
Practices: the end of the one
The production layout: U layout
Material flow: one-piece flow
Advantages: less investment in equipment;
Disadvantages: line balancing is not high enough to do fast constrained to do slow operator; high operator skills requirements.

3, split
Definition: Chasing Rabbit is part gave up one end of the job, a complete process is completed by several operator.
Practices: worksession + mutual assistance
The production layout: U-type layout material flow: one-piece flow
Advantages: less investment in equipment; low skill requirements of employees;
Disadvantages: line balancing is not high enough.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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