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Lean Management

Lean management comes from lean production. Lean Production (LP - Lean Production) is at the Massachusetts institute of technology professor James p. womack experts such as through the international vehicle program (IMVP) ". Think Japan Toyota mode of production is one of the most suitable for modern manufacturing enterprise production organization and management mode.

In 1985, the IMVP organized an international research team, at a cost of $5 million, five years, 17 countries and regions all over the world (North America, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea, Mexico and China Taiwan, etc.) more than 90 car factory investigation and contrast analysis, and write a lot of research, finally published a book called "the machine to change the world", launched a in Japan's Toyota production way as the prototype of the "lean production" (lean production).

Lean management by the initial success in production system management practice, has been gradually extended to the various aspects of enterprise management business, from the initial specific business management methods, to rise to the concept of strategic management. It can through to improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, improve quality, speed up the process and improve the capital investment, to maximize shareholder value.

Lean thinking

Womack, Jones and Ruth (Womack, Jones&Roos, 1966) points out that in the "lean thinking", the so-called lean thinking, define enterprise production value is according to customer demand, according to the value stream to organize the production, all make to keep flowing, value creation activities, let the user the demand of products. Rather than push the product to the user, expose the hidden in the value stream of muda, constantly improve and perfect.

The connotation

Lean management requirements activities in the enterprise must use "Lean Thinking" (Lean Thinking). The core of "lean thinking" is with the minimum resource input, including manpower, equipment, funds, materials, time and space, create the value of as much as possible, to provide customers with new products and timely service.

The goal of lean management can be summarized as: enterprise in providing customers with satisfactory products and services at the same time, reduce the waste to a minimum. Waste a lot of enterprise production activities, common are: error - provide defective products or not satisfactory service; Backlog - because there was no demand and excess inventory backlog of; Excessive processing - actually don't need machining and program; Extra handling - move unnecessary items; Waiting for upstream of production activities can't wait for on time delivery of the goods or services; Redundant movement - staff unnecessary actions at work; Don't need to provide customer service and products. Efforts to eliminate the waste phenomenon is one of the most important content of lean management.


A. Determine the product by the customer value structure

1. The meaning of product value structure.

Product value structure of the product composition, proportion and the value of value flow, is a product provided by the various interests, expenditure and its proportional relationship and value realization. Value of the product structure is to determine the specific to a particular product provide those specific to customer interests and the interests of the each quantity; To determine the customers to buy products of all kinds of spending, the number of all kinds of spending; All kinds of interests, is a kind of what kind of connection between spending; All sorts of interests and expenses is according to what kind of process to realize the value of the product. Such as the general customers, carrefour supermarkets provide free plastic bags, sheng of metro, but how much do you charge for plastic bags. Suggesting that carrefour's interests to the general customers with sheng material plastic bags, metro, not to the general customers the interests. The reason for this is that two of the dealer is different target groups, carrefour in the face of the general customers, metro, mainly in the face of customer group.

2. Product value structure is determined by the customer.

In the current information under the background of society and economy, due to the high quality talents, low cost of information, advanced technology, mature management mode, the strength of the customer purchasing power and so on the external environment factors, enterprise have the economic conditions meet the demand of customer diversified society. The focus of enterprise competition is how to take advantage of the scale of the industrial society and information society's low cost advantage, to meet the personalized requirements of customers. At that time, the value of the product structure is to determine by the customer. , of course, under the condition of social economy, the enterprise because of economic constraints, mostly is the enterprise to provide a list of values, within the scope of the listing, determine product by the customer value structure. Lean management is the starting point of the product value structure, value structure can only be defined by the final customer, the value structure and only by the specific price, can meet customer demand during a certain period of time of a specific product (goods or services, which often is a product of both goods and services) to express makes sense.

2. Change "to move" to "one-piece flow,"

1, to the concept of mobile and single piece flow.

To move is the bulk of products in all the work of processing, and according to the process of batch after the move work. To move from batch, batch production is periodically to the intensive production of several products. Under the condition of batch production, repetitive production, less varieties of products, the output of each product is more, form many kinds of periodic characteristics of the intensive production.

Single piece flow is in the products one by one according to the process by each work process, and continuous motion, namely, according to the working procedure will work site, reasonable configuration, equipment (operation station) is generally divided into several working segments, product work in each period of production, the parts one by one through a variety of processing, mobile work, not a batch of a batch processing, mobile, each working procedure, at most, only a work-in-progress or finished products. In each working segments from start to finish production before, no packaging products fields and is placed into the box in homework. Homework personnel follow the products from the area of the first process to the last process is the homework personnel operation.

2. Move the "batch" to "one-piece flow".

In fact if the product from raw materials to finished products according to the process of continuous to production of words, namely single piece flow, work better and more effective. In single piece flow, because in each section of each working procedure link together and finish a wip process before, you can immediately "flow" to the next working procedure to continue processing, so almost no handling distance between processes, also does not have the products, so can reduce the wip, also follow to reduce the production space. Adverse event, can be found immediately, and which is easily identified by the machine, which one of the operators. This helps to eliminate defective products. More important is greatly shorten the production cycle, to meet changing market needs. Because don't have to place each device separately set population and export place, space and save a lot of.

3. Production pull by the customer

1. Push and pull production.

Push production is planning department according to market demand, according to the product listing of required parts of the specification and quantity calculation, requirements for each parts and production lead time of each production stage (Leadtime), identify each components of the input and output plan, according to plan production and ordering instructions.

In push production, each production workshop is scheduled to produce parts that will be completed actual situation feedback to the production planning department, and will finish machining parts to next process or downstream production workshop, ignored the procedure, and the downstream production workshop at that time if you need. In this way the logistics and information flow is basically. Process before the whole process as before () back () after the process, so this way is called the Push type (Push) method.

Pull the word the most simple mean, before the downstream customer request (or process), the upstream enterprise (or process) cannot be products or provide services. Pull production is based on market demand, determined by the market demand information, product assembly and pulled by product assembly parts processing. Each working procedure, each workshop according to the need to step forward, upstream workshop put forward demand, a work order; The upstream process, workshop production according to these instructions completely. Logistics and information flow are combined. ) (after the whole process of from the process (process) before pulling forward, so this way is called pull (Pul1) method.

2. Production driven by customer demand.

USES the pull system can truly achieve on-demand production. If every working procedure, according to the requirement of the next working procedure at the appropriate time, according to the need of variety and quantity production, would not have happened without need of parts produced. Once had when customers need to design and arrange the production and the ability to produce the customer really need the product, means that the enterprises can throw sales forecast, according to the actual requirements of production customers directly. That is to say, the enterprise can make products according to customer demand production, rather than the products often don't want to push hard for the customer. When customers know they can get what they want, and, when producers stop sale activities regularly, no longer to have produced no one to sell products, the demand of customers becomes much more stable.

4. Eliminate the muda of industrial value chain

Lean management must beyond the category of individual enterprises, to check all necessary to produce a specific product industry. These activities include details from conception through design to the actual products, available from start selling after receiving orders, planning production to delivery, as well as the production of raw materials from a far country to all the products to your customers. Formation of lean enterprise does need new ways to think about the relationship between enterprise and enterprise, between need some simple principles to standardize enterprise behavior, as well as the improvement of all along the industrial value chain link.

1, the concept of industry value chain.

Industry is the industry value chain from raw material to sales around some or certain kinds of products of all value added, which is formed by the enterprise that is starting from the supply of raw materials, after different enterprises in the value chain of manufacturing, assembly, distribution, etc. Process until to the end user is one of the value chain. Material on the value chain for processing, packaging, transportation process and increase its value, benefit related enterprises.

2. To eliminate muda in the industry value chain.

Based on the analysis of each product (or products) of the industry value chain typically expose a lot of, the complexity of the mu - da. Muda in muda and enterprise in the industry value chain, it can be divided into two categories: (1) there are a lot of activity does not create value, but under the condition of existing technology and production is inevitable, such as in order to ensure the quality of welding place to test; Fly from Qingdao to dunhuang to additional trip to xi 'an turnaround for type 1 (muda). 2 there are many do not create value and can immediately remove the steps (type ii muda).

Muda industry value chain is very much actually, common has the following kinds:

(1) inventory muda. Because there is no form of information sharing between upstream and downstream enterprises, as well as the relatively independent of the production plan, lead to the upstream enterprise products sold will not be able to timely, due to inventory muda.

2 excessive machining allowance muda. Such as interpretation of 4.5 a pratt &whitney industry value chain, due to closed of the information of material provided by the upstream to the downstream enterprises have much machining allowance, resulting in a waste of the materials and manufactured.

(3) the value chain "batch" model in the cause of premature, excessive production, and the resulting inventory muda.

3. The coke industry value chain.

(4) the muda in circulation. Due to not form a good combination between businesses, circulation of inefficient circulation muda. To implement lean management, we should follow to eliminate muda this principle of industrial value chain.

5. Lean management to bring the benefits of enterprise

For manufacturing enterprises, in the following areas there have been countless practice proved to be effective: inventory reductions and shorten production cycle, quality stability, a variety of resources (energy, space, material and human), etc. The use of more efficient, all kinds of waste reduction, lower production costs, profits increase. At the same time, employee morale, enterprise culture, leadership, production technology is improved in implementation, finally enhance the competitiveness of the enterprises. For service-oriented enterprise, improve enterprise internal process efficiency and achieve rapid response to its customers' needs, can shorten the shorten time come from customer requirements to implementation process, greatly improving the customer satisfaction, thus stable and continuously expand the market share.

6. Lean management of the implementation of the enterprise in China

Implementing lean management mode, to promote China's enterprise reform has very important significance. First, lean management is conducive to implement two fundamental shift. On the one hand, the starting point of lean management is emphasis on customer value and customer driven, and the market economy is the basic power of the user's demand, on the other hand, the extensive and intensive is the most essential difference is that minimizes all forms of waste, reasonable use of social resources, improve the overall efficiency of national economy. Second, lean camp reason is conducive to the reform of the enterprise operation mode. In state-owned enterprises, serious waste phenomenon, the product development cycle is long, the success rate is low, the production process of too much inventory, backlog of goods, cause money precipitation. Using lean management will help enterprises to reform the original method, operating mode, eliminate waste, to make it work. Third, strategy implementation of the lean management is advantageous to the enterprise group, the development of enterprise group is an important strategy of reform of state-owned enterprises, enterprise groups, often is in the production process by the formation, middle and downstream of a group of enterprises, if the use of lean management in the enterprise group, is to make every enterprise cooperation relationship more harmonious, more tightly, make every enterprise to reduce inventory, improve the efficiency of capital, social resources waste will be greatly reduced.

Chinese enterprises to the use of lean management is in its infancy, at present, the implementation of lean management mode, the need to clear the following questions:

1. The concept of innovation, set up the ideas of lean.

Some enterprises in China too much emphasis on expanding the scale of production, the introduction of foreign advanced technology equipment, one-sided pursuit of high automation and high production efficiency, without considering the whole production process and demand balance, heavy technology, light management phenomenon also is common. Innovation concept. Lean consciousness, the enterprise can save to curb waste, improve fund use efficiency, increase competition ability.

2. To strengthen the study and research of lean thinking.

Lean thinking is the core of lean management. Western countries have built demonstration center, promotion of lean management. Lean management is new to many Chinese companies, government and society should actively guide enterprises, encourage enterprises to apply lean management method, build lean enterprise research center and demonstration center, training seminar, taught lean management, make enterprise oneself circumstance, shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of lean thinking improvement and change activities.

3. The implementation of lean management mode should be step by step.

Lean management is not all the enterprise management activity, it should be coordinated with other management activities of enterprises, at the same time, the objective environment of different enterprises of different industries, business management is suitable approaches are inconsistent. Lean management is a good model for management of production, the specific implementation to adjust measures to local conditions. Only every enterprise has its own principles of "lean", it didn't really get the essence of lean management.


1. The optimization goal

To take advantage of the lean warehousing center operation of waste management to solve the problem, so as to realize the working state of on time, fast, achieves the information management level; To formulate the optimization goal as follows.

2. The principle of optimization

To customer demand as the center. Is a driving force in the production of customer demand, is the starting point of the value stream. To drive the flow of value depends on downstream customers, rather than relying on upstream production. When the customer didn't send out demand instruction, any part of the upper are not provide services; When customer demand after the issue of the instructions upstream should provide services quickly.

On time. Electronic information ensures that information flows quickly and accurately; Also can effectively reduce the redundant information and reduce work link, eliminate the operation delay. Goods in circulation can smooth, rhythmic movement is the goal of warehousing center management. And the key to ensure the smooth flow of goods is punctual. Warehousing operations is as important as rapid, on time and ensure goods flow in the each link to complete the necessary conditions at the lowest cost, is also one of the important aspects to meet customer requirements.

Accurate. Accurate information transmission, accurate inventory, accurate customer demand forecast, accurate delivery quantity... Accuracy is one of the important conditions to ensure the lean warehousing.

Fast. The embodiment of the competitive advantage, including customer requirements reflect the speed and goods circulation speed. The former depends on the storage system function and process. When a customer requirements, the system should be able to on customer demand for quick recognition, classification, and worked out with the customer requirements that meet the needs of operation scheme. Nodes at least which include homework, flow path, shortest storage time to the most reasonable, and can meet the system requirements rapidly.

Reduce costs and improve efficiency. Warehousing center through the rational allocation of resources, basic to DingChan, sufficient and reasonable use of advantages and strength; Through the electronic flow of information, rapid response, and just-in-time production, to eliminate such as facilities so, staff redundancy, delayed operation and waste of resources, ensure the low cost of warehouse management.

System integration. Storage system is made up of resource, information flow and can realize "lean" system of decision rules. Lean warehousing system is the basis of the allocation of resources for best; Allocation of resources include: equipment sharing, information sharing, Shared interests... Only in this way can the most fully reflect advantages and strength, the reasonable use of these resources, eliminate waste, provide high-quality service to meet customer requirements.

Information technology. Warehouse management is a complicated systematic project, involving a large number of complex information. Electronic information transmission, storage and statistics. In addition, the traditional warehousing homework is not within the logistics industry to adapt to globalization, knowledge-based competition, must implement the information electronically, improving traditional business project, finally find a traditional logistics industry and new economy, provide value-added logistics services.

3. The optimization idea to optimize storage operation management is to eliminate the warehouse operation process in a variety of waste, arrange the work plan, the implementation of the work, find work, work to correct shortcomings, to achieve continuous improvement.

4. Optimization method

According to the above ideas, searchable to waste. The next step is how to carry out specific optimization.

Specific optimization implementation is to establish a resource allocation system, the process instruction, operational data storage, information system integration.

5. Optimize the process

According to the optimization methods described above, design the specific process as shown in figure 3.

6. Evaluation will be optimized storage assignment optimization results applied to warehousing center, the indicators had obvious change before and after optimization.

Lean management was used to optimize warehousing center operation has obvious effect, not only improve the efficiency of a/warehousing, eliminates the unnecessary waste of resources, more greatly improved the warehouse keeper's work enthusiasm, to create the value of the intangible, and improved the information level of management.

The cost control

Tenneco (Tenneco automotive companies in the United States is the world's leading automotive suspension system and exhaust system and product manufacturers and suppliers, with more than 18000 employees worldwide, more than 80 manufacturing plants and 14 r&d center, spread over more than one hundred countries. In Shanghai tenneco China as a regional headquarters, manages five joint venture and a wholly owned company of China and China technology center, tenneco LingChuan (chongqing) exhaust system co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "tenneco LingChuan") is one of the representative enterprises, it is composed of tenneco and chengdu LingChuan established special industrial co., LTD., is a professional design, development, production and sale of automotive exhaust system of the joint venture company.

"Tenneco LingChuan business in chongqing for 4 years, revenue growth from an initial $5 million to the present more than 1500 dollars. Can constantly to win in the increasingly competitive market, the cost control is a top priority in all our work." Tenneco PangXueFeng LingChuan general manager says, "from the fierce competition, it seems, raw material costs can again falling almost no space. So the tenneco LingChuan now consider more is to reduce cost in logistics management and other."

As a emphasis on lean management of the foreign capital company, tenneco is very pay attention to control in the production of seven types of waste, including excessive production, factory seconds and unnecessary inventory, improper process, transport, too much waiting, unnecessary action, etc., enterprise want to in business activities in the whole process, minimizing waste.

Therefore, tenneco's global headquarters to the subordinate every company issued, assessment index margin, sales, net income, per capita sales, cost, the new project status and so on many contents, and demanded that the company's gross margin must remain above 15%. In order to achieve a 15% gross margin, tenneco LingChuan need to report to the Asia Pacific headquarters of the 12 indicators, breaks down into each department, derived from more than 100 indicators. Through this more than 100 indicators, tenneco LingChuan will fell on feet, cost management of purchasing, inventory, production, sales, human has carried on the comprehensive control.

Under the guidance of lean management thoughts, tenneco LingChuan will unique "3 + 1" program management system into the kingdee K / 3 ERP system. Tenneco LingChuan plan management system of "3" to form a month, week, day three decomposition, including the monthly import data plan and material plan, weekly preparation plan, production plan and material delivery plan every day.

Tenneco LingChuan by master production plan (MPS) operation, in the purchase link, tenneco LingChuan through procurement management module to optimize the procurement process, combining with the system of price management functions, the procurement costs to form the effective control. Supplier can be according to tenneco LingChuan stock plan to arrange the production, will be used as raw material of the parts in the tenneco LingChuan designated logistics center, to meet the production requirements of tenneco LingChuan. At the same time, suppliers can also according to the tenneco LingChuan day production plan and material delivery plan to guide the production and delivery of a day. Complete plan management system make the tenneco LingChuan raw material inventory reserves is very reasonable, effectively reduces the logistics cost of supply chain. "Through real-time and efficient planning system, material inventory turnover rate has dropped to within a day." PangXueFeng thinks, "zero inventory" management greatly reducing inventory and production costs, make enterprise logistics, and production plan to adapt to the change of more capable, more controllable, can meet the enterprise lean management based on logistics, production management need.

At the same time, in order to speed up the data collaboration between with oems, tenneco LingChuan in kingdee will be fully enabled with changan ford company with the help of the EDI (electronic data interchange) interface, used with ford's production plan and logistics information, production data interaction. The use of the data interface, make the tenneco LingChuan ford export order plan from an average of 1 hour time shortened to a few minutes, significantly improve the timeliness and accuracy of the data, reduce the operating costs.

Since then, tenneco LingChuan according to production site management model, realize electronic kanban management. In kingdee K / 3 erp system, any changes occurred in the process, according to an electronic bulletin board to set the refresh frequency and update the data. Through electronic kanban, can real-time monitoring business processes, speed up the production site logistics flow, monitoring the quality of the products, and can generate a certain period of time the product percent of pass and defective rate [4-5] indicators, for production planning and assessment of cost effective data information.

Combined with the goal of lean management, tenneco LingChuan personalized set up standard cost system. At the standard cost in the system as a source of data for inventory valuation, and accounting treatment, all classes of business cost are according to the standard cost in the other subjects, differences directly recorded in the profits and losses of the current period, and can be based on the enterprise actual needs flexible definition standard cost of the project. At the same time, the system can provide the standard cost accounting and standard cost management application of two levels, the implementation of standard cost and actual cost of the project variance analysis, as indicator of enterprise cost control, the various differences in [6-8] step to find out the reason for the difference between the formation and the responsibility, the management will then take corresponding measures to realize the effective control of the cost difference, improve the level of enterprise's cost management.

At present, tenneco LingChuan costing accuracy above 98%. In PangXueFeng office computer interface, a data graph clearly outlined the month and profit trend chart in recent months, gross margin fluctuation trend clear. As the cost management system online, tenneco LingChuan implements the scientific and efficient production, management, cost management, according to these information, PangXueFeng can timely know what need to improve, what measures need to adhere to, to achieve the managerial goal of a 15% gross margin to guide decision making.

An overview of the

As mass production manufacturing in the 20th century is a landmark achievement, lean production is considered to be the 21st century the most advanced business management pattern. The emphasis with less manpower, less space, less investment and less time, meet customer requirements of the business management method, make its pioneering company Toyota to become the industry leader, also benefit all of the later introduction of the mode of Chinese and foreign enterprises. The enterprise implements the management of giant leap, in the case of ascension or maintain customer satisfaction, only half of the money and manpower. And lean mode for the benefit of the enterprise, also is not limited to the specific financial Numbers, it from the following five aspects: overall improve enterprise core competitiveness:

1) reduce the cost

2) improve the quality

3) to shorten the delivery time

4) improve security

5) boost morale

By the American association of lean production for more than 1000 to implement the lean production mode of enterprise survey data show that directly save costs more than $20. In great wits consulting cooperation of customers, many enterprises in the five aspects of average level. According to the survey of the consulting services of past customer's wisdom, and the average for these clients on these measures.


Lean management is to:

1. "essence", less investment and less consumption of resources, less time, especially to reduce the non-renewable resources investment and cost, high quality.

2. The "good" - output more economic benefits, achieve the goal of enterprise to upgrade. More, strive for perfection.

Lean enterprise was founded in the concept of Toyota (Toyota) Taiichi Ohno (Taiichi Ohno) implements the real-time production (Just - in - Time, JIT) concept, its core is the enterprise of production and other operating activities to eradicate waste phenomenon.

In the past, lean thinking is often understood as a simple eliminating waste, characterized by many enterprises advocate saving in production, improve efficiency, to cancel (JIT) inventory, reducing staff, process reengineering, etc. But this is only request "to do things correctly", is a kind of one-sided and risk point of view. Now lean thinking, not only to focus on eliminating waste, but also to create value as the goal "do the right thing". Sum up, under the goal of lean thinking is to create value continuously eliminate waste.

Enterprises under the background of globalization is facing growing competition situation, to lean enterprise reform has become a development trend.

BPM and lean management

Traditional ideas of lean management represents a beautiful blueprint for the enterprise, while BPM to implement lean management provides a good way.

Lean production LP

(Lean Production) of the core idea is to eliminate all waste, pursue perfect, called a "world-class manufacturing technology at the core of". Lean production mode is not only reflected in the advantages of manufacturing system, also rise to product development, coordination, marketing network, and each respects such as management, rise to lean management, it will become the 21st century global standard enterprise management system.

Business process management (BPM) is one of the main melody of the final output (both physical products and intangible services) have better consistency and stability, it is more able to meet the requirements of on-demand production and consumption rationally improve the high level requirements for products and services. Lean on manufacturing processes, and business process management on business processes, in terms of the BPM is the lean business process, in pursuit of lean management and the goal of BPM is consistent.

BPM implementation process accurately

Lean production using just-in-time production, zero inventory, a flow of advanced production management methods, production and automation to improve the management level of enterprises. BPM emphasize quantitative process performance goals, there is no quantitative is not accurate.

To assess the performance of a business process is good or bad, not only by feeling and impression. Process indicators is the objective measure of performance appraisal process, it is the process of precision. Process is the most commonly used process index and the running period of business activity (Lead time), to complete a particular process or business activities, the time required for the cycle. Such as packing in the shipment process pipe and transportation on time rate, etc.

The goal of BPM implementation management excellence

Lean management emphasizes "very on time" and "production" as required, it requires that the production process each link cohesion of just-in-time, no unnecessary pause and inventory and logistics according to the user's quality, quantity, and delivery time for production. Just-in-time production by the improvement of the logistics and information flow of production process. Customers want is: fast, accurate, cheap and easy. Requirements of lean management is to achieve the fastest speed, the optimal amount on time, cost, service and thoughtful. Same BPM take the pursuit of excellence management goal as the center, in the constant improvement of product quality, cost and service aspects.

BPM and have the same pursuit of excellence management, such as the minimum inventory, the shortest production cycle, the most reasonable resource utilization, the highest productivity, the lowest production cost, accurate date of delivery, the strongest market adaptability and so on. The excellence in BPM solution management is design, simulation, and measurable. BPM sustained activity, through constant change, the pursuit of excellence.

But after the lean transformation of enterprise found that lean production is that there is no way one pace reachs the designated position, the improvement of the lean is never-ending. Although BPM established excellence, measurable process goals, but it is also a continuous improvement of the closed loop management.

BPM is the height of the team management

Lean management emphasizes the role of team in the management, the staff of the wisdom and creativity as the precious wealth, and the future development of the enterprise's driving force; All methods of lean management, finally to by all staff and Labour. Team work principle is to achieve the goal of organization. Thought team execution of work from its new understanding, the role of people in the enterprise group to execution of work inherit the doctrine of the mean thought of Oriental culture, which emphasizes the everyone's enthusiasm and creativity, and team spirit, let a worker involvement in corporate affairs, training staff to enterprise's loyalty, the worker interests and corporate interests closely unifies in together, this is the spiritual pillar of success team execution of work.

BPM has realized the transition from traditional function oriented management for process management. New enterprise concept emphasizes the process and the whole, the key is to allow employees to set up the process view, and according to the business process to enterprise management and operation. After completion of each role in the business process in BPM is often the original management area of outstanding personnel, they will become the core of the new project, new process line. BPM through each stage of life cycle, and establishes the target analysis of the whole process, standardization, standardization of design, automation and monitoring, implementation of team assessment for the unit with the process, the entire team to break the barrier of the departments in the interests of the whole process of efficient enterprises.

BPM implementation of the customer is supreme management mode

Lean management thinks that enterprises in order to maintain and expand market share, has a stable sales channels and customers, to ensure product quality and technical content, must have a relatively stable supplier of raw materials and accessories and collaboration. Companies with its sales agents, the relationship between customers and suppliers, is no longer simply a business object, but the partnership benefit sharing, this is a major change in modern management concepts.

BPM by setting and directly related to the process of customer as key process, and will cost, service, quality, and time is set as the core index, deploying corresponding solutions, to achieve the customer is supreme management pattern, the unified the enterprise target customers interests and corporate interests, to truly achieve customer-focused way of operating.

Main content and features

Lean management is a summary of the Toyota mode of production and ascend, represents in many areas of industry and rich practical experience and profound management thought. The essence of lean management is through the elimination of all forms of waste, improve efficiency of the value stream. The author thinks that the main content of the lean management include at least:

1) the definition of waste and detest attitude: in addition to the manufacturing sector are familiar classical 7 kinds of waste, still widespread application in the enterprise business activities such as communication barriers, architecture, rigid, direction of conflicts, errors, tools, fault and useless information, waiting for knowledge, abandoned, premature Settings, human resources, and labor skills, etc. All forms of waste.

2) lean enterprise culture: standing in the customer side of corporate activities, strive to improve the efficiency of the value stream; Out of labor and capital, the enterprise internal establish real team; Team employees enthusiastic pursuit of perfection, continuous improvement, excellence concepts central to everyone's mind.

3) the operation of the just-in-time (JIT) : at the right time the appropriate site provides appropriate amount of a product or service, and with the least amount of resources. Do act as tuotu, quiet as a pussy. According to the needs of the customers timely to provide appropriate products and services, no early not late just right. Enterprise standard of process but not rigid, internal processes can change due to market changes, more sensitive and rapid response to the market.

4) business process automation, enterprise operating mechanism is designed to automatically identify abnormalities, prompt anomaly, suspend operations when necessary. Especially in all kinds of major decision-making processes, such as enterprise strategy, the adjustment of the operating system and setting up the process, from the perspective of a checks and balances should include risk assessment and prevention system and emergency plans and measures.

5) fool proof system: various operations, processes, system can effectively prevent all kinds of low-level error prone, reduce all kinds of quality accidents and security incidents.

6) enterprise operation "pull" idea: enterprise to the market reaction and customer demand as the guidance, the enterprise internal establish rapid response to market demand and stimulating mechanism. Enterprise's development and the operation is not administrative life as characteristic, but pay more attention to human nature management, in a "boot" rather than "push" way to lead and improve staff toward the direction of development.

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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