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Kanban System

Kanban management, often as "Kanban management" (from the Japanese "kanban" カソバ ン, Japanese Roman spelling: Kanban), is the Toyota Production System, an important concept, refers to in order to achieve timely production (JIT) manner to control on-site production process of the tool. Timely production methods pull (Pull) production system may be shortened, so that the flow of information and with the quantitative, the fixed loading containers, etc., in the production process of the material flow smoothly.

Billboard system often plastic or paper sheet, the product name and quantity of written thereon, so named. Timely Kanban production methods in the production line is divided into two categories: receiving Kanban and production Kanban, aims to convey the message: "what, when and how much to produce quantity, of the mode of production, handling".

Billboards specific information including: part number, product name, manufacturer's serial number, in the form of the container vessel capacity issued the kanban ID, move to a location, part appearance.

Kanban management functions

(1) The production and delivery of work instructions
KANBAN record production volume, time, method, order, and volume of shipping, delivery time, shipping destination, place the place, handling tools and information, successive forward step retrospectively from the assembly process, the parts on the assembly line used with the Kanban removed in order to go before the process to receive. Process after receiving "and" JIT production is achieved through KANBAN.
(2) to prevent overproduction and excess transporting
The KANBAN must be used in accordance with the established rules of use. One rule: "no KANBAN can not be produced, it can not be shipped." According to this rule, KANBAN reduce the number of production accordingly. KANBAN represented just the necessary amount, and can do so by KANBAN use automatically prevent excessive amount of production, and transportation.
(3) visual management tools
Rules the KANBAN of another use: "KANBAN must be stored on the in-kind", "before the process according to the order in which they are removed KANBAN production. According to this rule, the priority of the job site management of production must be clearly visible and easy to manage. Kanban can know that after the process of job progress, inventory, and so on.
(4) improved tools
JIT production, reduced by the steady decline in the number of KANBAN store in the middle of the products. Under normal circumstances, if the in-process inventory, even if the device fails, the increase in the number of defective products and will not affect the production after the procedure, so easy to conceal. And even personnel surplus imperceptible. Defective products can not be sent after the process based on the the KANBAN use one of the rules ", after the process required can not be met, will result in the lay-off across the board, thus the problem immediately exposed, which must be taken immediately to improve measures to solve problems. So by improving the activities not only make the problem has been resolved. The "constitution" of the production line is also growing, has brought an increase in productivity. The JIT production target to the ultimate realization of storage production system, and the KANBAN provide the tools that a move in this direction.

KANBAN operational processes

1, when the station exception (equipment, quality, materials, engineering, etc.), the operator presses the alarm button;
2, the related responsible for personnel (QC, materials, machine repair, etc.) through the PC received abnormal working bit system automatically records abnormal alarm point in time, at the same time on the computer screen or LED signage display abnormal working-bit information and alarm chronograph starts, and Play a voice reminder.
3, responsible response to reach the scene when the press began processing button, the system automatically records the response time point, the screen displays the station processing in;
Responsible after processing, press the handle end of the button, the system automatically records the processing end time point to eliminate the corresponding alarm message on the screen.

KANBAN Kanban classification

Products KANBAN (production card): (1) processes within KANBAN () signal KANBAN; must record the follow-up process production and ordering of the types and quantities of parts, components.
Receive KANBAN (withdrawal card): (1) process between KANBAN (2) Foreign orders KANBAN; follow-up process should be documented before the process to receive parts, components, types and quantity.

KANBAN Kanban use

1, the process Kanban. The most important point of the use of the method of the processes within the Kanban must with the kind, that is to move with the product. Take off within kanban process hanging in the product after the process to receive, and then hang up the receiving processes Kanban away; number of production processes and then follow the order in which the billboards are picked these billboards; if Abstract under the kanban quantity becomes zero, stop production. On a production line, whether it is the production of a single species or multi-species, according to this method, the provisions of the order and quantity of production, to neither delay will not produce excessive storage. This can also be seen, why is the prerequisite for the production of timely and appropriate production equalization.
2, the signal kanban. Kanban signals linked to mass produce products. Picked Kanban, reduce the number of batch production to the reference number and sent back to the production process, and production processes to begin production in accordance with the instructions of the billboards.
3, in-process kanban. Process between the billboards hanging in the front parts of the process leading to the box, when the parts are used to remove the billboards, on the set jobsites Kanban bins. Process between Kanban Kanban bins represented: the part has been used, please add ". Site management staff to timing recovery Kanban, pooled and then distributed to the respective former process, in order to receive the supplemental parts.
External ordering kanban. The external ordering kanban picked and recycling processes Kanban is basically the same. Recycling separately after collaborating manufacturers, and other collaborating manufacturers to shipping them back, to become the plant next production production instructions. So, in this case, the billboards are picked, the purchase of the batch will be delayed at least back. Therefore, you need to be issued in accordance with the number of delayed return the corresponding number of kanban. Thus, although the time-to-delivery time, Kanban recovery time and the start time of the next production between both the time difference, but as long as strict compliance with the time interval, will be able to be done in accordance with the "just in time" cycle.

Kanban (ie the process Kanban and external signage) recycling process or redistribute collaborative manufacturers, its workload sometimes great factory of Toyota Motor Corporation, has specialized signage distribution chamber, the information on the billboards with a bar code to represent, and then use the computer to distinguish.

KANBAN Kanban characteristics

(1) between the internal step, using the fixed format of the card according to the rhythm of its own production by the next link in the reverse upward link delivery requirements, the upper link promptly organized according to the specified on the card supply, varieties supplier. For party time, synchronized supply of goods to the demand, the smooth workflow, not goods stagnation and goods shortage occurred.
(2) The the Kanban way the application, minimize inventory, any work only with "kanban" to receive parts from the last procedure, in order to supplement the shortage of parts in the next process removed, so that the use of Kanban turnover passed the occupation of parts can be reduced to a minimum, in order to achieve "zero inventory".
(3) Kanban approach emphasizes collaboration and close coordination between the various departments, especially every time and the number of effective convergence between the upper and lower procedure, lack of it "kanban" will not work correctly.

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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