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Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma, shorthand for the LSS, is the combination of Lean production and Six Sigma management, its essence is to eliminate waste. Lean six sigma management is the purpose of through the integration of lean production and six sigma management, absorb the advantage of the two kinds of mode of production, and make up the lack of a single mode of production, achieve a better management effect. Lean six sigma is not simple addition of lean production and six sigma, but complement each other, organic combination of both.

According to the scope, will solve the problem by lean six sigma consists of lean production and six sigma management. Depending on the complexity of the lean six sigma to solve specific problems and use tools, we put the lean six sigma activities into lean improvement and lean six sigma project activities, including lean improvement activities all adopt the lean production theory and method, it solves the main is a simple question. Lean six sigma project activities mainly aimed at the complicated problem, need to put the philosophy of lean production and six sigma, methods, and tools.

Traditional six sigma project is mainly to solve complex problems related to the variation, such as control of a process of products, a pass rate; And lean six sigma project to solve the problems including not only traditional six sigma to solve the problem, and to solve those related to variation, efficiency "comprehensive" complex problems, such as not only a process to control a pass rate of products, but also optimize the whole production process, simplify some action, shorten the production lead time, and simplify the movements are controlled and process variation has a direct link.

By implementing lean six sigma, the organization process will receive benefits in the following areas:

Decrease in transformation of business processes, improve process capability and stability, improve the process or product robustness;

Reduce the wip, reduce inventory, reduce cost;

Shorten the production time, shorten production preparation time, quickly and accurately understand and response to customer needs;

Improve the facilities layout, reduce production footprint, effective use of resources;

Improve customer satisfaction, increase market share.

Value proposition

Lean six sigma deployment (LSS) is a company within the scope of the strategy, such as to improve productivity, to reduce the PPM, shorten delivery cycle, etc aspects of a breakthrough. If used correctly, can promote lean improvement method on schedule delivery, at the same time, make money, make bad process cost (COPF) fell by 75% to 90%. Six sigma quality improvement to enhance customer satisfaction, at the same time, the poor quality (COPQ) cost from the total sales of 20% to 20% or lower. Other competitive advantages include product delivery time reduced from 50% to 80%, manufacturing and management costs fell by 20%.

Implement way

Regardless of the focus is put on lean, six sigma or lean six sigma, in general, the implementation of the project need six to 12 months. Actual cycle depends on multiple factors, but based on the project of training and mentoring ways you can make your team immediately using the learned knowledge, in this way, you can achieve cost savings. This method can realize value maximization, cost savings, enhance the level of profit. Team will eventually learn how to connect all the activities and events success together, at the same time to repeat and maintain the success of the project implementation in the future.

Lean production

Lean production comes from the 20 s and early seventy s of the Toyota mode of production, achieve great success in Toyota after years of unremitting efforts, the research study of the Toyota production mode analysis to extract the essence of the mode of production, that is lean production.

Lean think there is any production process all kinds of waste, must from the perspective of customers, application of value stream analysis method, analysis and removal of all does not increase the value of the process. Lean thinking includes a series of method and technology support, including the use of kanban pull of just-in-time production (JIT, Just In Time), total Productive Maintenance (TPM - T0tal Productive Maintenance), 5 s management, prevent the wrong method, the fast changing mould, production line constraint theory, theory of value analysis, etc. Since it introduced into China as early as six sigma, people's understanding of lean production is more.

The six sigma

In MOTOROLA six sigma in the first place in the mid - 1980 - s successful application, then GE began to implement six sigma, and achieved remarkable results. Since then it has spread to many famous big companies, now, many domestic companies also have more knowledge of six sigma.

Six sigma management based on the statistical theory of science, it includes two components, namely, six sigma and six sigma improvement design. It usually adopt the way of project management, using the DMAIC process analysis technology, define (define), measure (measure), analysis (analyze) and improving (improve) and control (control) to implement the continuous improvement of product and service quality.

Direction of the target

Lean six sigma management the main improving direction and objectives:

Lean six sigma is necessary

1) six sigma optimize object are often local, lack of overall system optimization ability, so it needs to be linked with the whole system needs to solve the problem, then the optimization process. The theory of lean production is one of the advantages of the system process management, it can provide the framework for six sigma project management. System often can not improve the value of the process or activity, no matter how hard workers, they can't surpass system process design capabilities, process redesign goal is to try to eliminate such activity or process, lean manufacturing is a set of complete and effective methods and tools.

2) lean production, relying on special knowledge of experts and talents, adopting the method to solve the problem directly, so for a simple problem, it is faster to solve the problem, but it lacks the standardization of knowledge, for complex problems, it is lack of efficiency, there is no guarantee that it is in statistical control. And six sigma management to better integrate the various tools, adopt the method of quantitative analysis, solve problems, to solve the problem with specification of the DMAIC process, for complex provides strong operational solutions and tools.

Anyhow, lean production tell what six sigma, the six sigma management tells us how to do, to ensure that the process is under control, different problems for complex degree and the need to adopt different methods to solve, so the combination is necessary.

Lean production and six sigma

Lean production and six sigma management to integrate lean six sigma is feasible

1) both are continuous improvement, the pursuit of perfect concept model. This is the essence of the two homogeneity, and because of that, both to have the possibility of the combination.

2) lean production and six sigma management is closely associated with the TQM, they are related to the implementation of the PDCA model of the same, are based on the process of management, all to customer value as the basic starting point, this integration provides a foundation for the two kinds of production mode.

3) as mentioned above, the essence of lean is to eliminate waste, six sigma is the nature of the control variable, and variation is a cause of waste, so two models focus on the object is not contradictory, but complementary.

Focus on system

Power lies in the whole system of lean six sigma, lean six sigma is not simple addition of lean and six sigma, but to the organic joint of lean and six sigma, deal with the problem of the whole system, for different processes in the system or the different stages of the process problems, lean and six sigma complement each other, to reach the effect of 1 + 1 > 2, such as when a process is in the initial state, the problem is relatively simple, can be directly use lean production methods and tools to solve, but with the development of the process, when the problem in complex condition, six sigma in solution. So to focus on in the implementation of the entire system, with system thinking, comprehensive consideration, choose appropriate lean six sigma method or tool. Reality some companies did not achieve the desired effect, when the implementation of lean six sigma is because although they do both the lean and six sigma, but didn't put the two together, but different department respectively use different model.

Attaches great importance to the cultural construction

Both lean production and six sigma management, culture have played an important effect on its success. Also, the implementation of lean six sigma is also inseparable from the culture construction. By culture construction, make the company every employee to form a habit of doing things, consciously according to lean six sigma's way to do things.

Lean six sigma is the culture of the continuous improvement, pursuit of perfection, full participation in culture. Only the pursuit of perfect, continue to improve the process, and constantly go beyond the status quo, make greater performance; And modern organization and management is a very complicated system, individual or part of a person's strength is limited, only by full participation, collective ability to play to the earth.

Process management as the center

Lean production and six sigma management are the management way of process as the center, so lean six sigma management must also be in process as the center, from the organization function as the starting point of thinking. Only a process-centric can truly find what is the value in the whole value stream, which is a waste, and efficient management.

Leadership of the support

Lean six sigma to deal with the problem of the whole system, at the same time to analyze and solve problems more complex, also need to communicate with different departments, to get more resources to support, so there is no leadership support is unlikely to succeed. The support of leadership should be real, not only have a verbal commitment, so this requires leadership are also involved in the lean six sigma management to change, only involved, to found the problem, effectively promote lean six sigma.

The proper use of methods and tools

In using lean six west method for system analysis, aiming at specific problems, may be just used in lean manufacturing and six sigma method or tool, may also need to put the two methods and tools of management mode combined use. For simple problems, for example, you should use Kaizen strategy, using lean production methods and tools to solve directly, if still use six sigma methods and tools, will reduce the speed of the process; For the complicated problem, if it's not six sigma methods and tools, will not be able to find the real reason, can not effectively solve the problem: there are some complicated issues that need to be at the same time use of lean and six sigma methods and tools to solve, can achieve its purpose. Therefore, lean six sigma management to implement lean production and six sigma process robustness, must determine the kinds of problems, selects the appropriate processing methods and tools for specific problems.

In the implementation of lean six sigma, Minitab provides the perfect tool solutions, first Minitab to provide great help for data analysis, including; SPC, MSA, DOE, one-way ANOVA, hypothesis test, capacity analysis, regression analysis, time series analysis, reliability analysis, and other functions, its simple operation and powerful function was deeply loved by the masses of users, 90% of companies in the implementation of six sigma project can choose Minitab software, is the latest version Minitab 16, including Chinese, English, French, Korean, German, Spanish, Japanese 7 languages.

In lean project implementation, VSM, FishBone, C&E, Processmap, 5 s, etc. The form is cannot little, these templates are built into Minitab's Quality Companion software, fully customized software for enterprises to implement lean projects provide a lot of help.

Process flow diagram

We put the lean six sigma activities can be divided into lean improvement and lean six sigma project activities. Lean improvement activities mainly for simple problems, this kind of problem can be solved directly in the lean methods and tools.

Lean six sigma project is mainly aimed at complex problems, it put the lean production methods and tools with six sigma methods and tools, the implementation process in the new "define, measure, analyze, improve, control" process, called DMAIC II, it with the traditional it is the difference between a DMAIC process is adopted in the implementation of the lean philosophy, methods and tools.

DMAIC each stage II content is: the define phase value, defined by the lean thinking process framework is put forward, in this framework, combined with six sigma tools, define improvement project; Measuring phase the lean production time analysis technology combined with six sigma management tool measurement process management status; Analysis phase using six sigma technology combined with lean flow principle, analysis of variation and waste; Improve phase to flow and pull for the principle, using two kinds of model that can be used by all of the tools to process increase, rearrangement, delete, simplification, consolidation, as well as the specific process robustness and the ability to process improvement; Finally is to control the phase, in addition to complete six sigma management control content, but also to summarize the new problems in the implementation, so that the next cycle for further perfecting the system.

Project steps

Definition phase

1. Define customer needs, analysis system, looking for waste or mutate, identify improvement opportunities;

2. Analysis of the organizational strategy and organizational resources;

3. Determine the project: including project key output and resources used, the project scope.

Measuring phase

4. Define the process characteristics;

5. Measuring process status, including the time of each process or action required);

6. The measurement system analysis;

7. Evaluate process capability.

The analysis phase

8. The analysis process, waste to find root cause or source of variation;

9. Determine the process and key input factors.

Improvement stage

10. Determining the relationship between the input and output variables, the optimization scheme is put forward;

11. Set the improvement plan.

Control stage

12. Establish a standardized operation, the implementation of process control;

13. Verify the measurement system, the verification process and capacity;

14. The implementation results are summed up, standardize the successful experience, puts forward new problems.

Tool selection

Implement lean six sigma projects should be reasonable to choose lean production and six sigma tools, select tools principle is: combining the resources of the organization to choose the best tools, simple question with a simple tool, otherwise, the waste of resources.


Lean six sigma management thought is today recognized advanced management methods, the key is to accept this kind of management thought, how to implement and carry out. Implementation and implementation of lean six sigma management methods should be combined with the actual situation of enterprises, can't copy, don't cherish the illusion that overnight.

Top approval

High-level recognition is the premise and guarantee to implement lean six sigma management

Six sigma management is a kind of top-down change, it involves to the enterprise operation process integration and optimization, involving the interests of the enterprise internal departments redistribution, involves the change of employee behavior thought, this all needs to vigorously promote enterprise top. , so to speak, the star of the enterprise top management is to implement lean six sigma projects, no star, no advocates mobilize enough resources to support, enterprise implementation of six sigma management change is only a mirage.

Enterprise top management support for the implementation of six sigma, of course, should also be based on the six sigma management theory, the thought has a comprehensive understanding, on the basis of implementing six sigma management to realize enterprise success is a gradual process, in this process must be full of hardships and setbacks, to have enough mental preparation.

The six sigma project implementation

Implementation of six sigma project is a key link in the process of implementation of six sigma management

According to the experiences of companies such as GE, enterprise lean six sigma management key link lies in the effective implementation of six sigma project. By implementing six sigma project of training a large number of stars, black belt, green belt, promoting the idea of six sigma management, and gradually forms the enterprise common language - six sigma culture.

Development of six sigma in practice

Insist on advancing with The Times is the world's advanced theory must have quality, lean six sigma management theory will be constantly development and improvement in practical application. Lean six sigma management theory itself has no particular thing, it is the past some effective methods, tools, organically to form a set of method system. Anshan iron and steel, such as lean six sigma management, must not be divorced from reality, have to be combined with the original management method, and innovation in practice.

Erroneous zone

1. Top management (the boss, CEO) authorization

2. No will lean, six sigma and strategic link

3. The plan is not sufficient, in practice, the delay

4. The first project that the time is too long to get visible results

5. Enforcement is not enough

6. Chief financial officer, without full participation and consensus to improve results

7. Senior leaders to lean six sigma to deepen enough attention

8. Pay attention to the project results, but neglect the improvement of process capability

9. Lean, six sigma team to get the authorization is not enough

10. Don't lean, six sigma talent development channels

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