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5S to finishing (SEIRI) rectification (SEITON) cleaning (SEISO), clean (SEIKETSU), literacy (SHITSUKE) on five projects, the the Japanese Roman alphabet are the beginning of the "S".

5S History

5S originated in Japan, is the effective management of personnel, machinery, materials, methods, and other factors of production at the production site, which is a management approach of Japanese companies.

In 1955, the Japanese 5S slogan "Security began finishing, finally housekeeping standards. Only the implementation of the first two S, its sole purpose to ensure that the work space and security. After the needs of production and quality control, and gradually raised 3S, which is sweeping, cleaning, cultivation, so that the application space and the scope of further expansion of 1986, the writings of the Japanese 5S gradually come out, and thus the entire scene management mode to play the role of the impact, and thus set off a 5S craze.

5S development

The Japanese enterprises 5S movement as the basis of management, the implementation of various quality management practices, after World War II, the product quality was able to quickly enhance laid the economic status of the country, and in the implementation of Toyota advocacy, 5S shaping the corporate image, reduce costs, on-time delivery, safety production, a high degree of standardization, create breathtaking workplace, site improvement has played a huge role, gradually understanding management sector. With the development of the world economy, 5S factory management has become a new trend.

5S application

5S is widely used in manufacturing, services and other ways of thinking to improve the environmental quality of the scene and staff, so that enterprises can effectively towards total quality management at the production site for the manufacturing industry, materials, equipment, personnel, and other factors of production to carry out activities accordingly.

5S extension

According to the need for further development of enterprises, some enterprises on the basis of the 5S increased safety (Safety) "6S"; Some enterprises have to increase savings (Save), formed 7S; enterprises plus some the habit of (し ゅ う か ん か Latin pronunciation for Shiukanka), Service (Service) and adhere to (し つ ko ku, Latin pronunciation for shitukoku), the formation of the "10S"; Some enterprises even the implementation of "12S", but the original aim are derived from the "5S", for example require the removal of useless things or items in the finishing, which in some sense can it comes to the economy and security, specifically for example cross secure channel garbage, which is the security should be concerned about the content.

Define the purpose

1S-finishing (Seiri)

Finishing definition: case with unwanted items, the site retain only necessary items.

The finishing the purpose:
① to improve and increase the area of ​​operation;
② site free of debris and unobstructed way street, improve work efficiency;
③ reduce the chance of bump, security, and improve quality;
The ④ eliminate management mix, mixing errors accident;
⑤ helps to reduce inventory, save money;
⑥ change the style, and improve mood.

Significance: finishing with unwanted people, events and things to separate people, things and then do not need treatment thereof, placed the reality of the production site and the stagnation of a variety of items to classify, distinguish between what is a site needs and what is the scene Secondly, items not needed for the scene, such as with leftover materials, excess semi-finished material head cut chips, garbage, waste, excess tools, scrap equipment, workers do not need; personal supplies, etc., must be resolutely clean up a production site, the focus of this work is to resolutely clean up the site do not need something. For the workshop station or equipment before and after, about the channel up and down the plant, the toolbox inside and outside, and the shop floor dead space should thoroughly search and clean-up, the scene no need of substance.

2S-rectifying (Seiton)

Rectify the definition: necessities required positioning given method placed neatly and orderly, clearly marked.

The purpose of rectifying: do not waste time looking for items to improve work efficiency and product quality, to protect the production safety.

Rectification of significance: to people in need, things, things to be quantified, positioning. Through the front step after finishing items need to be left on the production site layout and placement of a scientific and reasonable, in order to use the fastest speed achieved is required for the completion of the job in the most effective rules and regulations, and the most simple process .

Straighten out the main points:
① display items have a fixed location and area, in order to find and eliminate the cause of the error due to the mix;
The ② items placed locations to be scientific and reasonable. For example, according to the frequency of items used frequently used items should be placed near some things (such as in the operations area), or infrequently used occasionally should put too far (such as focus on the workshop somewhere);
③ items placed visual, quantitative loading items to do SAFE.Here known number area using different colors and markings to distinguish different items placed.

3S-cleaning (Seiso)

Sweeping definition: to clear the scene inside the dirty, clear the work area of ​​the material garbage.

The purpose of cleaning: Clear "dirty" to keep the site clean and bright.

Sweeping significance: the workplace of the dirt removal, so that the occurrence of abnormal source easily found, is the first step in the implementation of self-maintenance, mainly to improve equipment utilization rate.

Cleaning of the main points:
① own items, such as equipment, tools, etc., to their own cleaning, but do not rely on others, not increase the special sweeper;
② cleaning of the equipment, focusing on the maintenance of the equipment. Cleaning equipment combined with point inspection equipment, cleaning that point inspection; cleaning equipment to do equipment lubrication, cleaning is also maintenance;
③ cleaning is in order to improve. When sweeping the ground flying debris and oil-water leak, to identify the cause and take measures to improve.

4S-clean (Seiketsu)

Clean definition: finishing, rectification, cleaning the implementation of practices institutionalized, standardized and maintain their results.

The purpose of cleaning: careful maintenance and insist on finishing rectification, cleaning effect to maintain the best condition.

The clean sense: sort out, straighten out, stick with the depth of the clean-up activities, thereby eliminating the root causes of safety incidents occurred. To create a good working environment, so that workers can work happily.

Clean the main points:
① workshop environment not only neat, but to be clean, to ensure the health of workers, labor enthusiasm;
② not only the items you want to clean, and the workers themselves have to do the cleaning, such as overalls to clean the instrument should be clean, timely haircut, shaving, manicure, bath, etc.;
The ③ workers to do not only clean the body, but to be spiritually "clean", treat people talk about courtesy, to respect others;
④ make the environment from pollution, and to further eliminate stale air, dust, noise and pollution sources, elimination of occupational diseases.

5S-literacy (Shitsuke)

The definition of literacy: Everyone chapter operations, acting in accordance with regulations, develop good habits, so that everyone become educated.

Literacy Objective: To enhance the quality of the people and culture of any work to pay attention to the serious person.

The literacy meaning: staff strive to improve the self-cultivation, develop strict compliance with the rules and regulations of the habits and style, is the core of the "5S" activities.

5S activities

1. Transformation of the work, looking for tools, articles immediately find to find the time to zero.
2. Neat site, zero defective products.
3. Efforts to reduce costs, reduce consumption, waste zero.
4. Work smoothly and timely completion of tasks, extension zero.
5. Leak-free, non-hazardous, safe and tidy zero accidents.
6. Unity, fraternity, all for the sake of others, actively do a good job, bad behavior is zero.

1. The principles of self-management
A good working environment, and can not rely solely on additional equipment, and also can not count on others to create. Should fully rely on on-site personnel, by field parties who own hands to create for themselves a neat, clean, convenient, safe working environment, to enable them to transform their subjective world while transforming the objective world, but also to generate awareness of the "United States" develop modern mass production the Zunzhangshouji requirements, stringent requirements of the culture and habits. Is yourself to create the results will be easier to maintain and stick to it.
2. The principle of thrift and set up factories in
To carry out the "5S" activities, from the production site to clean up a lot of useless things, where there are only useful in the field, but can be used in other places; Some waste, but should be based on waste utilization, waste for the spirit of the treasure, the utilization should do everything possible to use also should be scrapped scrapped the formalities and to recover its "residual value" must not only momentary "happy", regardless indiscriminately as rubbish fling is over. Kind of lavish, set corporate property expense of the "Prodigal Son" style should be promptly stopped, criticism, education, and in serious cases should be given appropriate punishment.
3. The principle of sustained
"5S" activities is easier, you can do a vigorous, to achieve remarkable results in a short period of time, but to persevere, persevere, not easy to constantly optimize. Many enterprises have happened a tight, two pine, three downfall, to quadruple the phenomenon. Therefore, to carry out the activities of the "5S", perseverance, stick this activity, enterprise first "5S" activities should be included in the system of personal responsibility, so that in every sector, every officer has a clear job responsibilities and work standards ; followed strictly and earnestly do a good job of inspection, appraisal and assessment work, the economic interests of the assessment results with the various departments and each staff; Third, we should adhere to the PDCA cycle, and continuously improve the level of the site of the "5S", that is, by checking constantly found problems, and continue to solve the problem. Therefore, after the inspections and checks, the problem must also be proposed improvement measures and plans, "5S" activities persistently pursued.

1. Improve the corporate image
2. To improve production efficiency and working efficiency
3. Improve inventory turns
4. To reduce fault, to protect the quality
5. Strengthen security, reduce security risks
6. Cultivate the habit of savings, reduce production costs
7. Shorten the cycle to ensure delivery
8. Improve the face of the spirit of enterprise, and a good corporate culture


1. Fixed-point photography: the so-called fixed-point photography, is the same place, facing the same direction, a continuous photographic, its purpose is the scene unreasonable phenomenon, including operations, equipment, processes and methods of work to be fixed-point shooting, and continuous improvement a gimmick.
2. The Red single combat: the red brand, so that the staff can know the shortcomings of the factory in a way where the finishing glance, and affixed a red single object, including inventory, machinery, equipment and space, so that managers at all levels can see at a glance what is a necessity and what is superfluous.
3. Kanban combat (Visible Management): work site personnel can know at a glance what where, how much the number, the same time the overall management of the process as well as ordering, delivery schedule and job scheduling, production into billboards, so the staff is easy to understand, in order to carry out the necessary operations.
4. Color Management (Color Management Method): color management is the use of the resolving power of workers of color and unique imaginative, simplify complex management problems into different colors to distinguish the different degree of intuitive and visual method to presents the nature of the problem and the problem of improving the situation, so that everyone has the same knowledge and understanding of the problem.

Site management principles

Normal tissues, often straighten out, often to clean, often standardized, often self-discipline:
Clean, clean environment, the development of standards, and a system
Finishing, to distinguish between the use of the goods, cleared the extra stuff
Rectify, items placed partition, clearly identified, to facilitate access
Cleaning, garbage removal and filthy, to prevent pollution
Literacy, develop good habits, to enhance the cultivation of personality


The five utility of 5S management can be summarized as the 5 S: Safety (Security), Sales (sales), Standardization (standardized) Satisfaction (customer satisfaction) Saving (savings).

1. Ensure safety (Safety)
Implementation of 5S, companies can often avoid oil spills caused by fire or slipping; kinds of accidents caused due to non-compliance with safety rules, failure occurred; public nuisance caused by dirt or oil. Thus enables the production of security are implemented.

2. Expansion of sales (Sales)

5S is a good salesman, has a clean, neat, safe, and comfortable environment; a good workforce literacy enterprises, often more Bo to the trust of customers.

3. Standardization (Standardization)

Through implementation of 5S, within the enterprise to develop the standard of habit, so that the various activities, the requirements of the job are standard run results conform to planned arrangements and lay the foundation to provide a stable quality.

4. Customer satisfaction (Satisfaction)

Often caused by the reduction of processing precision due to the dust, hair, oil and other impurities, or even a direct impact on the quality of the product. Implement 5S, sweeping, cleaning is guaranteed, the products formed in the environment of a health in good condition, custody until delivered to the customer, the quality is stable.

5. Savings (Saving)

Implementation of 5S, on the one hand, reducing the production of auxiliary time, improve work efficiency; the other hand, reduce the failure rate of the device to improve the efficiency of equipment, which can reduce the production cost, can be described as "5S is a savings persons. "


Through the implementation of 5S management to standardize the scene, existing objects, and create a glance the work environment, training staff good work habits, the ultimate goal is
Enhance the quality of people:
★ rid of the heart of the sloppy habit of everything seriously (seriously treat every piece of work "trivial")
★ habit of compliance
★ consciously maintain a working environment clean and clear and good habits
★ habits of civility, politeness

1. Sort out
★ workplace anything into necessary and unnecessary;
★ clear something necessary and unnecessary things, strictly regional distinction;
★ unnecessary things to be disposed of as soon as possible.
★ make room space utilizing
★ prevent misuse, misdirected
★ shaping refreshing workplace
Production process often have some residual materials, to be repaired goods until the return goods, end-of-life products and other stranded at the scene, both occupy the place they hinder production, some have been unable to use the work fixture, measuring tools, machine equipment, if not removed, makes the scene becomes messy.
Production site placed unwanted items is a waste:
★ spacious workplace will be more narrowed.
★ scaffolding, cabinets and other debris occupy and reduce the use of value.
★ increase the difficulty of finding the tools, parts and other items, and a waste of time.
★ items chaotic placed to increase the difficulties of the inventory, costing inaccurate.
Note that point: have the determination, flatly unnecessary items should be disposed of.
Implementation of the essentials:
1. Workplace (range) a comprehensive examination, can see and can not see
2. Develop the "To" and "Do not" discrimination benchmark
3. Do items removed from the workplace
4. The needed items investigating the use of the frequency, decide the daily dosage and placement
5. The development of waste treatment methods
6. Daily self-examination

2. Rectification
★ categories placed on the left at the scene after finishing the necessary items, arranged in neat rows.
★ a clear quantity, and to effectively identify.
★ workplace at a glance
★ neat work environment
★ eliminate the time to find items
★ eliminate excessive backlog items
Note that point:
This is the basis of improving efficiency.
Implementation of the essentials:
1. Previous step finishing work to implement
2. Flow arrangements, determine the place of
3. Provisions placed clear the number
4. Crossed positioning
5. Sites, objects identification
Rectification of the "elements": place, method, identification
Placed places
★ items placed places principle set to 100%
★ items custody to be fixed, fixed content, quantitative
★ near the production line only put really need items
Placement method
★ easy to take
★ not exceed the limits prescribed
★ make more efforts on the placement method
Identification method
★ placed places and objects in principle to a one-to-one said
★ now the representation and the representation of the place of
★ some representation company to be unified
★ make more efforts on the representation
Rectify "given" principle: fixed, constant volume, quantitative
★ fixed point: where to put appropriate
★ constant volume: what container, color
★ quantitative: to require the appropriate number of

3. Cleaning
★ cleaned the workplace.
★ keep the workplace clean and beautiful environment.
★ eliminate Dirty maintain a clean workplace within clearly Liangliang
★ stable quality
★ reducing industrial injury
Note that point:
Responsibility and institutionalized.
Implementation of the essentials:
1. Cleaning area of ​​responsibility (indoor and outdoor)
2. To perform routine sweep to clean up dirty
3. Investigating pollution sources, be eliminate or isolation in
4. Cleaning benchmark as

4. Clean
Approach to the implementation of the above 3S institutionalization, standardization, and to implement and maintain the results.
To maintain the results of the above 3S
Note that point:
Institutionalized, regular inspection.
Implementation of the essentials:
1. 3S work in front
2. Evaluation methods
3. Reward system, and to strengthen the implementation of
4. The supervisor often take the lead in inspections in Table attention

5. Accomplishment
Through the morning meeting, and other means to improve the overall standard of civility and courtesy. Training each member to develop good habits, and to comply with the rules of doing things. 5S is easy to carry out, but must rely on literacy improved long maintenance.
★ cultivate good habits, employees abide by the rules
★ improve staff level of civility and courtesy
★ create a team spirit.
Note that point:
Long-term adherence, in order to develop good habits.
Implementation of the essentials:
1. Clothing, grooming, identification card standards
2. Abide by the relevant rules, regulations
3. Etiquette Code of
4. Training (new staff to strengthen the 5S education, practice)
5. Various mental-raising activities (morning meeting, courtesy campaign)

Implementation of purpose

To do one thing, and sometimes very well, however, is sometimes tricky, which requires 5S to help us analyze the judgment, to address the existence of a variety of problems. Implementation of 5S, can bring huge benefits to our company, enterprise can improve quality, increase productivity, reduce costs, and ensure on-time delivery, while ensuring production safety and to maintain and continue to enhance the high morale of employees.

Therefore, the security of corporate people, objects, things Sanan principle, in order to ensure safe production and to maintain the high morale of employees. A production-oriented enterprises, personnel security is threatened, affecting the safety of production, affecting the safety of the goods, then the people will be anxious bench, the staff will be a huge loss, it will affect the production, management and economic efficiency of the enterprise, enable enterprises to serious lack of the even no cohesion and solidarity, leading companies to the brink of bankruptcy, or even fall apart like a mess. Therefore, an enterprise in order to improve and continue to improve the corporate image, it is necessary to implement 5S program. Implement 5S will eventually reach the eight purposes:
1. Improve and enhance the corporate image
Neat and tidy work environment, easily attract customers, allow customers ease of mind; same time, due to word-of-mouth, according to legend, the enterprise will become role models for other companies, which can greatly increase the prestige of the enterprise.
2. Contributed to the improvement of the efficiency of
A good working environment and working atmosphere, coupled with the great accomplishment partners, employees can concentrate earnest dry good job inevitably will be able to greatly improve the efficiency. Just think, if the employees are always in a disorderly environment, emotions inevitably will be affected. Emotions are not high, not motivated, and there would be no economic benefits? So to promote 5S, is one of the effective ways to contribute to increased efficiency.
3. The improving part in the library turnover rate
Need to remove it immediately useful items, the smooth logistics between supply and demand, you can greatly reduce the kind of looking for necessary items, the residence time. Therefore, it is effective to improve the turnover rate of the parts in the warehouse.
4. Reduce until the elimination of the failure to protect the quality
Excellent quality from excellent working environment. The high efficiency of the working environment, only through regular cleaning point inspection and check, clean work environment, in order to effectively avoid deface something or damage to the machinery, maintenance of equipment, improve production quality.
5. Ensure enterprise security production
Organize, straighten, sweep, must be stored clear things placed in the positioning of objects in his own place, the workplace should be kept within the spacious, bright, smooth channel at any time, not something furnishings should be placed on the floor, factory orderly , the occurrence of accidents will naturally accordingly greatly reduced, of course, security is a guarantee.
6. Reduce production costs
The sixth object, the emphasis is to reduce production costs. A business through the introduction or implementation of 5S, it can greatly reduce the waste of aspects of the personnel, equipment, places, time, thereby reducing the cost of production.
7. Tissue viability and improve the mental outlook of the staff,
The seventh purpose, can significantly improve the mental outlook of the staff organization radiate a powerful vitality. Employee has a sense of dignity and dedication to their own work, and drive to improve the ideology.
8. Shorten the cycle to ensure delivery
Promote 5S, organize, through the implementation of rectification, cleaning, cleaning to achieve the standard management, enterprise management will glance unusual phenomenon is very obvious, personnel, equipment, and time will not be wasted. Production corresponding to a very smooth, inevitably will improve operating efficiency, the operating cycle must be shortened accordingly, ensure delivery date foolproof.

Means of

Kanban can work on-site personnel, can know at a glance what where, how much the number, the same time the overall management process, as well as ordering, delivery schedule and Task Scheduler, made into billboards, so staff is easy to understand and to perform the necessary operations.

Inspection system
5S inspection system is developed for manufacturing enterprises to completely implement 5S management and set of hardware including integrated solutions that enable the implementation of 5S management more systematic, standardized, and also to further improve the efficiency of the current 5S patrol , and provide a more powerful system to ensure effective implementation of 5S.

System Description:
● User management-side software to define the detection area, the checkpoint test items content;
● logging devices through the network to check the contents downloaded from the management side;
● operator handheld data logging devices based on detection patrol route;
● each inspection point are signs corresponding ID card swipe Patrol officers record the time of inspection, and automatically call up the appropriate inspection items;
● After the inspection, the operator data uploaded through the network to the system database;
System software, unqualified items, the system will be sent by mail to the 5S responsible person mailbox;
● The system can generate 5S patrol trend graph of the daily report and summary statements;
Failed projects, the system will improve the measures and corrective process recording tracks and records in the system;

1. Our company has done 5S
2. Our business is so small, useless to engage in 5S
3.5S is to engage in on-site clean
4.5S is just a thing of the factory site
The 5.5S activities not see the economic benefits
6. Too busy with work and do not have the time to do the 5S
7. We are engaged in technology, 5S is a waste of time
8. The industry can not do a good job 5S

Implementation Guidelines
Finishing: the correct value consciousness - "use value" rather than the original purchase value
Rectify: the right way - "3 elements, 3 fixed + rectification technology
Cleaning: Responsibility - the clear positions 5S responsibility
Clean: institutionalization and assessment - 5S; inspectors, competition, reward and punishment
Literacy: long-term oriented - morning meeting, etiquette Code

Check points
1. There is no purpose unknown thing
2. There is no content unknown substance
3. There idle containers, cartons
4. There is no unwanted things
5. Conveyor belt under the racks or placed any items below
6. There misplacing personal stuff
7. Is there something on the channel on
8. The articles did not put the right angles and the pathway parallel or into
9. Whether there is a variant of crates and other packaging materials
10. Crates and other damage (container damage)
11. Fixtures, measuring, etc. if it is placed on the predetermined position
12. Mobile is easy
13. Whether the placement of things the shelf behind or above
14. Shelves and a safe deposit box thing, whether the items placed in accordance with the label
15. Whether the dangerous goods are clearly marked fire extinguishers regularly point inspection
16. At the feet of the operator messy parts
17. The same parts are scattered in a few different places
18. Around the operator put the necessary things (tools, spare parts, etc.)
19. Workshops everywhere custody parts

Implementation steps

Step 1: set up the implementation of organization
To promote 5S activities effectively, we need to create a line with the Organization for the Advancement of the business conditions - 5S implementation committee. Responsibility for the implementation of the Commission, including 5S Committee Promotion Office, the person in charge of the various parts of the department 5S representatives, different people's responsibility to take on different responsibilities, as shown in Table 2-1. Which generally served as chairman of the 5S Committee by the General Manager of the enterprise, to promote the implementation of the 5S from a global perspective.

Step 2: Preparation of the implementation of the objectives and goals
The Policy: promoting 5S manage, and develop guidelines as the guiding principles of the import, the formulation of guidelines in conjunction with the specific circumstances of the enterprise, there must appeal Once developed, guidelines, to be widely publicized.
Goal-setting: formulation of objectives to be combined with specific conditions, as the direction of the active efforts and facilitate the activities of the outcome of checks.

Step 3: Preparation of work plans and implementation methods
1. Schedule as the basis for the implementation and control of
2. Information and learn from the practice of his factory
The 3.5S activities Implementation Measures
4. Do items distinguish
5.5S activities appraisal method
The 6.5S activities of incentives and disincentives
7. Relevant provisions of the (5S, time, etc.)
8. The work must have a plan, so that we have an overall understanding of the entire process. The project responsibilities clear themselves and the person in charge of the work, when completed, cooperate with each other to create a team fighting spirit.

Step 4: Education
Education is very important, so that employees understand the the 5S activities give work and own benefit to take the initiative to do it, and being forced to do the effect is completely different. To diversify forms of education, lectures, a video, which to observe his factory cases or template region, may as the case may be the use of learning implementation manual. Educational content can include
1. Each department on a full education
The 2.5S site the content and purpose of the law
The 3.5S site method of implementation of the law
The 4.5S site method of appraisal methods
5. 5S management method training for new employees

Step 5: activities before the campaign trail
5S activities to be full attention and participation in order to achieve good results, publicity 5S activities through the following methods:
1. The highest executives declaration (morning meeting, internal newspapers, etc.)
2. Posters, internal newspaper publicity
3. Bulletin boards

Step 6: Implement
1. Job preparation
2. "Bath" movement (all up and down a thorough clean-up)
3. Ground crossed and item identification standard
4. The commencement of the "scheduled", "elements"
5. Photography
6. "5S daily confirmation form and implementation
7. Fight

Step 7: Activities appraisal way to determine
1. Factor: the difficulty factor, the number of coefficients, area coefficient, correctional coefficient
2. Scoring method

Step 8: check
1. Check
2. Trouble spots questioned answer
3. Various activities and contests (Essay Contest)

Step 9: appraisal and incentive
Contest by 5S activities approach for evaluation, the publication of the results, rewards and punishments.

Step 10: Review and correction
Responsible departments in accordance with the shortcomings of the project to improve and continue to improve.

Step 11: included in regular management activities
1. Standardized, institutionalized perfect
2. Implement 5S management method to strengthen Month activities

Needs to be emphasized is that there may be a variety of problems, different enterprises because of their background, architecture, corporate culture, quality of personnel, implementation, implementation to do according to the specific problems encountered in the implementation process, to take feasible countermeasures, in order to achieve satisfactory results.

Implementation methods

1. Finishing (Seiri) orderly governance. Focus to sort out and do not. The finishing's core purpose is to enhance the discerning. Methods collate used:
1.1 the drawer Law: all resources deemed useless, choose useful.
1.2 Cherry Law: from finishing to pick out the parts that affect the overall performance.
The 1.3 four applicable law: timely, adequate, appropriate quality, the right place.
1.4 doubt law: the resource needs? Needs to appear here? Scene requires so much quantity it?

Rectify (Seion) modified adjusted neat, rectification, and processing. Will collate resources for system integration. Rectify the purpose: to minimize unnecessary time wasted, the operation of the waste, looking for waste, waste of defective, unsafe environment and waste. The rectify enhance integrated force. The tools and methods used are:
The 2.1 IE Law: According to the principle of operation of the economy, the use of high frequency resources for effective management.
2.2 decoration method: system planning, efficient use of resources to the most valuable.
2.3 Sany principles: easy to take, easy to make and easy to manage.
2.4 Sanding principle: positioning, quantitative, fixed standards.
2.5 Process Method: For the layout, system specification by a stream of thinking, so ordering.
The 2.6 label law: tag management of all resources, effective resource information.

3 cleaning (Seiso) clean, clear, removed end. Get rid of the resources should not appear outside the area of ​​responsibility. The purpose of dissection: reject all negative factors prior to the incident, crack down on and eliminate the presence of both unreasonable, and create a good working atmosphere and environment. Sweeping enhance mobility. Cleaning common methods are:
The 3.1 three sweep Act: anti-crime sweep leakage sweep strange.
3.2 OEC law: on the matter, Albert, Nissin.

Clean (Seiketsu) clear - a clear, straightforward, simple, clean - clean and tidy. Continued good housekeeping, rectification, cleaning work, its upcoming formation of a culture and habits. Reduce defects and adverse. Cleaning purposes: to beautify the environment, atmosphere, resources and outputs, to make their own profit, customers, investors and society. Clean enhance the aesthetic force. The commonly used methods are:
4.1 Radar law: scan within the terms of reference, all the loopholes and heresy.
The 4.2 Matrix goes Law: from the point to the surface one by one advancing.
4.3 honorary law: the reputation and fame decided to perform the prestige of the organization or individual income up to the reputation.

5. Literacy (Shitsuke) the quality of parenting. Focus: good values ​​and ethics. Literacy to enhance the core competitiveness. Optimization and continued teaching and training, through the extraordinary detail to establish a good working and living environment, to optimize personal qualities and parenting. The commonly used methods are:
5.1 Process Reengineering: do not place than people's problems, is the issue of process reengineering to solve this problem.
5.2 schematic diagram: the establishment of a complete set of schematic diagram to support the effective implementation of process reengineering.
5.3 Coaching: the camera monitoring mode and coaches training so that all the requirements to become a real habit awkward.
5.4 to divert law: governance Yellow River, to ease the factors that seriously affect literacy.

Implementation Difficulties
1. Employees are unwilling to cooperate, according to the specified placing or do not follow the standard concept of consensus is poor.
2. Inadequate planning beforehand, a lot of bad placed unreasonable at.
3. The company's growth is too fast, lack of factory space, materials piled nowhere.
4. The implementation is not thorough enough, hold to cope with the mentality of persistent poor.
5. Poor evaluation system, resulting in unfair, we know what to do.
6. Assessors afraid of hurting the feelings of all reward, losing the contest significance.

Implementation of significance

5S is the basis of the on-site management, the premise of TPM (full participation in the production and preservation), TQM (total quality management), the first step is the guarantee of ISO9000 effective implementation.
5S management method is able to create a good atmosphere for an "all actively involved in everything to comply with the standard". With this atmosphere, the implementation of the ISO, TQM and TPM easier to get the support and cooperation of the staff, help to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, to form a powerful impetus.
The effect of the activities such as ISO, TQM, TPM is hidden, long-term, making it difficult to see a significant effect. 5S activities effect is immediate. Import in the process of implementation of activities such as ISO, TQM, TPM 5S, can be obtained in the short term a significant effect to enhance the confidence of the employees.
5S is the basis of the on-site management, 5S The level represents the level of understanding of the managers on-site management, which in turn determines the level of site management, site management level, restricting the activities of the ISO, TPM, TQM whether smooth and effective implementation. Through the 5S activities from site management to improve enterprise "physique", you can play a multiplier effect.

Recommendations for improvement
1. Combined with the actual make the positioning
The other hand, other domestic and foreign outstanding enterprises management model, combined with the actual make the positioning. Through learning, so that managers and employees to recognize the "5S" is the cornerstone of the on-site management, "5S" do not, businesses can not become a good business, and adhere to the "5S" management as an important business principle. The Executive Office of the "5S" in the implementation process plays an important role, should have a certain prestige, coordination ability in senior leadership served as the director of the office. In addition, consultants counseling implementation should avoid the attention of the production season and the period of personnel changes.
2. Establish a scientific management concepts
Managers must go through the learning, and a better understanding of the ultimate goal of the "5S" management mode. The highest leadership of senior management of the Company must establish a "5S" management is the basis of the concept of the on-site management, every year, month and and have a plan, step by step, gradually deepening site management activities, and enhance the level of on-site management.

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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