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"Kaizen: Japanese companies the secrets of success", author of JinJing is Mr Ming, he thinks that the key to the success of Toyota is to carry out the Kaizen (continuous improvement) of management thought. Kaizen is a Japanese word, means a small, continuous, gradual improvement, this method is refers to the enterprise by improving a series of details in the process of production and business operation activities, such as declining handling non value-added activities, eliminate the waste of raw materials, improve operating procedures, improve product quality, shorten the production time, constantly motivate employees. Design process to determine the product each function and the enterprise target cost of each department is a cost control of product manufacturing and sales process. In this process, the enterprise can use Kaizen to reduce costs, to achieve or exceed this target, and by stages and in a planned way to the expected level of profit.


Because of so, JinJing is Ming is appreciated, who wrote: "watch the running of the Toyota production system is a pleasing thing, workers with clean, classification, filtering, neat and four principles... Toyota assembly plants for work have a more active atmosphere, every action has a clear purpose, no slack phenomenon, the general factory finished you will see the piles of raw parts, to assembly line, workers standing there doing nothing. At Toyota, the production process as design of dance, the workers look like a dancer: pick up parts, for installation, check the quality... all this is in perfect conditions.

Kaizen seemed small, quiet. But relative to the explosive type of innovative thinking, Kaizen ideas even trivial subtle effect resulted from its final often is subversive and revolutionary. It requires every operation, and management personnel, with a relatively small cost to continuously improve their work. In the long term, this cascade of continuous improvement is enough to gain great returns. Kaizen, meanwhile, is also a way of low risk, because in the process of improving, if found in improper way, managers can feel free to reply to their original work method, and does not need to spend high cost. Kaizen in this sense, the Toyota production mode as a kind of not doing this JingGanXing production system, its core idea is two points, the first is to "eliminate waste" (that is, the effective cost control), the second is "continuous improvement" (said by deming "continuous improvement" quality of ideas, namely the product and process improvement as a never-ending, gaining a little progress).

The jit in the Toyota production system ", according to Toyota core competitiveness among the classical books of the Kaizen so explain his understanding. Is' completely put an end to waste, "he said. The basic idea of the Toyota production way which runs through the two pillars are: just-in-time and automation." Because in the middle of the last century, Japan and America's industrial productivity is the ratio of one to nine, and it is an average, if compared with the United States the most developed automobile industry, is more than the gap. Ohno and Toyota President toyoda ichiro at that time are clearly aware that the Japanese in the process of production there must be a huge waste. In other words, as long as put an end to waste, productivity may increase 10 times. The idea that it is now the starting point of the Toyota production system. As to constitute the two pillars of the thought, through "just-in-time" refers to the flow process in the process of assembling a car, the parts needed to in time of need, to the number of need, next to no less to production line. So, you can make the goods and give financial management cause the burden of "stock" problem is almost solved. And "automation" means "with automatic stop device of the machine. The idea comes from the founder of Toyota invented FengTianZuoJi automatic loom. He automatic loom in meridian or break a root parallel run out of time, to immediately stop operation. Because mount "enables machines to judge state of device", so it won't appear defective products. Similarly, once the man's wisdom gives machine, the implications of this means that the management will be changed greatly. Because when the machine run properly with no one, only when abnormal happens, stop the machine works to deal with it. So, a person can manage several machine; As people gradually reduced, there will be a leap to improve production efficiency.

We also noticed that Toyota type of Kaizen is "customer oriented", "king needs to" do sufficient article. As taiichi ohno writes: "only to make invalid labor (waste) into zero, make the job of close to one hundred percent, is the real efficiency. The Toyota production mode for on-demand production, therefore, to reducing personnel, so that the excess production capacity and the demand of production." So make Kaizen maximum efficacy, the primary task is to thoroughly exposed out invalid labor and waste, and be removed in a timely manner. These phenomena include: excessive production of invalid labor; Waiting for time to waste; Transport of invalid labor; Invalid labor and waste processing itself; Inventory of waste; Action of invalid labor; Manufacturing defect of invalid labor and waste, and so on. The Toyota Kaizen for our enlightenment is, only enterprises to improve efficiency and reduce the cost together. For this, must be toward to the number of staff, only need a small amount of products the direction; About efficiency, they must be from each operator and the organized production line, and then to the production line as the center of the whole factory, every link to improve, in order to receive the overall effect.

From Toyota type Kaizen management, of course, we can vaguely see the shadow of some other business ideas. Ohno advocate for example, to break the traditional idea of "have stock", adhere to the pursuit of the concept of "zero inventory" much like Michael dell (dell) strategy, the latter with the method of direct selling, will can bypass the seller to lower prices improve product competitiveness, and can directly face the customer to understand customer requirements; , for example, Toyota adopted within "kanban" management (namely boxes in to production line, adhere to a standard work list, which on the one hand, indicating to the necessary things, in the necessary time to get the necessary quantity to the actual processing process to make prompt, on the other hand, the function of homework instructions) from us customize the supermarket business model, customer side just go buy commodity supermarket here as bought from you the number of added similar goods in time, and no longer need to don't know when it's time to sell things moved around.

It is this blend of total quality management (TQM), just-in-time production system (JIT), total productive maintenance (TPM), such as the Kaizen management thought has become Toyota's corporate philosophy, and it will continue to dominate the Toyota's steady progress. When Toyota brand expansion and progress provides reference for the global auto industry, when the Kaizen is regarded as the most clear, the simplest and the fastest path to a maximum yield and superior quality, whether Toyota mode of production will also be like Toyota, "hill poor water after yi road, have a road there will be Toyota" become the mainstream of cooing like that option? Ohno gives us faith, he said: "if the American automobile magnate, Henry Ford was born and see, he will take the Toyota production system.

Continuous improvement case analysis

Continuous improvement method in the automobile manufacturing enterprise

At some automobile manufacture enterprise representative cases to discuss the import of Kaizen work methods and yield.

Case 1: assembly alternating logistics Kaizen continual improvement. Improvement action steps are as follows:

1. The first step, the environment

By 2006, the field has been successfully imported the TQM, TPM, JIT, PD, Proposal and QC management system, and has set up a continuous application in practice, import the Kaizen with the foundation environment.

2. The second step, to determine tasks, and grasp the status quo.

In 2006, carried out to improve the optimization of logistics distribution logistics field assembly station layout on the theme of "APOLO" improvement action. Assembly line and logistics distribution mode to realize the change of the "alternate type logistics", the annual revenue of 80000 yuan. But improved assembly station layout has not been in full swing.

3. The third step, the data analysis

Through economic analysis, after the final assembly location to improve the implementation, will bring 280000 earnings. Through the assembly location and integration to improve logistics distribution, investment payback period will be shortened to 0.9 years.

By analyzing the running status of working hours in the whole year of 2007, 2008, established the alternating logistics improvement action items. Project goal is to improve labor productivity, reduce the comprehensive cost of the logistics; Target is 10% less than in 2007, assembly and logistics resources green workstation 1 70%, creating a logistics work mechanism of continuous improvement.

The edge of the line in distribution process, on-site analysis on harvest, tally and the supply side and line 3 links.

Reception, : (1) the area by the straight parts, KD, powertrain and synchronization and so on four areas. Affect the efficiency of unbalanced problems focused on the delivery truck, forklift truck operation area is not enough, the platform area people mixed flow, operating area layout is not reasonable and empty container return empty weak management, etc.

(2) the tally: tally how synchronous distribution and powertrain parts forklift parts forklift tally tally, high consumption, low consume a manual van tally and large volume ground tally of four kinds of ways. Affect efficiency problem focused on not according to the standard procedures, such as nonstandard parts inside the supermarket put two aspects.

(3) the line supply: the supply line edge with small train, bundles a traction train, the big traction train and big forklift type four lines and supply mode. Affect efficiency problem on don't perform operations specifications, traction on the train parts location and line layout does not conform to, move the line while workshop equipment such as the location of the three aspects.

In order to allocate resources rationally, to prioritize the above problems, make every effort to get twice the result with half the effort, improve the effect of improvement.

Selected to reflect the real operation condition of the time interval, time measurement and statistical analysis; Based on quantitative data, the establishment of major obstacle identification table. By weighted calculation, identify principal contradiction, to build solutions to build the foundation.

4. The fourth step, study and solution is established

(1) working hours analysis: working hours analysis method is according to the work instructions operation link, split to each link of solid exercise timing man-hour, continuous record for a reasonable period of time; For a period of the data gap analysis, looking for waste in the process of operation, through the establishment of improved operating procedures, skills training, job path optimization, rational layout, to eliminate waste.

Working hours analysis was carried out on the receiving link: first of all, decomposition action; Then fill in the working hours calculation table, once again, to analyze data (the cycle time of normal and abnormal cycle time, standard comparison, calculation problem frequency), and finally, list, used to determine the improvement goals.

(2) the process analysis, process analysis is the purpose of looking for waste in the process, through the flow of process analysis: the transit warehouse link to the original process for transfer after discharge of the forklift parts in transit district, tally forklift then transfer the parts stores into a; After process restructuring, with transshipment forklift parts stores directly into a after unloading, reduced link, saving equipment. Process restructuring to eliminate waste,

(3) set improvement goals: according to the results of data analysis, the use of existing resources to carry out targeted improvement, computing improvements.

(4) improve reasonable goals: the theoretical calculation and the actual operation has certain error, according to site condition and improve the difficulty, from the Angle of the rationalization should aim to improve the adjustment, in order to decrease the difficulty and improve investment, saving improvement cycle.

5. Fifth, implementation and evaluation after implementation, save 1 forklift, 3.7 minutes each process to save time, save operating costs by 8.5%.

Project organization is required for implementation, planning, implementation, resources in place; Project success is the right attitude Kaizen philosophy "with a positive attitude looking for countermeasures, and needless to polar find hard to advance reason"; The elements of success is process control and standardized () of the Kaizen project is moving forward.

6. Step 6, standardization in operation after the test of practice new standards and norms, make execute standardized assessment indicator; Training all employees (stakeholders), track running effect, the next improvement of basic work.

Continuous improvement is an eternal theme, is the way of any organization and individual progress and success. The pursuit of "overnight", not necessarily will be successful; First of all should change ideas and continuous improvement, "attitude" is the Kaizen management methods or any guarantee of success. Can say this: continuous improvement is the basis of innovation and change.

Kaizen tools

Total quality management TQM

TPM improvement and quick die change

The JIT production system on time

Rationalization proposal

Group activities

KAIZEN steps


Status quo of measurement: regional data collection plan; Improve key areas; Status summary and photo record

Analysis: the improvement opportunities prioritization; Define regional category; Classification of the scene; Area of visual identity design

Improvement: formulate feasible solution; Optimization options

Improvement: feedback solutions to problems, improvement of implementation

Control: set up the site to improve standards and maintenance system; To run and maintain the improvement effect

Characteristics of continuous improvement

1, long term and lasting, but not significant

2, many in small increments

3, continuous and incremental

4, step by step and stable

5, involving everyone

6, collectivism, struggle and system team approach

7, the traditional know-how and reach the level of the latest technology development goals

8, scattered, many projects at the same time

9, emphasis on smaller investment, but very hard to maintain

10, leaning to personnel

11, (ability) of process for better results

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
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