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TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) means "Total Productive Maintenance", which is proposed by the Japanese in the 1970s, is a full participation in the production and maintenance, its main point in the production and maintenance "and" full were involved "on. Through the establishment of a system-wide staff involved in the production and maintenance activities, equipment to achieve optimal performance.

Institutional Profile

1, After the repair ---- BM (Breakdown Maintenance) early maintenance, a failure then repair, not bad not repair.
2, Preventive maintenance - PM (Preventive Maintenance) based check-based maintenance, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis technology to predict the device, hidden faults to be eliminated in order to avoid and reduce downtime, sub Regular maintenance and predictive maintenance of two ways.
3, to improve maintenance - CM (Corrective Maintenance) to improve the maintenance is to continue to use the advanced technology methods and techniques, some defects and congenital deficiency of the correction equipment, advanced equipment improve reliability and maintainability, improve equipment utilization .
4, maintenance prevention - MP (Maintenance Prevention) maintenance prevention is in fact maintainability design, to advocate seriously consider the reliability and maintainability of the equipment in the design phase. From design, production, improve the quality of equipment to prevent failures and accidents, fundamentally, to reduce and avoid maintenance.
Productive Maintenance - PM (Productive Maintenance) is a production center, a maintenance system for the production of services. It contains a specific content of the above four maintenance mode. On nonessential equipment still implement corrective maintenance of vital equipment to implement preventive maintenance, repair, improve equipment maintenance, equipment selection or self-development equipment, pay attention to the maintenance of the equipment (maintenance prevention).

What is TPM?
The TPM proposed is built on the basis of the production and maintenance system in the United States, also absorbed the British equipment engineering, management ideas of the masses to participate in China Angang Constitution. In Africa and Japan, due to different national conditions, the understanding of the TPM: production and maintenance, including the operator, including preservation activities, to improve the overall performance of the device.
2, TPEM:
The Total Productive Equipment Management is a comprehensive production equipment management. This is a new service ideas, developed by the International TPM Association. It is formulated according to the characteristics of the Japanese culture. Makes the installed TPM activities more likely to be successful in a factory, and Japan TPM its greater flexibility, which means you can be determined according to the actual needs of the plant equipment to carry out the contents of the TPM, it can be said is a method kinds dynamic.

TPM is characterized by three "full", that is, the total efficiency of the whole system and full participation.
Full efficiency: the equipment life cycle cost evaluation and OEE.
System-wide: refers to the various methods of production and maintenance system should be included. PM, MP, CM, BM should contain.
Full participation: refers to the plan, use, and maintenance of the equipment in all sectors should participate, with particular emphasis on the operator's own group activities.

TPM's primary purpose is to advance the prevention and elimination of the the seven losses caused by equipment failure: to prepare and adjust appliance adjustment, accelerated aging, check downtime, speed decreased and the production of defective products. Achieve zero fault, zero defect, zero waste and zero disasters, maximize production efficiency, cost rationalization consumption.
TPM objectives can be summarized as four "zero", i.e. downtime zero zero scrap, accidents, is zero, the speed loss is zero.
Downtime to zero: the zero unplanned equipment downtime. Unplanned downtime considerable impact on production, the entire raw product with difficulties, resulting in resources lie idle. Planning time to have a reasonable value can not reach very high order to meet the zero unplanned downtime to make the plan downtime value.
Waste zero: zero means the waste caused by the device reasons. Perfect quality sound machine, the machine is the key to ensuring the quality of products, and ensure the good and bad of the machine.
Accidents to zero: zero means the device is running in the accident. Equipment accident hazards, affect the production does not say, and may result in personal injury, serious may "plane crash".
Loss of velocity is zero: zero refers to equipment speed reduced yield losses. Can not be used at high speed due to poor equipment maintenance, equipment precision equipment, equal to reduce the performance of the equipment.

Efforts to implement the TPM from three elements, these three elements are:
1, improve work skills: Whether operatives, or equipment engineers must strive to improve job skills, do not have good job skills will be an empty promise, full participation.
2, improved mental outlook: good mental outlook, in order to form a good team, and jointly promote and improve together.
3, to improve the operating environment: 5S activities, operating environment, on the one hand can increase the interest in the work and efficiency, on the other hand to avoid unnecessary equipment accidents. Site clean, materials, tools, and other categories to be placed, and also allows setting adjustment time.

To carry out the steps
To carry out the the TPM not an easy thing to do, need the support of all parties, especially the factory leadership. Specifically to carry out the process can be divided into three stages, 10 concrete steps.
TPM to carry out the process stage
1) Ready to stage
This stage is to develop TPM plans to create a suitable environment and atmosphere. Can be the work of the following four steps.
The major benefits to the the enterprise employees propaganda TPM ① TPM introduction of promotion and training, can create effective education employees to establish the concept of solidarity, breaking the "operatives operating just maintenance just repair the habit of thinking.
2) Establish organizations to promote TPM was established to promote the Commission, the range can be from the company level to the section level, specify the person in charge at every level, empowerment, responsibility, enterprise, departmental Promotion Committee best full-time full-time institutions, but also the establishment of various professional project team to guide the implementation of the TPM, training, solve on-site to promote the difficult issues.
3) Basic TPM policies and objectives
The goal of TPM is mainly in three aspects:
a. purpose is what (what)
b. reached much (How much)
c. schedule (when)
Is, what time to what level in those indicators, consider the problem follows the order: external requirements → internal problems → basic strategy → target range target
4) establish TPM promote the master plan
Develop a global plan, put forward the slogan the TPM can endure. Gradually to the overall goal of four "zero" forward.
The main content of the program is reflected in the following five aspects.
A: Improved OEE;
B: the establishment of autonomous maintenance program for workers in the operation;
C: quality assurance;
D: the work schedule of the maintenance department;
E: education and training, awareness raising and skills
Above, can be made into a table

The introduction of the implementation phase
This stage setting goals, and implementing various measures, step by step, in-depth work. Flames of hunting recruited senior advisers that the following five aspects of work.
(1) develop measures to improve overall equipment efficiency
The establishment of a professional project team, members of the group, including equipment engineers, operators and maintenance personnel. The project team plans to choose different types of critical equipment, to seize the typical sum up experience, played the role of point to an area.
Project team to help grassroots operations team to to determine equipment inspection and clean-up lubricating parts to resolve maintenance difficulty, improve operating independent repair confidence of the workers.
(2) establish an independent repair program
Must first overcome the traditional "operation and maintenance" concept of the division of labor, operating workers to help establish the operation of workers to self-repair, each person is responsible for the equipment, "confidence and ideas.
Implementation of 5S activities, and the implementation of self-repair "the seven-step method based on the 5S.

Independent maintenance of "Seven Steps law"
1. An initial clean clean up dust, good lubrication, tightening the screws
2.To develop countermeasures to prevent dust, sludge contamination to improve the status of the hard-to-clean parts, reduce cleaning difficulties
3. To establish clean-by-station equipment, point-by-point lubrication standard reasonably clean lubrication standards
4. Check the check device status in accordance with the inspection manual by the group leader to guide the team members for each test item
5. Self-test to establish self-test standards, inspect in accordance with the self-test table, and refer to the checklist of the maintenance department to improve the group's self-test standard. Establish new objectives and the maintenance  6.Department to determine the boundaries of the different inspection areas, to avoid overlap and responsibilities are unknown.
Organize and straighten the development of various workplace standards, such as clean lubricating Standard, on-site cleaning standard, data recording standards, tools, parts and maintenance standards, etc.
7 Automatic, self-maintenance workers can consciously skilled self-maintenance, strong self-confidence, a sense of accomplishment.

Good maintenance plan
The maintenance program is the maintenance department's day-to-day maintenance plans, autonomous maintenance activities and team in conjunction. And according to the research group to carry out the maintenance plan and adjust. The best production manager and equipment section chief held daily meetings to solve production problems at any time, at any time to arrange and adjust the maintenance plan.

Improve operation and maintenance skills training
The training is a times return on investment, not only to the operator's maintenance skills training, but also on their operational skills training. Training to be the right remedy, individualized training level.
Training objects training content
Section chief training management skills, basic technical design modifications
Experienced workers training maintenance application technology
Senior operatives learn basic maintenance skills, fault diagnosis and repair
Junior, the new workers to learn basic skills

Initial management procedures to establish equipment
The equipment load running many problems often in equipment design, Kenzo, manufacturing, installation, commissioning stage had hidden. Therefore, equipment pre-management to consider the maintenance of prevention and maintenance design, improved equipment, according to the test results and the problems in the selection of equipment (design and development), installation, commissioning and trial operation stage specific objectives are:
① strive to achieve the highest level within the limits of the equipment investment planning
② reduce the stable operation of the cycle from design to
(3) small workload
④ ensure the design to the highest level of reliability, maintenance, economic operation and security.

The consolidation phase
This stage is to check the results of the assessment of the TPM. Lack of improvement, and to develop the next step higher goals. For enterprises to create greater efficiency.

Independent activity
TPM team the best independent activity into the organizational systems Shelves, contents and objectives of its main activities is "no": no waste, failure, no accidents, no working error, the main feature is the full participation of the previous things done by a small number of people to become conscious of all personnel actions.
The composition and activities of the group
Group workshop affiliated grassroots organizations, generally 3-10 person team is led by democratically elected week to open a regular meeting time is about 0.5-1 hours, the TPM General Assembly to be held twice annually for outstanding team reward. TPM if successful, can be said to depend on the enthusiasm of the operators. The operators understand TPM, progressive ideas, it will surely be successful. First, operators must be clear to the basic principle of business in promoting the TPM Important, basic TPM policies and objectives set. Each employee to fully understand the the target operators want. Use "how we live decided to operators hope proportionality?" Angle to consciously set a goal of a good team. This is the form of the TPM group. Consciousness: that is, under the guidance of the organizational system promote. The goal from the top down and the general on-site group activities to form for the integration, the basic way of thinking is the TPM.
TPM group activities purpose
The system efficiency is achieved through mutual respect, full participation. Completely excluded 7 loss to affect the device efficiency equipment running to the best condition to ensure the completion of the safety, production planning, quality and enhance the stability, reduce costs, comply with the outcome of the satisfied that period. Therefore, to improve performance, can also become a factory outlook. Enterprise development and improving the quality of each employee as its purpose. Convert this kind of thinking and action become repeat expand the activities of the group in the TPM, the TPM purpose of the activities of the small organization that is the purpose of the TPM.
The main content of group activities
① enterprise TPM master plan to develop the group's efforts target
② recommendations and measures proposed to reduce downtime, asked the individual to complete the target
③ fill in the device status records, the actual situation analysis study
④ meet on a regular basis, the evaluation of the target completion
To ⑤ assessment results and to develop new goals
Group activities be focused at all stages, the initial implementation, TPM, cleaning, training. Mainly to maintenance operations in the mid-late to group meetings, checking and self-maintenance.
The behavior of the group activities of scientific thought.
Goals and to be consistent with the objectives of the group activities, it is imperative to complete the company's goal to become the need of each staff. This point is whether to do a good job, mainly to see the management thinking.
"Authoritative" management model to focus only on the production variables, accustomed to the "Rules" command "management businesses, employees fear psychological superiors, management can only improve productivity in the short term. The participatory management attention to the interests of the people, a sense of accomplishment, self-motivated, productivity improvement is a long-term. Good management should be the "authority" and "participatory" combined. But mainly participatory.
TPM group activities
① activities: the the STEP activity, MY-Machine activities to improve the activities of the Sub topics, One Point Lesson education.
② In the normal working hours of self-discipline, not otherwise specified activities, the group full propulsion cleaning, to improve the implementation of the job.
The ③ best a the rendezvous times / month or so and cycle times / week or more on-site activities.
④ the implementation of the activities of more times / week (or day) individuals do MY-M / C, and a notice of the activities of the board.
Regular activities confirmed the plan to compare the performance to discuss the next program of activities, to discuss issues in the activities and improve the proposal.
The evaluation of group activities
Mainly depends on four aspects of the situation
(1) Self-development stage: consciously required to master the technology, self-confidence
(2) to advance stages: to constantly improve our work and technology, there is a sense of accomplishment
③ problem-solving stages: complementary goals with business objectives, solve the problem of their own
④ self-management stage: group set higher goals, independence

Equipment inspection system
1 point inspection to develop righteous:
Point inspection system based on spot inspection of the center's equipment maintenance management system, point inspection system of medicine and just like people to do the physical examination, the use of some means of checking the equipment early detection, diagnosis and repair. Each enterprise can develop their own point inspection system according to their actual situation.
2, "Trinity" point inspection system and the concept of the five-layer protection line
"Trinity": daily spot check of the operator positions, professional point inspectors regularly point inspection, professional and technical personnel Precision Inspection three combined point inspection system.
The five-layer protection line is:
First layer of protection line: jobs daily spot check of the operator
Second layer of defense lines: professional point inspectors regularly point inspection
Precision Inspection of the third layer of protection lines: professional and technical personnel
Fourth layer of protection lines: further problems through technical diagnosis to identify the causes and countermeasures
Fifth layer of protection lines: every six months or a year of sophisticated detection
3 point inspection system features:
Point inspection system is characterized by "fixed"
(1) person to person: the establishment of part-time and full-time operator point inspector
② the sentinel: clear equipment failure point, clear point seized parts, projects and content
③ quantitative: deterioration lateral quantitative determination
④ given cycle: the different equipment, different equipment failure point gives a different point inspection cycle
(5) standards: Give each point inspection is normal part of the basis for
⑥ a plan: to make the job card, the guide points inspector along a prescribed route job
⑦ to given records: set fixed record format
The ⑧ given process: set point inspection operations and inspection results handler
4 point inspection system requirements
6 point inspection system requirements, as shown in the following figure shows:
5 point inspection classification:
The purpose of sub-point inspection: the tendency to point inspection, deterioration Inspection
According to whether the disintegration of: the disintegration point inspection and non-disintegration of Inspection
Cycle and business: daily spot check the cycle point inspection, precision point inspection.

Activities of significance
Carried out the TPM activities enables enterprises to obtain good economic and advertising effect, allows businesses to give full play to the potential of the production, and enterprises to establish a good social image.

TPM is Nippon Denso (Denso several companies in Tianjin) the PM production preservation import 1961 start. Seven years later, the company decided to allow all employees to participate in the full preservation. After more than two years of effort, achieved enormous success, So TPM born.

TPM has a very striking effect in enhancing the overall efficiency of the device (time efficiency, performance, efficiency, and product qualification rate), as a the TPS management system device management subsystem, the practice has proved, the implementation of TPM to enhance the overall efficiency of the device can be 50% - 90%. Device-based enterprises, TPM will be the best management system.

Implementation phase
1 Corporate executives TPM import is determined to Declaration
2 TPM into education and activities
3 TPM promoting organization established
4. TPM basic guideline and goal setting
5. TPM master plan to determine
6 TPM implementation activities officially launched
7. TPM pillar implementation
8. Equipment early management
9. Equipment quality maintenance
10. Indirect equipment sector management
11. Equipment safety and environmental management
12.TPM complete the implementation and level up

Case Study
In a TPM technology manufacturing companies, the TPM team in the beginning select a punch as the analysis object, it carried out intensive research and assessment, after a longer period of production, the establishment of a punch production use and non-production comparison of the time record. Some team members found significant differences between the punch several very similar state efficiency. Found that they began to consider how to improve their work status. Shortly thereafter, they devised a set of state-of-the-art punch operating procedures, which includes red bed wear and tear parts cleaning, painting, adjustment and replacement of maintenance operations, so that the punch is a world-class manufacturing status. As part of this, they also work on equipment use and maintenance personnel training, re-design, developed by the operator is responsible for checking the daily list of maintenance tasks by factory agents assist in the completion of certain phases of the work.
TPM after the success of a device, the case record will show that TPM can indeed significantly improve product quality, the factory will therefore be more likely to support the use of TPM technology to the next piece of equipment, they continue to do so, we can improve the state of the entire production line to world-class level of productivity of the company will be significantly improved.

By the above case: TPM requires the equipment operator as an essential element in the maintenance of equipment, and this is an innovation of the TPM. That "I am only responsible for operating concept here is no longer applicable. Routine daily maintenance verification replace the work of a small amount of adjustment operations, lubrication as well as individual components have become the responsibility of the operator. Operator assistance, professional maintenance staff are mainly responsible for the excessive wear and tear of the control equipment and major downtime problems. Even had to hire external or the factory internal maintenance experts operating personnel should also play a significant role in the maintenance process.

The TPM Coordinator of several training methods. Combination of most manufacturing large professional organizations and private consulting department, training organizations can provide information about TPM implementation. Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) and productivity Press are two examples, they are providing the introduced TPM tape, books and other teaching materials. Productivity newspaper still in the cities of the United States long-term organized about TPM seminars, industrial benchmarks also provide guidance and training work.

TPM effects
The successful implementation of TPM companies, including many of the world's well-known companies, such as: Ford Motor Company, Eastman Kodak Company, Dana Corporation and Airey Bradley companies. About TPM reports that companies implement TPM, productivity has improved significantly. Kodak, it claims that since the adoption of the TPM technology, access to 5,000,000 more than 16 million of the input-output ratio. Another manufacturing company claimed that its die replacement time from a few hours down to 20 minutes. This is equivalent to no need to purchase and will be able to use two or even more millions of dollars worth of equipment. Texas State University claimed through study found that to using TPM can increase its production rate of about 80% in some areas. And these companies are claiming TPM can be reduced by 50% or more of equipment downtime, reduce spare parts inventory, improve on-time delivery rate. In many cases, it can significantly reduce the demand for outsourcing parts or even the whole production line.

TPM effects case
Since the TPM implementation in Japan and the world enterprises, to the enterprise to create a considerable economic benefits, but also increase the company's intangible assets, some specific examples are listed below.
West End before the pump works in the implementation of the TPM, monthly downtime 700. 1982 TPM implementation has been done without downtime, product quality also increased to one million only 11 seconds West End the pump works known as the "living room factory.
Japan's Nissan Motor Company from 1990 to 1993, the implementation of TPM years, labor productivity increased by 50%, the overall equipment efficiency from the TPM before 64.7% to 82.4%, equipment failure rate decreased from 1990 to 4740 to 1993, 1082, reduced by a total of 70%.
Canadian WTG car company: in 1988 the implementation of TPM, three years, its metal processing line downtime per month dropped from 10h 2. 5h planned downtime per month (in preparation) dropped from 54h 9h; their activities top production line waste reduced by 68%, reduced from 12 to 6.
Italian company: to promote TPM years, productivity growth of 33.9%, machine failure decreased by 95.8%, partial downtime decreased by 78%, oil consumption is reduced by 39%, 17.4% reduction in maintenance costs, greatly improve the working environment, reduced airborne dust 90%.

TPM implementation enterprise throughout Northern Europe, Western Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Oceania, the 2267 companies in the early 1980s in South Korea, for example, has 800 launched TPM management. 42 Japan in recognition of the results of TPM promotion, set up the PM Award addition to overseas subsidiaries of Japan and Japan since 1991, well-known companies such as Jent, Wal-volt Bell, Piai Li and Ford Motor Company Company PM Award.

Some well-known domestic enterprises, such as Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Group, Guangdong Kelon Electrical Group, Shanghai Bright Dairy, Tianjin New Wei Xiang Industrial Products Co., Ltd., Liaoning Anshan Iron and Steel Group, Haier Group in Qingdao, Shandong General (tobacco) Group introduced a TPM management model , and achieved remarkable results.
TPM is to maintain the overall labor productivity, the purpose of continuous improvement in all aspects.

TPM cornerstone of a ─ 5S activities 5S finishing, straighten, sweep, clean, referred to literacy. 5S activity is a basic activity is the basis of all activities on site, prior to the implementation of TPM phase activities necessary to prepare and premise, is the cornerstone of TPM the other pillars of activity.
The training pillar ─ "begins with education, and finally education" training
The educational activities on the first of the pillars of TPM activities, mainly want to highlight the status of education in TPM activities, anything people do not stay in business. For enterprises, promote TPM or any new thing no experience, must be obtained through education and explore, and education and training as the basis TPM, TPM will certainly promote not go on. Can not think so, education training and 5S activities is tied for the basic pillars.
Third, the production pillars - manufacturing sector self-management activities
TPM activities biggest success is to be able to launch full participation, if occupy the total number of enterprises about 80% of the manufacturing sector employees in the field completely self-management and improve, then, must raise own enthusiasm creatively to reduce the management level and management personnel, especially ordinary employees through such activities can participate in enterprise management, and to improve its own strength. So self-management activities is the mainstay of the TPM.
Fourth, efficiency pillar ─ sector-wide theme improvement activities and project activities
Full participation in the self-management activities microdefects to eliminate the impact of enterprise, as well as unreasonable phenomenon, played the role of a preventive measure, but the for individual outstanding problems, had to use traditional means to carry out the subject activities. In the TPM group activities theme activities, the need to cross-sectoral activities can be an ad hoc group.
Fifth, equipment pillars - Equipment sector professional preservation activities
All products are almost all from the device upstream, more inseparable from the production equipment of the modern enterprise. Good management of the equipment is the fundamental way to improve production efficiency, improve staff skills and qualities but also to better operation and control equipment, device management is very important, it is one of the core issues of the enterprise must face. The functions of the device management is necessary to subdivide the traditional day-to-day management of the equipment handed over to the production sector to promote the self-management of the device, and equipment maintenance departments devote their energies to preventive preservation and planning preservation and diagnostic techniques to improve predict the force of the device status, which is professional preservation activities.
Sixth affairs pillar ─ indirect management of affairs of the department of innovative activity
TPM is a full participation in the the lasting collective activity, there is no management of indirect departments support, the activity is not
Continue. The strong support and the support of other departments to improve the reliable guarantee of the outcome of the TPM activity in the manufacturing sector, but affairs department through innovative activities, not only to improve business efficiency, enhance service awareness, but also to cultivate the art of management and leadership, training and business-minded and global thinking management talent.
Seventh, the technology pillars - development technology sector intelligence management activities
No disadvantage of the design of the products and equipment research and development, the bounden duty of the technical department, is the master of product design and the necessary equipment design intelligence, inseparable from the production site and the preservation and quality departments to obtain the necessary information support that activity is MP intelligence management activities, equipment installation before the delivery of the normal operation of the early liquidity management activities also belong to the scope of this activity.
Eighth, the the security pillar ─ security sector security management activities
Security is everything is the premise of any activity is first of all to ensure safety. Safety activities scheduled in 7th pillar, not the safety seventh important fact safety activities from 5S activities beginning is always running through them, any activity if security problems, all equal to 0.
Ninth pillars of quality - quality department quality preservation activities
Traditional quality activities, the focus is always on results, not guarantee good quality, not produce defective products. Such post-management activities and quality management activities prior to seize the source is different. Quality preservation activities described on the last pillar, is to improve the quality of the production of the fundamental purpose of a project, relatively speaking, is also the most difficult.

These nine major activities are interrelated and complement each other, in order to reap the overall combined effect of any local activities are difficult to achieve great results. Such as the manufacturing sector is very hard to carry out self-management activities, but without the strong support of the equipment sector, it is impossible to achieve a major effect improvement activities; equipment department to concentrate on professional preservation and important subjects, but not the support and assistance of the management department activities difficult result of some departments stand idly by, the efforts of the department will be let down, activity is inevitable mortality.

Implementation stage
TPM first stage - the initial cleaning; through this stage, the scene completely 5S and repair of equipment repair, our workplace into a neat, clean, comfortable and beautiful scene. Through the implementation of the first stage, the most important role in changing the awareness of employees, enhance the willingness to strengthen the executive power, and train the staff found that the capacity of the on-site problems in the implementation process;
The second phase of the TPM - difficult point / source countermeasures; improve the process, often before it reveals can not see the problem, we solve it around to proceed with the improvement achieved substantial results in victory the joy in strengthening self-confidence. At this stage we have gradually cultivate the ability of employees to improve.
The focus of this phase of TPM third stage - the total point inspection; staff-depth understanding of the equipment, get along with their overnight production site, and the formation of a self-management model in the form of point inspection, through the day-to-day management of the standardization, the establishment of a preventive first place the mechanism. The employees involved in the management's willingness and enhance the ability of site improvement, laying a solid foundation for the eventual establishment of a self-management system.
TPM Phase IV - improve the point seized efficiency (visual management); in order to better implement our day-to-day management, we should establish a visible management mode, let us glance. The fourth stage is to take this as the goal, the use of visual management tools to improve the efficiency of point inspection, improve labor productivity.
TPM fifth stage - self-management system established; through enterprise for a long time to implement TPM, you can achieve the ideal goal, the establishment of a full participation in the self-management system. In this regime, we can not only solve a wide variety of "iceberg", and also be able to actively prevent the generation of the "iceberg" to achieve fault, bad, waste of "zero" goal.


1, to carry out the "5S activities
"Environmental infection, environmental impact" has always been a basic principle in behavior, to create a conducive environment to improve the quality of work and efficiency are important duty of every manager. The so-called "5S" refers to the "finishing", to "regulate", "cleaning", "clean" and "literacy". Are the Japanese pronunciation of "S" The beginning of the so called "5S. Following itemized Analysis.
First, finishing. Unwanted materials, tools, equipment, reports placed separately dispose of items and then do not, this is the first step in improving the environment. Railway construction enterprise backlog of a considerable amount of equipment and materials, construction objects change in a certain period of time is not only for enterprises to create value, and the space occupied by consuming maintenance costs of such equipment and materials should be addressed.
Second, for rectification. Items to quantitative positioning. Material chamber of the materials, tools, fuel according to a certain number of neatly placed, rails, sleepers, according to a certain number of neatly stacked, equipment classification parked, awaiting repair machinery park specified location, and not allowed Luantingluanfang.
Third, cleaning. Cleaned up the construction site, the environment, equipment, materials, dust and dirt. Operator in the pumping time of about 10 minutes after class mechanical cleaning each.
Fourth, clean. Refers to "organize", "rectification", "clean up" after a thorough maintenance. Clean is the first step in the production safety.
Fifth, literacy. Develop good work habits, to comply with the rules and regulations of the unit, best execution of the regulations of the units, obedience to the heart and the collective spirit to be similar to the army.
"5S" activities is the first step in the management of full equipment, if done well, to carry out any reform is meaningless, "5S" activities have to rely on all employees.

2, at the end of the work will be a day shift full
The management plan is the prime function is set up as a bridge between the current situation and goals, is a guarantee of goals, to ensure that the construction and production, it is necessary to maintain and repair machinery. At the end of each month, the civil engineer in charge of construction, electrical engineer in charge of the mechanical mechanical engineer in charge of electricity, to be together held a working meeting, the first actual work summarizing the month to discuss the proposed Problems Finally Next month work plan. Construction plans and mechanical maintenance plan reflected the form of a report, makes clear.
Management is a dynamic system, some deviations that may arise in the implementation of the plan, and therefore must be adjusted according to the actual situation in a timely manner, to supplement and improve the implementation of the monthly plan through daily shift unionism can. Every five p.m. shift will, civil, mechanical, electrical engineer to the manager of the company reporting the completion of the day's work, and the next day's work plan. Complete the work as well as plans to reflect the form of a report. The shift will be the implementation of the all the work has a strong plan and prescriptive, company managers strategizing, winning thousands of miles away.

3, a clear division of labor, terms of reunification
The functions of the organization is an important function of management, an effective organization must achieve the organic unity of the job, responsibilities, rights, and therefore the TPM management requirements management personnel of the division of labor is extremely clear, each construction team only set a project manager, no deputy, consists of Civil Engineers, two, one tube construction, a tube measurements, to set mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, a. Student in each class to a attendant technician, responsible for construction guidance and to fill bumban construction daily report. Each engineer has a clear job responsibilities, each manage their own studies on the dangers of things, basically non-interference in each other, has full autonomy. Engineers direct job placement technician or squad leader, technical tests, safety tests, time 交底. The manager of the company is not concrete pipe construction is only responsible for coordination. Each engineer has a post entitled to, for the integrated management of production and technology.

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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