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Production management

Production management , the general term for the management of the setting up and running of the production system. Also known as production control. Its contents include: (1) the work of the organization of production. Site selection, plant layout, organization of production lines, the implementation of the quotas of work and labor organizations, and the set of production management system. (2) production planning. Preparation of production planning, production the technical preparedness plans and production planning. (3) production control work. That control the production schedule, production inventory, production, quality and production costs.


The task of the production management [1]: the work of the organization of production, in accordance with the requirements of the business goals set technically feasible, economically viable, material and technical conditions and environmental conditions allows the production system; production planning, the development of production system optimization

Running programs; production control work, in a timely and effective manner to adjust the various relationships inside and outside of the production process, the production system operates in accordance with the established requirements of the production plan, expected production of varieties, quality, production, production period and production costs objectives. Production management purpose is to do less input, output, and to obtain the best value for money. The purpose of production management software to improve the efficiency of the production management, effective management of the production process, thereby enhancing the overall competitiveness of enterprises.

The main module of the production management: program management, procurement management, manufacturing management, quality management, efficient management, equipment management, inventory management, morale management and lean production management total of nine modules.


High efficiency, low power consumption, flexible, on-time production of qualified products, provide customers with satisfactory services.

Efficient: to meet user needs quickly and shorten the ordering, delivery cycle, favorable conditions for marketing to gain customers.

Low power consumption: human, material and financial resources to consume the least, low-cost, low price.

Flexible: able to quickly adapt to market changes, the production of different varieties and new varieties.

On time: the time required by the user, according to the number of users need to provide the necessary products and services

High quality and satisfactory services: refers to the quality of products and services to achieve customer satisfaction levels.


House training in the enterprise, production and Minister Question Road: our department an equipment repairman, often in violation of discipline, but he would repair some of the equipment only. Do we punish him? In fact, many domestic enterprises will appear like this allows administrators headache. In an enterprise like this indispensable, and that the enterprise is very dangerous. To avoid or reduce the risk of such a magic weapon is standardized.

1, standardization

The so-called standardized enterprise wide variety of specifications, such as: A point of order, regulations, rules, standards, essentials, these specifications form text things collectively referred to as the standard (or standard book). Development of standards, and then put into action by the standard is called standardization. Those who believe that the preparation or revision of the standard has completed the standardization point of view is that the error only after the instruction, training to be implemented standardized.

The management level is never-ending. Although the standardization system in many domestic enterprises, systems, awareness of obstacles, but must come up with 'aware of the tiger, undeterred by the boldness of vision, can really make' Made in China 'become synonymous with high quality.

2, visual management

The implementation of visual management how largely reflects the level of on-site management of an enterprise. Either in the field or in the office, visual management come in handy. Understand the main points and level based on the extensive use of visual management will bring huge benefits to the enterprise internal management.

So-called visual management is through the visual result in changes in human consciousness a management method. The visual management has three main points:

(1) Whoever is able to ascertain [4] is bad (abnormal);

(2) can quickly determine with high precision;

(3) to determine the results will not vary from person to person.

In the day-to-day activities, we perceive things through the 'five senses' (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste). Among them, the most commonly used is the 'vision'. According to statistics, 60% of the action from the 'visual' perception. Therefore, in the enterprise management, the stressed state of a variety of management, clear management approach to achieve 'at a glance', and thus easy to understand, simple to follow, so that employees own fully understand and accept, the implementation of the work, which will give management with to great benefits.

3, management Kanban

Management signage is a form of expression, that is, at a glance the performance of the status of the data, information visualization management, mainly for the management of the project, especially the transparent management of intelligence activities. It through various forms such slogans / existing state board / chart / electronic screen on the file, the mind or the scene hidden intelligence revealed, so that anyone can grasp the management and the necessary information, so as to be able to quickly develop and the implementation of response measures. Therefore, the management Kanban found the problem, is very effective and intuitive means to solve the problem is one of the essential tools of the excellent on-site management.

Management Kanban is an efficient and easy management methods to effectively relieve himself on a management applications for enterprise managers.

Management Kanban general production Kanban, abnormal signage.

Exception management signage background data analysis reports support the abnormal call point in time, the exception processing time point, exception handling end time point. The statistical exception handling time, the incidence of abnormal incidence of abnormal trend icon. The data support the on-site management to assess the effectiveness.

Management in the core of the problem is that the incentive problem incentive not to manipulate, not to contain, but to meet the needs of the people, meet the needs of human behavior guidance and the mobilization. The needs of the people is human nature, understanding of the characteristics of human nature, to adapt to the characteristics of human nature, is to inspire the validity of the guarantee. Human psychology and behavior have in common only put themselves in has gone, in order to win the staff really are vastly different and constantly changing, Zhang applicable on ways to motivate, John Doe may not be effective, therefore, must be different reference significance and role, and because the difference. Copy theory and imitate others can not effectively motivate staff.

Vocational qualification

Production operations management division national occupational standards "has been officially promulgated by the former Ministry of Labor and Social Security (now Human Resources and Social Security Ministry). The standard is comprehensive, system requirements Assistant Operations Management Division (National Vocational Qualification Level 3), Operations Management Division (National Vocational Qualification Level 2) and Advanced Operations Management Division (National Vocational Qualification level) should master the knowledge training and skills, and three levels of identification methods clearly defined. The standard promulgation and implementation of a unified specification vocational training and certification marks China's manufacturing operations management and scientific basis, and has been officially included in the national examination system, the legal system. In accordance with the standard, formal training and the identification of successful candidates obtained by the Human Resources and Social Security issued by the People's Republic of China vocational qualification certificate (referred to as National Vocational Qualifications).

Information Technology
With the rising level of development and management of information technology, production and management of information technology has become an important means of manufacturing production management, how to master the production processes, master production speed, quality and production workers' job performance, information technology can greatly manufacturers to enhance the production management level. And application of more automated equipment at the production site, these devices can greatly improve production efficiency, reduce production costs and to ensure product quality and stability has made a great contribution.

Performance appraisal

The Manufacturing Performance is the production department by constantly enrich their knowledge, improve their skills, improve their working attitude and strive to create a good working environment and job opportunities, and continuously improve production efficiency, improve product quality, increase employee morale, reduce costs and to ensure the delivery and production safety results and behavior. Production functions of the department is based on the business objectives and business plan, starting from the product variety, quality, quantity, cost, delivery and market demand, to adopt effective methods and measures of enterprise human, material, equipment, funds, etc. resources for planning, organizing, directing, coordination and control, to produce products that meet market demand. Accordingly, production management performance is divided into the following six main aspects:

1) efficiency (P: Productivity)

Efficiency under the given resource to achieve maximum output. Also be understood as relative job purpose tools and methods, whether or not the most suited and are fully utilized. The efficiency will increase the yield per unit time, production costs will be reduced.

2) Quality (Q: Quality)

Quality, customer requirements is decomposed into specific design data, the formation of the expected target value, and ultimately produce a low cost, stable performance, reliable quality, inexpensive products. The product quality is a fundamental business survival. For the production supervisor, quality management and control effect is one of the important indicators to evaluate the production management performance. So-called quality management, in order to fully meet customer requirements, corporate collection of all the wisdom of experience, a variety of management tools to utilize all organizational system, the implementation of the management and improvement, so as to achieve good quality, short delivery time, low-cost, high-quality services to meet customer requirements.

3) Cost (C: Cost)

The cost of the various costs that occur in the production activities. Enterprise efficiency is good or bad depends largely on the level of relative costs, costs squeeze profit margins, then the corresponding enterprise's net profit is relatively lower. Therefore, the production supervisor during the performance management must be cost performance management as one of the main content of the work.
4) Delivery (D: Delivery)

The delivery time is timely delivery of the required number of products or services. Competition in the market now, delivery time is very important. On time is the time required by the user, according to user needs [6], the number of products and services. A business even with state-of-the-art technology, advanced detection means, to ensure the quality of products, and low cost products, the price is cheap. But there is no good delivery management system, the delivery can not be specified according to customer delivery, directly affect the customer's business activity, the customer will not buy your product. Delivery and quality of management is therefore a direct impact on customers key business activities, not strict delivery time will lose the right to life, than the quality, cost is more important.

5) Safety (S: Safety)

Management of production safety in order to protect the safety and health of employees, the protection of property against loss, safe production and improve economic efficiency for the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling a series of activities. Production safety is very important for any business, because the event of an accident at work, not only will affect the product quality, production efficiency, delivery time, but also individual employees, bring great loss, and even the country also produced a great loss.

6) morale (M: morale)

The staff morale mainly in three areas: the turnover rate, attendance, work satisfaction. High morale is the performance of the vitality of enterprises, inexhaustible valuable resource. Only continue to improve staff morale, in order to give full play to people's enthusiasm and creativity of the staff to maximize the potential, so as to make the greatest possible contribution to the development of the company, so that the company as quickly as possible.

Therefore, in order assessment of the performance of production management, comprehensive assessment should be six.

Basic business

1, the production plan. The production plan mentioned here mainly refers to the monthly plans and daily plans. In principle, the production department to the marketing department sales plan as a benchmark to determine their own production plans, otherwise, in practice it is likely there will be a gap between production and marketing - either produced by the product can not be shipped, either to the the goods products but no production, no matter what kind of case, the waste will be brought to the enterprise. Of course, because the market itself is constantly changing, so the marketing department sometimes can not determine the sales plan in the coming period. At this time, the production sector is necessary to arrange shipping based on past and current inventory plan. Finally, remember, the production plan to do it must be communicated to the purchasing department and marketing department.

2, grasp the material supplied. Although the supply of the material is the responsibility of the procurement department, production department is necessary to grasp needed for the production of a variety of raw materials inventory quantity at any time before the material shortage can adjust the production in a timely manner and inform the marketing department, in order to minimize shortage of materials caused by the loss.

3, grasp the production schedule. In order to complete the pre-production plan, production managers must confirm the actual progress of the production. At least once a day production performance and plan for comparison in order to detect gaps and establish effective remedies.

4, to grasp the situation of the product quality. Measure of product quality indicators are generally two-fold: the process defect rate and shipment inspection defect rate. The grasp quality requires more than just the production managers to understand the data about the poor, and more to the quality problems sustained and effective improvement and tracking.

5, as planned shipments. Shipment plan in accordance with the marketing department to arrange the shipment, if the lack of inventory, you should contact the marketing department in advance to determine the solution.

6, the management of employees. And purely technical work, the production manager is responsible for the majority of employees under their own, including the grasp of their work, health, safety and state of mind. Management capacity is an important part of the production manager operational capacity.

7, Duties educational. Implemented at all levels under the continuing job education aims to continuously improve the level of their thoughts and the ability to work, also can prevent some of the issues happen again. In order to do this production managers to constantly improve their professional standards, because he could not fully engage external lecturers to complete his education plan.
Details of the breakthrough

1, in terms of production technology and production management techniques.

Enterprises do pay attention to the accumulation of technology and innovation in the industry production base, to do a good job each step in detail. Production management technology more depth to the details, because production management is the management of the details need to pay attention to each data changes in production planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling aspects do meticulous, careful, attention to detail.

2, in the production of the device level

Improvement and optimization in detail, focusing on related equipment before and after the process of docking and concerted focus on equipment, the introduction of advanced equipment also must pay attention to the maintenance of equipment and production environment maintenance work. Improve equipment utilization, reduce equipment costs.

3, Staff level

To do strive to improve their ability to work from a bit of operational procedures, equipment use skills, technology and other aspects, and strengthen awareness of the details of the employees in the market, and clearly the details of the work focus on the significance and importance of the entire organization and strive to cultivate the details of the work atmosphere and workshop production environment. To fully enhance the quality of staff to improve work efficiency.

Specifically content

The specific content of the production management: basic data maintenance, production planning, maintenance, production of single, preparation, picking, feeding, back material, mold inquiries, process records, statistics working hours, off the production line records, statistics of the finished products, to develop a maintenance plan , report output.

1, the basic data maintenance: basic data: materials, production management, fixed working hours, equipment, production lines, process information.

The system supports basic data query, print, add, modify, or delete operation.

2 materials: materials defines the material and the amount of each product, to What materials: the production of a product? How much? Issued when the production of single-system based on the materials table automatically calculates the required materials and dosage.

3, fixed working hours: fixed working hours defined standard working hours for each process, may use this as a standard working hours statistics.

4, device information: Device Information recorded the basic information for a variety of devices, such as: where the name of the production line, the device name, model, work status, persons responsible for the installation time, the original value, useful life, depreciation method, net salvage value, can provide the basis for the cost calculation.

5, the production line: Production line information recorded in the basic information of each production line, such as: the production line number, name of the production line, the alignment step, the installation location.

6, process information: process information defines the process ID of each process, process name, job content.

7, the tool library: mold library used to store mold information, such as: mold number, name, size, corresponding to clients, can be a variety of conditions at any time.

8, production planning and maintenance: from production planning: sales management, production management and inventory management, production planning is the basis of the issued production tasks.

System to support production planning query, print, modify, delete, additional program operation.

9, the next production order: production alone is the first step in the implementation of production plans, fill can be a direct reference to the production plan, you can manually fill.

Production order confirmation, the system will be based on product materials table automatically calculates the required materials to generate a list of material requirements.

10, production preparation: the production preparation according to the list of material requirements to determine whether there is a shortage of stock materials, if there is a shortfall, it is purchased, or production? Purchased how much, how much to produce?

Preparation of order confirmation, the system will be based on the number of outsourcing, production quantity, automatically generated purchase plans and production schedules.

11 Production Picking: After the completion of the preparation, shortage of materials waiting for procurement or production of existing material collection for production, production picking to production.

12, the process feed: feed processes used to record the amount of material into the production line each process, and based on collar quantity, calculate the material remaining amount.

13, step back material: the process back material for refund of the overpayment or wrong collar material warehouse, order confirmation back material, the material directly warehousing.

14, the process of recording the steps of: recording detailed records for the production of each process, in order to keep abreast of the completion of the product.

The system supports the process record query, print, add, modify, or delete operation.

15 working hours statistics: hours of work statistics based on fixed working hours, calculated and statistical production man-hours, in order to calculate the workers' wages.

16, the development of the maintenance program: maintenance program is used to develop the short-term, long-term, temporary maintenance plan, so that timely, accurate and efficient equipment necessary repairs to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

17 Month Report: Month statements on material usage of the month statistics, statistical information: material name, unit, the ratio of raw materials, the amount of use, the amount of waste material utilization (%).

Information Technology

The production and management of information technology-oriented manufacturing execution, continuous, real-time and relational databases, the production process to monitor, control and diagnostic unit integration, simulation and optimization, and the material balance, production planning, scheduling, production scheduling and operations management.

Production management software ICMRPII main functions:

Basic Profile

Through basic file function module, you can file warehouse goods files, style files, personnel files, processes, files, and other file management, so as to solve the dispersion of clothing and shoes enterprise data files, messy, miscellaneous quality, large, the only existing copies all kinds of problems, to achieve a centralized file system, quality management.

Model management

Model management for clothing and shoes enterprises is very important. Through the system of orders to conduct a comprehensive management and control, to achieve the refinement of the model management. The system features include the plates, cost accounting, customer quotations, production orders, sales shipments and order tracking statements.

Production management

Production management functions the module is ICMRPII system, program execution and control layer material requirements planning requirements, time, quality, quantity, low cost manufacturing tasks, the overall management of the production process, combined with clothing The hats actual production, organic given a scientific and effective solutions and models, production plans for the scientific enterprise, cost control, risk-averse vital to do the role. Production management Key features include open Production order, material requirements, the master production schedule (MPS), the workshop transceiver, quality management and cost accounting. Master production schedule (MPS) is the focus of the entire production management subsystem, is the right balance between the production tasks, reasonable arrangements for the production, an important guarantee to ensure that the shipping schedule. Accounted for by a system of scientific management Ingredients companies need to focus on solving the problem.

Purchasing Management

Procurement management full control over the procurement, including preparation plan, purchase, purchasing, receiving and storage, and query from a different angle positions of the materials as well as materials of orders in the system, and purchase orders, removable purchase orders, convenient and efficient procurement.

Warehouse Management

The need for production, sales and business management, warehouse management plan to store related items in circulation management, such as the storage of goods receiving, issuing, storage and custody of a series of management activities. Storage Management Subsystem to meet the supply chain upstream and downstream needs, to conduct a comprehensive management control of the warehouse. The system features include opening data storage, a library, transfer, inventory, inventory adjustments, and monthly statements.

Work ticket management

Work ticket management system for processing the apparel industry is an important step label - work ticket, in order to control the production schedule and production quality, Statistics piecework wages of workers at the same time, get rid of the traditional hand-printed work ticket "slow", dirty "," wrong "," Jane "shortcomings, can make use of a computer and printer easily printed work ticket, and all information is concentrated in the work ticket bar code using the bar code gun, automatic identification, do a" fast " , "quasi", "good", greatly save time, improve work efficiency, reduce errors and omissions, thus saving costs, while improving employee motivation. System work ticket acquisition traditional bar code scanning technology and RFID data collection technology. At the same time, the scheduling of processes linked with the production schedule, and the resulting statements may reflect the production schedule.

Outward processing

Outward processing is a necessary means of production of garment manufacturers, is a main method to adjust production capacity. Outward processing management module from the outgoing single system, outgoing finished products (semi-finished products) storage, outgoing materials (semi-finished) out of the library and other aspects of management, you can manage the deployment of good outward processing, good outside issued library storage register , reflect to monitor the progress of production, reduce losses, and reduce costs.

Financial management

The ICMRPII system financial management consists of three parts: financial management, cost management, and personnel and payroll management. Fixed assets, accounts payables management, production costs, wages and salaries, to provide professional financial data for the financial system.

Data center

Data center, the user can freely the preparation of the report format they need, you can customize the filter criteria. In a report to generate a variety of patterns, excellent effect of the large amount of data companies. ICMRPII for business decision makers provides a comprehensive, whole process of management processes warning query functions. Users can glance query point to the problem of the production processes for timely resolution and effective avoidance. At the same time, it can order progress, progress, workshop production, inventory accounting, tracking and management.
Rights Management

The system provides detailed and clear user authorization, accurate to each button on the interface. The system can control the permissions of the data sheets, application client, warehouse, application modules, and other operations.

Log Management

Login log access to the system operator, computer name, login time, and exit time. Employees through the log collate and summarize the work.

Auxiliary functions

Auxiliary function has permission settings, system settings, personal settings, the default settings, table settings and automatic upgrade. Can help users more convenient operation of the entire system.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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