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Environmental Management

Environmental management system (EMS Environmental Management System) 3.5 defined according to ISO14001: Environmental Management System is an integral part of the overall management system within an organization, which includes the development, implementation, implementation, review and maintain the environmental policy of the organization agencies, planning activities, institutional responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources. They also include the management aspects of the organization's environmental policy, objectives and indicators.

Can describe the environmental management system: This is an organization plan and co-ordinate the actions of management activities, including specification of the action programs, files, control mechanisms. Through clear responsibilities, to implement the obligations of the organizational structure, designed to prevent the adverse effects on the environment.
The environmental management system is an internal management tool, designed to help organizations achieve their own set of environmental performance levels, and continuously improve the environmental behavior, continue to reach new and better heights.

The course of development of the environmental management system
Environmental management system derived from two separate management tools of environmental auditing and total quality management.
Forced to comply with the continuing escalation of the cost of environmental obligations, companies in developed countries in North America and Europe in the 1970s had developed the environmental audit management tools to find their environmental problems. Its initial goal is to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and the scope of its work is then extended to the supervision of the relatively easy parts of the environmental problems the implementation of best management practices.
Total Quality Management is initially used to reduce and eventually eliminate the cause can not achieve manufacturing practice requirements shortcomings in the production process, and improve production efficiency, but this means more for environmental issues.

Principle elements
Principle 1: Commitment and policy
An organization should develop environmental policy and ensure that the environmental management system of environmental management commitment.
Principle 2: Planning
An organization to achieve its environmental policy planning.
Principle 3: Implementation
In order to effectively implement an organization should provide the required capacity to achieve its environmental policy, objectives and targets and protection mechanism.
Principle 4: Measurement and evaluation
An organization should be measured, monitoring and evaluation of their environmental performance.
Principle 5: review and improvement
An organization as the goal should be to improve the overall environmental performance assessment and continuous improvement of its environmental management system.
Based on the above principles, the best environmental management system as an organizational framework, it need to be constantly monitored and reviewed periodically to adapt to changing internal and external factors to effectively guide the organization's environmental activities. Each member of the organization should bear the responsibilities of environmental improvement.

Audit methods
Environmental management system audit refers to the organization internal audit of the environmental management system, the organization of self-examination and evaluation. The internal audit process due process control, to carry out on a regular basis. The internal audit should determine whether the environmental management system in line with a predetermined arrangement meets the requirements of ISO 14001 standard. Environmental management system has been properly implemented and maintained, and audit results are reported to the managers.
Environmental management systems auditing environmental management system, a complete internal audit should be comprehensive and complete coverage of all field activities of the organization, covering all elements of the ISO 14001 environmental management system standard, and include significant environmental aspects of the organization controlled conditions, target batches of objects the degree of realization and other content.
Shall ensure that the requirements of objectivity, systematic and documented environmental management system audit, audit procedures should be. Internal audit procedures to deal with the following provisions:
A, the audit scope, audit geographical area, department, or system elements;
Audit frequency shall be determined according to the organization's own condition, and external agencies requirements;
C, auditing method may generally include check documents and records, observed the scene and * for interviews with relevant personnel;
D, the requirements and responsibilities of the audit team, such as the ability of the audit team leader and team members and responsibilities;
E, the requirements of the audit report and the results and submitted to the approach. In carrying out each audit before the audit plan (plan), including the arrangement of personnel and time. The contents of the audit should be based on environmental re-involved in activities and results of previous audits.

Environmental management system referred to as EMS, the new version of the environmental management system certification standard: GB / T 24001:2008
Equivalent to the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use

Implementation Guidelines
ISO14000 environmental management system standard is an effective tool to create green business, and it is an international standard by the certification standards, the enterprise continues to carry out environmental management and sustainable development of the enterprise industry play an effective role in promoting . ISO14000 is a standard applicable to any organization, due to the specific differences between the industry, the organization, so that many organizations can not understand this characteristic of the standard. This broad applicability of the standard is a reflection of the standard is a basic standard is a management framework. Each organization must first understand the essence of the standard to the implementation of standards on this basis. Especially ISO14000 is an environmental management standard, how to grasp the environmental benefits, social and business benefits is a difficult problem. According to the experience of practical work, the guiding principles for the implementation of ISO 14001:

1. Environmental management services for the improvement of the environmental problems of the community
In general, an organization's operation and management services in the organization of their own development needs, but the fundamental goal of environmental management is to meet the need for social environmental protection and sustainable development. In many cases, environmental protection and enterprise development is a pair of sharp contradictions, without regard to environmental protection enterprises in order to survival and development would choose the latter. With the deterioration of the global environment, protect the environment, improve the environment impatient, gradual increase in public environmental awareness, increasingly the eyes of the Government's environmental management laws and regulations, therefore, companies must implement environmental management.

2. Leadership role
The top management attaches great importance to and strong leadership is the protection of the implementation of environmental management is also a key to success. Top management is the organization's decision-making, decisions and control the development of the organization, as well as the protection of financial, human and other aspects of management activities, and coordinating and guiding role to play in the implementation process, the leadership role is important the. Leadership role can not be good to play in environmental management, there are two main performance: First, the leadership can not be a good understanding of environmental issues, decision making can not be made in this regard, but the work to a department to do this tends to occur the larger the deviation. Is one of leadership, can not be better coordinated management of various departments, the environmental management barriers to work, often fail in the middle. Problems mentioned above are due to the lower leadership qualities incompetence. China's leadership selection and training of mechanisms in an exercise and training on the job, the work of the management is very unfavorable. Each post, is the highest leadership or operational positions, we need competent staff as the role of such positions in order to give full play to the "on-the-job training" means that the employees are not competent to train him to become a competent person before this process, due to the incompetence of the staff, resulting in a deviation of a lot of work, some of the results is very unfavorable. Especially in the environmental management process, but also can not allow incompetent staff in the post, because once the environmental problems caused by the consequences of the industry is serious, and it is irreparable.

3. Full participation in environmental management
Environmental management is a management job, but does not mean that management just management. The staff involved in the management, if a good grasp of the management is helpful. Found in corporate environmental management, managers do not effectively communicate with employees, just under the command staff, so employees do not understand the command and even conflict, so that the command can not be effectively implemented. When the command is not effective execution, managers are more willing to put it down to the low quality of the staff, the cause of this problem is not solved.

4. Implementation of process control
The process is the transformation of inputs into the activities of the resources used by the output of the system. The purpose of the process is to increase its value. Any of the activities can be managed as a process. Process management can greatly improve efficiency.
In the production process, the production is a tangible product, the control of the results there are two cases: one is the direct control of the production results - products, is generally used to test the method, not Qualified products excluded; Another case is to control the production process, reducing the possibility of non-conforming product. The first way is widely used, can effectively control the product quality, but the loss of business, because inferior to rework or scrap. This is a tremendous waste of resources. Process control can significantly reduce such wastage and quality assurance. Environmental management similar situation also exists: the end of treatment, and process control. End of treatment at the end of the production process, for the pollutants generated by the development and implementation of effective governance techniques. End of the treatment is an important stage in the development of environmental management process, it helps fight pollution incidents, and also to some extent slowed the trend of production activities on environmental pollution and destruction. But over time, the acceleration of the industrialization process, the end of the treatment limitations have become increasingly apparent, first of all, to deal with pollution facilities investment, high operating costs, rising production costs, economic decline; Second, the end of the treatment is often not thorough treatment, but the transfer of pollutants, such as flue gas sparse, dust the formation of a large number of waste, wastewater focus on a large amount of sludge, so can not eradicate pollution; Third, the end of treatment not covered by the effective use of resources, can not stop the natural waste of resources. Therefore, in order to really solve the pollution problems need to implement process control, reduce pollution generated from the fundamental solution to the environmental problems.

5. Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement is an organization actively looking for opportunities for improvement, and strive to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of an important means. Due to environmental issues is an ongoing, continuous improvement, environmental management goal is continuous improvement, also in line with the principles of sustainable development.
Enterprises to adopt measures to improve environmental performance is relatively easy to do, to improve the environment, maintain the existing level of environmental management and environmental management performance can be carried out, however, is more difficult to enhance management performance, because managers lack of continuous improvement consciousness. "Improvement", enterprise managers to understand it is not up to par either do not meet, through improved up to standard to be met, the work in this area in fact can not be called "quot: improvement", but a " to correct. " "Improvements" refers to the continuous improvement of the standard meet the standards to improve, if the enterprise through the efforts still meet the standard, then, when the business is in the improvement. " Do a "improvement" is not enough, from the long-term development and environmental protection requirements, companies need to "continuous improvement".
The environmental management system is a part of the business or other management organization's management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental elements, including the formulation, implementation, implementation, evaluation and organization needed to maintain environmental policy, plans activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources. Environmental policy by top management activities of enterprises or other organizations, products, or other services with the environment interacting elements (such as noise, waste water, waste gas and solid waste emissions, waste of energy products and other packaging waste difficult to handle, etc.). Environmental performance of enterprises or other organizations measurable results achieved by the management of its environmental aspects.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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