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Corporate culture management

Corporate culture management is of the sort of corporate culture, concise, deeply rooted in the promotion. Re-implementation of the light slogan, light Publicizing be re-executed. Highlight the "Management" is based on management, organizational behavior, corporate culture is a kind of management. Match corporate strategy, human resources, production, management, marketing management lines under the guidance of the corporate culture, management module. She covers the building of enterprise culture. Excellent corporate culture, they can bring the employees to establish and organizational unity of purpose, and in the process of personal struggle to keep pace with business objectives, create a positive work environment for employees, shared values ​​and management mechanism, resulting in encouraged to actively create the working environment, but also on the performance of the enterprise to generate a powerful role in promoting.

Corporate culture management is essentially the management of corporate personality. Corporate culture is the essence enterprises, economic organizations, business sense and organizational culture connotation, due to years of research found the enterprise different cultural identities on organizational performance - especially long-term performance have a great impact. Therefore, the concept of corporate culture came into being. Obviously, the generation of the concept of corporate culture from the perspective of management from, but we have individual experts mysticism, formalism to cover up its management is essentially only.
In order to interpret what is corporate culture management, we must start from the difference between corporate culture and corporate culture construction.
Pan-cultural and formalism, many Chinese enterprises long-term keen on the "face" of the corporate culture, with Chinese management scholars have not really pay attention to the empirical study of the culture as the core of organizational change management, resulting in a lot of companies to corporate culture management confused with the building of enterprise culture, a lot of obstacles to the effective management of corporate culture. From 2005 to 2007, a national survey on the practical implementation of the corporate culture, the results showed: only less than 1/4 of the employees of the enterprise in their daily work, often use the concept of corporate culture management to guide and regulate their own behavior, most of the corporate staff that work so busy, we do regardless of the cultural things, work to listen to leadership wants some corporate culture is still "seriously engage in the form of down-to-earth going through the motions "brought a lot of confusion, to businesses and corporate culture workers:
Culture printing became hardcover, on the wall, we also organizational learning, exam, but why do we still learn science, stem dry? How to make a corporate culture really deep into all aspects of business management?
Why chiefs towards corporate culture always say important, but doing it secondary, not busy "?
We have all day to write material, the activities of the Office, the article, also took corporate culture award, why other functions that we play virtual? How to reflect the value of the work of the corporate culture sector and workers?

Corporate culture in order to truly bring real value to the enterprise, it is bound to be clearly covered by the corporate culture management and alternative building of enterprise culture. It can be said that the general performance and consistent attention to corporate culture, transferred to the deeply rooted cultural change, and ultimately to achieve the continuous improvement of the enterprise value is the inevitable trend of development of Chinese corporate culture.
Here, we focus both from the building of enterprise culture "and" corporate culture management process and methods, the results value of the difference of the three aspects, to clarify the concept of the two, which interpret the building to managing change is necessary sex. ◆ What is management? Why is management? How to manage corporate culture?
Processes and methods of the corporate culture of measures ◆ Gangjumuzhang-7C
◆ the best in this sub-7C the Corporate Culture duties of methods and tools
◆ n-hexyl of people-7C corporate culture of training methods and tools
◆ full speed-7C Cultural Incentive methods and tools
Processes and methods of assessment of corporate culture ◆ Qiurenderen-7C

The difference
Range of differences
The building of enterprise culture: mainly related to cultural traditions, cultural actual state (CI terms), the design of cultural planning, cultural system, cultural ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, codes of conduct, cultural development, cultural indoctrination, cultural communication, cultural identity, cultural landing. Both the the initial literary text and corporate literature, or a little more advanced cultural planning, culture collection, cultural refinement, cultural seminars, cultural system of cultural Publicizing, cultural floor, the building of enterprise culture has its own basic a set of operating routines, these routines continuation of the Corporate Identity System (CIS) planning basic ideas, and learn from and some of the ideological and political construction mode. General building of enterprise culture rather vague language, the language of management is less and less.

Corporate culture management: corporate culture management led by the Department at all levels of management, not only related to strategy, organization, manpower, processes, marketing and other functional sequence surface, is also associated with the enterprise to the highest political level, down to the level of the management of the general staff the sequence of hand, but also related to the corporate offices around the geographical sequence surface and industrial sequence surface, not only depends on the identity and unity of the whole, but also examine the complexity and differences in each sequence, and through the effective guidance to assist each sequence to enhance the value of each, in order to achieve the overall value of the cooperative improvement.

Depth differences
Corporate culture construction: the building of enterprise culture for corporate management to explore almost no depth, generally mess things up culture collection terms of cultural ideas brainstorming or some lectures and other cultural events even good, slightly darker point also mentioned the building of enterprise culture "culture into the brain and heart, and organized a series of activities into the heart, but also made" cultural awareness rate "and" cultural recognition rate, but due to the difficult management integration, the employee's actual behavior change and little, especially managers of little change.
Management depth
Corporate culture management is to manage the higher level of management and systems management. Therefore, the depth of its management is reflected in:
Get to the bottom of the primitive: to explore the development of enterprises gene, to explore the development of existing power, to explore the future development of the motivation, the last fully explore the primitive.
2 more emphasis on direct entrants. Enhance the managers change adaptation and management competence, to enhance the capacity and efficiency of the enterprises to address key issues.
Not only concerned about the management of the enterprise, more concerned about management issues behind the question (QBQ) and is committed to solve.

Intensity differences
Building of enterprise culture:
The building of enterprise culture generally concerned about the awareness and acceptance evaluation, The parent organizations issued a document to strengthen the importance of corporate culture, organization and funding in place checks in place to include spiritual civilization units competitions indicators, reporting Culture awards at a higher level, and so on, but because of can not involve the entire enterprise system to adjust, not the common distinctive advocated by all managers and high-profile exercise, it can not lead the system change, the entire building seems to be in full swing, with great fanfare, but in fact has nothing to do with corporate management to enhance.
Corporate culture management:
Clearly established the core of the organization running the value, strongly convey the new cultural signal to proceed directly from the enterprise the most critical problems, to expand architecture, human, process and other various key aspects of the adjustment, strengthen the power to eliminate the resistance Gangjumuzhang cited dynamic organization of the system change , such as GE "for the tracks" (transformational enterprise software to drive hardware integration), IBM's "elephant to dance, not only a clear-cut, and the impact of each employee's profound and far-reaching.

1, Saatchi repair Code: taking advantage of the business benefits well written merit Book
2, arty: "the people corporate culture we must have."
3, to complete the task: the superiors in order to complete the task.
4, finishing philosophy: they already have the basic words and structure of the concept of corporate culture, would like to integrate it.
5, unified image: a unified identity and brand, or unified etiquette.

1, the morning meeting, Xi will summarize
Before going to work every day and some time before work to preach the company's values. The summary will be regular meetings of the monthly, quarterly and annual departmental and company, these meetings should be fixed, to become part of the system and corporate culture.
2, ideas Summary
The ideological Summary staff on a regular basis to control their own behavior, self-assess whether to do business requirements, but also how to improve the content of the corporate culture.
3, putting up propaganda slogans of the corporate culture
Slogans written in the core concept of corporate culture, posting a prominent position in the enterprise.
4, the tree advanced models
Employees to establish standards of behavior and the concept of a figurative sign, specifically through the the typical staff can image understand "what is working actively", "What is active", "What is professionalism", "What is the concept of cost , "What is a high efficiency, so as to enhance the behavior of employees. These acts are difficult to quantify described, only the image is available so that employees fully understand.
5, authoritative preaching
The introduction of external authority to preach a good way of building a corporate culture.
6, to go out to visit and study
Go out to visit and study is a good way of building a corporate culture, which undoubtedly hinted to the majority of employees: enterprise management authorities the demands made by the staff makes sense, because someone else has to do this, and we do not do this because of our efforts enough, we should improve our work and to learn from others.
7, the story
Spread the story of the enterprises within the enterprise, will play the role of corporate culture construction.
8, entrepreneurship, the development of history Showroom
Display all items related to enterprise development.
9, cultural and sports activities
Cultural and sports activities refers to singing, dancing, sports, the National Party, New Year's party, corporate culture values ​​throughout these activities.
10, the introduction of the new, the introduction of a new culture
The introduction of new employees, it will certainly bring a new culture, a new culture and old culture fusion to form another new culture.
11, to carry out peer assessment activities
Peer assessment activities staff control corporate cultures require public evaluation of colleagues working condition, but also in public evaluation of their own on how the evaluation of their own colleagues do, peer assessment exercise, just being contradictory, eliminate differences and to correct shortcomings, and promote the advantages distinguish between right and wrong, in order to achieve the optimization of the working state.
12, the leaders of role models
In the process of corporate culture, the role models of leaders have a great impact.
13, to start a business newspaper
Enterprise newspaper is an important part of the building of enterprise culture, but also an important carrier of the corporate culture. The corporate press is all business related to the internal and external public and customer promotional corporate window.

Managers from the height of the enterprise survival and development, the promotion of cultural management. Main motivation:
1, the need for strategic transformation and change: the external environment and internal significant changes in existing management awareness and belief system has been unable to support the new strategic transformation must change the thinking and behavior of organizations and members of the overall depth;
2, looking for core strength: enterprises have accumulated a lot of unique management cognition, must sort out the refined form the core, to guide enterprises to all organizational behavior;
3, the system to solve the problem: the need insight into the substance of the matter, the targeted system solutions for enterprise management issues;
4, cultural heritage and clear: to solve the rapid growth brought about by the fine cultural traditions of diluted, the problem of alienation.
5, cultural promotion: has the corporate culture, but always feel combined and management is not enough, of little value, need to re-examine the core of enterprise culture, and go deep into the enterprise management behavior, to enhance the cultural construction of cultural management .

Research methods
Building of enterprise culture:
1) around the "text performance of the corporate culture should be" the subject within.
2) does not involve the corporate management of the deep-seated problems.
3) research typically focuses on the preferences of the corporate executives, concerned about the recognition of words and language performance.
4) not to the overall cultural and sub-cultural groups, cultural differences between the subcultures were analyzed.
5) does not involve the management and culture of mutual matching, does not involve the organizational climate and employee engagement.

Corporate culture management:
1) around positioning "Our organization is what, why, and how to do the subject.
2) management, it is directly from the outside to the inside, peeling layers of cocoon to find the fundamental and core.
3) pay more attention advocated by various cultures in the concrete implementation of the enterprise.
4) emphasis on culture and strategy, organizational processes, human resources, brand beliefs match, and the full study groups of enterprises and their internal team atmosphere, as well as leadership competence.
5) enterprises face the problem and explore the QBQ (behind the problem).
6) to fully grasp the deep-seated expectations of employees, and analysis of the differences and means of expectation and reality.
7) comprehensive to grasp organizational change or enhance the movements, trends and key points for future strategic transformation, cultural orientation and system changes to provide strong support. The building of enterprise culture: not really penetrate into the body, corporate culture, there will be more construction and more virtual, the more construction farther away from the management of the phenomenon. Corporate culture department sing cultural protagonist, but the basic free outside the enterprise management functions, it is difficult to win the favor of the Company's management. The person in charge of some of the corporate culture in order to show their work performance is often hard to buy the building of enterprise culture as national awards at the end of the year, but the rest of the enterprise more to look down on the value of the corporate culture sector.

Corporate Culture Management: directly from the management of the core runners, led by the leadership team and managers team and personally (not just seriously), closely linked to the core value drivers of a full commitment from the organizations and individuals to improve the organization of the state. Due to corporate culture management and managers to enhance the quality of the core staff to improve retention, enhance brand value, competitive advantage to maintain high-value return. Corporate culture management and workers are only planners, organizers, counseling and urge, but due to the direct drive organizational change, corporate culture management will win the company attaches great importance to and become the business management functions of the body. Even in the absence of the specialized agencies, the value of the corporate culture workers will be fully reflected. Corporate culture management is a process, not just draft a program to complete the mission, the Programme only mean the beginning of a corporate culture management, corporate culture management involves the following aspects: What are the key elements of corporate culture management, which depends on the first entrepreneurs and groups of entrepreneurs, because the genes of the corporate culture from entrepreneurs and groups of entrepreneurs, business entrepreneurs team decided the key to the management of corporate culture, as there are several high-level mission, one is to establish the concept of enterprise, mission and core values, should make an effort to understand and create the company's core value system, high-level discussion continued, which in itself is a complete guide conscious entrepreneurs and the creation of corporate culture. The second high-level mission to be accomplished strategic systems thinking - Enterprises GO? TWO, the industry would like to upgrade in which direction, what is the future strategic direction? What are the core competencies? Key business areas What is it? future business model is it? these issues, especially corporate executives need to think clearly. The third is the high-rise to become a loyal follower of the corporate culture management, preacher, evangelist, inspiring, motivator. Talk about corporate culture is not a scholar, but corporate executives speaking. Culture, and talk about strategic forces executives continue to think about these issues, and senior staff to give first came to speak to understand, really high-level hang of it figured out. The entire enterprise constantly sermon, thus forming a kind of atmosphere. The second element of the corporate culture management is the core talent and elite talents that is, layers outside in addition to high-level managers have to bear the responsibility of cultural management. But with the boss, high-level commitment is different: the first is to participate in the formulation of the corporate vision and core values. The second is the refined experiences, lessons learned, to explore methods to establish guidelines behavior driven. The third is the core values ​​into the system construction and the process of building. Real contact employees in lower-level managers, the true promoters of the corporate culture in the grass-roots level. And the staff is more to rely on the guidance of public opinion, would like atmosphere driven, so the workers have a reinforcing process, forced to reach the final consciousness through the beginning of such a process. This requires that we enterprises and corporate culture workers, out of the building of enterprise culture misunderstanding, to the management of enterprise culture.

Basic understanding of
Corporate culture is not a slogan, culture is a system of practice.
We must return to the basic value proposition of the enterprise concept expression, thinking and confirms the customer enterprise's corporate culture demands.
Culture through multi-level thinking and collision, refining and expression, in order to achieve the ultimate reach a consensus.
Focuses on the process of the building of enterprise culture, its core is a cultural debate.
The customer enterprise corporate culture needs to be the joint participation of all employees.
Based only on professional perspective, ability, experience, enthusiasm, and strive to deepen the building of enterprise culture of the client companies.
Culture can not be given externally, we have no alternative but to work together with our customers enterprise, endogenous cultural pursuits has called up and combing, refining, collision, sublimation and Communication ...
Corporate culture of the customer to properly handle the relationship between inheritance and uniqueness.
And cultural needs of the time of accumulation, but also need the practice of temper.

Professional research, interviews, questionnaires and refinement of the system design.
Focus on senior leadership management thinking summary of the actual combination of businesses with customers.
Combined with the special nature of customer enterprises pay attention to our cultural concept of inheritance.
Focus on cultural mindset expression and cultural construction practice.
Focus on the promotion of culture and landing, focusing on mechanisms and appraisal.

Thinking and analysis
First of all, CMX centuries, the building of enterprise culture is their own culture "combing, inheritance, discard, innovation process. Cultural construction is the ultimate goal the "strategic landing", and strive through the power of culture to the corporate strategy is more reason to make business practices more permissive, so that employees labor more dynamic.
Second, corporate culture can not be isolated and simply drafting a Platform for "cultural", "cultural manual or system files" trouble, more than just write in vivid and beautiful, catchy phrase, it must be carefully to strategic or structural integration requirements, the interpretation of a set of "basic values", "principle of doing things" and "employee behavior norms". It needs to continue to guide the organization members to change the values ​​and ideals, to complete systems thinking, to define their position in the organization and its due role, traction members consciously contribute to the overall strategic objectives.
Again, the building of enterprise culture is essentially the process of self-growth, culture should respect the history and future options, in line with the objective reality and geographical characteristics, reflecting the "particularity" requirements of the building of enterprise culture, that culture must have " personality. " The same time, to meet the cultural system architecture, system layer to the physical layer from the core layer, from the vision, mission to the Rules of Procedure to the behavior conventions, reflecting the culture of the "universality" requirement that culture is a "system".
, Corporate culture to enhance the process of research summary and practice through research culture and a more systematic and scientific and cultural practice worthwhile and rewarding. We focus on "research" pay more attention to the "active", in a sense, the "cultural construction process is greater than the significance of" cultural studies ". Cultural projects to carry out a research with practice.

Finally, the building of enterprise culture is a long and difficult process, and this process must always be dominated by enterprises to attract more members to participate in the building of enterprise culture process to enhance the shared values ​​of the members of the organization or the spiritual realm .

According to management guru Peter Drucker, "its values ​​for the growth boundary." We very much hope that the leadership of the "process" into client companies concerned about a member of the Organization of conscience and conscience "of the educational process and play a role in this process, to help members of the organization to complete systems thinking. Culture, and continuously expand the boundaries of the values ​​on the company's growth and seek customer enterprises continue to grow within the range of the higher spiritual realm.

Managers lack of proper understanding and awareness of corporate culture
(1) the corporate culture is equivalent to the external image design
Small and medium-sized business leaders think that the so-called corporate culture is the outward manifestation of the image, so put more focus on the discretion of the business slogans, corporate identity design. For example, many companies design a fine factory emblem and uniform factory service, loud factory song, bright plant Flag, the external image of the enterprise can be said to be designed to be realized, but they simply corporate culture is equivalent to image design and did not take effective measures to the core of corporate culture - the spirit of enterprise embodied in the business activities, nor the spirit of enterprise penetrate into the way of thinking of employees, work behavior.
(2) the corporate culture is equivalent to the corporate and sports activities
Many business owners think that the building of enterprise culture is a variety of sports activities, hopes to hold several ball games, put a few movies, organize several staff club to achieve the purpose of shaping entrepreneurship. In fact, cultural and sports activities just the surface of the building of enterprise culture, to some extent, can improve the mutual understanding between the employees and staff of the enterprise's sense of belonging, but if you rely solely on the surface, but not the corporate culture penetration, corporate culture will not be sustained and coordinated development, it is even more impossible to provide cultural support for the sustainable development of enterprises.
2. Corporate culture did not really penetrate to the production, operation, management
Building of enterprise culture is oriented corporate culture and infiltration to reflect the corporate values ​​of conduct and norms, and guide the behavior of employees towards a direction conducive to the realization of corporate objectives, to provide a power source for the development of enterprises in market competition, ultimately improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, enhance the strength. However, the current leader of the small and medium enterprises in Yiwu cultural construction is often associated with the relationship between the economic efficiency of enterprises handled properly, some small and medium enterprises for a Cultural construction of cultural, do not pay attention to the actual contact of the economic and cultural construction, and finally formed cultural development, economic efficiency "mismatch", the loss of the fundamental significance of cultural construction.
3. The building of enterprise culture lack of innovation
After years of rapid development, small and medium-sized enterprises has made great achievements. Under new management concepts and the impact of the new management model, many SMEs are starting to focus on the building of enterprise culture, but do not know how to build imitation more, rather than select eliminated, digestion, foreign absorption of advanced culture to come in, so that the organic integration, foster the cultural characteristics of their own small and medium-sized enterprises.

Management model
Cultural management mode of the parent company, is the parent company of the Group subsidiaries spiritual level, the institutional level, the behavioral level and brand level through a variety of carriers of culture, unified, standardized, collaborative management and control system. Specifically, the following types:
Mode: type
Neuronal culture management model is consistent with the Group and its subsidiaries in the business similar vision, values ​​and standards of behavior due to the characteristics of the industry and occupation, there is no large external cultural differences, cultural management and way subtle achieve consistent, such as the company's development strategy, human resources policies, values ​​and standards of conduct. "Boss" magazine indicates that the subsidiary can be flexible according to the cultural requirements of different projects and different regions, so their group management model mainly on the investment control, rather than a cultural control, cultural management mode is more adapted to the current tobacco industry parent and subsidiary companies.
Mode 2: Diverse
Multi-cultural management mode, is the emphasis on cultural identity and cultural management mode of the parent company with special emphasis on the management of shared values, and requirements of each subsidiary of the parent company in strict compliance with the consistency of values ​​of the cultural requirements of the parent company. This type of culture management model is generally diversification strategy of the Group companies, especially cross-industry or industry group of companies.
Mode 3: Discrete
Discrete cultural management mode, the control of the parent company to subsidiary rigid, such as the financial system, investment system, human resources system, the less flexible management model of corporate culture, or neither specification is very fragmented, such as just some slogan or code of conduct, to practice it rarely in the actual management of the Group mode.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
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