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Equipment Management

Equipment Management is as a case study, the pursuit of the overall efficiency of the equipment, the application of a series of theories, methods, and equipment of physical movement and the movement of value through a series of technical, economic, organizational measures, the whole process (from planning, design, selection , acquisition, installation, acceptance, use, maintenance, repair, alteration, to update until retirement) scientific management.
Rational use of equipment technical and economic methods, equipment management, engineering technology, and financial management and other means to make the equipment life cycle cost / benefit ratio (cost-effective) to achieve the best level of equipment assets to maximize the benefits.

Scope of the requirements
equipment Manager is the whole process of the equipment life cycle management, including the selection of equipment, proper use of equipment, and the management of the whole process of maintenance and repair of equipment as well as upgrading equipment.
Equipment movement from the materials, the capital of two fundamental point of view, can be divided into two basic movement patterns, equipment supplies movement patterns and capital movement patterns. Equipment supplies movement patterns, from the fundamentals of the physical form of the equipment, equipment from research, design, manufacture or acceptance into the plant from the optional input field of manufacture, use, maintenance, repair, update, transformation until the end-of-life exit the whole process of the production areas, the level of management of the process known as technology management; capital movement patterns, from the morphological point of view of the value of capital equipment, including the initial investment, operating costs, depreciation, gains and renovation measures and the use of the level of process management is called economic management. equipment management includes both the technical management of the equipment, including economic management, two aspects of management and unified management emphasis on any level is not the final requirements of the modern equipment management.

The main task
· Improve the quality of technical equipment in the factory;

· Give full play to the effectiveness of the equipment;

· Maintain plant equipment in good condition;

· Good investment in equipment efficiency;

Basic Overview
equipment management based on business objectives as the basis, through a series of technical, economic, organizational measures, scientific management of the whole process of the equipment, namely the implementation of the equipment from the planning until the end-of-life management of the whole process. This process is generally pre-management and use of management can be divided into two stages. Preliminary management equipment officially put into operation before a series of management, purchase of equipment selection, should be carried out thorough exchange of views, research, compare, tendering and selection, to strengthen the technical and economic feasibility, give full consideration to the after-sale technical support. and operation and maintenance, the choice of a high overall efficiency of the technology and equipment.

The use of management equipment initial management, interim management and management of late. Generally refers to the initial management of the equipment, for six months or a year from the date of acceptance of equipment from the equipment adjustment, use, maintenance, condition monitoring, fault diagnosis, as well as operation, maintenance staff training and education. Maintenance of technical information collection, processing and management and establish equipment fixed asset files, technical files and the operation and maintenance of original records. The medium-term management of the equipment is the management of the equipment after the warranty period. Good equipment, Interim Management, will help improve the integrity of equipment and the efficiency of and reduce maintenance costs, and get a better investment in equipment. The late management refers to the management of the equipment updates, transformation and end-of-life stage. The backward performance, can not meet the production needs, as well as equipment, aging equipment, continued failure, requires a lot of maintenance costs should transform update.

Enterprise equipment management should focus on efficiency, adhere to rely on technological progress to promote the development of production and operation and prevention-oriented approach. The scientific development concept as a guide, and implement the national guidelines, policies, regulations, technical, economic and organizational measures, the main production equipment for the integrated management, adhere to the design, manufacture and use of a combination of: maintenance and planned maintenance combined; repair, modification and replacement combined; combination of professional management and the management of the masses: the principle of combining technology management and economic management, to achieve integrated planning, reasonable purchase, installation in a timely manner, the proper use of well-maintained, science and maintenance, production safety, timely transformation and updated continuously improve and enhance the quality of technical equipment and services for the development of production, technological progress, improving economic efficiency.

Classification introduced

equipment management foundation work

Certificate management, data management, quota management, archive management, and regulatory management.

equipment credential management

1. Meaning: the technical and economic management of the equipment for the recording equipment management and technical activities, as well as economic accounting, and a clear management responsibility of all parties written proof equipment management credentials.

2. The certificate set policies (active basis, to ensure the role of)

(1) to meet the needs of the principles

(2) condensed applicable principles

(3) the principle of scientific and standardized.

3. Certificate set requirements

(1) General set in tabular form, a form of fixed columns and each time you want to Fill in the fields, fixed part including title, header, grid lines and text description, title to clear meaning, language concise; Fields , requires that the data source is reliable, easy to collect, and to consider the largest possible value, leave enough room for space.

(2) The certificate is delivered with the equipment logistics and the flow of the value stream. Transfer process, some aspects of the need to retain as a basis, the joint meeting design certificate should be reasonable, and each associated state deposit department.

(3) certificate format once finalized, it is necessary to maintain the relative stability.

4. Specific management requirements for the certificate

(1) is clear evidence of an administrative department (Section,)

(2) clear evidence set units and Setup

(3) clear evidence enabled, inspection, monitoring approach

(4) clear evidence of the complete, user departments and personnel

(5) clear evidence of the audit

(6) clear evidence of the transmission and preservation methods.

5. equipment credentials

1). Equipment prior administrative credentials

(1) The purchase of equipment (update) certificate

(1) purchase of equipment (update) returns

(2) annual purchase of equipment project schedule (updated)

(2) Equipment Order certificate

The ① equipment order contract

(2) equipment out-of-the-box inspection and acceptance of a single

(3) Equipment (out) into the library single

(3) The equipment installation, commissioning and acceptance certificate

(1) installation and commissioning records

(2) machinery and equipment precision inspection records single

(3) equipment assets transferred to fixed assets handover acceptance of a single

2). Equipment to be used for administrative credentials

(1) Equipment status shift record

(2) Key check card

(3) maintenance inspection records

1 equipment a maintenance record card

② two maintenance registration form

The ③ regularly accuracy, performance test records

(4) fine seal point leakage inspection records

(5) The lubricating oil change records

(6) Equipment maintenance management certificate

(1) maintenance notice

② repair Record Single

The ③ equipment repair commissioning record single

(4) repair quality check list

The ⑤ repair cost accounting table

(7) equipment accident report card

(8) Identification of special equipment safety certificate (generally identified by the Bureau of Labor)

① pressure vessel inspection and product safety Quality Supervision, Inspection certificate

(2) special equipment use permits.

(9) the technological upgrading of equipment certificate

(1) production equipment archiving application form

(2) technological upgrading of equipment acceptance of a single

(10) Equipment Asset Management Certificate

(1) production equipment archiving application form

(2) production equipment unsealed application form

The ③ equipment lease contract

④ equipment scrapped single

equipment data management

1. Meaning

Data management refers to the data collection, processing the processing and interpretation, so that some useful information for management decisions [

Data representation). It includes the data collection, classification, sorting, retrieval, modification, storage, transmission, output (statements or graphics), and the entire process.

equipment data, mainly referring to the data generated in the field of equipment management and maintenance.

2, the equipment data management role

(1) by the movement patterns of material management, equipment management and maintenance work to ensure the normal equipment in good condition, complete production and management tasks to provide a reliable guarantee for the enterprise.

(2) data management value stream (equipment procurement, maintenance and other costs), so that staff at all levels to keep abreast of the occurrence and flow of the equipment fees, cost control; same time, check on the certificate data with the physical, to avoid the loss of assets.

(3) through statistical analysis, calculations and output data values ​​and the target value control, to take measures to control excessive indicators, and the development of equipment management objectives for management, provide the basis for the work plan, the maintenance decision.

3. Methodology for the content of the data management

(1) with a data management system Thought

(2) determine the range of data management

(3) to determine the output data

(4) identified by the data processing logic

(5) to optimize data management system

(6) focus on data collection

4. Data management program

(1) Data collection

(2) Data Storage

(3) Data transfer

(4) Data processing

(5) Data output

5. Data Summary - account, card, chart, register the establishment

The data aggregation classify cumulative data on the equipment Manager link, seeking the calculation of the total number. The following is a list of commonly used data summary charts and methods.

l equipment ledger and equipment cards

The equipment acceptance of the transfer of production, equipment management department and finance department should establish a single piece of equipment fixed assets ledger and cards. The data comes mainly from the equipment order contract, specification and installation of the transfer of the acceptance of a single.

(1) equipment record: sub main production equipment (F ≥ 5) and non-primary production equipment

(2) General equipment record three:

The ① equipment serial number account

The ② equipment ledger

(3) sub-workshop (using units of doing things, section) account

(2) Equipment card: equipment asset management in addition to the establishment of the ledger, but also need to use units (workshops, departments, etc.) order to build Card Book. Mobilization, transfer and retirement of equipment, card position adjustment in the book of card, switching out or withdrawal canceled.

In order to facilitate review to ensure that account, conforms to equipment card should be duplicated (equipment management and use of department armed with a set). Equipment card shops in the books available for sale.

(3) Equipment classification and asset number

To be involved in completing the equipment ledger cards, equipment asset number, asset number and equipment classification, must implement a unified division and number. In addition, in order to facilitate equipment management and computer data processing enterprises to cope with equipment for scientific coding, to make it both to identify, but also conducive to the computer statistical summary.

(1) equipment classification

The ② equipment asset number

The asset number of the equipment consists of three sections of digital dash between each two paragraphs. Paragraph equipment category; Sec equipment units (including the factory, workshop, department) code; indicates the sequence number of similar equipments.

2. Equipment operation and management of data aggregation

(1) The main production equipment lubrication card

(2) not intact equipment register

The ③ equipment accident register

3. Equipment, spare parts ledger

4. Changes in equipment asset data aggregation

(1) Purchase of equipment (homemade) transferred to the register

(2) equipment storage (unsealed) register

(3) idle equipment register

(4) equipment transfer register

The ⑤ equipment scrapped register

5. The main production equipment operating permit issuance Register

6. Statistics

1. Equipment asset position statistics, including the following three aspects:

(1) equipment ownership and classification of ownership (three levels)

1 all the equipment: refers to the use of more than one year, the value in the industry more than the prescribed limits, all the equipments belonging to fixed assets.

(2) production equipment: refers to directly or indirectly participate in the production process of the equipment, it is an important part of the fixed assets of enterprises. The management of production equipment range and directory specified by industry authorities.

③ main production equipment: equipment repair complex coefficient within the specified limits and higher production equipment, is a major component of the production equipment.

The total amount of ownership and classification of all equipment, production equipment and production equipment ownership data, equipment management department statistician equipment record, schedule statistics, tabulation

(2) the cost of the equipment asset, net new coefficient

The statistics reflect annual the equipment asset size and the degree of aging. The the equipment new coefficient as the ratio of the the equipment net asset value and the original value of the assets, the value point of view, a statistical indicators reflect the the enterprise equipment recency of the reporting period. Statistical analysis of the indicators, provide the basis for the development of equipment renewal planning.

Equipment assets at cost, net data provided by the corporate finance department in charge of fixed assets management by the equipment management department statistics, fill in the form.

(3) Fixed Assets depreciation of production equipment rates and annual depreciation amount

2. Equipment technical condition of Statistics

(1) The main production equipment intact rate:

Where the total number of units with enterprises in use, backup, archive, and ongoing maintenance of all production equipment, but does not include the equipment has not been installed.

(2) equipment leaks

Leak point statistics are not limited to the static Password junction, a leak if a leak point, whether it is static seal point, weld cracks, leakage of trachoma and other reasons, as the leak statistics.

3. Equipment operational status statistics

(1) utilization of production equipment units

The rate is one of the indicators that reflect the degree of utilization of the equipment time. Computing equipments station utilization by:

① During the reporting period the main production equipment actually start to take advantage of the situation by the equipment system units summary table, the data in the table by the production run documenting

(2) During the reporting period the main production equipment system table, by a group of second class, a three-shift system of working hours calculated.

(2) the actual equipment utilization

Real equipment utilization is the degree of utilization of production equipment in quantity, time, and other capabilities. It is a comprehensive reflection of the idle equipment, can not use the potential of the equipment, spare equipment and closed for equipment, the calculation of fractional:

4. Equipment maintenance Statistical

① accident (failure) down times

(2) equipment repair complex coefficient statistics

(3) Equipment () repair program completion rate

④ annual total maintenance costs.

Equipment quota management

1. The meaning and basic form of the quota management

Enterprise quota is consumed in the production process a number of standards in a certain period of time and a certain production technology and organizational conditions, consumption of materialized labor and living labor as required for the completion of the unit qualified products or tasks.

Labor and fixed two basic forms: (1) fixed working hours (2) production quotas

2. Equipment management and maintenance, fixed content

(1) routine equipment maintenance time fixed

(2) equipment maintenance time fixed

(3) repair of equipment down time fixed

(4) Equipment Maintenance Material Consumption

(5) maintenance of equipment fixed costs

(6) Equipment Accessories reserve quota

(The introduction of the calculation of the defined content in equipment repair and parts management).

equipment files and data management

1. Files and the meaning and distinguish

The equipment file is formed in the whole process of the equipment Manager, and finishing archive saved drawings, charts, text description, calculation data, photos, videos, audio tapes and other scientific and technological documents and information, through continuous collection, collation, identification Work archive created equipment file.

The equipment information is the selection of equipment installation, commissioning, use, maintenance, repair and modification of the required product samples, drawings, procedures, technical standards, technical manuals, and equipment management regulations, methods and systems of work.

equipment files and are a way of equipment manufacture, use, repair and other work, is the the indispensable basic data management and repair process. equipment files and is the difference between: (1) file with proprietary features, common characteristics; ② file from the actual work accumulated a collection of the formation of the original material, has lost the characteristics can not be won; data is processed, refined formed, tend to be duly promulgated and published in issue. The equipment file is a special information.

Equipment management of files and equipment files and data collected, stored custody for the read transfer, modify, update, and other aspects of management.

2. Files and manage content

(1) Equipment contents of the file

equipment files generally include two parts of the equipment early and late. The Archive includes designing each order, random supply and installation and acceptance of materials: post files use a variety of management and repair materials.

(1) equipment pre-File Details

A. order contract

B. packing list and instructions and information, accessories, tools Statement (original)

C. factory certificate of inspection records of the factory accuracy (performance) (original)

D. acceptance Single of out-of-the-box

E. homemade equipment for instructions and drawings, data

F. equipment base and hidden engineering drawings

G. power line drawings

H. installation, commissioning and acceptance of a single

I. purchased second-hand equipment for raw materials.

(2) equipment late File Details

A. equipment using the initial condition records

B. Periodic maintenance records

C. Periodic inspection and monitoring records

D. Equipment Failure Analysis Report

E. equipment maintenance records

F. Equipment storage (enabled) Single

G. Equipment lubricating card

H. overhaul the mission statement and final acceptance report

I technological transformation of the application and the project technical and economic feasibility report

J. technological transformation of the specification and drawings and trial results identified

K. equipment accident report card

The L. of equipment single.

(2) Equipment information content

Equipment management information including strengthen equipment management, equipment management at all levels of departments and enterprises to develop or preparation of regulations, systems, procedures, standards and other information. Generally include:

(1) equipment integrated management information details

A. National, industry, local equipment management file

B. enterprise equipment management principles and goals

C. The annual work plan and summary of the work

D. enterprise asset management rules and regulations

E. Equipment Asset Management Status Report

F. Special referrals, reports and approvals

(2) equipment asset management and technology management information details

A. Classified and number directory

B. large, heavy rare, high-precision equipment standards

C. equipment in good condition standard

D. equipment operation, maintenance, and overhaul procedures

E. lubrication equipment manual (including imported oil and domestic oil table)

F. equipment repair technical standards

G. equipment repair complex coefficient

H. Special Equipment preventive test code

I. machine repair manual

J. electrical repair manual

K. machinery and equipment spare parts manual

L. General Equipment wearing parts catalog

M. electrical components Manual (including imported equipment components and domestic components table)

N. Mechanical Design Handbook

O. product samples

P. professional journals

Q. translation tool
4. Enterprise equipment management rules and regulations (Introduction)

(1) Equipment the early management approach or system

(2) equipment use and maintenance management approach or system

(3) Measures for the Administration of equipment lubrication system

(4) equipment maintenance management approach or system

(5) equipment, spare parts management approach or system

(6) technological upgrading of equipment management approach or system

(7) equipment accident management approach or system

(8) equipment asset the disposal management approach or system

(9) equipment file management approach or system

(10) Equipment statistical management approach or system

(11) equipment management and technical personnel training management approach or system

(12) equipment assessment and incentives and disincentives or system.

Adhere to the four modernizations

Machinery and equipment, construction enterprises to implement centralized management, lease use "model, not only fully support and protect the development in the construction business for construction, but also can effectively improve the utilization rate of equipment and investment efficiency. But to really be effective, produce results, you must also adhere to the machinery and equipment [3] management innovation, specific to adhere to the "four modernizations":
1. The market is the key to effective management of machinery and equipment. Construction equipment rental company in the enterprise management of machinery and equipment to truly market-oriented operation, the full release of the existing construction equipment capacity and expansion of the existing equipment rental market. Adhere to the machinery and equipment, to enhance the management, the internal use of machinery and equipment, act in strict accordance with the lease contract, conditions can be appropriately directed, but not blind obedience to the needs of the construction enterprises main business, improve equipment utilization, enhanced equipment leasing service capabilities, machinery and equipment to the pursuit of the best economic and investment returns. The same time, construction machinery and equipment rental adhere to the path of socialization, rely on the internal market capacity is limited, must be socialized in the rental market, looking for efficiency, to find their own road to development.

2. Institutionalized manifestation of machinery and equipment management level. "No rules no standards, system management is the entry point for all the work, machinery and equipment management, construction enterprises from the machinery and equipment rental contract signing began to extend to the use of machinery and equipment program formulation, monitoring and maintenance personnel training and education, certificates and formulate a comprehensive, workable rules and regulations. Ensure that the machinery and equipment construction construction plan, operating procedures, and acceptance system. With rules and regulations, management to be based on, makes the direction of mechanical equipment management effectiveness to specific projects construction due power, competitiveness in the market can only be really realized, the project construction period, safety, quality can ordered state entered a virtuous circle.

3. The technology to protect the safety of machinery and equipment management. Machinery and equipment management in the final analysis is embodied by the people, do a good job, to seize management and use of the most fundamental aspects of cash management system and accident statistics show that more than 80% of accidents are caused by man-made causes. Therefore, machinery and equipment management to adhere to the people-oriented, through the means of education, training, and evaluation, strengthen skills training, and continuously improve the safety awareness of the people, and constantly improve the level of operation, the machinery and equipment management with real foothold. And strengthen investment in machinery and equipment management, machinery and equipment of security responsibility to the people, clearly the range of machinery and equipment rental company, the project manager, technical director, operator corresponding duties. Only human security significantly improved the quality, safety and production of construction and will have a guarantee of quality.

4. Specialized machinery and equipment management efficiency. Machinery and equipment management has a strong professional, which requires machinery and equipment technology, operation, management must have strong expertise and to strengthen the control of the machinery and equipment major source of danger, to prevent accidents from a variety of factors, so that the mechanical accidents is reduced to a minimum extent. And machinery and equipment for the object regular maintenance, machinery and equipment to make their own quality to be fully utilized, not only to ensure that the machinery and equipment to play its due role in the construction of the production process, but also effectively reduce equipment failure, but also extend machinery and equipment life.

Meaning focus
equipment Manager is the focus of the internal management of enterprises

Internal management, management activities carried out by the enterprises within the enterprise in order to complete its production and operation targets, which includes enterprise program management, quality management, equipment management, financial management, team management, site management, and so on. People often referred to strengthen internal management, strengthen ourselves. Internal management level, reflecting the strength of corporate internal strength. Internal strength, the ability to resist wind and rain, strong market competitiveness and ability to survival and development. Therefore, in the course of business, should always carry out the activities, management unremittingly, do everything possible to improve the internal management level. In the management of the foundation work, any of the management to improve the overall quality is very important. The internal management is a complex task, only selected internal operation and management of the cut point and a breakthrough, seize the key, point to an area in order to improve the overall quality. equipment Manager is one of the priorities of the internal management of enterprises.

Production equipment is an important part of the productive forces and one of the basic elements of enterprises engaged in the production and operation of tools and instruments, is the enterprise survival and development is an important material wealth, but also the material signs of the level of development of social productive forces. Production equipment from the share of corporate assets, or from the management of the content, as well as a manifestation of the market competitiveness of enterprises, it occupies a large proportion and a very important position. Proper management and use of production equipment, improve equipment management level to promote the progress and development of enterprises has a very important significance.

equipment Manager is the basis of the enterprises to improve efficiency

Enterprise production and operation purpose is to obtain the most economical use of all operational and management activities of enterprises also improve the economic benefits of the center, equipment management revolves around improving economic efficiency.

Simply to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, on the one hand, is to increase production, improve labor productivity benefits; On the other hand, reduce consumption, reduce production costs, in this series of management activities, equipment management plays a particularly prominent position.

(1) improve product quality, increase production, the equipment is an important factor. Strengthen equipment management is an important means to improve quality, increase production. The party and the government has repeatedly proposed to implement the State Council's "equipment Management Regulations", to strengthen equipment management must double increase and double activities, the application of modern technology, technical innovation, ensure that the equipment in good running condition; equipment for the new enterprises to develop To give full play to its advanced performance, high equipment utilization, prevention and detection of equipment failure risks, and create greater economic benefits; old equipment through technological innovation and update, improve and enhance the quality of equipment, increased performance, extend equipment life, so as to achieve the purpose of improving efficiency.

(2) improve labor productivity, the key is to improve the production efficiency of the equipment. The majority of the internal equipment work around. To improve the efficiency of the work of these people, equipment to improve production efficiency and reduce equipment failures, improve equipment utilization.

(3) to reduce consumption, reduce production costs is the main contents of the equipment Manager. Most of the consumption of raw materials on the equipment. Equipment bad state will increase the consumption of raw materials, such as waste, greater waste of raw materials. On energy consumption, the a greater proportion equipment. Strengthen equipment management, equipment operation efficiency, reduce equipment energy consumption is an important means of energy conservation, energy conservation and the eternal theme. Equipment during operation to maintain the normal operation of the equipment itself also requires a certain amount of material consumption. equipments generally have standing parts, wearing parts, equipment management is not good, parts consumption, equipment maintenance expenses. Especially the higher cost of imported equipment, parts. Equipment operation after a certain period of overhaul, overhaul costs in the equipment Manager also an important spending a good grasp of the equipment Manager, the equipment overhaul cycle can be extended, the overhaul costs throughout the life of the equipment on production costs the impact of the proportion may be reduced, and lay the foundation so as to reduce production costs.


RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) is a maintenance system developed in Europe and the United States by further research equipment wear curves and equipment fault diagnosis technology. RCM emphasis on early diagnosis and early treatment of abnormal conditions of the equipment, equipment status planned maintenance arrangements in various ways to achieve maximum equipment availability and the lowest maintenance costs. The development of its maintenance system has undergone about corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance. RCM integration in the United States more maintenance and diagnostic methods, is being developed as the RCM2, especially for equipment reliability demands of power plants and chemical industry.

The RCM's goal is to achieve the balance point of the overall cost, making the the reliability investment return is the highest, he passed a group of systems work process to achieve this goal. RCM's guiding principles:

1. RCM for equipment functionality or performance

2. RCM is concerned about the whole system

3. RCM acknowledges design limitations, the pursuit of continuous improvement in the design

4. The RCM defined defect of any unsatisfactory conditions, e.g.: No achieve certain properties or to achieve certain functionality

5. RCM tasks must be valid

6. The RCM task must be applicable

7. RCM Concerned about the four types of defect treatment: post-defect treatment, regular maintenance, condition monitoring, defect detection / advance maintenance

8. RCM is a closed loop system.
Boeing aircraft manufacturing company long-term sample study of complex equipment such as aircraft and engine equipment wear curve in a variety of ways, and with the increased complexity of the equipment, equipment failure randomness increasing MTBF accuracy and significance of the plan has changed. MTBF basis of preventive maintenance PF interval in some cases is replaced by the basis of predictive maintenance. PF interval is found from our ability to predict equipment failure time lapse between the time interval to the equipment completely.

Other points

Movable rate and utilization rate

Movable rate refers to want to produce, equipment, molds at any time in the normal state ratio refers to the need to use the equipment load time, machinery and equipment can be completed according to the standard quota qualified product manufactured can spend time. 100% Activity rate is the ideal state.
In fact, because of the program to replace the use of other products or other unavoidable reason, it is very difficult to achieve 100% of the movable, must be avoided movable reduced due to failure, hypothyroidism and other reasons caused happened.

The utilization rate is the proportion, also known as utilization rate relative to production time (load time), the time of the actual production of goods (Operating Time).

Autonomous Maintenance

Autonomous Maintenance refers to the manufacturing sector workers, thinking under the guidance of their own maintenance, equipment maintenance operation. In addition to learn to daily spot check, oil, maintenance skills, but also on the exception, fault repair and extend the life of small improvements

Inspection equipment and instruments before and after use or before and after the daily work in accordance with certain criteria be checked to confirm the presence or absence of failure and abnormal.

Softening equipment
The so-called soft equipment is easy to change the function and use, easy to expand the functionality and increase productivity equipment.

equipment Manager

In equipment selection should pay attention to the "three principles". According to the actual needs of the production technology and the requirements of the future development of enterprises in the choice of equipment, in accordance with the technologically advanced and economically reasonable, the principles applicable in the production of equipment to choose, give full consideration to the warranty of the equipment, low power consumption, security , durability, maintainability, complete sets, flexibility, environmental protection and economy, in order to ensure that the equipment into productive economic operation, to bring a better return for the enterprise.
Equipment management organization to build a "three-tier network.

Enterprises to combine their own reality, to establish a legal entity as the core enterprise, workshop, team three enterprise equipment management network, improve equipment management institutions, clear responsibilities, straightening out relations.
In the equipment Manager on the way to implement the "three full management.

Unlike traditional modern equipment management equipment management, it is comprehensive, can be summarized for the overall management of the equipment, staff management and full management, effectively ensuring the technical performance of the equipment and to work, to improve its service life and utilization.
On equipment maintenance to implement the "three strict".

First, strictly implementing the maintenance plan and the maintenance of order, plan, prepare inspection and maintenance of the equipment. Second, strict good quality of spare parts. Strive both to ensure the quality, but also economical. The third is to strictly grasp the quality of maintenance and overhaul technological transformation completion customs inspection. Equipment maintenance and technical innovation overhaul implement given the timing, location, qualitative, quantitative, into economic accountability assessment, to ensure the maintenance of quality and technical innovation quality.
Five on the safe operation of equipment should strive to achieve the "three adhere to.

First, we must adhere to the system of the attendant on duty cadres. Do well shift records, timely detection of problems and timely treatment is not hidden equipment handed over to the next one, to minimize and eliminate the artificial operation and equipment accidents. The second is to adhere to the system of certificates. To increase investment in education and training, so that the operator familiar with and master the performance of all equipment, structure and operation maintenance technology to achieve Miyoshi (with tube, maintenance equipment), the four (will be used will be maintenance checks , troubleshooting). For precision, complex and critical equipment to designate a person to master the implementation of certificates. The third is to adhere to the "three discipline. Closely linked to the management of safety, technology, labor discipline and safe operation of equipment. Therefore, we must adhere to pay close attention to the Tertiary (safety, technology, labor discipline) and saving energy, health civilization site management as the main part, so ditch bottom (sewage, drainage ditches), no debris field ground equipment see color, and sustained a system, the formation of habits, formed a kind of fashion, the equipment on-site management work more solid.
Sixth, on the maintenance of the equipment to implement the "three-tier maintenance.

The three maintenance is the day-to-day maintenance of the equipment (on security), a maintenance (monthly insurance) and secondary care (year warranty). Routine maintenance operation daily routine maintenance of the workers, mainly including classes before and after the operation of the workers carefully check, wipe the various parts of the equipment and oiling and maintenance, installations are kept lubricated clean, class of equipment failure, and provide timely excluded, and do a good job shift record. Level maintenance is the main operating workers, maintenance workers, supplemented by local disintegration and inspection of equipment, generally once a month. The two maintenance is maintenance workers mainly operating workers to participate in the equipment partial disintegration of inspection repair, generally once a year. All enterprises in the a good three maintenance, but also actively carry out preventive maintenance work.
Seven, in the the equipment accidents processing to achieve the "three left.

Enterprises to gradually improve the variety of equipment management system, so that from the system implementation, inspection to the assessment Nissin statement, the quality of the implementation of the system as an important condition of the rewards and punishments. Adhere to the general equipment accident "left off" principles, that is the cause of the accident is unclear left off responsibility not to be educated to live, and did not take precautions not miss.

8, in the rehabilitation and upgrading of equipment to pay attention to the "three questions".
Upgrading equipment is an important and indispensable link in the equipment Manager in upgrading equipment, one should pay attention to from key and weaknesses staff do what.

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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