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Safety Management

Safety Management is an important branch of management science, decision making, planning, organization and control activities to achieve security objectives; principles, methods and means of the use of modern safety management, analysis and research a variety of insecurity, from the technical, organizational and management to take effective measures to address and eliminate all kinds of insecurity, to prevent accidents.

Brief introduction
Security management is an important part of the enterprise production management, is a comprehensive system science. Safety management object is the production of all matter, the state of the environment management and control, security management is a dynamic management. Security management, organization and implementation of enterprise security management planning, direction, supervision and decision-making, at the same time, is to ensure that the fundamental aspects of the production is in the best security status. Construction site safety management, can be roughly summarized four aspects of the security organization and management, site and facilities management, behavior control and safety technology management, production, physical, environmental behavior and state, specific management control. Effective state control of the factors of production, the implementation of the safety management process, you must correctly handle the five relationships, adhere to six basic management principles.

Five relationships

Safety and danger coexist
Safety and danger in the movement of the same things against each other, interdependence exists. Because of the danger only to security management, to prevent the danger. Safety and danger is not equivalent coexist, the calm get along. With the changes in the movement of things, safety and danger all the time changing, the shift in the struggle. Tilt to the struggle against the winner of the state of things. Seen in the movement of things, there will be no absolute safety or danger.
Maintain the security status of production, it is necessary to take various measures to prevent the risk factors that can be controlled.
The risk factors are objective existence into the movement of things, of course, is knowable and controllable.

The unity of safety and production
The production is the basis for the existence and development of human society. If the production of human, material, environment at risk, the production can not be carried out smoothly. Therefore, the security is the objective requirements of the production, naturally, when the production has come to a complete stop, the security will be meaningless. Purpose of production, the organization of production safety is in charge of the country, the people and society.
Security, production can be sustained and stable development. Production activities accident after another, the production is bound to chaos, and even paralyzed. When the production and security conflict, which may endanger the life or property of the State, the production to stop the renovation, the elimination of risk factors, the production situation will become better. "Safety first" was by no means the security placed above the production; natural is a mistake to ignore safety.

Safety and quality of bear
From a broad point of view, the quality of bear safety work quality, safety concept connotation with quality interaction, reinforce each other. Safety first, quality first, the two first are not contradictory. Safety first is from the perspective of the protection of the factors of production, quality first is from the point of view of the care products results emphasized. Safety quality service, quality security assurance. Lost production process which head to be caught out of control.

Mutual security and speed
Production reckless, chaotic dry, fast obtained in luck, the lack of a true and reliable, once lead to misfortune, not only no speed at all, but will delay. Speed ​​should be to secure the guarantee, security is speed. We should pursue security acceleration, trying to avoid security deceleration.
Security and speed proportional to. Only emphasizes speed, home safety is at stake, it is extremely harmful. Temporarily slow down when the speed and security conflict, to ensure that security is the right approach.

Safety and benefit of taking into account the
The implementation of the security measures that will improve working conditions, to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, labor glow heat, bring economic benefits to be compensated enough to make the original investment. In this sense, safety and benefit fully consistent, secure and promote the benefits of growth.
Safety management, investment should be appropriate and proper, careful planning, co-ordination arrangements. Is necessary to ensure safety in production, but also economic, but also consider whatever. Simply to save money while ignoring safety in production, or simply the pursuit of a blind high standards at all funds, are desirable.

Six principles

Pipe production tube safety
Security resides in production, and production play a catalytic and Assurance. Therefore, although the safety and production when there is a conflict, but from a security, production management goals, objectives, showing a high degree of agreement and completely unified.
Security management is an important part of the production management, safety and production in the implementation process, both the existence of close links, there is the basis of co-management.
State Council on several provisions to strengthen production safety work "clearly states:" leaders at all levels in the management of production, must be responsible for managing security work. Enterprise prepare the professional organization should be prepared from the business, responsible for the safety requirements. "
Pipe production at the same time managed security is not only a clear safety management tribute any leaders at all levels, but also to all production-related agencies, personnel, clear safety management responsibilities within the scope of business. Thus, all production-related agencies, personnel, must be involved in safety management and to bear tribute in the management of any. That safety management is just the matter of the security sector, is a one-sided, wrong understanding.
Staff at all levels of production safety tribute any system is established, the implementation of management responsibilities, reflecting pipe production and pipe safety.

Adhere to the purpose of the safety management
Safety management production application. Material, environmental factors, state management, effective control of unsafe behavior and material insecurity, eliminate or avoid accidents. To achieve the purpose of protecting workers' safety and health.
The express purpose of security management is a blind act. Blind safety management, at best, can only be regarded as superfluous, a waste of resources, risk factors still exist. In a certain sense, the blind safety management, only pamper the threat posed to the safety and health of the people of the state, development or converted to a more serious direction.

Implement the principle of prevention
Production safety policy of "safety first, prevention first. Safety first angle and height from the protection of the productive forces, that in the production within the scope of the relationship between safety and production, certainly the position and the importance of safety in production activities.
Security management is not to deal with accidents, but in the application of production activities, production characteristics, the factors of production to take management measures to effectively control the development and expansion of insecurity, the possible accident nipped in the bud, to ensure production activities, the safety and health of the people.
Implement prevention, we must first correct the production insecurity, correct attitude to eliminate insecurity, selecting the right timing to eliminate insecurity. When the arrangement and layout of content production, possible risk factors for the production of construction. To take measures to eliminate is the best choice. In the process of production activities, always check the timely detection of insecurity, to take measures to clarify responsibilities, as soon as possible, resolute be eliminated, safety management should attitude.

Adhere to the dynamic management of the "wholly"
Safety management is not a minority and security institutions, but of all production-related common. Absence of full participation, security management is not angry, the effect is not good management. Of course, this is not to deny the safety management responsibility and the role of the security agencies. Of production organizers in safety management is important, and full participation in management is also very important.
Safety management related to all aspects of the production activities related to the delivery of the entire production process from start to completion, it comes to production time, it comes to changing all the factors of production. Therefore, the production activities must adhere to the full, the entire process of comprehensive, all-day dynamic security management.
Seize the moment regarding, bit by bit, a simple sloppy, a gust of wind safety management is going through the motions, formalism, we advocate safety management style.

Security management is geared to control
Safety management aimed at preventing and eliminating accidents, prevent or eliminate accidental injury to protect the safety and health of workers. In order to achieve the purpose of the safety management, but the purpose of state control of the factors of production, and safety management relations more directly on four main pillars of the safety management becomes more prominent. Therefore, the production of human unsafe acts and unsafe condition of the control must be seen as a dynamic security management focus. Accidents due to human unsafe behavior trajectory and material insecurity trajectory cross. From the principle of the accident, also shows that state control of the factors of production, should be used as a security management focus and not be able constraints as the focus of the safety management because of constraints lack of a mandatory means.

Development, improve management
Since the safety management is changing the management of production activities, is a dynamic. Its management means is evolving and changing to adapt to changing production activities, to eliminate the risk factors. However, more needs uninterrupted explore new rules, summarized management, control methods and experience to guide the management of the new changes, so that the safety management continue to rise to new heights.

The main work
Is responsible for the approval of the network users, the collection and distribution of safety management information (user authorization), and security audit, control, etc.. The main contents are: Internet users to manage, distribute Internet certificate, such as passwords or identity card; Register the date and time management; management for the privilege of using the system; event and alarm settings compromise system security; the ability to provide security on the network and network equipment. The main access and user rights management, security review and security alarm processing. Analysis of security-related events.

The specific nature of
Security management is an important part of enterprise management, it is safe for the purpose of the security policy, decision-making, planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, control functions, rational and effective use of human, financial and material resources, time and information, the sum of the various activities undertaken to achieve the desired security, called a safety management.

Including content
From strategy to tactics, from macro to micro, from the global to the local, to make careful planning coordination and control, and safety management guidelines, rules and regulations, organization, the workers safety requirements, operating environment, education and training, security objectives for the year, working priorities, safety measures, risk analysis, unsafe acts, unsafe condition, protective measures and equipment, accident disaster prevention.

Network Security
1. Organization staff to seriously study "Computer Information Network and Internet security management approach, improve staff maintain network security vigilance and consciousness.
Responsible for safety education and training of the network users, allowing users to consciously abide by and maintain computer information network Internet security management approach "to equip them with basic knowledge of network security.
(3) Strengthen the dissemination of information audit management unit of information dissemination and BBS bulletin board system, to put an end to the violation of "computer information network Internet security management approach" will reappear.
4 Once the following harm the network security activities:
(A) unauthorized access to computer information network, or use the resources of the computer information network;
(B) without the permission of network functions to delete, modify or increase;
(C) unauthorized computer information network, storage, processing or transmission of data and applications to delete, modify or increase;
(D) intentionally spreading computer viruses and other destructive programs;
(E) engage in other activities that endanger the security of computer information network. Make a record and immediately report to the local public security organs.
In the information released by the audit process, such as the following acts:
(A) incitement to resist and undermine the Constitution and the law and administrative regulations
(B) incitement to subvert state power and overthrow the socialist system
(C) incitement to split the country and undermine national unity
(D) incitement to ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination, undermining national unity
(5) fabrication or distortion of facts, spread rumors, disturbs social order
(F) spread feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism and abetting a crime
(7) an affront others or fabricating facts to slander others
(H) damage the reputation of state organs
(9) other violations of the Constitution and the laws and administrative regulations shall not be released, and retain the original records, the local public security office within 24 hours.
6 to accept and cooperate with the public security organs of safety supervision, inspection and guidance, truthfully provide relevant safety information to the public security organs, information and data files, to assist the public security organs investigated and dealt with by the international networking of computer information network illegal and criminal acts.

Enterprise security management: enterprise security management is based on national laws, regulations and technical standards, to take a variety of means, the security situation of the production, the implementation of effective control of all activities.
Enterprise security management including: administrative, technical management, industrial and health management;
The object of the enterprise security management including: production personnel, production equipment and the environment, the production of power and energy, as well as the management of information and data;
Means of enterprise security management: administrative means; legal means; economic instruments; cultural means.

The main points
Risk evaluation of the sources of corruption control
The risk assessment is a technique used in the enterprise security management means dangerous source of division and pre-assessment to identify risk factors exist in the various units, and then put some loss, and to take the necessary safety measures to be addressed, from the sources of danger pre-to source control, to achieve safe production goals. Therefore, the company based on the characteristics of its own production, the entire production process is divided into several units, and Hazard Analysis and evaluation of the unacceptable level of risk factors unacceptable in a timely manner to come up with appropriate security measures and funding for rectification, unacceptable risks, inform employees and migrant workers may be what results should be how to prevent. In recent years, the mine has invested more than 200 million in terms of security, improve underground ventilation system, the purchase of toxic dust detector, built soundproof room 9, two sets of perfect dust removal equipment, post workers of the occupational hazards of an annual physical examination, all the employees undergo a medical examination; the full occupational hazards staff positions examination 7, a total of 522 people; examination of all the staff three times, a total of 1121 persons / times, no cases of occupational disease patients or suspected patients; installed alarm, video surveillance, effectively prevent insecure accidents.
Second, to strengthen supervision grasp the hidden rectification
Supervision and inspection work a guarantee of safety production management measures, is a two-way safety management network carrier, through its supervision of the implementation of the company's security decisions, but also fast to the company's decision-making, feedback the latest security information, and according to this information to make a decision, its purpose is to detect risk factors, the rapid elimination of security risks, has the pressure of 67-69 between the lines of the 1340 main alley to show support engineering volume of 763 cubic meters, the discovery of the habitual illegal repeatability security risks, issued a rectification order book 8, 29 hidden troubles.
Third, sum up the work grasping rectification and improvement
Identify gaps, identify loopholes in safety management, as the next phase of the problem to be solved, and improve the overall level of safety management purposes, to improve speech ideas and behavior awareness, objective environment and through the the stage summary and appraisal management techniques, work in this area to carry out comprehensive, pay more attention to emphasize the two production units to carry out, to fully mobilize and play a positive role of front-line staff in each of the two production units, truly a full range of security and prevention system .
Fourth, update grasp the concept of positive factors
"People-oriented" find the right way to carry out a targeted long-term and meticulous work, to fundamentally change the "Security" to "I want security" complete change of thought, the focus of the work of the safety precautions before the move to strengthen safety education improve the overall security quality link up. Through the establishment and improvement of the safety system, safety production responsibility to develop and implement the "correct" violations "Health Cup competition" Safety Month "Safety Quiz" and other forms of carefully organized, and effectively improve the member safety awareness.
, And assign responsibilities to grasp the network construction
The implementation of safe production responsibility system, effective control of the center of the work of production safety accidents, implementation of the pathway, is to rely on reasonable security management network, take the horizontal division of responsibility for production safety, production targets to implement to the side, and safety, layer by layer decomposition identification in the end, each individual unit security goals, will be able to ensure production safety goals. Occupational safety and health work of the full target classification management, signed letters of responsibility goals each year of production by the company leaders and Safety and Environmental Protection Division, Safety and Environmental Protection Branch target refinement broken down into units at all levels and signed letters of responsibility goals, two units further refine the decomposition to the team and in the position, signed letters of responsibility goals at the same time, the formation of a complete set of occupational health and safety supervision and management of the network, the company set up by the general manager Chen Tao Director of Production Safety Commission, the establishment of safe production supervision and management functions department, a total of full-time safety management personnel 6, each of the two production units established production safety leading group headed by the director, a full-time security staff, class segment length, underground middle captain 53 were part-time security officer by the safety committee, scheduling, two units of production safety meeting to ensure the safe production implementation of the decision-making flow, the production site safety information and timely feedback.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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