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Customer Service Management

Customer Service Management refers to a customer-oriented values, integrate and manage all elements of the customer interface in the pre-set optimal cost - service portfolio. Broadly speaking, any increase customer satisfaction are all within the scope of customer service. (Customer satisfaction: customers to realize the gap between his actual "perception" of the treatment and "expect" treatment.)

Customer Service Categories
Customer service basically divided into artificial Customer Service and electronic customer service, customer service can be subdivided into text, video customer service and voice customer service three categories. Text customer service is the main form of typing chat customer service, video customer service is the main form of voice and video customer service, voice customer service is the main form of mobile phone customer service.

As a new customer service approach based on the rapid development of Tencent micro-channel, micro-channel customer service, customer service on the market. Micro-letter customer service relying on micro-letter superb technical conditions, a combination of text customer service, video customer service, customer service and voice, have an unparalleled advantage, so the market has been favorable.

Type of Service
From the range of Internet marketing services to sub-

A broad online marketing services

Generally speaking, online marketing services to the Internet as the primary means of marketing service activities (including the intranet intranet, the EDI industry line network and the Internet Internet) to carry out.

2, the narrow Internet marketing services

The narrow network marketing services means organizations or individuals based on open and convenient Internet products, services made a series of business service activities, so as to meet the organization or individual needs of the whole process.

3, integrated online marketing

2002 Senior network marketing practitioners Ao Chunhua integrate the concept of network marketing: Internet marketing is an integral part of their overall marketing strategy is to achieve the overall business objectives, to the Internet as the basic means to create the online business environment. kinds of activities. The core of this definition is to operate the online environment, this environment I think the process of creating brand value can be understood as integrated marketing, integrating a variety of effective internet marketing means to create a better marketing environment.

Second, from the building of network marketing different standards can be divided into

Primary network marketing, display network marketing potential network marketing income network marketing, the perfect network marketing.

Third, from the old and new forms of online marketing services can be divided into

1, the traditional network marketing services

2, in conjunction with marketing online marketing services

3, combined with the mobile phone Internet Marketing Services

Business Process
Customer service in commercial practice generally divided into three categories, namely: pre-service, sale of services, after-sales service. Pre-sale services generally refers to business before selling products to provide customers with a range of activities, such as market research, product design, manual, provide advisory services. The sale of services is the seller to the purchaser of the services provided in the trading process, such as reception services, packaging services. After-sales service is where the sales are incidental.

Loss of customers
1, the cost of the loss of customers is not just the loss of actual turnover. Potential fluctuations mean greater losses.

2, the loss of customers from the values, systems and personnel problems. The following are the reasons for customer churn analysis and prevention:

Customer churn has become the embarrassment faced by many companies, most of them lose all know that an old customer will bring huge losses, the enterprise needs at least to develop 10 new customers in order to be made up. But when asked why the loss of corporate customers, many corporate executives look of confusion, when it comes to how to prevent them is fear and trepidation.

Can not be effectively meet customer needs often lead to the loss of corporate customers the most critical factor, the general performance in the following areas:

A, product quality is unstable, damage to the interests of customers. In terms of the call center phone customers do not play into, or scored always dropped, busy, information officer thoughtful service, all belong to the quality problems. The customers For these reasons and turn to other similar service providers.

B, lack of innovation, customer "faithless". Any product has its own life cycle, as the market matures and product prices increased transparency products to the clients' interests space tend to become smaller and smaller. If the companies can not innovate in a timely manner, customers will naturally find another way, after all, is to maintain the interests of the relationship between manufacturers and the best leverage. When the call center service model is too monotonous, can not meet the development needs of the customers, the customers will seek other service businesses. Therefore, the call center products should continue the development and utilization.

C, weak internal sense of service. The staff arrogance, the customer's problem can not be resolved in a timely manner, consulting unheeded complaints no one to deal with staff inefficiency is a direct result of an important factor in the loss of customers. Call center is to provide customers with the convenience and service to obtain benefits, weak internal staff awareness of service, it is easy to imagine what kind of case.

D, employee turnover, take away customers. Many companies due to customer relationship management is not delicate enough, norms, the clerk role as a bridge between customers and enterprises on its head, and enterprise customers is relatively weak, old customers along with business people quit away . With this is the increasing strength of competitors.

E, the client has descended into a new temptation. Intense market competition, to be able to quickly obtain a favorable position in the market, competitors often at all costs to the favorable conditions to attract those resources lucrative customers. A large amount of money, there must be Isao "customers" renegade "is not a strange phenomenon.

F, enterprise management imbalance, so that small and medium-sized customers leave. Marketing people know the the 2,8 rule, many companies have set up a large customer management center, indifferent attitude towards small customers. Advertising and promotion policies are inclined to large customers, makes a lot of psychological imbalance and leave.

G, market volatility result in a loss of customers: any enterprise in the development will suffer a concussion, the fluctuation period is often the customer churn high-frequency Dan, because there is a conflict, corporate executives often the loss of customers, there is a problem is the enterprise funds temporary stress, such as unexpected disasters, will allow the market to fluctuate, this time, the sense of smell of customers might have turned against him.

Standard terminology
The opening words and greetings

Greeting: "Hello, welcome to the XX call customer service hotline and customer service representatives YYY glad to serve you, is there any that can help you!"

Can not say: "Hey, speak it!"

2, the customer greetings customer service representative: "Miss (Mr.), hello.", The customer service representative should be polite response: "Hello there anything I can help you?"

Can not say: "Hey, go ahead!"

3, when the understanding of the customer's name, customer service representative should be following during a call, the customer's last name plus "Mr. / Ms" remain polite response call: "a Mr. / Ms there anything I can help you ? "

Can not be indifferent, ignoring the customer's name

4, encountered silent Phone: Customer Service Representative: "Hello! Is there nothing can help you?" Pause 5 seconds or silent, "Hello, how may I help you?" Pause for 5 seconds, the other not reflect , said: "I'm sorry, your telephone no sound, you change a phone to call me again, okay? goodbye!" pause for 5 seconds, then hang up.

Can not say: "Hey, speak it! Do not speak I hung up ah!"

The user to use the hands-free and you can not hear: Customer Service Representative: "I'm sorry, your voice is too small, you pick up the handset to talk, okay?"

Can not say: "Hey, a little louder!"

Not hear you encounter customers sound small: customer service representatives to keep the volume constant case: "I'm sorry! Louder, please?" If you still can not hear you, the customer service representative: "I'm sorry! Your phone sound is too small, you change a phone call, okay? ", and then hang up over 5 seconds.

Not first on-hook

Have phone not hear too much noise: Customer Service Representative: "I'm sorry, your phone is too much noise, could not hear you for a phone to call me again, okay? Goodbye!" Pause for 5 seconds, hang up.

Is not intended to be used directly on hook

To encounter customers dialect-speaking customer representatives actually can not understand: Customer Service Representative: "I'm sorry, you speak Mandarin, okay? Thank you!" When the customers continue to speak in tongues, do not speak Mandarin, the customer service representative: "I'm sorry, please find a person can speak Mandarin, please? Thank you! "

Dialect can not be converted into customers
Having customers speaking in tongues, the customer can understand a customer service representative Mandarin, the customer service representative should be used to understand customer based on the dialect, continue to maintain the Mandarin expression.

Is not intended to be used directly on hook
Have customers complaining about the customer on behalf of the sound or not hear: Customer Service Representative: "I'm sorry, (slightly increase the volume) there anything I can help you?"

Service outsourcing
Customer service outsourcing advisory services and outsourcing services to support contact center customer service activities and business processes: customer service outsourcing market can be divided into the following sub-processes:

Customer Analysis
This type of service is responsible for the collection, management, analysis, application of customer data, marketing, sales and service support. Specific services include: analysis / data mining services, data preparation and enhancement, promotion management / execution, customer-centric data warehouse development, customer data integration services, customer data analysis services.

Customer Service
Such activities refers to the process of communication with customers, which handles the billing request, account maintenance, service distribution, timing, general information. Customer service is usually conducted by telephone, but can also be by e-mail, chat, fax, self-service or e-mail.

Pre-sale services: market research, product design, product brochures, and provide advisory services.
Sale of services: the services provided by the seller to the purchaser of the product transaction process, such as reception services, delivery services, packaging services.

Service: Where are incidental to the sale of goods and services beneficial to the characteristics of the buyers, including delivery, installation, replacement of the product, repair, maintenance, technical training and other aspects of service.

Order fulfillment
Such services by the the foreground customer interaction center services and real-time order management, automated payment processing, the background logistics and return logistics, support to fulfill product orders. Integrated distribution services include inventory, transportation and warehouse management.

Technical support. Technical support is to provide support for software, systems and other consumer products or equipment. Technical support outsourcing provider on behalf of the independent software vendor (ISV) or OEM accept the call from the user, the responsibility for solving the problem of users. Usually involves interaction here: phone support, maintenance of a self-supported Web sites, dispatch service technicians, some important call to the ISV or OEM.

Customer Service: a cost effective way to provide supply chain customers significant added value benefits program.

Improve the quality of
Avoid service bad impression

First impression of the recognition and success of the company bring good benefits, and the harm caused by a bad first impression, than to realize that the more serious. Customers now have so many choices, there are so many companies scrambling to attract their attention. Customers not only can not put up with bad service and thus leave the company to find another new love, but will spread to more people a bad impression of the company. Therefore, to improve service quality, first to avoid the impression left to the customer service is not good.

Make up the lack of service
Lack of service, it is necessary to make up for, instead of looking for an excuse to shirk responsibility. Service dresser, not only to make up for the problems that occur in the service, but also allows discerning customers happy, make the difference between you and your competitors.

To develop the service trimming

Each enterprise and its employees will make mistakes, able to understand the customer on this point. Customers care about is how you correct their mistakes. Problems in the service, first as an apology, but not only, but also need to develop practical solutions to concrete action to solve customer problems. If customers mention the damage to or failure of the air cleaner came to the auto parts store should do is returned on the spot, if time permits, his car parked in the parking lot in front of your store, it should help him parts to the car.
Consider the actual situation of the customer
In the process of providing services for customers, it is necessary to consider the customer's actual situation, in accordance with the feelings of the customer service system to adjust, that is, to provide customers with personalized, the highest value services.

Conduct regular surveys of the service system
Enterprises to develop the service system is designed to better serve our customers, help customers solve problems and meet their needs, to meet and exceed their expectations. Because of system problems affecting the improvement of the quality of customer service, it is necessary to modify the system in a timely fashion.

The establishment of a sound service system
The meaning of good service system is basically a good thing easy. Good service system, good guide customers to let them know what you can provide them with, and how to provide. Good service system can greatly improve the internal staff awareness of service, improve service quality.

Old and new customers
Even if it can not be better, we should also old customers service too and services are equally important for new customers. Many companies to focus more on acquiring new customers and new customers to provide quality services, but they ignore the old customer service, it is very wrong. Because the cost of developing new customers is much higher than the cost of maintaining the old customers lost, until the old customers go to seek more harm than good. So, pay attention to the service for old customers can significantly improve the quality of services.

Customer service duties
Answering of each brand skill traffic, in accordance with the Knowledge Base timely and accurate answer customer. To provide customers with standard services;

Quickly grasp the company's new policy, new business telephone service process, actively promote the company's new products, prompting customers to produce the wishes of the use of the company's products;

To entertain a client application services, customer complaint calls and accurate record of the substance of the complaint, and other positions will be required to assist the admissibility of the business to generate electronic work orders and transferred to the background group;

Helps organize group training and counseling primary account representative. Participate in various training, improve the overall quality. Participate in various team activities in support of team-building;

For questions or information database, recording the content of the question and turned over to the assistant manager on duty forwarding business group. Timely and accurate collection of mobile business, study hard the mobile business knowledge, to help gather information about customer needs, and suggest improvements to the service work;

Using the multi-channel approach (such as telephone, text messaging, e-mail, etc.) to communicate with customers, to service or sales purposes;

Good user inquiries and complaints handling, good disclosure of a roadblock for users to send a single summary of user feedback comments and suggestions;

Fill out the shift diary, a group down to settle unfinished and problems to be solved;

With various departments to maintain good communication links;

Always check the computer running, and troubleshooting Times repair.

Quality requirements

To be a qualified customer service staff, should have strict style of work, enthusiastic service attitude, a skilled business knowledge, a positive attitude towards learning, patiently explain, with an open mind to listen to customers.

, Full of enthusiasm and serious working attitude
A prerequisite to be a qualified customer service staff, only love this career, in order to invest emotionally, so this is a qualified customer service personnel.

Skilled business knowledge
Should have a skilled professional knowledge, and constantly strive to learn, only mastered all aspects of business knowledge, to provide users with accurate rates upon request, business inquiries, business process and complaints and suggestions service. Allow customers to get better service satisfaction.

Third, patiently answer questions
A qualified customer service staff, the core is the attitude of customers. In the course of their work, should be kept warm and sincere attitude, at the same time do a good job to explain to tone ease, mindful, to be patient, in case customers do not understand or difficult to explain, again not Do it again, until the customer satisfaction, and always keep the smile dissolved in the sound, in good faith to bring our customers the promise. So in order to better keep making progress.

Fourth, good communication and coordination
Communication skills, especially the ability to communicate effectively is a basic quality of customer service staff, customer service, dealing with customers, listening to our customers, understanding customers, inspire customers to guide customers, are the basic skills and customer communication, only by understanding the what customers need and help customer complaints and dissatisfaction in any place, in order to identify the problems of our company, the right medicine to solve customer problems [4].

"Customer service call center Call Center" had a significant impact on the operation of the various types of companies, and the company has brought huge economic benefits. In recent years, commodity competition to brand competition, service become an important means of competition. With the development and expansion of the telecommunications market, as well as telephone tariff adjustment; fixed telephone, mobile phone and Internet has been more widely used. For businesses, make full use of telecommunications resources, to broaden the scope of services, fully meet customer needs, to bring greater profits for the company, is the current direction of development.

Effective use of telecommunications resources and establish a customer service center Call Center ", a good corporate image in the minds of customers to shape a good service, efficient work business goal.

The customer service center full use of telecommunications resources and computer technology organic unity, the exchanges of the customers and the company has created an unprecedented efficient channel.

Basic skills

Good psychological quality and self-control

Team player

Good listening and communication skills (7 points, then the customer said, 3 minutes, then customer service)

Guidance and judgment

To accept large workload brought a sense of fulfillment

Happy threw himself into work (and enjoy every customer happy)

Be able to identify the interests of the relationship between the company and its customers

Tone cadence, pleasant

Ability to learn (learning new business knowledge is king!)

Before and after speaking very logical, able to skillfully controlling language

Basic computer knowledge and language requirements (Mandarin)

Core functions

The pursuit of excellence

Set challenging targets for themselves and go all the performance of their work to a high standard, and continue to seek a breakthrough.


Others did not have direction or request of spontaneous work, the problems faced and to take immediate action to resolve it, and willing to take on additional responsibility to achieve the goal.

Established network of people

Can take the initiative to seek the interpersonal or contact your system conducive to work actively and effectively manage and maintain long-term relationship with each other.

Customer service

Show dedicated service to the customer effectively meet customer needs, solve customer problems, and to improve customer satisfaction.

Customer Orientation

Actions or plans to consider the impact on the customer, take the initiative to understand customer needs and respond quickly, providing customers the information they need to assist the organization and its customers to establish long-term cooperative relations.

Pressure to bear

Facing pressure to use the appropriate method to relieve and maintain the expected performance and interpersonal relationships.

Affect persuasion

Can find to convince critical or important objects according to their characteristics and care issues, the use of an appropriate manner, the other to accept their own ideas or thoughts.

Communication and coordination

Energy, as the conversation structured objects clearly express ideas, In addition to ensuring the other listened attentively and fully understand and can correctly interpret and respond to clarify the message conveyed by others in order to reach a consensus.

Sales techniques

Sales can grasp customer needs, the use of appropriate sales strategy and way to build customer confidence in the products or services.

The level of service

1, the share of services

You and your company should do, have done it, that you and your company can also.

A short weekday greetings, blessings, Reminder, management information sharing, and so on, to ensure that at least one a week.

For the latest study to be notified to the customer

C, holidays, as well as customer birthdays, family birthdays, founded the date the customer important day greetings

2, the edge of the service (do not) you do, good that you and your company.

D, by copy course notes

E, by, to send books or learning CD-ROM.

Nothing to do with the sales service

You do all the customers that you and your company are not only partners in the mall, customers also you as a friend. Interpersonal competitors grab grab does not go, this is not what you want?

- Such as, for customers to solve some emergency things.

Service concept
Chinese companies marketing concept after decades of test, after the four main stages. From the very beginning is the daughter of the emperor mentality "production concept, and then transition to" sell themselves "product concept, the development of marketing concepts to the" good goods but also ground crying ", now entering customer center, demand-oriented marketing concept.

The modern concept of service marketing and traditional marketing concepts, the biggest difference is that the basic elements of marketing from the original 4P to 4C, the focus of the enterprise is not going to discuss what products, but to look at what customers demand; not discuss the product set what price, but concerned about the cost of the customer's purchase; not to discuss promotional activity, but to find ways to strengthen communication with customers; does not discuss how to build distribution channels, but considering the convenience of the customers to buy. Traditional marketing to profit through the sale of services marketing is to profit through customer satisfaction.

The fundamental objective of the enterprise is profitable, now more and more companies believe that the real profit model should be a go for customers to create value, excellent enterprise in the world are known as service-oriented enterprises, service bandwagon in 21st century again on the rise around the world, the competition is more and more into the area of ​​services.

Customer service training
Service Process Training

As the shop staff, well-known the Taobao shopping process is the customer experience operational problems, give operating instructions in a timely manner, so that the successful completion of the operation process of shopping, the order into valid orders.

Organizational structure training

Every company has its own organizational structure, posts, also need to understand the company's organizational structure, departments and positions set, with which departments and positions colleagues know their future work with business.

Workflow Training
The enterprise has its own principles and values ​​to determine them embodied in the values ​​of its respected as a company employee, each of us has a corporate values ​​coincide interpersonal principles.
The so-called values ​​a person the meaning of the objective things around (including people, events, and objects), the importance of the evaluation and views. Like to enjoy the things and evaluation in the eyes of the major and minor, the severity of the sequence is the value system. The psychological basis of human behavior is determined by the values ​​and value system.
Process an order that it is very simple, is the sale and post up points from the process, but in fact the personnel involved is a lot of, for example, from the manager to the customer service, trial a single member, the financial system of a single member, the procurement of products manager, warehouse manager, picking member, packing inspection staff, packing members, weighing member, sometimes more than one post, some jobs have become the machine and software features, such as check member the post scanner instead.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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