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Health Management

Occupational Health and Safety Management System (Occupation Health Safety Management System. English abbreviated as "OHSMS) in the international arena in the late 1980s the rise of modern safety production management, an ISO9000 and ISO14000 standard system and is called" post-industrial era management methods. " The main causes of occupational health and safety management system requirements of their own development. With the improvement in the level of enterprise scale and intensification of production, quality management and business model put forward higher requirements. Enterprises must adopt modern management mode, so that all production and business activities, including management of production safety, including scientific, standardized and legalized.

Occupational health and safety management system, another important reason is that the needs of the world economic globalization and international trade development. The most basic principles of the WTO is a "fair competition", which includes environmental and occupational health and safety issues. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, the predecessor of the WTO) Uruguay Round agreement had already been made: "States should not be performed by the regulations and standards differences caused by non-tariff barriers and unfair trade, international standards should be adopted. Europe and the United States and other developed countries: the improvement of working conditions in developing countries with less input to its lower production costs caused by the unfair can not be accepted. They have begun to take concerted action to put pressure on developing countries and to take restrictive behavior. North America and Europe have been in free trade agreements provides that: "Only by taking the same occupational health and safety standards in countries and regions to participate in the trade area of ​​international trade activities." In other words, if there is no unified occupational health standards in countries and regions enterprise products will not be sold in North America and Europe.
China has joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), to enjoy the same treatment as with other Member States in international trade, occupational health and safety problems of China's social and economic development potential and huge impact. Therefore, China must vigorously promote occupational health and safety management system.
Thinking: the basic principles of the WTO is it? This principle include?

Safety Status
China has 500,000 factories, mines and varying degrees of occupational hazards the actual workers exposed to occupational hazards than 2,500 people, from the cumulative number of occupational diseases, the number of deaths and the number of new patients, China ranks first in the world.
2 each year due to work-related accidents direct losses of several billion dollars, occupational diseases, lost nearly 10 billion, an annual economic losses caused $ 80 billion,
Thousands of families therefore be devastating disaster and trauma can not be cured.
Annually, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the General Assembly has criticized the remarks of the occupational health and safety issues, the organization of the World Conference on Human Rights as an excuse to attack China's neglect of human rights ".

American "Newsweek" December 12, 1994, published an article entitled "death factory in Asia, wrote in the article:" ... In Asia, where more relaxed than China's industrial safety measures the number of ...... largest and most fatal fires occur in the factories of southern China, DC, fire engulfed many factories. daily influx of millions of workers 'triple' sweatshops, say so, because these factories, workshops, warehouses and dormitories with most of the workers received very little education of girls, they are every day to earn $ 1.5 (by rural standards to measure this is a sum of money) promises attracted to the city from the countryside. "
In 2002, on the mainland, the Occupational Safety and Health seminar jointly organized on both sides of the Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau Quartet, the reporter to the Taiwan occupational health officials Question: "There are a large number of Taiwan-funded enterprises in the Pearl River Delta, some Taiwan-funded enterprises with obsolete equipment, every year there are a considerable number of workers arms and fingers are machine rolled off these enterprises in Taiwan, this happened to you? "the official replied:" This is mainly mainland poor management in this regard, the punishment is not heavy in Taiwan, this occurred, the boss to pay high compensation, such an incident occurred several boss will go bankrupt. "
Some foreign friendly people expressed concern about China's occupational health and safety conditions and worries. An ILO official once said: "China has become a political and economic power, but industrial accidents should not be a big country."
4. Qunsiqunshang accidents have occurred:
At 3:30 on November 25 1979, the Ministry of Petroleum Offshore Oil Exploration Bureau, "the Bohai Sea II" rigs, moved to new wells in the Bohai Bay towage capsized. At that time 74 people on board, 72 people were killed, 37 million yuan of direct economic losses;
December 8, 1994, at the Friendship Hall in Karamay City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, organized performances in the event of fire, resulting in the death of 325 people, including 288 children;
December 25, 2000, in the old city of Luoyang City, Henan Province, East Megaboom big fire, leaving a total of 309 people were killed;
December 23, 2003, Kai County, Chongqing, Gaoqiao Town, Northeast Sichuan Gas Field 16 wells catastrophic blowout wells contains a large amount of highly toxic hydrogen sulfide gas ejected pervasive, resulting in the poisoning death of 243 people, 2142 people were hospitalized treatment, 65,000 people were evacuated and resettlement;
November 28, 2004, the Joss House Bay town, Yaozhou District of Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province, Tongchuan Mining Chenjiashan extraordinarily serious coal mine gas explosions in only 21 of the 187 miners trapped underground life, and the remaining 166 people were killed ;
January 3, 2005, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province in a road accident, a total of 55 people were killed and 34 people were injured;
At 7:45 on the April 18th, 2007, Tieling, Liaoning Province Qinghe Special Steel Co., Ltd. occur ladle fall accident, equipped with 30 tons of steel ladle lifting whereabouts to place at 2-3 meters drop suddenly, spread out, the molten steel rushed into the shop within 5 meters of a house, caused by the shift in the house all the 32 people killed and two operatives minor injuries.

1.1996, the British issued BS8800 "Occupational Health and Safety Management System Guide;
2.1996, the American Industrial Hygiene Association developed a guiding document for the occupational health and safety management system;
3.1997, Australia and New Zealand proposed a draft of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques, the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA) occupational health and safety management system, Det Norske Veritas ( DNV) developed occupational health and safety management system certification standards;
4.1999 British Standards Institution (BSI), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), 13 organizations Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Standard OHSAS18001 "occupational health and safety management systems - specification, OHSAS18002 occupational health and safety management systems - Implementation Guide ", this standard is not the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to develop and therefore can not be written as" ISO18001 ";
October 5.1999, the former State Economic and Trade Commission issued a "the trial standard occupational health and safety management system"; November 12, 2001, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China was formally promulgated by the Occupational Health and Safety Management System ", since 2002 effect on January 1, code GB/T28001-2001, is a recommended national standard, the standard OHSAS18001 basically the same content. The latest version of GB/T28001-2011.

1 provides a scientific and effective management tool for enterprises to improve occupational health and safety performance;
2. Contribute to the implementation of the rules and regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety;
3 of coercion from passive to active voluntary action to improve occupational health and safety management level of the organization's occupational health and safety management;
Contribute to the elimination of trade barriers;
5. Direct and indirect economic benefits;
6 would establish a good corporate quality and image in the community.

1 The term
(1) accident: cause death, disease, injury, damage, or other loss of unforeseen circumstances. To distinguish between accidents and incidents, resulting in the death, illness, injury, damage or other loss accident, did not cause the event. Such as fluorescent lamps fall, hit the accident, did not hit a false alarm event.
(2) continuous improvement: to improve the overall performance of occupational health and safety, occupational health and safety policy organizations to strengthen the process of occupational health and safety management system. That is, we usually refer to long-term mechanism, occupational health and safety management system is not certified even if done, but need to maintain long-term.
(3) sources of danger: May cause injury or illness, property damage, work environmental damage or combination of causes or state.
(4) hazard identification: the presence of a hazard identification and to determine its characteristics.
(5) events: causes or is likely to lead to an accident.
(6) parties: related to occupational health and safety performance of the organization or its impact on individuals or groups of occupational health and safety performance. The parties have two characteristics: First, the parties do not belong to Faku county bureau, the parties are very concerned about our occupational health and safety. Faku county bureau party customers, local governments and subordinate units, foreign clerical staff, public security Xieqin, contractors, engineering contractors and equipment suppliers and so on.
(7) does not comply with: any deviation from work standards, practices, procedures, regulations, management system performance, and the results can be directly or indirectly lead to injury or illness, property damage, environmental damage or a combination of these.
(8) Target: organizations in occupational health and safety performance to be achieved.
(9) Risk: the likelihood and consequences of a combination of a specific hazardous situation.
(10) Risk Assessment: the size of the assessment of risk, and determine whether the risk can be tolerated.
(11) may allow risk: according to the organization's legal obligations and occupational health and safety policy has been reduced to the the organization acceptable level of risk.

(2) the basic elements of occupational health and safety management system (17)
4.2 Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Must be approved by the top management must include the commitment of the top management of "compliance" and "continuous improvement".
4.3.1 hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control planning
Identify the hazard must be considered: (1) conventional and unconventional activities; ② all personnel (including contractors and visitors) to enter the workplace activities; (3) workplace facilities (either by the organization or by the outside world). In addition, the hazard identification or a dynamic process, whenever workplace changes (such as the relocation of the office location, etc.) equipment and facilities (such as the purchase of new mixer) and technology (such as from synthetic production changed to processing) occur change, we need to re-identify the hazard identification.
4.3.2 and Other Requirements
At least comply with current occupational health and safety laws and regulations and other requirements, and the text of laws and regulations to collect, identify the need to comply with the applicable terms.
4.3.3 Objectives
Goals and occupational health and safety management program is usually used to control should not be allowed to risk, the goal must be able to complete, if conditions allow, the goal should be quantified in order to facilitate assessment. (Such as achieving security incidents in 1000 days, the driver certificates rate of 100%, major accidents 0)
4.3.4 Occupational health and safety management program
Occupational health and safety management program should be adapted to the actual situation of the organization, and must have the responsibilities, authority and timetable for the completion of other elements, otherwise it is not a complete, standardized management program.
4.4.1 Structure and responsibilities
Top management shall appoint a managing member of the management representative undertake specific duties and responsibilities of the management representative is responsible for the establishment and implementation of the system. In addition to the management representative, occupational health and safety management system should also have one or more employee representatives, to participate in the consultation and communication. Sink
4.4.2 Training, awareness and capacity
The purpose of the training is to raise the safety awareness of employees, so that it has the ability to work under the premise of safety. The elements to focus on staff induction qualification and safety awareness and ability. Such as the driver's license of the driver and induction certificate, inspection certificate of the inspectors and law enforcement certificate, health certificate of the cook.
Consultation and communication
Communicate and consult with the main contents are: to participate in the development and review of risk management policies and procedures; participation to discuss the impact of any changes in workplace occupational health and safety; involved in occupational health and safety matters; know who is occupational health and safety staff representatives and management representative ; comments and suggestions on occupational health and safety.
4.4.4 Documentation
The main purpose of this element is to establish and maintain adequate documentation and promptly update the communication intent to play the role of unified action, to ensure that the occupational health and safety management system has been fully understand and fully and effectively run.
4.4.5 documents and information control
The main purpose of the document and data control is easy to find, and when the file changes should be promptly communicated to the employees, to ensure that important positions in the operations manual is the latest version.
4.4.6 Operational Control
Following 4.3.1 to 4.3.4 (planning), it should be implemented in accordance with the planned results. This element is the core content of the occupational health and safety management system does not conform to the object of the report focuses on "patronizing".
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
Includes two aspects, one is ready, the second is the response. If possible, these emergency procedures should be tested on a regular basis, which is commonly referred to as emergency drill. The purpose of the exercise is to detect the feasibility of the plan.
4.5.1 Performance measurement and monitoring
The main elements of the process of monitoring and inspection results of 4.4.6.
4.5.2 accident, incident, does not comply with corrective and preventive actions
The elements found in the monitoring or checking non-compliance with laws and regulations, systems, processes and other aspects of behavior, corrective action, corrective measures.
4.5.3 Records and records management
All kinds of records in the system is running, the role of the record is its traceability, which is usually often mentioned "well documented". The records must provide retention time and save location, records management must be easy to search, you need to check the records, you must find the record very soon.
4.5.4 Audit
Here audit internal audit of occupational health and safety management system, organizational self-audit, also known as "first-party audit is commonly referred to as" internal audit "to test the operation of occupational health and safety management system an important tool.
4.6 Management Review
Management review is the responsibility of top management, generally at least annually once the purpose of the management review is to ensure that occupational health and safety management system for continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. In layman's terms, the management review is a department of the organization to improve occupational health and safety performance of the system, other departments with assistance or ready to buy certain items need to use the funds and material, covers more wide, the department can not be completed independently, need the approval of their superior problem solving process.

3. The characteristics of the occupational health and safety management system
(1) establish a management system to control occupational health and safety performance
(2) using the PDCA cycle management (Deming model, P is the planning, D is the implementation and operation, C is the check, A means to improve) the idea;
(3) emphasis on prevention, continuous improvement and dynamic management;
(4) compliance requirements throughout the system is always in;
(5) requires the full participation;
(6) applies to all walks of life, and as a basis for certification.

4 basic elements of management role of occupational health and safety management system:
(1) hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control planning is the basis of the occupational health and safety management system;
(2) occupational health and safety management system to achieve the function of the commitment to comply with the regulatory requirements;
(3) monitoring of occupational health and safety management system (4.5.1 Performance measurement and monitoring) system running on the system security;
(4) a clear organizational structure and responsibilities is a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System;
(5) other occupational health and safety management system elements have a unique role.

Sound occupational health and safety management system features:
Management level: everything was tubes, everyone is responsible, work procedures, inspection standards, dealing with the problem.
Technical level: adequate human resources and professional skills, advanced design, development, manufacture, inspection and test equipments, instruments, meters, equipment and computer software.

Occupational health and safety management system specific work methods:
Six words: do, remember to check, change, experience.
: This paper describes the organization's policies;
Do: in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines to the specific implementation;
Reporter: will be implemented in the specific circumstances of the record;
Check: check implementation and the record of implementation;
Change: to timely rectification problems in the implementation process;
Experience: timely rectification tracking, verification.

Management system
1, the purpose of
To the prevention of occupational hazards, protection of workers' health, and enhance staff awareness of production safety, to ensure production safety, the system is formulated.
2, the scope of
2.1 Applicable occupational health management within the scope of the Company.
2.2 refers to enterprises, institutions and individual economic organizations (collectively referred to as the employer) of workers in the occupational activities through contact with dust, radioactive substances and other toxic and hazardous substances and other factors, diseases caused by occupational diseases.
2.3 occupational hazards: refers to workers engaged in professional activities may lead to the hazards of occupational diseases.
2.4 The Company occupational hazard factors include: None.
3, responsibilities
3.1 is mainly responsible for the overall responsibility for the company's occupational health management.
3.2 Safety Officers easy to get the relevant staff of the occupational positions safety training, supervision and inspection employees the Pei Dailao Paul supplies.
3.3 Each team is responsible for daily inspections of employees the Pei Dailao the case of supplies. Responsible for the post of workplace responsible for the inspection and treatment of occupational health hazards.
3.4 Company engaged in workers exposed to occupational hazards occupational disease examination, and the establishment of the health care file.
4, work procedures and requirements
Of 4.1 occupational hazards prevention and on-site management
4.1.1 prevention of occupational diseases adhere to the "prevention first, combining prevention with control" principle, the implementation of category management, comprehensive way.
4.1.2 employees in accordance with the law employment injury insurance, to ensure that occupational workers shall enjoy the treatment of social insurance for work-related injuries, injury insurance to pay by the company.
4.1.3 regularly organize publicity and education on the prevention and control of occupational diseases, the popularity of occupational disease prevention knowledge, and enhance occupational disease prevention and to improve workers' self-awareness of health protection. Publicity and education by the safety officer is responsible.
4.1.4 Staff should learn and master the relevant knowledge of occupational health, laws, rules, regulations and operating procedures comply with the prevention and control of occupational diseases, proper use, to maintain occupational disease occupational disease prevention equipment and personal use protective equipment, found that the occupational hazards of potential hazards shall promptly report .
4.1.5. Provided in line with the requirements of the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases occupational disease occupational protective equipment and personal use protective equipment, regular maintenance, repair, periodic testing its performance and effectiveness, to ensure that in the normal state are not allowed to be removed or disabled.
4.1.6 Each year the detection of occupational hazards in the workplace. The test results stored in the occupational health archive. Should be prominently publicize the announcement on occupational disease prevention rules and regulations, operating procedures, emergency rescue measures of occupational hazards and occupational hazards in the test results.
4.1.7 arrangements pregnancy, lactating women workers engaged in hazardous jobs and fetuses, infants.
4.1.8 may cause occupational diseases construction projects at the feasibility stage should be made to the health sector occupational hazard evaluation report, to make the evaluation of occupational hazards in the workplace and the health of its employees and the impact, determine the hazard category and occupational protective measures . Protective equipment costs should be included in the construction project budget, with the main project designed, constructed, and put into production and use.
4.1.8 Company production processes, production layout must be reasonable and should be sure to use the workplaces where toxic substances separated from the living area, no person shall reside workplaces. Harmful operations harmless operations separate workplaces where high toxic and isolated from other workplaces, employees to minimize exposure to occupational hazards.
4.1.9 toxic and hazardous workplaces as possible acute occupational injuries required to set up warning signs, alarm facilities, washing facilities, protective aid kits counters, set the emergency escape routes and safety zones. Determine the responsibility and the inspection cycle, regular inspection, maintenance, and records to ensure that it is in the normal state
4.1.10 Safety Officer should be based on the existence of the workplace occupational hazards, to develop practical occupational hazard prevention and control plan and implementation program. Prevention and control plan or implement programs must have a clear responsibility, the responsible departments, objectives, methods, funding, timetable for the implementation of control programs and implementation of programs to regularly check to ensure that the effect of the prevention and control of occupational hazards.
4.1.11. Vocational patients or patients with suspected occupational, shall promptly report to the local health department, the diagnosis should also be reported to the local labor security personnel department.
4.2 management of occupational health examination
4.2.1 company responsible for organizing the workers exposed to occupational hazards posts before, during, undergo occupational health examination. Personnel engaged in occupational health examination shall cause not exposed to occupational hazards shall cause professional contraindications engaged in the work of the taboo.
4.2.2 occupational disease contraindications occupational health examination detected and suspected occupational diseases, should deal with the views put forward by the staff of anti-bodies to arrange transferred from the original hazardous work positions, treatment, diagnosis, etc., and observe. Found that the statutory occupational diseases listed in the catalog occupational risk factors, should be timely and truthful report to the local safety supervision management department, subject to their supervision.
4.2.3 required to establish and improve employee occupational health record, and shelf life of properly kept in accordance with state regulations, the production department employees who suffered or may suffer acute occupational hazards during manufacturing operations should be promptly organized the treatment or medical observation, and credited to the personal health record.
4.2.4 physical examination found a group reaction, and exposure to toxic and harmful factors, the Company shall promptly organize the production workplaces investigation and control measures in conjunction with the relevant government departments.
4.2.5 The results of all occupational health examination and treatment advice, need to be truthfully recorded in the employee health record by the company within one month from the date of the end of the examination, the feedback to the examination.
4.2.6 should strictly enforce the laws and regulations of the labor protection of women workers, female workers are arranged in a timely manner healthy. Organization of work should take full account of and care workers physiological characteristics may not assign women workers engaged in particularly onerous or harmful to women's physiological function; shall not cause pregnancy or lactation (age 1) women workers engaged fetus or infant hazardous jobs ; shall not cause the fertility of women workers engaged in the toxic work may cause infertility or women's reproductive dysfunction.
4.3 Occupational Health Education and Training
4.3.1 Safety Officer should at least a year to organize a safety training of all staff must be trained knowledge of occupational disease prevention regulations, prevention measures.
4.3.2 production and job management and operating personnel must master the proper use of maintenance of occupational health protection facilities and individual occupational health protective equipment, self-help and mutual aid basic knowledge and basic skills to carry out the exercises to master the production site poisoning.
4.3.3 The use and storage of hazardous chemicals jobs, productive dust, noise and other occupational hazards and staff positions must accept the laws and regulations on the prevention and control of occupational health and occupational diseases in the pre-education, training the job labor protection, education and protective equipment to use, After passing the examination before induction operation.


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