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Engineering management 

Engineering management professional in the late 1980s. At that time, Western countries began to assess the industrial engineering education, the conclusion is the traditional industrial engineering education efficiency and the use of mathematical methods focus only on the shop floor level, graduates and engineers lack the necessary communication skills and management knowledge. In addition, according to the survey of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers, found that 70% of the engineers in the project management work after the age of 40 will need to pay. Therefore, this new project management disciplines.

Brief introduction
The trend of development of modern society is increasingly clear social division of labor, social production more and more sophisticated, professional isolation is more and more obvious increasingly common Gehangrugeshan case; On the other hand, the production of modern society is increasingly demanding compound of talent, that is often said T-talent. Simple management skills, or simply the engineering and technical talent, has been unable to meet the social development. Project management professional students, the model is the T-talent, they understand the technology and know how to manage, just fit the needs of society.

Project management professional training with the basic knowledge of management, economics and civil engineering technology to master the theory, methods and means of modern management science, project decision-making and management of the whole process of complex high-level management personnel engaged in the construction field at home and abroad. Students studying in school, to accept the basic quality of training of engineers and economists, to lay a solid foundation of engineering, management, economics, law, foreign languages ​​and computer applications. School of Management in the process of project management professional training, and actively provide the appropriate conditions to enable students according to their ability to be able to pursue a double degree in related disciplines and professional.

Many people believe that project management is a simple management disciplines, which is incorrect. Project management need to learn more than just a kind of management thinking, but also requires certain engineering background and mathematical knowledge. Professional learning should understand a basic equation is project management = engineering technology + economic management, of course, is not a simple addition, but should master a few basic skills: 1. Master the theoretical knowledge and practical skills mainly in civil engineering technology; 2. Grasp of the relevant management theory and methods; 3. Grasp of the relevant economic theory; 4. Master the relevant laws and regulations; 5. Theoretical knowledge and practical ability in project management; 6. With the ability to read the project management professional foreign language literature; 7. With the use of computer-aided ability to solve the problem of project management; 8. Has a strong scientific research ability. Overall, the project management emphasis on scientific management, suitable for those strong interpersonal skills, but also good reason to think the candidates registered.

Project management training goal is to develop to meet the needs of modernization, all-round development, with the basic knowledge of engineering technology and economic management, legal, engineer basic training, with a strong practical ability, innovation ability, organization and management capacity of senior Project management personnel. Project management professional with national registered supervision engineers, the knowledge structure of the National Register of Cost Engineers standards, professional direction covers project management, real estate management, management, engineering investment and cost management, international project contracting direction. Graduates in engineering consulting, project construction, real estate development and management, professional wide coverage, a wide range of practitioners, social needs.

With the development of real estate, and many other high-speed rail project, project management is also increasingly concerned about the development of information technology project management, if you do project management knew nothing about the project management information, project management software on the network do not know , will become more and more behind the era of large-scale management software concern in Project Management Information: Waterhouse P6, sub-assembly PM-A, Newgrand, UF, it is recommended to do the project management staff as soon as possible to understand.

A brief history
In China, the project management professional is a professional, established in 1998, the state Board of Education on higher education professional adjustment instead of the original construction of Economics and Management, real estate development and management professional. Project management is the management, engineering or construction works here is civil construction. Project management is a project from concept to formal operations (Specific measures include: investment opportunities, a preliminary feasibility study, final feasibility study, survey, design, tendering, procurement, construction, commissioning, etc.) to manage the whole process.

Subject classification, some experts believe that project management "works" only limited to the civil engineering and construction project management violated international conventions, does not meet the actual situation of the world and China Engineering Science and Technology Development. Civil construction work is just one of the many areas of engineering. The scope of the project management should not be confined to civil engineering and construction project management. Project management should include a wider range of other projects.

The creation of the professional institutions of higher learning to project management classified under the School of Management, Tianjin University; the professional as a professional direction in the civil engineering profession of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Central South University, Wuhan University; have the professional and independent subordinate departments, such as the Northeast University of Finance and Economics Jinguangs Construction Management College. Each school has different emphasis, and some focus on the direction of real estate management, some project management direction, some water conservancy project management ...... or emphasis on management or technical in its own unique features.

The great changes of the urban landscape with a stake in the construction industry and related industries flourish, especially with the implementation of the professional qualification system, the establishment of modern enterprise system and China's accession to the WTO, China's construction industry and related industries of various academic level and quality of the professionals have become increasingly demanding, especially for the project management of senior personnel (project management engineer, cost engineer, supervising engineer) there will be growing demand.

Graduates a very wide range of employment in the government's economic management departments or construction units, design units, construction enterprises, construction supervision units, real estate development companies, engineering consulting companies, international engineering companies, investment and financial units engaged in project management and other work, but also in colleges and universities or research institutions engaged in professional teaching or research work. According to statistics, most provinces and cities in the professional distribution of employment in recent years, mainly in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Tianjin, Jiangsu.

Relevant qualifications to research: cost engineer qualification, Engineering Management Certification International (EMCI).

The discipline of project management education is to create a professional, progressive development formed the basis of international engineering, real estate operation and management of professional and other related professional education in management and engineering, foreign-related construction works. Earlier, various international universities institutes set up project management professional is very few, just focus on some key aspects of specialized professional education, such as civil engineering management professional and project management professional.

The professional Chinese Chinese institutions of higher professional setting table of contents has not yet appeared in the early 1980s, just to name the name of the professional subjects like management engineering and the like. Until the early 1990s, according to the spirit of the instructions of the State Board of Education faculty professional subjects consolidation adjustments in the new Chinese institutions of higher professional settings directory project management emerging professional subjects. Currently offers project management professional Department of Management Science and Engineering, Sichuan University School of Management, a subsidiary of one of the famous domestic universities. The faculty in 1978, began to recruit students, began to recruit graduate students in the 1980s. More than 80 faculty members, 13 professors, 31 associate professors, under the Department 7, 5 Science Research Institute and Research Center, has a computer and other equipment more than 70 units, more than 40,000 volumes of books, in addition to Chinese and foreign academic journals has more than 100 species. In addition, the faculty member joint declaration with the Department of Business Administration, Sichuan University and jointly organized and implemented MBA and EMBA pilot training, and assumed the task of teaching in the fields of engineering machinery, chemicals, materials master training. Department of School graduate students more than 60 undergraduate students more than 400 people. According to the regulation and to develop programs of professional education for the State Board of Education indicated, the project management professional teaching expertise system include: civil engineering, project management, engineering economics, construction organizations and technology Civil learning and foundation, urban planning management, real estate development and management.

From the domestic social needs of reform and opening, with the increasing demand for construction building standards, will project management professional and industry development of new, higher level of challenge. How to make engineering and construction, project management coordination and cooperation in quality, the level of supervision and creative breakthrough. Upgrade and simultaneous development of project management in construction organizations and technology, engineering, development and operation of the financial rolling and recycling, the overall planning management and many other aspects, to adapt to the needs of development and changes.

Employment status
Project management professional field of employment relates to the management of the construction works, construction and control management, real estate management, and finance, hotel, trade and other industry sectors. The professionals involved in the field of employment a large demand for talent is relatively common. Securities from banks to hotels, from construction companies to real estate development company urgent need to add a lot of engineering to create a management and related professional talent, the talent market professionals are in great demand. Related to the professional field of employment: integrated system basics, focusing on engineering and construction, construction management and real estate management and development management, construction, economic, legal, and familiar with China's relevant guidelines, policies and regulations, the operation and management of enterprise engineering development and construction projects.

In recent years, due to the development needs of the market economy, the countries have changed formulated a series of related employment policy, the development of professionals to create a more favorable market environment, improve the professional personnel, especially college graduates stand out in the market mechanism. Beijing has issued a "recruiting overseas talent Rules and other policies, left the road in Beijing to further broaden the professionals in the field. Talent to enjoy preferential policies including those engaged in the work of science and technology, culture, education, economy and trade, with a junior college degree or above, human relations and permanent residence is not in Beijing, professional and technical staff and managers. The graduates in employment should pay attention to the three questions. First, to prioritize employment. Career careers should come first, followed by the selection of the place of work. Economically developed provinces and cities in the construction market has become saturated, and the central and western regions has just started, select the backward areas will contribute to their future long-term development; reasonable choice of occupation, according to their characteristics and capabilities. Should be prepared to self-analysis of the level of competence, know their own knowledge and ability to apply to specific jobs and work; Third, employment should not be money as a measure of the scale of a successful career, you should focus on the long-term, to select favorable to their own long-term development career. From the International Exhibition Center in Beijing talent exchange situation in the employment status of the graduates in recent years significantly improved, but is still relatively less than experienced personnel.

Related to the professional field of employment one of the major sectors of the real estate industry. The development trend of the industry is gradually moving towards a climax with the overall situation of the national economy continues to improve, residential investment and market demand comprehensive optimistic. First quarter of 2000, Beijing, completed an investment of 34.6 billion yuan, an increase of 16.9%. The long term, the completion of an area increases will fall, and the demand area will rise, and the supply and demand situation is optimistic. Distinctive, elegant appearance of affordable housing will be popular. The same time, the Government will continue to increase urban construction investment. The continuous development of the real estate industry toward a good situation. But the opportunities as well as challenges and fierce competition in the market for real estate development and construction, operation and management have put forward higher requirements. The market is increasingly focused on specialized competition: room plate design specialization, the specialization of the surrounding community services and property management specialization. Conform to the professional development of the industry trend, related occupations will appear in the professional development of the situation, so that the original occupation gradually broken down to reach reasonable and improvement of the operation of the function to meet the fierce market competition. The graduates employment trends, will gradually adapt to the pace of the fast-paced development of the market industry in the economic context of the whole industry to pick up gradually with the international standards of historical conditions to continue in the right direction.


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