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Administration Management

Administration Management is the use of state power of social events and a management activity. Also refers to the administrative management of all enterprises and institutions. The administrative system is a system of organizations. It is an important subsystem of the social system. With the social development, the the object administration increasingly widespread, including economic development, culture, education, municipal construction, public order, public health, environmental protection and other aspects. Modern administrative management ideas and methods of the application of systems engineering to reduce spending and waste of human, material and financial resources and time to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the administration.

The administration is the use of state power of social events and a management activity. Also refers to all enterprises, institutions, administrative management. The administrative system is a system of organizations. It is an important subsystem of the social system. With the social development, the the object administration increasingly widespread, including economic development, culture, education, municipal construction, public order, public health, environmental protection and other aspects. Modern administrative management ideas and methods of the application of systems engineering to reduce spending and waste of human, material and financial resources and time to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the administration.

In the broadest sense: refers to all social organizations, groups on the relevant matters of governance, management and implementation of social activities.
: Refers to the implementation of the national political goals, including legislative, administrative, judicial and other generalized.
Narrow sense: refers to the state administrative organs of the management of public affairs, also known as public administration.

Since the generating countries, there is the administration but only until the end of the 19th century began to take shape as a discipline. It has gone through three periods of development:

Traditional management period
From the end of the 19th century to the 1920s. German scholar L.von Stein first proposed the term "Administration". 1887 American scholar IW Wilson published an article of Administration. 1900 U.S. chief scientist FJ Goodnow put forward the idea of ​​the separation of politics and administration. 1926 American scholars LD Wright made a systematic exposition, the main contents of the Administrative Studies Administration system began to take shape. The Early Administration, to study administrative efficiency and savings as the goal, its contents include: advocating the separation of political and administrative organization and systematic methods of work procedures, Government Offices plans, standardization of work requirements to more clearly define pursuit of effectiveness.

Scientific management period
20 to 50 years due to the continuous introduction of scientific management and behavioral science theories and methods, the contents of the administrative management constantly updated. The many administrative scientists FW Taylor's scientific management theory, the use of small target goals into several levels, and to establish a rational organization to achieve each goal. Using scientific procedures and working methods of the administrative work like industrial production assembly line in a planned and orderly. The rise of the behavioral sciences to promote administrative science turned to the study of the relationship between human behavior and psychological factors, as well as with the surrounding environment from the point of view of sociology, psychology, anthropology, and pay attention to stimulate people's positive factors.

The period of system management
There are many new developments since the 1950s, the administration. Many administrative scientists have occurred since the 1940s, information theory, cybernetics, operations research theory and methods used to study the administrative administration involves more and more extensive, the factors to be considered more and more need to administrative management as a system to study.

Guiding theory

Western theories
Frederick Winslow Taylor ----- scientific management theory
Max Weber ---- organization theory, Theory of Bureaucracy in the early 1900s.
----- General Henry Fayol management theory

Chinese Theory
Administrative management theory more than two thousand years earlier than Western theory. The Chinese classical school of administration Confucianism Road, Act three, representative of Confucius, Lao Tzu, Han Fei, the representative is the "Analects of Confucius", "I", "Han Feizi". Confucianism stressed: "The Analects of Confucius" as the representative of the management of the country "Rites", "Virtue," rule of man "; Taoism stressed:" I "as the representative of the management of state" inaction governance ", dealt with gently; "Han Feizi" as the representative of Legalism stressed: the management of national law and education "," Law Kuei ". Management ideas of Confucianism, Taoism, France and three its own advantages and disadvantages, but the interests of the feudal ruling class needs, the management ideas of Confucianism in China thousands of years consistent dominate. After the founding of New China, due to the successful practice of Marxism in China, the three major theoretical system has gradually become a source of administrative theories and further development of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Three Represents and the scientific concept of development. Marxist theoretical depth and National cognitive impact of Marxist thought and did not take root in the minds of most ordinary people. So, before the reform and opening up national ideology in essence, is the mainstream Confucianism as part of the managers in particular the methods of administration of the lower-level managers with doctrinal Confucian characteristics. With the influx of Western thought after the reform and opening up, the National was once respected Western ideology and culture to abandon the ideological and cultural frenzy in China, but due to the deep-rooted in Confucianism, Confucianism and Western thought the collision was cause chaos in the national ideology, administration method is particularly grass-roots administrative method is far from uniform, and often he served as manager negate the previous management practices. In recent years, the failure in practice for lack of Western management thought humanity gene outcome and the actual thinking of the Chinese people, the Chinese management scholars began to reflect on, and gradually actively looking for bright Chinese culture in line with China's actual scientific management ideas, both integration and the emergence of Chinese Confucianism, Road, The Management Philosophy and consistent with the current the Chinese human characteristics of the rights plan, a large number of management theory, provide important clues for the development of the modern administrative science, Ancient Chinese Thought The transition from theory to the Marxist ideological and theoretical played a role in paving the way.

1, all administrative activities are directly or indirectly with the power of the state associated, based on the power of the state.
2. The administration is implemented in accordance with national law-government organization activities. Active participation and influence national legislation and political decision-making, policy development in the implementation of [2] is an important administrative activities.
3. Administrative management of both the public affairs of society, but also the implementation of the political functions of the class rule.
4. Administration to pay attention to the effectiveness and efficiency of the management. Through planning, organization, command, control, coordination, oversight and reform, optimally achieve the national task and their social effects.
5. The administration is a specific area of ​​the human transformation of social practice activities, the objective laws of its own development.

From the administrative point of view, it is mainly the four basic functions.
Programs. Including planning, issued instructions to make a resolution, arrangements.
Organization. Planning and decision making have been identified implemented. Organizational activities include institutional settings, adjustments and effective use of the deployment of personnel selection, training and assessment.
Coordination. Policies, laws, and a variety of specific measures, and constantly improve and adjust the organization among the various relationships between the activities. So that all work is a clear division of labor, with the close in unison to achieve the target.
Control. Supervision and inspection functions. By statistical data and analysis of real-time information, such as personnel, organizational, financial and other control.

Administrative Sciences is an interdisciplinary science research is rich in content. Its research scope and principles With the deepening of the administrative practices
People reveal. Therefore, administrative science research is the development and changes, different schools, different textbooks, different or less the same system. But, in general, administrative studies generally include: 1, the general theory of administration. The main research and understanding of: Administrative Management is a comprehensive, applied science, administrative environment, and administrative functions is the basis and foundation of the administrative activities.
2, the main administration. Research and understood: administrative organizations and institutions, administrative leadership as well as the execution of official staff.
3, the administrative process. The main research and understanding of: the administration is composed of a number of links and the organic sector and the effective operation of the process. They are mainly administrative decision-making and administrative execution, ACC, administrative, administrative supervision.
4, the administration of protection. The main research and understanding of: the administrative process to be able to run smoothly to achieve the desired effect, must be based on a range of means of support. : Financial administration, administrative rule of law, administrative measures, administrative ethics.
5 administrative purposes. Research and understanding of: improve administrative efficiency is the starting point and destination of the administration, administrative reform is the only way to improve administrative efficiency. [

Development trends
The development trend of the modern administrative management can be summarized as follows:
Administration systematic. Administration as the overall system is constituted by the mutual support and mutual restraint, and functions of the various elements or subsystems. Effective administration system, that is, by setting reasonable institutions, with appropriate personnel, the use of certain procedures and methods to plan, organize, command, control, coordination and management activities combine. Ideas and methods of system engineering to organize the various administrative activities, the activities of the administrative system for quantitative analysis, the corresponding mathematical model and logical model, through analysis and evaluation to select the optimal administration program.
2 of Executive Decision. Administrative decision-making is to fulfill the administrative functions of the decision-making activities. Encountered in the practice of administrative action is needed, and must rely on administrative decision-making propose solutions. Administrative decision-making reflects the will and interests of the country, not only binding on the inside of the administrative organization and its within the jurisdiction of all relevant enterprises and institutions, government agencies and organizations are all binding. Administrative decision-making level of the hierarchy can be divided into national decision-making, local decision-making and grassroots decision-making, according to the nature of the decision-making can be divided into strategic decision-making, strategic decisions and tactical decisions. Administrative decision-making in addition to the administrative organs at all levels leadership decision-making, but also set up a special decision-making body, focus on a number of extensive scientific knowledge and a wealth of social practice experience of specialized personnel, equipped with state-of-the-art computer, specializing in policy research and policy analysis. The following figure is the the administrative strategic decision-making process schematically:
The main task of the decision support system: computers, audio-visual equipment, communications equipment, transaction processing equipment and other hardware systems, to provide decision-makers with the intuitive information support; On the other hand, systems analysis, operations research, forecasting techniques, behavior science and technology and a software system to the full support of the decision-makers to scientific decision-making methods. The modern administrative decision-making decision analysis methods can be used in accordance with the scientific decision-making process.
Administrative methods of quantitative and optimization. In predicting a variety of forecasting techniques, such as Delphi, trends, time series, regression method, smoothing, elastic coefficient method. Decision-making more objective decision making, competitive decision-making, AHP, group decision making, fuzzy decision-making, random decision. Control and coordination, program coordination (PERT), critical path method (CPM). Analysis and evaluation, system analysis, feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis, sensitivity analysis, risk analysis.
Modernization and automation of administrative work. Authorities administrative work is essentially the collection, processing, transmission, storage and updating. Computer network, the establishment of administrative information systems, and online information processing is the main direction of the modernization and automation of authority management.

Administrative assistant duties for different companies, the responsibility is not the same, but the main job responsibilities or have the following in common:
1. Prepare the program, annual reports and other documents related administrative problems to solve;
2, the internal documents of the management company; fixed asset management, procurement of office supplies and other administrative work.
3. Problems in the analysis of operating practices, develop new work processes or to improve on the original process
4. Communicated to staff related systems
5. Optimize workflow, simplify reporting procedures, reduce costs
6. Conference arrangements.

Personnel files, file management, social security, Medicare, assessment, convey documents, minutes of meetings
With personnel recruitment, hiring, evaluation and dismissal of other related matters.
3. Assist in the management of office affairs
Reception: call forwarding, professional books, materials management, file copy, fax finishing express send, sign, guest reception, other secretarial work.

Administrative organization
The administrative organization is the subject of administrative activities, administrative activities to be expanded material bearers, all activities are in the administrative process to be initiated on the basis of administrative organization. Effective administrative leadership, a reasonable personnel administration, feasible administrative decision-making and effective administrative supervision, the smooth administrative communication and harmonious ACC, dependent on scientific and reasonable administrative organization. Therefore, the administrative organization is one of the most basic questions of the Administration, and always great importance for governments and the Institute of Administrative Sciences. This chapter first discusses the definition of administrative organization, the basic concepts of characteristics, elements, administrative organization theory point of view; Secondly, discusses the administrative organizational goals, the role of administrative organization of specific structures, principles; once again discusses the administrative organization type of institutional and informal organization. The whole chapter from an abstract description of the administrative organization gradually transformed into a specific discussion.

Administration of the study is the the narrow administrative organization. The narrowly administrative organization established in accordance with a certain proceedings, the exercise of the administrative power of the State government to manage public affairs organization entity.
Static administrative organizational structure.
The dynamic administrative organization process.
Administrative organization of the ecological environment.
Administrative organization of the state of mind awareness.

1. Material elements
(1) personnel
(2) funding
(3) the material conditions
2. Mental element
(1) organizational goals
(2) The terms of structure
(3) interpersonal

1. Class nature
2. Social
3. Services
4. Authoritative
5. The rule of law
6. Systemic

Administrative implications and characteristics of the organization's objectives
Target that direction and the final result. Consistency, social, clarity and level.
Type of administrative organizational goals
Total goals, goals, personal goals
The role of the administrative organizational goals
Organizations rationalize the assessment based on the organization and coordination, cooperation, awareness
Rationalization of administrative organizational goals
Social recognition, organizational skills, the Unites States, a member of consciousness

Mastery of knowledge
1. Of political science, administrative, management, law and the basic theory and basic knowledge
2. Grasp the basic views and analytical methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism and system analysis, statistical analysis, investigation and analysis, policy analysis and other scientific methods
3. Basic ability in the party and government organs, enterprises and institutions of administration
4. Familiar with the party and the country, in particular the administrative aspects of the principles, policies and regulations
5. Understanding Administration, the developments of the theoretical front as well as political science, management science, law and other related disciplines
6. Master document retrieval, data for the basic method has some scientific research and planning, organization, and implementation of practical work.

Enterprise administration business management and administration of the combination of a concept that refers to rely on the enterprise administrative organization, in accordance with the administrative channel management companies a series of measures and programs. So how can we do business administration?

Establish the correct guidance, an accurate assessment of the incentives combined with appropriate incentives. "Boss" magazine optimized implementation of enterprise administration depends largely on the business managers active and effective co-ordination and implementation. Therefore, the management of people is the core of the modern enterprise administration, through the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism is an important guarantee of the effective implementation of the management, which requires: an appropriate target to guide the correct response behavior to accurately The scientific basis for performance evaluation as an incentive to complete a virtuous circle of incentives, incentives targeted to different objects. Only by achieving effective combination of guidance, evaluation, award three incentives will successfully achieve the desired results in business administration.

2 to implement and improve the responsibility of the Chief Executives. Implementation of the Chief Executives Board (director or manager) responsibility system, the establishment of its chain of command headed by the foundation of the scientific administration. This requires, first must be clear responsibility and authority of the head of the executive, to ensure that adequate administrative powers and the necessary authority; Second, we must ensure that the implementation of the administrative channels of the executive heads of enterprise management measures, again the head of the executive must have a high level of an advisory body to ensure that its corporate management measures will not have a negative impact in consideration of ill or personal misjudgments.
Reasonable selection and design of the administrative organization. Corporate administration is dependent on administrative bodies and administrative channels, so the selection and design of enterprise internal and external characteristics of the organization is to ensure that the executive orders, instructions and other important prerequisite for the swift flow and implement the necessary conditions to achieve administrative goals. Business management administration very sensitive to numerous institutions, overstaffing, channels of communication between the poor and numerous aspects. Therefore, the rational design and choice of administrative organization and administrative and scientific management are inseparable.

Selection of outstanding administrative personnel. Modern enterprise management among administrative staff have to adapt with the times the general quality, ability and knowledge structure. General qualities include: good personality and psychological characteristics, strong innovation quality and healthy physique. The ability structure including information processing capabilities, organizational consulting capabilities, analysis ability, merit-based decision capacity for decision-making ability and good at select measures for its implementation, employing putting the right people in the right jobs, and co-ordination in the global strain chicken into chaos for the implementation of the content of the decision-making capability. Knowledge structure includes three main areas of general knowledge, business management knowledge and technical know-how. It can be said that the the excellent administrative talent is one of the modern enterprise administrative key to success.


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