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Enterprise Information management

Enterprise Information Management (EIM): refers to the implementation of the enterprise information management. Enterprise information management consists mainly of IT support business change management, business operations, management, and implementation of information technology, information resources, information equipment, and information management. Three implementation of enterprise information management are inseparable, they support each other, complement each other to achieve fusion and mutual restraint. Enterprise Information Management is a business strategy management areas of great significance to the development of enterprises.
Mainly refers to the digitization of the production process, material movement, transaction processing, cash flow, customer interaction and business process, generate new information through a variety of information systems network processing resources available to people of all levels insight, observation of various types of dynamic business all the information so that decisions made in favor of a combination of production factors optimized to make rational allocation of resources to enable enterprises to adapt to the changing market economy competitive environment to achieve the maximum economic benefits.

Enterprise information sources
The internal source of information is not limited to outside the enterprise, production, sales, competition in the relevant external information sources. Source of information acquisition range and quality is affected by many factors: the strategic point to within the enterprise is responsible for the production and decision-making workers demand for information, the ease of access to information, information quality level.

The essence of the enterprise information management
The essence of the enterprise information management information integration, the core elements of the depth of excavation for the construction of the data platform and data, integrated information management system design, procurement, production, manufacturing, finance, marketing, operations, management and other aspects together, share information and resources, while taking advantage of modern technology means to find their own potential customers to support the decision-making system, lower inventory, improve production efficiency and quality, the purpose of rapid response, enhance their market competitiveness.

The scope of the enterprise information management
The management of information technology is the integration of information, the core elements of the depth of excavation for the construction of the data platform and data, integrated enterprise information management system design, procurement, production, manufacturing, finance, marketing, operations, management and other aspects, share information and resources, while taking advantage of modern technical means to find their own potential customers, to effectively support the corporate decision-making system, lower inventory, improve production efficiency and quality, the purpose of rapid response, enhance their market competitiveness.

ERP, OA, CRM, BI, PLM, e-commerce, etc., has become an integral part of the application of the enterprises in the process of management information systems. In this one, ERP is highly integrated full management information forward. At present, domestic enterprises how to participate in a greater degree of international competition in the market, how to get rid of the complicated organizational structure, to create the optimal value of the network become plagued by long-standing problem. Air Letter Software understand tax ERP product line adhering to business sharing, agile and innovative application ideas, support for enterprise management organizations and index system variability, the unique management philosophy and business model to cure precipitation, more flexible change the organizational structure of technology, businesses need to build security, the extended integrated information management platform. The face of complex, multi-organization, multi Legal Group, Aisino ERP to provide enterprises with an open sharing mechanism, integration of optimization and industry chain partners the advantages of resources, the formation of the upstream and downstream enterprises Accessible business linkage, the use of the Internet and information security technology industry. chain partners cooperation in the face of market opportunities and projects, the full shared business management, which will help the whole industry chain business model innovation. Highly integrated system consists of dozens of sub-modules, includes not only the traditional ERP application content, is also involved in the enterprise group finance, internal resources, supply chain, customer resources, knowledge base, business intelligence, networking and SAAS service applications to meet in the mobile business environment demand for innovation and globalization of the group enterprise applications require close connection between enterprises and business collaboration with customers, suppliers, partners, to achieve the Group's corporate management to maximize the value.

Corporate decision-making system includes
Decision-making, strategic and tactical, accordingly, enterprise information management systems, including strategic management, implementation and management, operation and maintenance management at three levels. Strategic Management is the leading enterprise information management, enterprise information construction must be subordinate to the overall planning and strategy of the enterprise. Strategic management level, including information technology and long-term planning and development strategies to adapt integration; IT to effectively safeguard the sustainable development of enterprises; how to use information technology planning business processes to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Implementation of enterprise information management level, including commercial software implementation aspects of software development, hardware deployment, security software development projects through effective management, system integration project smooth implementation. The focus of the operation and maintenance management level protection is the implementation of the project to play its due role in the protection of a variety of systems normal, stable, efficient and safe operation.

Development trends of the enterprise information management
Information technology rapid development of changing our traditional economic structure and social order, the enterprise which is not in the past, material and economic environment, but to the network for the media, customer-centric organizational structure, technology research and development, manufacturing, marketing, The after-sales service are closely linked together economic environment. Change in the management of information-driven business growth has a full range of impact, it will completely change the original business ideas, ways of doing business, business model, business model innovation, product innovation, or a variety of resources to increase investment, use of information technology ways and means to provide a strong implementation, the key to its success is the organic integration of the different stages of enterprise information technology tools. Traditional software vendors to provide information products, and the accompanying service only limited to the vendor's own product range, so as to form only for the sale of a product trading and delivery activities, ignoring the diverse needs of customers combined with this organic derivative, as well as with the new, emerging needs with business development, the formation of the occurrence of domestic ERP software industry generally and stage of cooperation with customers, product updates, repeated maintenance and frequent support.

Business growth path will continue to expand with the size of the organization, the business model is changing, the changing market environment, resulting in information management requirements from the local to the whole, from the headquarters to the grass-roots level, from the simple to the complex evolution of enterprise information from the initial construction to constantly optimize, upgrade, expansion and advancement to complete the entire information construction work, enterprise information management from narrow to wide changes in demand from shallow to deep, from the simple to complex features. ERP software system to promote the transformation of enterprise management, improve performance management, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises play an increasingly important role in the face of the Internet age of information technology innovation and business growth path need to complete the B / S mode application extension of the C / S mode, different people in different locations, IE browser-based access common data access and operation of off-site user system, greatly reducing maintenance and upgrade costs, to create "a timely and convenient + accurate Security + low cost "effect, is the Aerospace Information Software Technology Co., Ltd. to provide enterprises with the focus of information management solutions.

Timely and convenient: network information the customer operation and management raised to a higher level, both for end customers, branches, or off-site coordination office, can take advantage of the Internet shortcut in the Air Software understand tax ERP system direct dialogue and timely solutions to customer business problems, increase their core competitiveness, online system anytime, anywhere support given to customers beginning to use hand-lifetime from church Aisino ERP, to allow customers to experience the convenience of the service, and ultimately enhance reach a consensus for long-term cooperation between enterprises and software vendors.

2, accurate and safe: the transmission of network data need to be fine and accurate, and involves internal concealment and security software vendors provide information systems security with a high level of protective measures with high accuracy authentication and user identification function, different customers into the Air Software "understand the tax ERP system can obtain different privileges, duties, rights corresponding data or based on user identity level, the man-machine dialogue difference authorization ...... These are the deep expectations of Internet applications, more favored by the majority of customers.

3, low cost: the high cost of day-to-day applications and localization services for many enterprises has been plagued everyone's problem, businesses due to the various operations in the ERP system properly, or are not familiar with upgrading of ERP products often need technical support staff home address, do this every year to pay a service charge. Air Letter Software understand tax ERP online system for remote control and operation cost of access to very inexpensive, off-site customer service staff, software vendors can network real-time operating and problem solve, highlight the the Air Letter Software Network ERP products price advantage.

IT support business processes of change management
Will involve implementation of enterprise information management model, organizational structure, business processes, organizational behavior change is a complex organization and management of the process of change. Ensure change in the information management of change, change goal-oriented with a directional, can be monitored, the leadership of the management of the environment and plan for the entire course of change, the formation of effective project teams and effective project management process. The new leadership styles to the core values ​​of the enterprises under the management of the processes of change in the information technology support advocacy to improve the effectiveness of management leadership. Adopt effective measures to motivate employees, improve the work performance of the business under the new working environment. Through full participation, so that employees are aware of and understand that change the meaning, encourage employees to put forward innovative ideas to promote the process of change. Change-oriented leadership style, encouraging support, full participation in the four areas of change management so that employees gradually deeply involved in the information management of change as soon as possible to improve the work performance of employees.

IT support business operations management
The second aspect of the enterprise information management refers to the management of IT support business operations, that is, the use of information technology to support modern management, and improving operational efficiency and effectiveness, and ultimately improve the competitiveness of the market. In the use of information technology support business operations, different management perspectives can be used to establish the appropriate information systems, and information systems for the efficient operation of the foundation to support business. People in the corporate, financial, physical, technical and other basic factors of production such as: the use of information system management, improve enterprise productivity, reduce production costs. ② product sales, order acquisition, planning, procurement, research and development, production, maintenance and other product lifecycle management information systems to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. (3) use of information systems management, corporate strategy, decision-making processes, organizational positions, systems, skills, performance evaluation, data and knowledge implementation and management of corporate goals and organizations to improve enterprise management and organizational performance. The purpose of the management of the operation of enterprises in the implementation of information technology support is focused on building strategic information systems. Corporate strategic information systems is the use of information technology to support the competitive strategy and business plan to enable enterprises to gain competitive advantage. Therefore, the enterprise information system can become a strategic information system to see if it can meet one or several of the following aspects: (1) Can be used as a tool to gain competitive advantage in a commercial environment; (2) ability to integrate with an organization to improve the business performance of the enterprise; (3) Can be used to develop new products or services; (4) Can be used to improve the relationship between business organizations with customers and suppliers. Typical enterprise strategic information system of enterprise resource planning systems, supply chain management system, product data management systems, manufacturing execution systems, e-commerce systems, modern integrated manufacturing system. Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing System is the advanced management mode and automation technology, information technology, advanced manufacturing technology, the advanced stage of the enterprise information management in the enterprise integration applications.

The implementation of enterprise information management
Successful implementation and management of information technology projects, is the key to game market. How to protect the success rate of implementation of the core issues has become a major domestic small and medium-sized enterprises. In this regard, aerospace software that protection of ERP implementation, application landing the core of management transformation and upgrading, in accordance with the stage of development.

Business growth relates to their ability to scale, scope of business three aspects, growth logic is the value of innovation, that a wide range of collaborative enterprise capabilities, market structure, industry prospects, business association, a combination of factors that determine the choice of business growth routes: mini -> Small -> Medium -> ". According to these dimensions, the Air Software launched "understand the tax ERP product line, Aisino A3 for small and micro enterprises, Aisino ERP.A6 for SMEs and for large conglomerates Aisino ERP.A8. On the basis of integration of the corporate tax accounting treatment system, to provide enterprises with full e-commerce platform, in addition to carry the traditional corporate finance and costs, personnel, purchasing inventory, production planning, sales and distribution, service management, involving the entire enterprise supply chain, customer relations, marketing management, cross-enterprise logistics network management and many other aspects are also included in the scope of ERP to build a complete customer-centric e-commerce supply chain management system.

The management of information technology implementation process
The third aspect of the enterprise information management refers to the establishment of information systems for enterprises to adopt information technology, access to information resources, as well as the operation of the implementation of enterprise information planning, organization, control, coordination and command to enable enterprises be able to maximize the return on investment in information technology and information resources. IT management, including information technology planning; choice of information technology; hardware platform, software platform, network; application of information systems design, development, testing, management of the implementation process; information systems upgrades, maintenance, eliminate, operating performance, configuration management, IT services. Information resource management including resource planning and information resources. Information resource planning information infrastructure standards, the definition of single source of information, the information view and consolidation, the theme database design, data center solutions design and information model design. The application of information resources-based the information centralized management of data centers, application software development, information integration, as well as the construction of data warehouse, data mining, decision support and knowledge-based information resources management, industrialization. Implementation of enterprise information course management plan contains the information process, organization, control, coordination and command. Specifically: ① plan mainly refers to the process of enterprise information management to be first through the enterprise information planning, developing on the basis of the blueprint of the enterprise information to identify the gaps of information technology, to determine the process of enterprise information need to be addressed problem, and then determine of content, capital investment planning, implementation steps, milestones and assessment indicators. The ② organization for the implementation of enterprise information determine the organizational structure and functions, including the identification of the terms of reference of the Chief Information Officer; determine the organization of information technology jobs, the project team, the establishment of information and the development of information management systems, information technology staff skills and performance assessment . (3) control mainly refers to the effective control of the process of enterprise information, including the implementation of the information system project selection, information technology project management of the implementation process, the development of enterprise information evaluation system, evaluation methods, risk analysis and management of information technology and so on. (4) coordination mainly refers to the various contradictions in the process of adjustment of enterprise information, including the coordination of the relationship between the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Information Officer; business and IT sector relations coordination, and improve the consistency of the business strategy and information strategy coordination; coordination of resource allocation between different IT projects, the conflicts between the different information Responsibilities coordination. (5) communicate mainly through the orders, instructions and other forms of influence, information technology planning goals or leadership decision-making into a full unified activities of individuals within the organization.

Information management in SMEs
In recent years, mobile real name "," mobile site "information products continue to launch. At the same time, some software vendors too much propaganda system solutions or products, there is a big gap in combination with the actual needs of enterprises, In addition, the media pursuit of new technologies, new hot spots, but also allows users to some dazzling. ERP, CRM, e-commerce, SaaS, etc. to allow SMEs do not know own, in fact, the vast majority of SMEs do not know how to buy information products in the concept of speculation. The concept of enterprise information lost in the hype of SMEs, 52.3% of companies with varying degrees of application of information technology, it is understood, but the core business applications less than 10%, only 9% of SMEs in e-business applications, end information technology concept of speculation, information technology applications, this is the voice of small and medium-sized enterprises: problems: staff size is not bad curing, workflow, job responsibilities more difficult to find their own place, which will inevitably result in the design process of the management software is difficult to complete the steps to go down, the management software is difficult to meet their changing needs. Second problem: give the information technology investment is very small, most of them want: up to thousands, hundreds best; Once you thousands, more than half the risk of mortality. The problem: In addition to the limited manpower, lack of professional talent, application ability, the ability to maintain and development capabilities, and so generally weak implementation capacity. Problem: due to the issue of the survival of the small and medium-sized companies, there is no way to do the first information and do business "requirements, which will inevitably determine the implementation of information technology must be a very short time, it will inevitably require the implementation of information technology process is shorter , should be simple. Financial crisis advocate conservation, which makes small and medium-sized businesses know, what is most needed! Eventually need to be addressed "camp", "sell" the precise question, namely: marketing, advertising investment needs precision marketing; customer management, sales promotion requires meticulous management. The best way to solve the above problem is: the initial investment is not too much effect an additional investment in advertising money over, you then append feel good customer management functions, across the company. However, this is a prerequisite, you need to show the strength of the company, the site of the company's products, advertising Visits becomes the amount of potential customers through CRM let your potential customers into your customer transactions. Tools companies need to be able to solve their own problems with information technology means to make up for their lack of management, companies need weapons contains management thinking, it helps companies to implement corporate strategies, the most important of which is to enhance the ability to sell, to strengthen The execution team, to give full play to the initiative, and is not an expensive luxury, it needs to be cheap enough. "if you apply a low-cost marketing, management tools, the same can also be in the competition for its customers. Development of Internet technology increasingly enables small business to rise rapidly, as long as you seize the Internet "camp", "off" two sword.

The SME informatization construction problems needing attention
First of all, the information of SMEs based on market-oriented information technology should proceed from reality. It must be clear, a considerable number of small and medium enterprises development context and development of ideas is not the same and large enterprises. A considerable number of SMEs do not have long-term orders and stable customer base. Management mechanism, product characteristics, the development of ideas to look at the market's tune. Therefore the SME information focus should be placed: the adoption of information technology, the establishment of a dynamic, fast market response mechanism, optimize the structure of enterprise "incremental" to enhance the core competitiveness of SMEs. That companies closed up, close the door to engage in the practice of information technology; kind of large enterprises painted gourd dipper. The engage program copy, the practice of moving mode; kind of first establish the enclosed information management system, implementation of ERP and other practices extended to SMEs blind, may be inappropriate. Second, information technology talent scarcity of small and medium enterprises need talents. This is a real problem placed in front of a considerable number of small and medium enterprises. Can not adapt to the commercialization of information, effective incremental requirements. Even be able to leave a small number of "e-commerce" graduates, also mostly not SME e-commerce operation. Simply can not meet the actual needs of SMEs. In fact, e-commerce and information technology for SMEs much needed talent talents. This compound is a diverse and complex. It includes: single subject knowledge and multidimensional knowledge composite; networking knowledge and practical ability of the compound; expertise and marketing, capital operation ability of the compound; business management skills and international business experience in operational composite. Of online information, they should have a strong penetration and judgment, dig out the commercial value because of "significant" by a common information online. Therefore, the most urgent the leadership strategic awareness of information technology, it is necessary to determine as soon as possible the whole idea of ​​enterprise information and development strategies, selecting the right one entry point, and began to compound the training and the backbone of the training. Again, the acceleration of information technology, small and medium enterprises should be promoted as soon as possible to establish innovative services adapted to the needs of SMEs. To provide for the needs of SME information at a lower cost, more efficient solutions. Provide better multi-dimensional operators of public information platform. Really reduce the cost of information to SMEs. Explore the experience in the construction of the shared resources for SMEs. 2, innovation information service mode. For SME information service model in urgent need of innovation. Such as SME financing problem in getting loans that need to be solved. China's SMEs' access to financial resources is uneven. Not only access to credit support. And direct financing channels narrow. Difficult for SMEs to raise funds through the capital open market. The survey shows that 98.7% of the supply of financing of SMEs from bank loans, direct financing accounted for only 1.3%; equity financing accounted for 18% of the source of funding of the U.S. Small Business. Especially SMEs in China's own lack of funds. Restricted the rapid development of information technology for SMEs. Innovative training services: the SME market information in China with its huge potential to become a fast-growing domestic and international hardware and software vendors focus on the development, competing objects intervention. Therefore, it can be said: the face of the best "social training period. Seize this opportunity to play an important role for enhancing the level and capacity of SMEs metaplasia. Intel said: together for joint computer hardware and software vendors and telecom operators in the year of not less than 100 million yuan, the implementation of training and Internet programs to accelerate the popularization and application of information technology SMEs in China. U.S. Cisco also said to increase investment in training. At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Information Industry, the State Council Informatization Office also start SMEs in China information technology to promote engineering and millions of Internet training programs for SMEs has been launched in Nanjing, Anhui. China Telecom has invested over 200 million yuan in the provinces to build the SMEs integrated information service platform. From last year, Lenovo has developed a special plan for the growth of SMEs. Socialization, large-scale information technology training is bound to promote the informatization of SMEs have a positive impact. Relevant departments should pay attention to the integration of resources, rational organization, found that the typical, sum up experience, in a timely manner to promote.

SMEs in the implementation of information technology considerations

Analysis and planning construction of enterprise information needs
Select software, you must first define their needs, that is, information technology enterprises to solve any problem. At present, many companies are still at the traditional manual management mode, is still in the transition phase from a planned economy to a market economy conversion, corporate management has many shortcomings and deficiencies. To solve these problems, it is the main purpose of the introduction of the information system. Therefore, before you buy software, you must own management, diagnosis and cool thinking. On the basis of a careful analysis of the status quo, good planning of the construction of enterprise information management information system goals identified in the plan, the scope of the system, the key issues to be resolved, the system construction phasing and schedule requirements, and enterprises under the existing conditions of manpower, material and financial resources to conduct a feasibility analysis. On this basis the need to `seek mission statement, provided to the information service provider, as the software selection based on information software selection. This information construction pre-planning is very important, it will be the construction of enterprise information guiding document of the whole process is the basis of the various stages of implementation. The correctness of the "planning" is very important. "Planning" is necessary to maintain a certain nature, but also practical. Therefore, the preparation of the "planning" is a very important and serious matter. Corporate decision-making to lead and participate in this matter, and the leadership of various departments and the backbone of the business and information technology personnel drawn up a special group. If the lack of information about the staff, can hire a professional IT consulting experts involved in this work.

Meets the needs of the enterprise itself
Has been based on clear business needs, so that the choice of software. Conforms to the selected ERP software functionality with the needs of enterprises, is the key factor for the successful implementation of ERP software. At present, the domestic ERP software market, ERP software commercialization of a wide range of dazzling. Some large software (especially abroad with that software companies), has powerful features, which can better fit the needs of all types of enterprises. However, due to various reasons, not all firms can purchase these large ERP software. Particular, accounted for the vast majority of small and medium-sized enterprises in the total number of enterprises in the domestic market, due to the small-scale, limited financial resources and other reasons, only select those small and medium-sized software. These software are known as information grades, but because of the history of software developers, technical background, to a lesser degree, the investment intensity difference, the difference on the software functionality and performance. Therefore, in the choice of these software, you can not just stay on the surface, to be confused by verbal propaganda, to carefully study and examine the functional structure of the software. For example, for manufacturing enterprises, we must first consider the type of production of the software for their own business. As we all know, the type of production in the manufacturing sector can be divided into two categories: discrete manufacturing and process manufacturing. In discrete manufacturing type, can be divided into three types: many varieties of small batch production, large quantities of water production, single and small batch production. These different types of production has a completely different mode of production (different production processes, production planning, production organization and control, etc.). Corresponding to different types of production, ERP software will provide different production management solutions to adapt. Many varieties of small batch type applicable MRPII / ERP traditional production planning and control functions, both three-tier management system by the master production schedule (MPS) - Material Requirements Planning (MRP) - workshop tasks and operations management, production management system The Core Material Requirements Planning module, it will lead parts and adapt bulk guidelines, organizational components of the production and procurement. Therefore, such types of production enterprises in the purchase of ERP software, to carefully examine whether the software with the above function. Level III Programme - Job Shop (process-level) program, because of its mathematical model is more complex, difficult to implement. Some software module is relatively weak, and even some software simply do not have this feature; ERP software system, the most suitable for large quantities of water production type, production management solution is the MRP / JIT hybrid production management. In this scenario, the parts of the production to prepare plans and raw materials procurement plan by the MPS-MRP system to solve the workshop production management, just-in-time (JIT) management system driven by the orders. JIT production management system on time to follow the market and order pulling mechanism, truly on-demand production. JIT program model assembly line production is produced according to the beat. Small and medium-sized ERP software in the current market, JIT function is very weak, and even the lack of this feature; single piece and small batch type of business, the general is to organize production according to customer orders, manufacturing or assembly required by the order, even redesign or alteration of the product according to customer requirements. The key to this type of production is how quickly the individual needs of the customer to produce the products that customers need. To do this, the ERP system quickly to customers' technical requirements for products into basic manufacturing data, automatically generating manufacturing data required for customer orders personalized orders - purchased data (OBOM) and order process route data and the like. In commercial software, ERP, these functions are usually controlled by the configuration module. Also can be tightly integrated with PDM and ERP software. As such, they buy ERP software to study these bottlenecks solution to the problem, study of ERP software. In summary, to avoid the risk of ERP software selection, companies must do needs analysis, to find their own characteristics and key issues to be aware of. In order to examine the software, selecting the right software, to reduce the software does not match the build system implementation failure.

Examine and assess the maturity of ERP
ERP package is a large, complex software, the complexity of the associated program. Any packages that are inevitably there are flaws and errors, just different levels of. ERP enterprise applications on the success the success of with ERP software quality and reliability of the software have a great relationship. Therefore, when selecting ERP software, should seriously consider whether the software is proven, the companies have chosen ERP software is an important criterion. ERP is a management software application, its natural maturity degree of its practical application in the enterprise. ERP software after the successful development, except to go through rigorous laboratory testing, more important is to go through repeated application of the process of the enterprise constantly honed by the constant changes and additions to the errors and defects, continue to improve software reliability and maturity. The laboratory test pass is often carried out by artificially designed program and simulation data, with certain limitations qualitative. The practical application of the corporate site, the software will by subject to the test of a lot of data and complex business processes, laboratory conditions can not be compared. Therefore, enterprises in the choice of ERP software, it is necessary to examine the history and experience of the software company, to examine the formation and development of the package, as well as the application of the number of customers and the evaluation of the application effect, and examine the mechanism of maintenance of the software version of the software vendors . In general, higher quality and reliability through a large number of customers, engineering test software, enterprises should try to avoid becoming a testing ground for immature product.

Implementation experience and ability of the inspection service provider
But, more importantly, to examine these software features when Hou, do not ignore the effect of the implementation of the software vendors of these software experience and application of these modules. Some service providers on the list of features also lists the introduction of these modules, but there is no application at a customer site service technician for these modules is also understood to be limited to the concept of a lack of these emerging applications in the enterprise site practical experience. The successful implementation cause some difficulties.

How to strengthen the enterprise information management
Information management is an important tool of modern business management, business management concepts and methods carrier. Information management enterprise resource planning, its main role is twofold: First, the external effective use and integration of resources; internal implementation of scientific management, improve work efficiency. Therefore, to ensure that the information management work, you must do the following:

The application of information technology in the enterprise
Improve the degree of automation of the business processes, certain aspects of the business process is omitted or merged. With the development of electronic commerce, the degree of automation of transactions between enterprises will be improved. The specific implementation of internal control in all aspects of the business processes and transactions, therefore, business process automation to the various elements of the internal control and control concept varying degrees of impact.

Enterprise information management structure
In today's rapid development of modern information technology, production and operations management with the development of network technology development direction toward information technology, network, an internet as a symbol of the revolution in information technology is changing the production of human

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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