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Quality management

Quality Management is to determine the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities, and by the quality system of quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement to make it achieve all the activities of all management functions. Quality management refers to the coordination of activities in terms of quality command and control organization. Quality management, usually including the development of a quality policy and quality objectives, quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement.

Development process

The development of quality management has gone through three stages.

Quality inspection stage
Before the 20th century, the quality of products rely mainly on the level of skill and experience of the operator to ensure that belong to the operator's quality management. The beginning of the 20th century, FW Taylor as the representative of the generation of the theory of scientific management, to promote product quality inspection separate from the manufacturing, quality management functions transferred by the operator to foreman, foreman quality management. With the expansion of production scale and product complexity increases, product technical standards (technical conditions), the the tolerances system (see tolerances system) are maturing, various inspection tools and inspection techniques are also developing, most enterprises begin setting up the inspection department, some directly under the leadership of the director, then inspector of quality management. The several practices belong to the quality management of the post hoc test.

Statistical quality control stage
In 1924, the mathematical statistician WA Shewhart Control and Prevention flawed concept. His use of the principle of mathematical statistics to control product quality in the production process of the Six Sigma method, to map out the first control chart and the establishment of a set of statistical card. At the same time, the United States Institute of Bell proposed concepts and their implementation on the sampling program, to become a pioneer in the use of mathematical statistics theory to solve quality problems, but it was not universally accepted. Promote the application of mathematical statistical theory based on statistical quality control from the Second World War. Post hoc test can not control the quality of weapons and ammunition, the U.S. Department of Defense decided to mathematical statistics for quality management, by the Standards Association to develop the mathematical statistical methods used in the planning of the quality management, the establishment of a special committee, and in 1941 to 1942 years has published a number of quality management standards of the United States wartime.

Total quality management stage
Since the 1950s, with the rapid development of productive forces, science and technology with each passing day, the people on the quality of the product from a focus on the general performance of the product development to focus on product durability, reliability, security, maintainability and economy. Production technology and enterprise management requires the use of the system, to study the quality problems. There are new developments in management theory, highlighting the importance of human factors, emphasizing rely on the efforts of the entire staff to ensure quality addition, there are the "consumer protection" movement began, the increasingly fierce market competition between enterprises. In this case, [1], AV Feigenbaum in the early 1960s the concept of total quality management. He proposed that total quality management "in order to conditions in the most economical level, taking into account fully meet customer requirements for production and service, and the corporate sector in the development of quality, to maintain quality and improve the quality of the activities constitute integrally an effective system.

Since 1978, China began to implement a comprehensive quality management, and achieved certain results.

Related characteristics

Development of Quality Management is closely related to the development of industrial production technology and management science. The modern concept of quality of understanding of the social, economic and systematic.
The quality of social

The quality of not only directly from the user, but from the point of view of society as a whole to evaluate, especially related to production safety, environmental pollution, ecological balance.

Process of production

1, adhere to the standards of production.
Standardization work is an important prerequisite for quality management, management standardization needs, "do not speak the rules no standards." The standards are divided into technical standards and management standards. Work standards are actually separated from the management standards, is part of the management standards. The technical standards are divided into raw materials, auxiliary materials standards, technology and equipment standard, semi-standard and standard of the finished product, packaging standards, inspection standards. It is formed along the product line ring-loop control inputs of each step of the quality of materials, checks at each level based cards to make production processes in a controlled state. Technical standard system, the various standards are product standards as the core and expand, all services in order to achieve the standard of the finished product.

Management standards is to regulate human behavior, regulate the relationships between people, to regulate the relationship between persons and things, is to improve the quality of work, to ensure product quality and service. It includes the product technical rules, procedures and economic responsibility. The degree of standardization of enterprise, reflecting the level of enterprise management. Companies to ensure product quality, we must first establish and improve a variety of technical standards and management standards, and strive to supporting. The second is to strictly enforce the standards, the quality of materials in the production process, the quality of the work of the given specification, a rigorous assessment, cash reward and punishment. Third, should have been amended to improve standards, implement new standards to ensure the advancement of the standard.

2, and strengthen quality inspection mechanism

Quality inspection in the production process to play the following functions: First, to ensure that the functions, that is, a gatekeeper functions. Of raw materials, semi-finished products inspection, identification, sorting, excluding non-conforming product and decide whether to accept the product or batch of products. Guarantee unqualified raw materials production, the failure of semi-finished products into the next process, the failure of products not manufactured; prevention functions. Provide the basis for the control of the information and data obtained through the quality inspection, found quality problems, to find out why immediately removed, to prevent or reduce the production of substandard products; report functions. Quality inspection department of quality information, quality problems in a timely manner to the director or superior departments concerned to provide the necessary quality information, in order to improve quality, strengthen management.

To improve the quality of inspection work, First, we need to establish and improve the quality inspection institutions equipped to meet the production needs of the quality inspection personnel, equipment, facilities; The second is to establish and improve the quality inspection system, from raw materials to finished products factory must implement layer layer control, do the original records, production workers and inspectors accountable, and implementation of quality tracking. At the same time want to closely combine the functions of production workers and inspectors, inspection personnel responsible not only for quality control, as well as to guide the production of the functions of the workers. Production workers is not just the production of own products produced his first test, to implement self-test, mutual inspection, special inspection combination of the three; Third, is to establish the authority of the quality inspection agencies. Quality inspection institutions must be under the direct leadership of the director, any departments and personnel are not in a position to interfere with quality inspection department to confirm the failure of raw materials are not allowed into the plant, the failure of the semi-finished products can not flow to the next process, the failure of the product Not allowed to leave the factory.

3, the implementation of the quality of the veto

Product quality by the quality of their work to ensure the quality of work is good or bad people. Therefore, how to tap people's enthusiasm, and improve the quality of management and restraint mechanisms is an important part in the quality of the work.

Quality of accountability or quality as the core of economic responsibility is an important means to improve people's quality of work. Quality management in the enterprise management plays an important role, which is an important task is to produce products and provide the community with the value in use, while access to their own economic benefits. Quality of accountability is the core of enterprise management personnel, technical personnel, production staff on the implementation of quality problems responsibilities, rights and interest combined. As a production process of quality management, we must first analyze the quality of the functions of various positions and personnel that each conceited clear quality problems, what is the standard of work. Second, the product quality of the staff positions should be closely linked with the economic benefits, cash reward and punishment. Be amply rewarded for long-term winners, dereliction of duty resulting in loss of quality in addition to excluding wages, but also impose compensation or other disposition.

In addition, to highlight the importance of quality management, but also the implementation of the quality of veto. Is a fixed target of quality indicators as assessment of cadres and workers, regardless of the other work done how good a problem, as long as the quality problems in the selection of state-of-the-art, promotion, promotion Honors Program implementation of a veto.

4, seize the key factors affecting the quality of products, set up quality management point or quality control points.

The meaning of quality management points (control points) manufacturing site in a certain period of time, under certain conditions need to focus on quality control characteristics, the key parts, weak links and the main factors to take special management measures and methods to strengthen management, the plant is in good control of the state to ensure the quality requirements specified. To strengthen the management of this area, the need for professional management of the enterprise as a whole system analysis to identify key positions and weaknesses and control.

Quality is the life, is a display of the overall quality of enterprises, but also a manifestation of enterprise comprehensive strength. Along with the progress of human society and people's living standards improve, the customer on product quality requirements are increasing. Therefore, in order to be long-term and stable development must be carried out around the core of the quality production, enhance product quality management, in order to produce high-quality products, for business leaders to be assured that enable our customers to the Heart!

The economics of quality
Quality is not only to consider some technical indicators used to evaluate aspects of manufacturing costs, price, value in use and consumption. In determining the level of quality or target, can not be divorced from the conditions and needs of the community, not simply the pursuit of technically advanced nature, should also consider the use of economic rationality, to achieve a reasonable balance between quality and price.

Quality systematic
Quality is a complex system by the design, manufacture, use, and other factors. For example, a car is a complex mechanical systems, but it is also using the system involving roads, drivers, passengers, cargo, transportation system, and so on. The quality of the product should reach target multidimensional Review. Feigenbaum believes that the quality system is a network of quality criteria for the product and delivered the necessary management and technical steps.

The development of quality management to total quality management, quality management and a big progress, statistical quality management focuses on the application of statistical methods to control the quality of the production process, to play a preventive role in management, thus ensuring product quality. However, the formation process of the product quality is not only related to the production process, but also with many other process, many aspects and factors associated with, this is not relying solely on statistical quality control can be solved. Total quality management is relatively more responsive to modern mass production of the quality management holistic, integrated the objective requirements, limited to local management to further the comprehensive, systematic management.

Cause of the development

Statistical quality control to total quality management transition, there are three main reasons:

First, it is a product of the development of production and science and technology. Since the 1950s, with the rapid development of the social productive forces, science and technology with each passing day, more and more modern means of industrial production technology, upgrading of industrial products have become increasingly frequent, there have been many large and complex systems engineering, such as the U.S. Manhattan Project to develop atomic bomb (began as early as in the 1940s), the Navy developed the Polaris missile submarine, rocket launchers, satellites, and the Apollo spacecraft. Greatly improving the quality requirements of these large-scale products and systems engineering, particularly on safety and reliability requirements is unprecedented. Security, reliability Upon concept of product quality plays an increasingly important role. Such as, the aerospace industry, product reliability and improve the rate of 99,9999%, that this extremely complex systems engineering in the actions of one million times, only allowed to have a failure. They used electronic components, devices, mechanical parts, the continued safe operation of working hours to 100 million hours as well as 10 million hours. "Apollo" spacecraft and Mercury V rocket, for example, a total of 5.6 million parts, if they improve the rate of only 99.9%, the flight will be 5600 mechanical failure, the consequences would be disastrous . Another example is an aerospace engineering in the United States, simply because of the inaccurate measurement of high-frequency voltage, a series of launch four times without success. For such a high standard of product quality, high-precision requirements, relying solely on statistical quality control is obviously no longer meet, unable to meet the requirements. Because, even if the quality control of the manufacturing process, no matter how each process to meet the technical requirements, experimental research, product design, prototype identification, preparation process, secondary process, the process of using the satisfied quality management track, not very good coordination between the coordination disorder, is still unable to ensure product quality, it can not effectively reduce the cost of quality, improve product competitiveness in the market. This objectively put forward new requirements to the development of total quality management. The emergence of the modern tools of computer management and its wide application in the management, but also for a comprehensive study of the quality management system provides the material and technical basis, to further promote the implementation.

Second, with the deepening and development of the inherent contradictions of capitalism, as workers raise the level of cultural knowledge and technology, and the rise of the trade union movement, in order to ease the increasingly acute class contradictions, the capitalists on the attitude of the workers and management practices also The new changes, the bourgeoisie management theory, there has been a new development, the introduction of behavioral science in management science concepts and theories into a "modern management" stage. Is the main characteristic of modern management "in order to achieve a more clever exploitation, we must first of all to manage people, we must pay more attention to human factors and the role of people. That the theory of "scientific management" in the past as a part of the machine to play a role, the workers only as a conscious organ, like machine accessories, put up a research management, ignoring the subjective dynamic role . Now take people as an independent active role in the production of power inspired from the nature of human behavior, the departure from the human nature to study how to mobilize the enthusiasm of people. Are subject to psychological factors, physiological factors, social environment influence, and must therefore be studied from the point of view of sociology, psychology social environment, human relationships and personal interests to improve the work efficiency and product quality, to adopt, as far as possible, to be able to people are highly motivated management approach. On the basis of this theory, all kinds of so-called "industrial democracy" and "participation in management", "stimulus plan", "server decision-making", "management by objectives" approach. The development of the theory of management of all aspects of business management have brought a significant impact, quality management, corresponding organizational workers "self-control" defect-free movement, quality management, group activities, quality proposal system, self-management activities quality management movement, quality management gradually moving towards the most people to participate in the management activities limited to the management of technology, inspection, and a few other people from the past.

Third, in the fierce competition of the capitalist market, the majority of consumers in order to protect their own interests, buy reliable quality and cheap products, boycott the capitalists irresponsible slick advertising campaigns and marketing goods, set up a variety of consumer those organizations, "to protect the interests of consumers" campaign, forcing the government makes laws to stop the production and sale of poor quality, affect the safety, health hazards and inferior goods, enterprises want to be liable for product quality and economic responsibility. Requires not only the performance of products provided by the manufacturer to meet the quality standards requirements, but also to ensure the normal period of use of aftermarket products, with favorable results, reliable, safe, economical, and no quality problems. This is in quality management, quality assurance and the question of responsibility, and requirements established by the manufacturer throughout the whole process of quality assurance system, quality management to quality assurance goals up.

Eight principles of the ISO standard cluster quality

Principle 1: Customer focus

Principle 2: Leadership role

Principle 3: full participation

Principle 4: Process approach

Principle 5: System approach to management

Principle 6: continuous improvement

Principle 7: fact-based decision-making methods

Principle 8: mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers

Management has become an emerging discipline, strong and practical. It applied the achievements and methods of management, technology, mathematics and other disciplines.

Quality management include:

The basic concepts of quality and quality management, the guiding ideology and principles;

Commonly used methods and tools of quality management;

Theory of acceptance sampling and process control;

About the quality of design methods and techniques.

Quality Management has also established internal failure costs, external failure costs, the cost of prevention and appraisal costs, the cost of quality concepts and calculation methods and evaluation methods.

Method model

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Six Sigma (six sigma)

QC seven


Pareto chart

Scatter plot

Data stratification

Shewhart control charts

Fishbone diagram


A Hundred Years

Before the Industrial Revolution, product quality control by craftsmen or artisans

Taylor born - the beginning of scientific management in 1875

The initial quality management - inspection activities with other functions of separation, there has been a full-time inspectors and inspection department.

1925 Shewhart statistical process control (SPC) theory - application of statistical techniques to monitor the production process in order to reduce dependence on inspection.

1930 Dodge and Luo statistical sampling methods.

1940s American Bell Telephone Company effective application of statistical quality control techniques;

U.S. military-owned suppliers in the quartermaster was to promote the application of statistical quality control techniques;

The U.S. military developed a wartime standard Z1.1, Z1.2, Z1.3-- initial quality management standards. Three standard Shewhart, Dodge, Luo theory.

1950s the Dai Mingti the point of view of quality improvement - Shewhart systems and scientific statistical methods for the continuous improvement of quality and productivity; stressed that most of the quality problems are the problems of production and management system; emphasis on top management layer the responsibility for quality management. Since then, Deming and constantly improve his theory, and eventually formed a significant impact on the quality management Deming method 34.

Began to develop specialized improve reliability - reliability engineering began to take shape

In 1958, the U.S. military developed a series of military MIL-Q-8958A and other quality management standards - the concept of "quality assurance" in the MIL-Q-9858A, and impact in Western industrial society.

The early 1960s, Juran, Fagan Bao Muti concept of total quality management - their only pay attention to the activities of individual departments, in order to produce a reasonable cost and higher quality products to meet the market requirements, it is not enough, you need to quality planning activities covering all departments.

Deming, Juran, Fagan Fort Farm comprehensive quality management theory is generally accepted in Japan. Japanese companies to create a Total Quality Control (TQC) approach to quality management. Statistical techniques, especially the "cause and effect diagram", "flowchart", "histogram", "checklist", "scatter", "Pareto", "Control Chart" is referred to as "the old seven tools The method is widely used for quality improvement.

Mid-1960s, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) developed AQAP quality management standards - AQAP standards MIL-Q-9858A quality management standards modeled. The difference is that the AQAP introduction of design quality control requirements.

1970s TQC greatly improve the competitiveness of enterprises in Japan, where cars, household appliances, watches, electronic products and other occupation of a large number of international markets. Promote the great development of the Japanese economy. The success of Japanese companies, total quality management theory to have a huge impact in the world.

Japanese quality management scientists have made great contributions to the development of quality management theory and methods.

This period Kaoru Ishikawa, Taguchi first-class world-renowned management expert.

During this period the management methods and techniques include:

JIT-time production


Kaizen-quality improvement

QFD - Quality Function Deployment

Taguchi method

New seven tools

Due to the efforts and contributions of Dr. Taguchi quality engineering began to take shape and be a huge development.

In 1979, the British developed a national quality management standard BS5750 - the military contract environment quality assurance methods introduced to the market environment. This marks quality assurance standards not only for the production of military supplies and equipment, but also have an impact on the entire industry.

Philip Crosby, the concept of "zero defect" in the 1980s. He pointed out that "quality is free". Concept breakthrough traditionally considered high quality is costly expense of. He asked the high quality will bring high economic returns.

The quality movement in many countries expand. Including China, the U.S., Europe and many other countries have established National Quality Management Award, to encourage enterprises to improve productivity and competitiveness through quality management. Quality management is not only the introduction of production enterprises, and the introduction of the service industry, hospitals, institutions and schools. Many senior business leaders began to pay attention to quality management. Total quality management as a strategic management model into the enterprise.

1987 advent of the ISO 9000 series of international quality management standards - quality management and quality assurance based largely on the world 1987 version of the ISO 9000 standard BS5750. Quality management and quality assurance began to have an impact on the economic and trade activities in the world.

1994 of the ISO 9000 series of standards revision - new ISO 9000 standard is more perfect, for most countries in the world. Third-party quality certification is generally carried out effectively promoted the popularity of quality management and improvement of management level.

Dr. Juran: "The coming century is the century of quality"
Total Quality Management (TQM) in the late 1990s to become the successful experience of many "world-class" enterprise proved to be an enterprise core competitive management strategies. The concept of quality development from the narrow compliance to the "customer satisfaction" as the goal. Total quality management not only improve the quality of products and services, but also in the level of corporate culture transformation and reorganization of enterprises have a profound impact, to enable enterprises to gain a sustainable competitive ability.

Focusing on improving quality, reducing costs, shortening development and production cycle, an endless stream of new management methods. These include: concurrent engineering (CE), Business Process Reengineering (BPR).

2000s with the advent of the knowledge-based economy, knowledge, innovation and management innovation is bound to greatly contributed to the rapid improvement of the quality - including the production and the quality of services, quality of work, quality of learning, until the people's quality of life. Quality management theory and methods will be more abundant, and will continue to break through the old areas and great development.

Business management
Quality assurance and quality control two aspects.

Project Quality Management

(1) Quality assurance: internal quality assurance activities involving all sectors and all aspects of. Far from product design to after sales service quality information feedback, form a target to ensure product quality management system of responsibilities and methods within the enterprise, known as quality assurance system, a development of modern quality management. The purpose of establishment of such a system is to ensure that users' quality requirements and the interests of consumers and to ensure that the product itself performance, reliability, durability, maintainability and appearance design.

"Quality assurance" in GB/T19000-2008/ISO9000: 2005 has been defined as part of the "quality management", which is defined as follows: part of quality management (3.2.8), is committed to providing quality requirements will be met trust. " Therefore, quality assurance activities should be based on 3.5.3 credibility as the core. Credibility is defined as: "is used to describe the availability performance and its impact on a collective term factors (reliability, maintainability and supportability) Note: Dependability is used only for the overall representation of the non-quantitative terms, quality assurance, should simulate the end-customer environment, life and product standards require rigorous testing to meet customer trust.

(2) Quality Control: take a series of operations to meet quality standards in order to ensure the production process and the quality of manufactured technical inspection and related activities, is the basis for quality assurance. United States JM Juran consider the quality control of the actual quality of the measurement results with the standard comparison measures taken to adjust the management process, and their difference. This adjustment process consists of the following series of steps: Select the control object; select the units of measurement; determine evaluation criteria; creation of a can unit of measurement instrumentation to measure the quality characteristics; actual measurements; analyze and explain the differences in actual and standard the reason; make improved decisions and implement them according to this difference.

Quality control should the active process to be controlled.

Seven tools

A control chart is a graphical display of an important product or process parameter measurement data. The diameter of the bearing balls for availability in manufacturing as an example. The measured values ​​can be in the service industry is not listed a requirement to provide information on the insurance claims.

In accordance with the statistical sampling steps, measured at different times. The control figure shows the measurement results change over time, the figure by a normal distribution, that is the classic bell-shaped curve design. Control charts is easy to see whether the actual measured value falls within the boundary of this distribution statistics.

Ceiling called "upper control limit, the lower limit is called the lower control limit. If the measurement value is higher than the upper control limit or below the lower control limit, the process is out of control. So you have to carefully research to pinpoint the problem and to identify the factors not random changes. Manufacturing ball bearing steel rod too hard? Too soft? Or steel bar cutting machine, cutting the amount of the adjustment value set wrong?

2 Pareto chart called Pareto chart is a simple charting tools for statistical and display the number of various types of the defect or problem within a certain period of time. As a result, with a different length of strip means in FIG. The principle is based on the 19th century Italian economist Pareto Wilfried (Vilfred Pareto), a variety of possible causes of 20% resulting in about 80% of the problem; remaining 80% of the reason caused only 20% of the problems and shortcomings.

In order to make the most effective measures for improvement, we must first grasp a few key reasons that cause most of the quality problems. Pareto chart can help determine the cause of most of the decimal key reason. The graph can also be used for the identification of the production process, the most likely to produce some defective parts.

The Fishbone diagram also known as the causal analysis diagram or Ishikawa diagram (named according to the name of the first proposed this tool Ishikawa smoked (Kaoru Ishikawa translation)). It looks a bit like a fish bone problems or defects (ie, consequences) marked in the head ". Bones, fish bones grow by above opportunity amount lists the possible causes of production problems. Fishbone diagram helps illustrate how interaction between the various reasons. It also showed how the various possible reason is sequentially over time. This helps to tackle the problem.

The trend graph trends sometimes called. It is used to display a certain time interval (e.g., one day, one week or one month), the measurement results obtained. The measured quantity on the vertical axis plotted with time as the abscissa.

Towards a figure like changing scoreboard. Its main use is to identify the various types of whether the problem is an important timing mode. So that you can investigate the reason. For example, maps draw defective by the hour or by the day, you may find that as long as the use of material provided by a supplier will go wrong. This means that the supplier of the material may be the cause. Or a machine running, there will certainly be some sort of problem, which indicates that the problem may be on this machine.

Histogram also known as line drawings. On the histogram, the first control class (corresponding to a value of a series of mutually independent measured values) which means that the length of the lines of the number of products. The first category is marked to line horizontally or vertically in order of priority. Histogram can indicate which class represents a measurement. Also show the relative size of the first category. The histogram given is the actual distribution of the measurement results. The graphic can show whether the distribution is normal, i.e. the shape is approximated to a bell-shaped.

5. Distribution represents a variable with another variable how interrelated the standard method. In order to know, for example, the relationship between the tensile strength of the metal wire with the wire diameter, Usually the wire is stretched to rupture, denoted under the accurate value of the force so that the line break. A diameter of the horizontal axis, in order to force the longitudinal axis of the results plotted. So that you can see the relationship between the tensile strength and diameter. This type of information useful to product design.

Flowchart sometimes referred to as input - output figure. The figure visually describe a process step. Flowchart accurate understanding of how things are, and decide how to improve the process extremely helpful. This method can be used across the enterprise, in order to visually track and graphic works.

Flowchart using some standard symbols to represent certain types of actions, such as decision-making with a diamond-shaped box, specific activities are boxed. But more important than the provisions of these symbols, must clearly describe the sequence of the work process. The flow chart can also be used in the design to improve the work process, specific approach is to draw up how things should be done, and then compared with the actual situation.

Specific terminology

Quality policy (Quality Policy)

Quality objectives (Quality Objective)

Quality system (Quality System)

Quality control (Quality Control)

QA (Quality Assurance)

Quality Planning (Quality Planning)

Quality plan (Quality Plan)

Quality Management System (Quality Management System, QMS)

Management certification

Quality management certification standards are 170 countries in the world, about one million eight years through the organization of the certification practice, more clearly, clearly expressed requirements, and enhanced compatibility with a variety of quality certification.

At present, the certificate issued by all accredited certification body, help enterprises to international standards conversion Internal Auditor Training Course organized by the management system.

The internal auditor full called internal quality system auditors, usually served by staff who are proficient in the international standards of quality management certification familiar with the situation of corporate governance.

Internal Auditor by the department staff and part-time as the internal auditor normal operation and improvement of the quality system plays an important role within an organization.

Reason for the failure

One of the reasons: lack of vision

Vision into the future will be to determine the ambitious vision of what kind of enterprise, it can identify potential opportunities and target, to reflect the reality of the benefits can be obtained in the future. The vision of the development of enterprises to where, how to develop action plans and enterprise implementation plan organizational structure and systems of order. Lack of foresight led to the exclusion of the quality of strategic objectives and priority of such companies is not clear, is not susceptible to understand the role of quality in the enterprise. From the efforts in order to be successful, companies need to change their way of thinking, to create constantly improve the quality of the environment.

The second reason: There is no customer-centered

Misunderstanding the wishes of the customer, the lack of the advance awareness to customer service, improved some work but did not add value to the customer, can lead to the failure of the quality management. For example, to pass the company fascinated by time passing, strive to time from 42% to 92%, that managers, however, surprised that the company out of the market, because the company emphasized on time did not have time to answer calls from clients and explain the products. Customer satisfaction is the goal of a dynamic constantly changing, in order to quality management succeed, they must focus on understanding customer expectations, the development of the project to meet or exceed the needs of customers. Foreign company claimed to provide full compensation to the dissatisfied customer, the company to pay the price, but the income is straight up, the staff turnover rate also decreased from 117% to 50%.

The third reason: managers contributed enough

The survey showed that most of the quality management activities of the failure is not technical but management reasons. All quality management authority have a consensus: the quality management one of the biggest obstacles is the lack of top managers' contribution to quality improvement. Manager's contribution means that top-down action to communicate the idea of ​​the company, all employees and all activities are focused on continuous improvement, which is a practical method. Just move your mouth or public speaking is not suitable for quality management, managers must be involved and quality control every aspect of work and continue to be maintained. In one survey, 70% of the production executives admit that they now spend more time in improving customer satisfaction factors. However, they put these responsibilities are delegated to middle managers, the success of these efforts she said, do not know. Imagine this quality management to succeed?

The fourth reason: the purpose of training

Enterprises a lot of money to spend on quality management training, many companies, however, has not been fundamentally improved. Because too many quality management training is irrelevant. For example, employees have learning control charts, but do not know where, soon they forget to learn. Can be said that there is no goal, no-focused training is a waste, which is a factor in quality management failed.

Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
Add: 618, B Building, Guanlan Business Mansion, Longhua District, Shenzhen.

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