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Human Resource Management

Human resource management (human resource management): the effective development of human resources, the rational allocation and take full advantage of, and the sum of the scientific management system, laws and regulations, procedures and methods. It runs through the entire movement process of the human resources, including human resources forecasting and planning, job analysis and design, human resources, maintenance and cost accounting, personnel selection hired, the rational allocation and use, but also on the intellectual development of the personnel, education training, arouse people's enthusiasm to improve the scientific and cultural qualities and ideological and moral consciousness, and so on.

Human Resource Management, Economics and the thought, the effective use of human resources both within and outside the organization through the recruitment, selection, training, compensation and other forms of management, to meet the needs of the organization's current and future development, to ensure the organization's objectives achieved with The members of the development is maximized. Is forecast to organize the human resource needs and manpower requirements planning, recruitment and effective organization, assessment of pay-for-performance compensation and effective incentives, combined with the organizations and individuals need for effective development in order to achieve optimal organizational performance. Academia general human resources management the eight module or six modules: 1, human resource planning;, recruitment and configuration; 3, training and development; 4, performance management;, compensation and benefits management; 6, labor relations management.

Human Resource Management (Human Resource Management, referred to as HRM) Human resources: refers to the sum of the ability to work in a certain range of the population overall has, or is to promote the economic and social development of intellectual work and manual labor capacity the sum of the people.

Human Resource Management [1] is in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise development strategy, planned way the rational allocation of human resources, recruitment of employees in the enterprise, training, use, assessment, motivation, adjustment process to mobilize employees enthusiasm, play to their potential to create value and benefit to the enterprise. To ensure the realization of the corporate strategic objectives, is the range of human resource policy and management activities. These activities consist primarily of corporate human resources strategy development, staff recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, compensation management, staff mobility management, employee relations management, employee safety and health management. : The use of modern management methods, (optional), development (education), keep (to keep people) and use (the employer) plan, organize, command, control and coordination of human resources a series of activities to achieve business development goals, and ultimately achieve a management behavior.

The 21st century is the century of globalization, market, information technology, is the century of knowledge is the key. Under the new economic conditions, corporate human resources management must change accordingly. Therefore, corporate human resources management system will build on the Internet computer network platform, new forms of human resource management. / Intranet

Human resources management, refers to the use of modern scientific methods, a combination of human and certain material resources appropriate training, organization and deployment of manpower and material resources to keep the best ratio, people's thoughts, psychological and behavioral appropriate induction, control and coordination, give full play to people's initiative to make the best use things right, personnel appropriate to achieve organizational goals.

Human Resource Management is the application of scientific methods, the relationship of the coordination of people and things, to deal with the contradiction between people, give full play to the potential of their talent, things in the right people, appropriate personnel to achieve organizational goals.

Human resources management can be divided into macro-management and micro-management.

The macro-management of the human resources on the entire community of human resources planning, organization, control, in order to adjust and improve the situation of human resources, to adapt the requirements of social reproduction to ensure the operation and development of the social economy.

Human Resources micro-manage the relationship between the management of enterprises and institutions of the people and things to deal with people, with the people and things, give full play to human potential, and a variety of activities are planned, organization, command and control, in order to achieve organizational goals.

Secondary development of human resources
Human resources experts Challenge of her "professional 21st Century competitiveness": a huge number of human resources in China, but the quality is not optimistic. School education, but in terms of knowledge made preparations. These people need to adapt to the requirements of the society, but also social, organizational secondary development of human resources, secondary training. This includes not only skills training, should also include the interpersonal and norms of behavior, social ethics, and many other aspects of education. For businesses, career-oriented education is one of the important contents.

Disciplinary development

Emerged from the
"Human Resources" concept has in 1919 and 1921 in the John R. Commons two book industry reputation, industry, government, the Commons is also considered the first The use of the term "human resources", he was referring to human resources and a far cry from the human resources that we understand, but uses the same word.

The course of development
Human resources management is an emerging discipline, introduced in the late 1970s. The history of human resource management, though not long, but the thought of Personnel Management has a long history. From the time point of view, from the Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century until the 1970s, this period is known as the traditional personnel management stage. Since the late 1970s, personnel management, giving way to human resources management.

Personnel management stage
Personnel management stage can be divided into the following stages: scientific management stage, the stage of industrial psychology, interpersonal management phase specific.

(A) scientific management stage
The beginning of the 20th century, represented by Frederick Winslow Taylor, created a scientific school of management theory, and to promote the large-scale promotion and conduct of scientific management practice in the United States. Taylor made the piecework system "and" hourly wage "system, proposed the introduction of labor quota management. In 1911, Taylor published Principles of Scientific Management, "a book, this work has laid a foundation of scientific management theory, which Western management scholars known as the" father of scientific management. "

(B) the stage of industrial psychology
The results of studies by psychologists as the representative of the German psychologist Hugo Munsterberg, and promote the scientific process of personnel management. Hugo Munsterberg published in 1913, "Psychology and industrial efficiency" marks the birth of industrial psychology.

(C) interpersonal management phase
Harvard University professor Mayo led a research team in 1929 to Westinghouse Electric Company Hawthorne factory for nine years, the Hawthorne experiments, really opened a prelude to the study of human behavior in the organization.

The stage of human resources management
The stage of human resources management can be divided into two stages of the development of the proposed of human resource management and human resource management.

The concept of "human resources" as early as in 1954 by Peter Drucker in his book "The Practice of Management" and be clearly defined. Since the 1980s, human resource management theory continues to mature and be further developed in practice, widely accepted by enterprises, and gradually replace personnel management. In the 1990s, human resource management theory continues to evolve, and also continues to mature. People explore how human resources management strategic services, the role of the human resources department how to transition to the corporate management of the strategic partnership. Formulation of the theory of strategic human resource management and development, marking a new stage of modern human resource management.

Human Capital Management stage
Regarded as a form of capital to manage. As capital to participate in productive activities, has the following features:
Human capital can generate profits
People as capital, natural appreciation
Investment in human capital can generate profits
4 as a capital participate in the distribution of profits.

People-oriented management phase
People-oriented management style is considered to be operating activities of the most important factors that should be considered first. In the enterprise, customers "God status" employees.
People-oriented management philosophy is, when the companies to meet the diverse needs of employees (such as working environment, remuneration, respect, etc.), employee productivity, creativity will be greatly improved for enterprise development to make more contribution.

Human resource management trends
From design, promotion to implementation is a complex systemic strong, a lot of work to the human resources department of a business alone is difficult to independently complete. This requires the human resources department to carry out effective internal division of labor and external cooperation work (which is also the trend of development of the human resources management), human resources management functions of the department to re-position:

(1) part of the human resources management functions (such as recruitment, promotion and demotion of employees, performance appraisal, etc.) to weaken the regression line management, direct management by the direct sector, re-integration in the direct management of the general management of the department being. The emphasis on regression, like recruitment, promotion and demotion of employees, performance appraisal and other functions initially were direct management department, and later experienced the process of separation from the line management departments into human resources management functions of the department.

(2) some of the functions of the human resources management department differentiation, so that the operation of the social. Some of the functions of the corporate human resources departments, such as training and development, recruitment and selection of senior staff, staff management capacity assessment, talent diagnosis, the quality of personnel evaluation, often require professional experts and scholars to participate in professional knowledge and equipment, need more specialized channels, which is the corporate human resources management is more difficult to independent, these functions can be again divided, transferred to the socialization of professional management consulting firm. These general management consulting firm by the large number of experts with deep knowledge in the management of human resources practitioners, specializing in human resource management research and consulting (human resources development and management has become an important social industry). They can help companies reduce the cost of long-term management of the new management techniques and management thinking.

(3) remove the return and social functions, the other functions of the human resource management sector must be strengthened. Such as through the development of appropriate human resources policy influence and guide employee behavior; provide protection to support the organizational culture and organizational change; through the organization's strategic decision-making and the design and development of staff career to achieve common growth and development of employees with the organization's and so on.

Management innovation is a new concept in today's business competition, it does not refer to enterprises to establish a sound management system to improve competitiveness, but through continuous innovation management for enterprises to create more opportunities to win the market. Business competition in the market is changing, the core technology is of course a very important weight, but the competitiveness of enterprises to extend the field of human resources core values ​​of today's trend and necessity.

Essentially, the market competition is the competition of human resources, the realization of the management of micro-innovation based on the human subject, therefore, to promote the management of micro-innovation, we must first micro-innovation is the human resource management. , HR practitioners how continuous micro-innovation?

1 to have the knowledge of scholars
Human resource management object, covers all positions in the enterprise, all knowledge, all personality, all possible, as HR practitioners must be a clear understanding of this included knowledge, skills, personality and a variety of changes possible, even the biographical background. If it is smoke and mirrors, to talk about the "truth" of!

2 have a keen sense of smell
HR practitioners should have high candidates ability to camouflage or biographical deceived experience, no matter if you have not, anyway, I had. A typical case, a fellow friend told me, a friend at a large American-owned enterprise of any HR Minister, his Deputy Minister has vacancies. Who has the world's largest XX manufacturers (omitted here product name), for three consecutive years in Forbes China's most promising companies list "top 10 enterprises serving HRM two years my dear friend to the candidates, the interview process is fierce, The results are also more satisfied with. Three days later, a friend told him to notify the parties of the hiring manager has been hired, remember that the hiring manager asked him to want to do background checks, friends said he could not resume fraud can not choose such a positive influence in the local enterprise fraud background. May this man recruits a week after, the friend found that he did not quite capable with the post, he will do background checks, do not check do not know, an investigation surprised resume fraud, extreme fraud . This man only companies who have served a three-month training manager, and proved to meet the job requirements enterprises to unilaterally terminate the labor contract.
Summary: HR practitioners must have a hunter's eyes and the wolf's sense of smell, hazy love, misuse enterprises themselves!

3 should be the heart of the artist
Art or arts management, there are no more consistent view, the eyes of the beholder, the wise see wisdom. The end artistic property of, or manage the property of a? We do not need to go in-depth discussion, thinking, innovation is a gift of God to defend the fate of solid human shield.

4, it is necessary to do a good job "customer-oriented"
Customer-oriented innovation the cornerstone of the value of human resources management for human resources managers, all customers are human resource managers, human resource management is not a simple top-down management process, it also accompanied by bottom-up feedback. collect up of the customer's requirements and feedback of human resource managers, human resource managers whether customers would want to make the appropriate adjustments, is the ability of the business to achieve "customer-oriented" a key!, HR practitioners to do the forerunner of the "customer-oriented".

HR practitioners have the ability to become scholars, hunters, artists, wolf smell, will be able to find what management needs of micro-innovation in the enterprise, how to micro-innovation.

Work system

The structure of the human resources management
Human resource planning and staff management system as a platform, reflected by the specific production process because the incident employment activities
Human resources management relations
First, the system is the formulation and implementation of the system
The second is to monitor the relationship between audit and executive reporting
Propose demand relationship with the service provider

The operation of the human resources management system

By the manager of the finance department in accordance with the requirements of the jobs fill out the "corporate recruiters demand schedule
Proposed reasons for the needs of recruiters, recruiters, recruitment methods, reported to the Chief Financial Officer for approval
By corporate recruiters demand schedule turn Human Resources
By the Human Resources candidates first primaries.

Planning process
A new company or do not have the human resources department of the company, leading to the formation of the work of the human resources department, you report what should be included? Can you paint a human resources planning flowchart?

Planning objectives
1 to obtain and maintain a certain number of personnel with specific skills, knowledge structure and capacity;
Make full use of existing human resources;
3, able to predict the potential in the business organization in excess or lack of manpower;
4, the construction of a well-trained, the flexibility of the labor force, and enhance the ability of enterprises to adapt to an unknown environment;
5, to reduce dependence on external recruitment companies in key technology areas.

Value performance

Marx believed that the performance of the value of labor for subsistence for the reproduction of labor value. The range of the value of human resources will have much broader knowledge, skills, information is the core of the human resources constitute the main body of the value of human resources. Therefore, the value of human resources:
1 to maintain the value of the subsistence of the reproduction of human resources;
2. Maintain Human Resources family members reproduction of subsistence value;
3 the cost of activities to improve the value of human resources (education, training, health care, health care, health, migration and other costs).

Value assessment
The Human Resource Evaluation is registered valuer in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and asset assessment criteria, analysis of the value of the enterprise value of human resources in the specific purpose of the valuation date, estimate and professional opinions of behaviors and processes. The value of human resources characteristics qualitatively different, there is a big difference in the amount, but as a specific assessment methods to assess the value of human resources should be uniform, otherwise we lose the correctly reflect and provide a measure of value of human resources functions. According to the purpose of these valuations, explicitly required by the meaning of the scale of values, and then to determine the valuation methods used.

Value measurement
Human Resource Value is the core of human resources development and governance mankind enters the new century, the rapid development of knowledge-based economy. Human resources as the most valuable wealth, will play a decisive role in the enterprise development. To give full play to the value and role of human resources, it is necessary to strengthen the development of human resources and governance. Human resources development and governance is a very important issue is to measure the value of human resources. If the value of human resources is not measured, can not correctly reflect the magnitude of value of human resources, will not be able to quantify the performance of the human resources, income distribution, value accounting as well as the establishment of incentive and restraint mechanisms, etc. at a loss due to the lack of scientific basis, so that the value of human resources The measurement is the core of the human resources development and governance.

Specifically content
Typically include the following specific elements:
(1) job analysis and design.
(2) human resource planning.
(3) staff recruitment and selection.
(4) The performance evaluation
(5) Compensation Management.
(6) employee incentive.
(7) training and development.
(8) career planning.
(9) Human Resource Accounting.
(10) labor relations management.

Human resources management which six main modules:
① human resources planning
(2) recruitment and configuration
(3) Training and Development
(4) Performance Management
⑤ Compensation and Benefits Management
(6) labor relations management

Management requirements
The system is a common code of conduct of the people in the world today. Large international community, to the family workshops need to develop a system to regulate and management. System is an organization that reflects the will of the members of the core, while binding on all members of the organization and credibility. Good system is easy to employees to follow, and willing to fulfill; good system to solve many business management issues, reflecting the intent of corporate values ​​and high-level, easy to implement and fulfill the employees. Well, as a human resources manager, director often be faced with the drafting of the human resources management system, consideration and implementation issues such as how to design a scientific and rational human resources management system? Human resources management system is the basic provisions of the employees work habits and behavior, also under the human resource management activities in the framework of the Organization to carry out the requirements and constraints, a system to leverage the full collaboration behavior. Thus, the human resources management system enterprise human resource management practices and effective implementation of basic security. Corporate organization and management of the human resources management system development requirements, must pay attention to the following four aspects:

, Corporate HRM system must be tailored to meet the truth
Formulation of the system must be in line with the actual situation of enterprises, under the premise of the law, in line with the wishes of the entrepreneurs, the system is designed purpose, the scope is clear, most employees accept and through, and would be happy to compliance and enforcement. Good human resource management system tool for most member incentive, lazy, negative attitude, poor work behavior of employees binding and correction punitive, makes full action to the core values ​​to meet Corporate truth. Companies in the development, operation and management of enterprises is also evolving, so good system should also be constantly revised according to the specific situation improved, in order to ensure its usefulness and effectiveness.

Second, corporate HRM system to develop must comply with national and local laws and regulations and standards
Human Resources Manager, Director, formulate, revise and improve the human resources management system, we must ensure that the system developed is legal, compliance with the requirements of state laws and regulations. Does not infringe the interests of employees, but also to protect the rights and interests of enterprises, so that the formulation of the system no loopholes in the legal aspects. Therefore, in the drafting of the system, the best corporate legal counsel or lawyer review their comments to ensure that the legal system, independent of internal staff or external customer complaints, to protect the interests of both parties.

Third, corporate HRM system must be tailored to focus on systematic and supporting
Human Resource Management [1] system design can not be piecemeal, stop-gap, a problem management system to look for, there is no system and the provisions of quickly drafting application system wrong, or out of date, behind, vulnerability, changes immediately; or affect the interests of the company or employees, then remembered to improve. So are bad things. Human resources management system general departure from the human resources management of eight modules, designed around business strategy and objectives. General: basic personnel system, organizational design management systems, human resources recruitment management system, staff training management system, employee performance management system, employee salaries and benefits management system, employee relations management system (management of labor contracts, managed from the resignation of non-compete Protocol), career planning system, corporate culture, management system, to ensure systematic, complete, supporting systems, which requires both target areas, processes, articles of association, responsibility, rewards and punishments, audit, modify the description , the implementation of the start and end dates.

Fourth, corporate HRM system to develop must remain reasonable, forward-looking
Since the implementation of the corporate human resources management system, to improve the effectiveness of implementation, in the formulation of the system must be considered humane and reasonable characteristics. The characteristics of human nature is an objective law is a demand to meet the dignity of a personality, so it should only respect, should not be contrary. A good system to have other than rationality, to be considered in the design of forward-looking, to maintain the advanced nature of the system, and without changes in policy, so that the system can keep up with the need of enterprise reform and development. System is reasonable, forward-looking harmony and unity of the two requirements, to promote the company's business plan as planned, and very user-friendly.
Good system also need strict requirements, as entrepreneurs, senior management must take the lead in compliance. Enterprise management system often encounter the boss himself or boss cronies destroyed. Therefore, the company CEOs and executive support is very important. The system audited discussion and adoption, has been issued must be resolutely implemented. To do merciless management, unfeeling system, enthusiastic leadership!

Core content
The core of human resource management: value chain management.

Human resources value chain management include the following three aspects:

First, what elements involved in the creation of value, which involves value analysis in human resource management. The past agricultural economic and social labor and land, social entrepreneurs, knowledge, capital and labor. Awareness of the problem is the basis of the value chain management of human resources

Second, enterprises how much value these elements, which involves the evaluation of the value in the management of human resources. What kind of value evaluation criteria and how the value of evaluation is one of the most difficult issues in the Human Resource Management

Third is how the distribution of value, including the distribution and allocation of the standards.



Human resource management objectives refers to the responsibilities and the need to achieve the performance of human resource management needs to be done. Human resource management is necessary to consider the goals of the organization, but also consider the development of individual employees, emphasizing at the same time to achieve organizational goals to achieve all-round development of the individual.

Human resources management objectives include the goals and tasks of the objectives and tasks of all managers in the management of human resources and specialized human resources department. Obviously, the two are different, the objectives and tasks of the professional human resources department is not necessarily all management of human resources management objectives and tasks, but it belongs to all managers can be held human resources management objectives and tasks are generally professional human resources departments should complete the objectives and tasks.

Is dedicated human resources management or other non-human resources management department, the goals and tasks of the human resources management, human resources experts that includes the following three aspects:
Ensure that the organization of human resources needs to get the maximum satisfaction
To maximize the development and management organizations inside and outside the human resources, and promote the continued development of the organization
(3) maintaining incentives within the organization human resources, its potential to be maximized, should be upgrading and expansion of its human capital.

Work characteristics
Compared to other resources, human resources sounding as the following basic features:
1, the era of human resource generation process and timing
The growth and maturity of any human resources, in a specific historical background conditions and complete.
2, human resources initiative
The initiative is a fundamental nature of the human resources, the essential difference reflects the human resources and other resources.
3, the use of human resources in the timeliness of
4, human resource development process continuity
5, human resources idle process expendable
6, human resources, special capital
7, human resources, capital

Human Resource Management responsible for human resource managers need to take the responsibilities and tasks. Gary Dessler, in his book "Human Resource Management" a book for example, a large company human resource managers in the effective management of human resources responsibilities described as the following ten aspects:
(1) Configure the right people to appropriate jobs;
(2) to guide new employees into the organization (familiar environment);
(3) the training of new employees to adapt to new jobs;
(4) each new employee's job performance;
(5) towards a creative collaboration to establish a harmonious working relationship;
(6) to explain the company's policies and procedures;
(7) Control labor costs;
(8) the development of each employee's job skills;
(9) to create and maintain the morale of the employees in their department;
(10) to protect the health of employees and to improve the physical environment of the work.

Five functional

(1) Get
The staff required conditions determined in accordance with corporate objectives through the planning, recruitment, examination, evaluation, selection, access to enterprise staff required.
The Get functions include job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, selection and use.
a. Work: the basic work of the Human Resource Management. In this process, it is necessary to make a description of each office tasks, responsibilities, environmental and qualifications to write a job description.
b. Human resource planning: the effective supply of the quantity and quality of personnel and human resources to match. Demand from the work of the Organization present situation and forecasts for the future, the supply involves internal and external human resources.
c. The recruitment and selection process: should be based on the candidates to select the most appropriate method of recruitment, such as newspaper ads, online recruitment, employment agencies, etc.. The selection of a variety of methods, such as job applications, interview, test and evaluation center.
d. Use: After induction training, organization of work to qualified people.

(2) Integration
Corporate culture, communication, interpersonal harmony, to resolve conflicts effectively integrate the individual within the enterprise, goals, behavior and attitude of the masses tend to the requirements of enterprises and ideas, and make it a high degree of cooperation and coordination, their collective advantage, improve business productivity and efficiency.

(3) Hold
Remuneration, assessment, promotion and a series of management activities to maintain the employee's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, safeguard the lawful rights and interests, and to ensure that employees in the workplace safe, healthy and comfortable working environment to increase employee satisfaction, safe and satisfactory work.
Maintain functions include activities in two aspects: First, to maintain the enthusiasm of staff, such as fair pay, effective communication and participation, harmonious labor relations; second is to maintain a healthy and safe working environment.
a. Compensation: to develop a fair and reasonable wage system.
b. Communication and participation: fair treatment of employees, and clear the relationship, communicate feelings, to participate in the management.
c. Labor relations: dealing with labor relations disputes and affairs, to promote the improvement of labor relations.

(4) Evaluation
Labor attitudes, skills levels and other aspects of a comprehensive assessment, identification and evaluation of the results of the work of employees, and to provide a basis for the corresponding rewards and punishments, lifting of future decision-making.
Evaluation functions, including job evaluation, performance appraisal, satisfaction surveys. In which the performance appraisal is the core, human resource management and decision-making based on rewards and punishments, promotions.

(5) Development
Staff training, job enrichment, career planning and development, and promote employees' knowledge, skills and other aspects to improve the quality, enhanced their ability to work and play, to maximize their personal values ​​and the contribution to the enterprise, to employees individuals and businesses seeking common development.
a. Staff training: personal, work, the need to develop training programs, choose the ways and means of training, and to evaluate the effectiveness of training.
b. Career development management: to help employees develop personal development plan, personal development and the development of enterprises, to meet the needs of personal growth.

Efficiency factor
Overall, human resources and other elements of the strategy, technology, products linked;
Second, human resources must drive performance. Promote the implementation of the corporate strategy and business objectives is the mission of the modern human resource management, performance management is driven human resources management hub.
First, determine the standard of quality of human resources;
Second, to establish the quality of human resources detection system;
Third, the establishment of a quality assurance system for human resources.

Structural Analysis

Human Resource Planning and Policy
Development and integration of human resource programs and policies to ensure consistency with the organizational strategy to support the company's performance goals.

Recruitment and hiring
To provide timely and effective way to attract and recruit suitable, experienced technical staff to meet organizational requirements.

Salaries and benefits and incentives
Salaries and benefits framework to encourage higher job performance, and to ensure that the goals of the organization and the retention of talents.

Staff development and training
Assist in the development of the necessary capacity of staff to ensure that the goals of the organization, to provide a framework to help resolve employee issues.

The staff removal of any retiring
Ensure that employees migration and suspend the effective management and cost reasonable and adequately address the impact of individual employees.

Information management
The generation of information and processes to ensure that human resources is efficient, accurate, and maintain integration with other business systems and processes.

Prediction method
Management judgment method
Management judgment law, corporate managers at all levels according to their own experience and direct, bottom-up personnel needed to determine the future. This is a superficial manpower forecasting method is mainly applied to short-term forecasts.

2 Experience forecast method
Empirical prediction method, also known as ratio analysis, based on past experience to predict the demand for human resources.
Experience are different due to the different people, different new employee's ability also makes a difference, especially managers, salespeople, on the capacity, performance difference is even greater. So, if you use this method to predict staffing needs, pay attention to the accumulation of experience and the accuracy of prediction.

3 Delphi method
Delphi method is a structured approach to enable the experts to affect the organization of the development of a particular area (such as the organization's future demand for labor) consensus. The goal of the method of their views through the consolidated experts predict the trend of development of a particular area. Specifically, by the Human Resources Department, acting as an intermediary, the first round of forecasting experts separately in the views together and to be summarized and fed back to them, and then the cycle repeats, the experts have the opportunity to revise their forecasts and description of the reasons for the change. Under normal circumstances Repeat 3 to 5 times, the opinion of the experts converge.
Experts said here, from the first-line management personnel, senior managers; internal or outside. The selection of experts based on their level of understanding of the internal factors affecting enterprises.

4 Trend Analysis
This quantitative analysis method of the basic idea is: determine what kind of factors in the organization and the amount of labor and the structure of the relationship most closely, and then find out the trend of this factor varies with the number of employed, infer the future human resources needs .
Select organizational factors related to the amount of labor is a key step in demand forecasting. This factor should be at least two conditions are met: first, organizational factors should be directly related to the basic characteristics of the organization; Second, the selected factors change must be proportional to changes in the required number of personnel. With organizational factors associated with employing and labor productivity, we can estimate the number of labor demand.
In the use of trend analysis method to do forecasts can be estimated solely on the basis of experience, but also can use the computer to perform a regression analysis.


Shenzhen Linyuan Borui Enterprise Management Consultancy Co.,Ltd
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